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Author Topic: Iraq war
Elite Trooper
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First, I'd like to give you some background regarding myself. I am in the medical profession. I am now 10 years out of high school and still finishing my studies (only 1 year and 4.5 months to go). Unfortunately, I am not as well read as some of you outside of medical journals and science texts. Maybe I too am a "public servant" because I get my news from watching CNN or reading the paper, but I am by no means uneducated or lazy.

Bush is not the perfect president. But I do not believe that the motive for every one of his actions is to better himself or his "buddies, the upper echelon of wealthy shits" While, they did contribute a great deal of money to his campaign, Bush's votes to win this election came from the mid west, great plaines, and the south. I know, I know, the right winged, conservative, Christian coalition. As much as I may need to read more into things, others need to stop creating conspiracies out of every thing they hear.

Off the subject, but just last night, the local news ran a story that the hospital where I am training is turning away patients, simply because we have long wait times and are full. This was created by the media reading into the fact that we have a long wait time in our ED and that some patients leave without being seen by their own choice. Our hospital is the only one in the county(as a tertiary care facility and level I trauma center) which can not turn patients. Yet someone looked into it a little deeper and created a conspiracty which was entirely untrue.

Anyways, that's just my more naive, closed minded view on things I suppose. Got to go to work in an hour.

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2 X 4
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If we had kept our efforts limited to Afghanistan and hunting down the Bin Laden Gang, I would have been okay with it, as long as we did not kill any civilians. But detouring into Iraq was a big mistake. We have lost 2000 or 3000 of our own servicepeople, we have killed 100,000 Iraqis (mostly civilians), we have and are spending untold billions of dollars on this failed enterprise which we could be using on revitalizing our economy and rebuilding our social safety net, and we have now lost a huge amount of the respect and admiration we once had from around the world.

In short, this is "Vietnam: The Sequel" and we have got to end this thing.

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I know it'll never happen, but I have an idea that would virtually end war altogether. If a country chooses to use military force against another country, the politicians' military-age children will be required to enlist in the military and serve. Not in the national guard, and no cushy rear echelon job at division headquarters. Their ass HAS to be out on the front line with the grunts. Do you think Bush would've chosen to invade Iraq if it meant his daughters had to fight over there? I know, I know, it'll be a cold day in Hell and Sasha will come back from a jog with dry feet before that ever happens.

Sorry Sasha, I was just daydreaming about your sweaty toes again!

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Elite Trooper
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Oh, lambskin, you misunderstood me.
I was not referring to anybody but the ELECTED, public-office politicians here...
Technically, since I paint and hang paper, I am also a "public servant", but not in the classic sense.
I am/was in the service industry, as you are.
Providing a "service".
Now, as for that conspiracy rag, I don't buy into conspiracies per se, and I don't think Republicans or democrats are conspiring to take over the world...
I also don't believe in the idea of a "right-wing conspiracy", that is too easy, and just some media perpetueted concept.
Yes, there are those that would like to see every archaic sentiment in The Good Book rammed down everyone's throats, but since the very constitution on which this fine nation was founded on begins with the concept of religious freedom, that will never happen. It just so happens that the majority of Americans subscribe to Judeo-Christian beliefs, and try so very hard to "moralize" others.

No, I don't think you are expressing a naive and shallow viewpoint, either. The very fact that you are a foot-fetishist reveals your pragmatic and perfectionistic traits. This is a generalization, I know, but most fetishists are intelligent, articulate and deep digging miners in the caves of truth. Why else would they explore so fully something that calls to their attention?
lol, I said most, not ALL.
So rest assured that I am not so brainless as to believe what is presented in the hypno-boxes in living rooms across America.
The media likes to blow up everything, just to get higher ratings, and advertising dollars, with little regard for the people they affect. On the other side of this knife, if it weren't for the media's constant probing, and subsequent uncovering of politicians' wrong-doing, where would we be? Try the New Dark Ages...
Everything is necessary.
Now, one thing I do believe, as I pointed out in my earlier post, is that groups of wealthy DO exert their will on the world through political pawns. (The puppetmasters)It has been said that "What is good for big-business is good for the American people."
It has been, is and probably always will be that way.
Does this decry a "conspiracy"?
Not really.
It shows us the very nature of a hairless ape who wishes to create what it wants in the world, be it individually, or collectively.
So I say to you:
OOH-OOH Ah Ah... got any bananas?
Thanks for the stimulating conversation!

I know when I'm licked... all over.

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Cinema, simulated life, ill drama
Fourth Reich culture - Americana
Chained to the dream they got ya searchin for
The thin line between entertainment and war

There be no shelter here
The frontline is everywhere

Ahhhh good old cap'n DeLarocha

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A summary of Bush: He is not a leader, he doesnt put the United States first, he puts his money-making first. Bush went into Iraq without the conclusion from the weapons inspectors even though they were only a couple of weeks away from concluding. If the weapons inspectors said Iraq did not posess weapons of mass destruction he'd have no reason to go in and get what he wanted (not the nation), so Bush went in, and now has the United States and Great Britain stuck in a 'second vietnam'. And it isnt going to end soon by any means.

I dont see how Bush was re-elected, and i thought it was funny how they didnt let fahrenheit 9/11 be broadcasted on American television as it would have exposed Bush for the corrupt person he is. I dont like him, i dont like his government and the relationship with Saudi Arabia is a little worrying.

If i could be sasha's slave, my life would be made.

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Elite Trooper
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Oh, I have a 10 month old girl, (she is awesome!)
and I am not that concerned about Iraq.
My prediction:
We will be out of there within two years, and although I'm sure we will be "tied to" the whole mess for longer.
Is it threatening to me? No.
I was scared to try and raise a kid in this world BEFORE the first Gulf War. Just based on American Society alone!
At least we didn't try to appease these killers, like most of Europe did. If they had their way, Saddam would still be in power, and Afghanistan would still be a training camp for these psycho jihadists.
So the radical muslims don't like us and want to see our entire lifestyle DEAD, big deal.
While I agree, Bush is an idiot, I don't think it's wrong to go kick ass in the Middle East or anywhere these malcontented neanderthals roam. It's time to evolve, people.
Wouldn't you like to live in a society where you have to wear a head-scarf, and for what you do on your site, Sasha, they would probably stone you to death? I didn't think so.
So it's still The Crusades begun by religious groups 1,500 years ago, big deal. If I had to choose a side, it wouldn't be on the side of the Islamic Fundamentalists.
So Bush is a "Christian" Fundamentalist, big deal.
Fortunately we live in a society where he and his religious-bigots can't have (as much of) an effect on personal freedoms. Yes, the patriot act is violating to freedoms, but it's better than a REAL theocracy.
The fact is, there is always going to be some group that get's pissed about another group, and tries to wage war with "the enemy". The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Which would you rather be: A Nazi in Germany in 1944, or a Right-wing Republican in the States in 1944?
If forced to make a choice, we go for the least offensive, which is what most are doing now. Sad, but true.

Let's look at the REALLY big picture here, we monkeys have been battling over land, resources, food, you name it since the beginning, and will continue to do so until our time is through. It's the nature of the beast, my babies. 1,000,000 years from now, it won't matter.
We are still bound by our very nature. We need food, water, sex, and a cave to go to for safety at the end of the day, and that will never change.
Unless, of course, we turn into zombies and roam the land looking to snack on living things...
In that case we would only need "food".

I know when I'm licked... all over.

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Well stated vasduten!


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Elite Trooper
Member # 2211

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While Bin Laden and Al Quaida were DIRECTLY responsible for the attack(s) of late, dudes like Saddam and MOST of the middle-Eastern kings, Shas, etc. are funding them and giving them space and materials to train their soldiers.

I wasn't trying to soap-box you.
I'm not brainwashed into thiking that "war" is a good thing.
I see that it is human nature to war, and my point was that you can keep whining about things you don't like, but it won't help a thing. People can't help being what they are. A starfish in the ocean doesn't try to climb trees, and monkeys don't spend much time under water.

The world will continue to move on, and unless YOU personally go out there and get control over the ENTIRE world's money, oil, food, water,and that seemingly LIMITLESS reserve of human meat-robots, and then change things so that those who "have" stop exploiting those who have none, and the good guy always wins, and the lottery is won by EVERYONE, and it rains jelly-beans and people go around whistling "Zippety-Do-Dah" out of their assholes, then just try to accept humans for what they are. Monkeys.
You'll feel better for it, I'll guarantee.
I used to get all bent out of shape about how un-fucking-fair the world is, and would spend lots of time spewing vitriol about the Right Wingers, the Wealthy, et all, and found it did nothing to help. In time, I began to see that the folks on the other side are also fuckeroonies, just the same. Liberal douches and right-wingers suck equally in my eyes, they are the same.
So I began looking for a deeper, more universal understanding of things. There is so much more to life than this tiny slice of time and space we occupy here, and knowing that helped me.

I was just trying to share.

BTW, the spreading of "ideal" and "wisdom" is so perverse, it would gag a maggot. But that's how players roll, beyotch!
(I'm so funny, I just drew a parallel between 50-cent and GW Bush... that's funny.)
Yes, they are deceptive, and greedy, and murderous theives and that's how it has and will always be.
So you don't want to see how human nature is directly responsible for all of your dislikes about the world, and that's too bad. I don't want to see you upset, even though I don't "know" you.
It bums me out to see anyone so down about things they have little or no control over.
My dear, I want to help you and anyone else I encounter here to RISE ABOVE.
Also, the amount of casualties is so small here as compared to most ALL wars tat have ever been fought.
If that's your gripe, then why not complain about the hundreds of thousand dying in trenches filled with poisonous gas in WWI? Why not complan about Ghengis Khan decimating countless millions in his quest for control? Or since I'm at it, why not complain about Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Hirohito, Vlad the impaler, Napoleon, Ramses, Rufus, Constantine, Pol Pot, and anyone else who kills in the name of...
While war is painful, and there are REAL losses happening here, and that is truly sad, prostletizing on some internet forum about "the bad guy" du jour is belittling to you.
You are better than that Sasha.

I know when I'm licked... all over.

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Lou Gojira
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I think I'll grab a banana and a vine and swing outta this thread like the good MONKEY I am.

Does this mean you're finally wearing that "Nova from the Planet of the Apes" outfit? [Wink] [Big Grin]

Sasha, Dear, you and Vasduten both make some good points, but obviously this topic hits a little too close to home with you like it does with me. You notice how I'm pretty much non-existent in topics about the Iraq war lately? You and I have talked in private, so you know what I think needs to be done to stop this madness, but like Vasduten pointed out, raising hell about it on a forum sure ain't the way to go about getting it done.

The powers that be wanted a war, and now other peoples' kids have to die for it. I believe that everybody responsible will be repaid a thousand-fold in good time, and all their money, power, political sway, what have you, won't mean a hill of beans when that day comes and its time to pay the piper. Of course it doesn't really "help" right now, but it's a comforting thought, for me anyway. I'm not sure where you sit with any beliefs you may have, but I hope you can take some comfort in them.

Our hands are tied...sad but true... [Cry]

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Lou Gojira
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Originally posted by Sasha:
but like Vasduten pointed out, raising hell about it on a forum sure ain't the way to go about getting it done.

I KNOW THIS! If I want to express my views here or anywhere else.I WILL..My views and opinions are just that..MINE

Big frigin deal if I spout my mouth off here.....It may not help like you said.but it sure doesnt hurt either!

Hey now, I'm your friend, no need to get upset. [Cool]

I totally agree with you that it doesn't hurt to vent, and if venting makes you feel better then by all means do so. I'm not trying to tell you otherwise.

It's just that you sounded offended after Vasduten's reply, and that's the thing about venting on subjects like this on a public forum; people are perfectly entitled to agree, debate it, or totally counter it, so taking offense if they do any of that doesn't do anybody any good, that's all I was saying.

I was just trying to play the peace-keeper. Sorry if I came off all wrong.

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