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Author Topic: The Creationist Museum
The King Of Feet
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Someone blogs their visit to this place. I found it rather amusing, Lou from Kentucky may disagree! [Big Grin]

Point made this place was built for $27 million smackers of I'm assuming tax free dollars on 50 acres of land which would be propert tax free as a religious type institution. They charge $20 a visit and plan on adding a birthday party room soon for the kids!

There is a creationist museum type of place built in a small town called Glen Rose in Texas. It was built down the road from "Dinosaur Valley National Park" in response to it since that place has millions of years old dinosaur tracks preserved in the limestone of the Paluxy River and talks of evolution. Creationists basically believe that man and dinosaur walked the earth together at the same time and of course the world is no older than 6000 years old where the evolutionists believe the universe to be billions of years old at least.

I just thought I'd post this to let the heated debate fly!

LeDaemon's Clips

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I've seen it. It amazes me how much energy these people put into cultivating this delusional pseudoscience. This tactic of making their beliefs look sciencey (which is all the rage all the sudden) provides insight into the character of those who perpetuate (and perpetrate) it.

Implication 1) They have no concept of what science is. Putting a bunch of bullshit in a pie chart doesn't make it true, building a model of people hanging out with dinosaurs doesn't mean it happened, and putting something in a museum doesn't make it real. Yes, science displays data in charts, uses models, and can be found in museums, but these trifles are meaningless without the methodical hypothesis testing and constant peer review that supports them.

Implication 2) If they can't even see what science is (as demonstrated by implication 1) they are not even in a position where they can fairly judge or comment on science.

Implication 3) The concept of science is not a secret (see implications 1&2). If they can't tell the difference between appearance and fact, how can they trust even their own beliefs?

Implication 4) This entire museum is in defense of their beliefs, it is a rebuttal to science. It is an attempt to make logical sense of the creation story, a rationalization, an attempt to establish the veracity of a claim... true faith includes none of these behaviors, where did their faith go (note implication 3)?

The intense irony in all of this is that it is the human ability to reason and experiment, conduct science, develop technology that lets us buck traditional natural selection within our own species (i wear glasses and would sooner shoot a mugger than engage in a battle of strength). If you want your kind to survive in our environment, strength, or even conviction isn't all that important...only knowledge, the very thing that is being distorted, hidden, or outright denied by these people. In trying to promote their beliefs in this manner they are selecting against themselves in the human environment. Darwin is laughing his ass off, AND God is angry with these faithless blasphemers. Hilarious!!!

[ July 27, 2007, 01:09 AM: Message edited by: ozkar ]

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Lou Gojira
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Originally posted by LeDaemon:
I found it rather amusing, Lou from Kentucky may disagree! [Big Grin]

I haven't got a chance to read the blog entry just yet, and I'm sorta' pressed for time at the moment, but let me just say this about the Creation Museum...

Please refer to ozkar's post.

He pretty much hit the nail on the head as far as I'm concerned about this museum. Don't get me wrong...I think this AIG organization has just as much right as anybody to promote their views, by any means they can financially swing, but calling this place a museum is more than a tad bit misleading. If they'd called it, say, "Genesis Retold" or something to that effect, I might be a little more able to swallow it, but even then I wouldn't buy into it hook, line, or sinker.

The thing about these Young Earth Creationists (YEC's) is that they're taking the words in Genesis waaay to literally, as is painfully obvious. I believe the recounting in Genesis, of course, being as I do happen to be a Christian, but I don't think God made this world in six literal 24hr days. I can't recall at the moment, but there is a part in the Bible that describes a day to God, and even that reference was pretty elusive, saying something to the tune of: "a day to God could be 1000 years" I'm paraphrasing here of course.

In other words, these YEC's are making Christianity look backward and, well, goofy to any non-believers by running from evolutionary theory. Sure, evolutionary theory isn't really a science we can go out and test (at least on macroevolutionary levels), but there are a lot of intelligent minds that accept the theory and a lot of great evidence to back it up, making it highly plausible.

If this highly plausible theory actually worked against the story in Genesis, this would be a whole other ballgame. As it stands however, ironically enough, it is evolutionary theory that makes me take what the Bible has to say seriously! I wish I could go into certain specifics at the moment, but like I say time is ticking away on me.

All it boils down to is this: the YEC's have unwittingly managed to put a very expensive blackeye into the faith, and those protesters picketing outside the museum are making complete idiots of themselves by giving that place the free publicity. Like I said in another post along the lines of a topic such as this: folks on both sides of the fence need to know when to say when, when to agree to disagree, and most importantly, know when to shut their mouths before even more damage is done.

As for me, I'm probably going to check out that place at least once...see what all the hoopla is about (heck, I've actually paid to see Michael Moore movies, and I think he's a waste of good oxygen) because I usually like to check things out for myself and draw my own conclusions.

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Hall Of Famer
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Lou Oh Lou Oh Lou [Wink]

Xoxoxo Sasha

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In my opinion the whole museum will eventually become a comedy attraction to halfway intelligent people.

I know I would love to visit it along with some of my friends [Wink]


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Lou Gojira
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Originally posted by Sasha:
Lou Oh Lou Oh Lou [Wink]

What? Whaaaaat? [Confused] [Blush]

[Big Grin]

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Lou Gojira
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Originally posted by Hal:

I know I would love to visit it along with some of my friends [Wink]

Me and some of the fella's have been threatening to make a road trip to the museum for a couple of weeks now as well. Thing is, I can understand some folks wanting to rip this place apart with jokes and such, but I really don't fancy the idea of being amongst a group of people that are going around the place bad-mouthing it. Maybe if this was 10 or 15 years ago and I still got off on being rebellious and causing scenes I'd be ready to jump at the chance to go with any ol' body...but as it stands I'm having trouble discerning who would be a loud-mouth and who would bite their tongue.

Decisions decisions...

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The King Of Feet
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I would like to go myself, but I am fairly reserved and would not create a scene by being obnoxious. I prefer the guy's method of reporting it on a blog personally. Now if we could just get certain religious groups to stop picketing at rock concerts with large crosses, protest signs, all the while waving a bible in your face...

LeDaemon's Clips

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Lou Gojira
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Originally posted by LeDaemon:
Now if we could just get certain religious groups to stop picketing at rock concerts with large crosses, protest signs, all the while waving a bible in your face...

Did my comment about those protestors of the Creation Museum offend you or something?

For the record, just so you know, I think the "religious right" with all their protesting and things are jerkwads too...I just find it pitiful and even laughable that these so-called rationalists, or intellectuals, or free-thinkers or whoever they think they are mimic the very same behavior of the religious nut-jobs they claim to oppose. I guess the old saying is become what you hate if you hate it long enough.

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The King Of Feet
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Originally posted by Lou Gojira:
Did my comment about those protestors of the Creation Museum offend you or something?

Ha! Not at all Lou! Its almost completely impossible to offend me with anything.... except your gay porn collection!!! [Laugh] [Laugh] [Laugh]

Just kidding bro.

LeDaemon's Clips

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Lou Gojira
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DUDE! You promised not to mention "the collection" on a public forum... [Mad]

Fine...see if you get any more pics out of it sent privately to your inbox. Consider your subscription to "Bears & Twinks Weekly" canceled!

*LMAO* [Laugh]

Naw seriously, that's cool Bro. Sorry for misunderstanding your wording in the earlier post. I just didn't want you to think I'm being hypocritical and criticizing one side for a certain set of actions and not the other. Heck, remember me linking you to that youtube clip where those guys were saying He-Man was supposed to be satanic? [Big Grin]

Hey Bro, if you wind up coming to Kentucky to see the Creation Museum, be sure and swing by my place before you leave the state! Of course, make sure your wife and sister-in-law are with you...and y'all "conveniently forget" to pack along any shoes at all for the ladies. [Mmm] [Thumbs Up]

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Hall Of Famer
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everyone here has said everything on this subject that i feel, all i can say is that is it not funny that there are models of dinosaurs with saddles on their backs?? of course its assumed that humans would have dinosaurs running around at our leisure, taking us from this cave to that and providing our food undoubtedly. this is the type of arrogance and stupidity that is allowing us to destroy the environment and think that everything will just shape up or that our superior intelligence will no doubt find a quick fix.

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this is disusting.more and more religion will become to be considered cjild abuse and i am all for it.



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The Legend
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I usually don't touch these type of threads (religion) but I feel the need to speak up just this once.

This was - to say the least - comical.
I am a Pagan by bloodline and I believe in creation by evolution.

Even as a child I felt the entire Adam and Eve bit was a tad hookie ... Incest always came to mind. EWE!!! Yet this "museum" seems to have taken a lot of their religious views to the extreme. Fiction for fact.

Worst part is seeing all those little minds walking around - being lead to believe that their minds and thoughts are bad ... [Cry]

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