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Author Topic: Anger
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I know what you mean. The what goes around comes around theory. Its hard in architecture yesterday. (I go to the University of Houston) this girl transferred from Texas Tech and wasnt used to getting C's. So the professor picked 4 projects to display in front of the class so that the other classes could walk by and see the 4 best. Mine was chosen, as well as my friend Jason's. He graded hard, and we both got B+'s. There was one A-, our 2 B+'s, and the rest. This girl from Tech straight up jocked Jason's idea, not even funny. Same damn everything, and put together a half assed model, and pretty much had the "It doesnt matter I dont care, its all the same" attitude about everything. So she got a C+, and naturally hers did not get chosen. She proceeds to talk crap about the projects who DID get chosen as the elite 4 to her friend on the phone. "Yeah you shoulda seen these projects he chose as the 'best' ones. I mean, one of them was even working on it the day it was due! Im so pissed off, blah blah blah" talkin bout me and Jason. And Im sitting there, biting the HELL out of my tongue wanting to say "Who the fuck are you to say anything? You straight up COPY Jason's idea, and then proceed to bitch about how you didnt get picked? You put together this half assed model that looks like a couple of pieces of wood fell together along with some glue and you think youre gonna get a good grade?" but I cant because Im the same type of person as you. I'm extremely confident in the sense that I know when a person is boosting their ego, and I can manage to stay above them, if you know what I mean. It's hard for someone to get the best of me, but to be like that you have to bite your tongue like you said. Its so hard to stay cool in situations like that, but she got what was coming to her, as well as I think most people should. Its so irritating man...
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Awesome post guys!
Feels better to get it out dont it.
Here's whats got the Lord pissed off today [Mad]
1) Partners! The biggest mistake I have ever made in my life (barring getting married and not telling my wife about my fetish) is starting a business with a partner! he is a total dumbA**. I wasnt even going to have any partners when I started my company but he had just been fired from his job and gave me a sob story of how his life was going no where and he needed direction. of course I let him in no money down cause he was broke. Its taken him 3 years to pay me back and the business is going great. We have advertisements on radio in 8 ads in 2 different phone books and a weekly sunday paper ad. We were just about to put together a tv spot. What does he tell me this morning? He wants out. Hes tired of me telling him what to do. Now he expects me to split the clients down the middle with him and pay him for half the equipment! He just got me paid off for the original starting capitol! I just cant help but think "what happened to that guy who new nothing of this business and begged me to let him in? " He has even threatened to take me to court if I dont go along with his demands. I cussed him up one side and down another today! The sheer audacity. JESUS CHRIST! I told him to get of my land and that if I ever saw him again I would shoot first and call it self defense. I also told him that if I recieved a summons to court over this his wife would be suing me for wrongful death.
If for any reason I am abscent from here for awhile I might be in jail. I will stay in until they release me on my own signature usualy takes about a month. If I am found guilty I will post what prison I am in if anyone wants to write me or maybe send me some photos or maybe some cookies [Smile]
Who would have ever thought I should have taken a shotgun to work this morning. I just dont do that any more. I will tomorrow! I am so pissed I could chew airline cable into! **** **** stupid **** **** ************ lousy **** **** **** ****.
Sorry for the profanity.

Long live WU! [Thumbs Up]

To get what you want. STOP doing what isn't working.

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Heres whats got the Lord pissed right now! [Mad]

1) Partners ( see above )
2} Friggin Idiots! Like I wasnt having a bad enough day. I decide to go into Mickie D's for some lunch. Bad idea! Where do they get these people? I am sorry Mickie D's should give IQ test to thier cashiers if you score in the single digits you cant work the front! $4.57 I give the man $5.07 and he makes 2 voids and has to get a manager! OH MY FRIGGIN GOD!
OH MY GOD! Even when I told him he owed me $.50 he told me he didnt think so! OH MY GOD! This isnt the first time either. I mean is it a requirement you have to fail an IQ test to work the front at Mickie D's? You cant fail an IQ test! But these idiots could! OH MY GOD!

Lord out.
Long live WU! [Thumbs Up]

To get what you want. STOP doing what isn't working.

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First mistake LORD DO NOT EAT AT MICKEY D's...ITS POISON!!!!!!!!

Second mistake would be to go back..

If your hungry eat something good ...If ya gotta go fast food.....maybe Subway....

As far as the employees go....Ehhhhhhhhh mostly kids....after all its the world we live in.These people dont have to even count change manually..

Xoxoxo Sasha

You wanna play with my warm hosed feet. Don't you?

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Calico Jack
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While we're on the subject of McDonald's, I'd just like to recommend a movie for those of you who haven't seen it or aren't familiar with it. The film is called Supersize Me! and was shot on location here in NYC and elsewhere. Directed by and starring Morgan Spurlock, it's basically a documentary which may just change the way you think about fast food. It's being released on DVD at the end of the month, so track it down if possible. Your body will thank you for it!


Calico Jack

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I'm turning 24 tomorrow, and I'm fucking tired of people still treating me like a kid. Yeah, I'm still a sorta young adult, but I'm not a kid, and I know more than most adults.

Some people will say to me

"why don't you paint your house."
I'll say "I don't have the time, and it's my house, I'll do what I want with it."

Then they say "Doesn't my opinion mean anything to you!?"

It's not that their opinion doesn't, it's that I can make my own decisions without people getting angry.

Elz is my favorite model, but it's a close race! Sasha, Candi, and Nikki come very close!

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Lou Gojira
Bad Motherfucker
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and I know more than most adults
Bro, if you don't mind me saying, don't ever allow yourself to think this way. I'm not saying that young people are stupid, matter of fact I've got a Bro who's only 17, and he can run circles around my 31 year old ass when it comes to intelligence. The thing is though, and I think this is why young people face discriminations like this, is that you will always grow (at least mentally) until the day you die, and when you reach 34, or 44, or 54, you'll look back on this era and wonder why you thought some of the things you did. That's not to say you're inherently wrong in your thoughts, that's just saying that at 24 you may know a lot less than you think you do. I can say that because I was the same way, I too figured I knew more than a lot of older adults, but as I grow older I realize all the time all the things I didn't know! [Laugh]

I understand your frustration though, nobody likes getting talked down to (just read mine and Brother mystik's posts), but you'll do yourself a world of good if you don't allow yourself to think you're smarter than most people. You can feel like you are at times, we all do that I'm sure, just don't put stock in it like it's a fact. If somebody had told me when I was 24 that I'd think some of the thoughts I do now, and take the stand on the things I do now, I would've thought they were nuts. [Big Grin]

Sorry if I got on a soap box, but your post made me think about that. [Cool]

*edit: Ooops, I almost forgot... Happy Birthday Bro. [Cheers]

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Its frustrating yes, like Lou says. You really cant do anything about it, except knowing you are above them. Its what keeps me going. Its hard for someone to get the best of me (unless they are a registered architect orr are well above me in school). I guess I have too much confidence to the point of arrogance even, but I'd never ever show to someone that Im a weak person. I always treat people how I want to be treated, and until someone begins to "talk down" to me, is when I hear them out, laugh at their idiocy and tell them to go play in a sandbox somewhere. It is frustrating though. I have so much stuff I'd like to vent its not even funny, but Ill save it for another time. Just breathe, relax, and dont ever let anyone get the best of you.
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Originally posted by Lou Gojira:
and I know more than most adults
Bro, if you don't mind me saying, don't ever allow yourself to think this way.
I was simply saying that I'm more intelligent than the average adult. I know that maybe there's a genius 16 year old out there that could out-think me, but compared to the average adult, I'm pretty smart, and even though I'm a young adult, that doesn't make me lesser than most adults. That's all I was saying.

Elz is my favorite model, but it's a close race! Sasha, Candi, and Nikki come very close!

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Heres whats got the Lord Pissed today! [Mad]

1) Partners! See above.
2) Yellow Jackets! Jesus Christ I have been stung more times this summer than all the other times I have been stung in my entire life!
I got nailed twice in the knee cap about 2 hours ago and I can barley walk now.
3) Bad weeks! This has got to be verging on the worst week of my entire life! It all just seems to come at once. Why is that? Why do we have to be tested in such ways? I can only hope that my pain brings someone joy becuase I would hate to think this was for nothing. [Smile]

Long live WU! [Thumbs Up]

To get what you want. STOP doing what isn't working.

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Heres whats got the Lord pissed right now [Mad]

1) Partners! see above

2) Neighbors. Its 10pm and my neighbor, who I am nice too because he has no other friends, knocks on my damn door so loud he wakes my kids up.
Jeez. No wonder no one else likes him. We have a state fair in town right now and he wanted to know if I wanted to go, his treat. Its amazing how nice people are when the Florida game is coming up and they know you have season tickets. Why wait till 10? Why? Thats insane.

3) Partners! See above.

Long live WU! [Thumbs Up]

To get what you want. STOP doing what isn't working.

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Heres whats got the Lord angry today! [Mad]

1) Partners! (see previous)

2) Stupid Laws. I had to bail a friend of mine out today after getting caught with a 1000 valium. I have told him this type of behaviour would get him into trouble so he deserves it. BUT They charged him with posession, of course, they also charged him with manufacturing. Is this not crazy? They actually think this dumb redneck can make valium? I understand that if you have so much the charge goes up but to call it manufacturing, thats just stupid! you would think any decent lawyer would say " my clients an idiot he cant make valium he bought them" case dismissed. How could they prove he manufactured them? How could they prove this in a court of law? Hes too stupid! Even if he did make them wheres the proof? Just having a certain amount doesnt prove you made it. Thats like saying if I get caught with 5000 roof shingles I had to make them just cause I had so many. This is nuts! Im not saying they should go easy on him, they shouldnt, but call it what it is! Excessive amounts for resale!


To get what you want. STOP doing what isn't working.

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Calico Jack
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Perhaps I just have a honed intuition for these types of things, but for some reason, I'm beginning to think that you might need a new partner, Lord.


Calico Jack

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Today, this one guy at work that still acts like a teenager is makin me mad. He's making us young men look bad. [Mad]

Elz is my favorite model, but it's a close race! Sasha, Candi, and Nikki come very close!

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I'm beginning to think that you might need a new partner, Lord.

I think after I have to go through the trouble of cutting up, getting rid of and denieing any knowledge of this one I might be fed up with partners!

To get what you want. STOP doing what isn't working.

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