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Author Topic: Maybe it's just me, but...
Lou Gojira
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Originally posted by MissMcKenzie:
I'm fine with the veneers and skin stuff. After watching that special, I'm not so keen on getting my face cut open...

Good...good for you. A very wise decision if you don't mind my saying so.

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Lou Gojira
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Originally posted by MissMcKenzie:
Okay, I had to revive this because I need confirmation that the guys that I associate with, at least the single ones, are complete and total idiots.

Confirmed...that guy sounds like a real knucklehead!

But here's a question I have about this guy's "opinions" of you Miss Mac...are you asking about his thoughts on these aspects of yourself, or is he volunteering these things? Even though this guy is sounding like a total dunce running off at the mouth, in all fairness if you're asking him these kinds of questions to get him going, then you really don't have any right to take offense at what he says.

Don't get me wrong, if this guy is really into you and cares about your feelings, then he should exercise a better amount of discretion if and when these kinds of topics come up...but at the same time are you knowingly (or perhaps unknowingly) putting him on the spot? Do you remember what exactly is said that brings these kinds of topics up with this guy?

Oh and yeah, that model's boobs look pretty plastic to me. To each his (or her) own, but that's not my thing at all.

And about kicking his ass? Treat that idea like drugs...just say no! Revenge always sounds good and righteous, but in the end it's never worth your time or the risk of trouble. Just write off the assholes in this world and move're a better person than they are.

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Lou Gojira
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No no no...No but's allowed m'Dear! No revenge! Got it? Don't go stooping to this guy's level...I'm telling you you're better than that! [Smile]

One of two things is going to happen from all of what you just described:

1. You're going to stop playing along with this doofus' head games and drop him like a bad habit. (the wise move)


2. You're going to silently endure this demeaning crap, thinking you're going to get him to change with enough persuasion, settling for a guy you already deep-down know isn't what you're looking for in a person, and thus giving you something to complain about amongst your girlfriends.
(the move I've seen too many women make, sadly)

It's truly boggling my mind Miss McKenzie, seriously! Why in the sam-hell you're getting worked up over this guy is beyond me.

If you don't mind me suggesting, I think what you should work on (instead of how you're going to hurt this insensitive asshole right back) is the image you have of yourself. Honestly, and I'm not blowing smoke here, you are an exceptionally attractive woman! And while I'm talking truth here, let me just say that if you happened to live around me, I'd be wanting to get your number! But something is telling me that you're not seeing yourself that way, otherwise you wouldn't be going in circles with this jerk-wad with his mind games...and therein lies the solution to this mess.

Work on your self-esteem, and start believing people when they compliment you! Once you have a solid and grounding, realistic view of yourself, you'd realize that this guy is nothing more than a waste of time. You're working on your degree to get a career in hopes of bettering the world, but how can you hope to help the world when you're neglecting yourself already?

Bottom line: move on! Go with option one. Please don't fall into the masses by taking option two.

And if you've still got some violent urges, play a violent video game instead, or go to a gun range and shoot a few rounds, or go to a gym and beat the hell out of a punching bag...a night in county jail won't look good on anybody's record...especially your own. [Wink]

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Lou Gojira
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Oh and yeah, one more thing...

Originally posted by MissMcKenzie:
An example of his lack of an inner "shut up" voice concerning the bad taste - well apparently after he initiates a "hey, we need to chill at your house and watch movies, what do you have" thing, he felt it was absolutely necessary to tell me alllllll about why my taste in movies sucks.

Please...please PLEASE tell me that Girl Interrupted is not in your video library.

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Originally posted by Fate111:
To me, the rule of thumb on forums is that if you don't like something you see, then simply move on to something else and don't say anything about it! It's kind of like watching TV. If you don't like what's on, pick up the damn remote and change the channel! No one is holding a gun to your head and making you view the material! Click and move on! From what I've seen, usually the negative posts cause online fights among the parties with their differing opinions and people begin to take sides. Then you have people firing insults at each other and the main issue, the content (i.e. the pictures) hardly even matters anymore and is long forgotten. What sense does that make?

This is the sort of wisdom that needs to be nailed to every notice board in the world. Or ... something. [Big Grin]

Stone-cold truth! It doesn't just apply to the foot world, but ALL MB's. One way to look at message boards: they are places that less successful people go (socially / physically / intellectually / financially) to criticise more succcessful people. That's a gross generalisation, of course, and certainly doesn't reflect any particular person here or persons on hundreds of other sites, but it happens time and time again. It happened a year ago. It happened yesterday. It will be happening tomorrow.

It's just so easy for any jerk-off to write something disparaging/mean/crude/vindictive. Here: crap. See? I did it. One word, four letters. Anyone can do it. And that's hardly the worst word or the most colourful attack. It can take years to create, but only seconds to destroy. Or to tarnish. Vulgarity is the cheap side of beauty. And you know the thing about cheap stuff? It's cheap!

Humanity is like an electric current: it takes the path of least resistance. For some, that means being as hateful and nasty as you can be. Because those emotions and the manner in which they can be expressed flow quickly. Hatred is for severely deficient people still looking for their place in life. It's a lower form of reality. Thankfully, even though it's crowded, not everyone lives at that level. The view is better the higher you go.

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Lou Gojira
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Originally posted by MissMcKenzie:

And no, Girl Interrupted is not in my video library. It actually looked good in the previews... does it actually suck or something?

*gasp* Oh...oh gosh...I think I love you... [Eek!] [Bow Down]

[Big Grin]

I think the movie blows, sure, but to make a long story short, if I know that a girl owns this piece of tripe, no matter how hot she is, I will avoid her like the plague. I'll be happy to go into detail on the reasons later, but I'm kinda' pressed for time at the moment.

Originally posted by MissMcKenzie:
The self esteem is definitely getting better, I'm learning to put more of the focus on the great things about me that are on the inside rather than looks. I mean, look at him... he's cute as hell, he borders on hot, but his personality or lack thereof makes him one of the ugliest people in the world.
I'm done with him and trying to teach him that personality counts more than bleached to death hair and orange fake tans. Good riddance anyway, I'm sick of having to dumb myself down so he can understand me...

Great news...on both accounts! You DO deserve so much better. The particularly awesome part is that while you're wisely focusing on the beauty of the inner, just know that you've got the outer to match! Doubt that for a second? Just go back and see all the compliments that came your way when you posted your pic. [Smile]

Sweet...good riddance to bad rubbish! Glad to hear the good news Miss Mac. This Friday is already off to a good start! [Thumbs Up]

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Lou Gojira
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Originally posted by JayArr:

It's just so easy for any jerk-off to write something disparaging/mean/crude/vindictive. Here: crap. See? I did it. One word, four letters. Anyone can do it. And that's hardly the worst word or the most colourful attack. It can take years to create, but only seconds to destroy. Or to tarnish. Vulgarity is the cheap side of beauty. And you know the thing about cheap stuff? It's cheap!

Humanity is like an electric current: it takes the path of least resistance. For some, that means being as hateful and nasty as you can be. Because those emotions and the manner in which they can be expressed flow quickly. Hatred is for severely deficient people still looking for their place in life. It's a lower form of reality. Thankfully, even though it's crowded, not everyone lives at that level. The view is better the higher you go.

Beautifully said! *applause*

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Michael P
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Originally posted by MissMcKenzie:
But, but... he deserves an ass-kicking, and it makes it even better if I do it since I'm like, half his size... grrr.
Anyway, he very readily volunteers this stuff. In fact, he's been very well known to send me obviously airbrushed and photoshopped pictures of girls and say "she's got the perfect body." Out of absolutely nowhere. Same with the "you're too pale" thing and everything else. This is his response to "do you know anyone who can help me out with French this semester" or "hey, if you're looking for a class to take, there's this really easy one I took last semester" or something else completely innocuous.
Hell, the night before last I showed him something in a really pretty color of blue, asked him what he thought of it, just a "you're an artist, do you like this color" thing. He goes on a ten to twenty minute rant, an honest to god rant, about how I need to go and get a spray-on tan, because they're better than a real one.
An example of his lack of an inner "shut up" voice concerning the bad taste - well apparently after he initiates a "hey, we need to chill at your house and watch movies, what do you have" thing, he felt it was absolutely necessary to tell me alllllll about why my taste in movies sucks.

are you sure you're not the type of girl that gets completely turned on by guys that treat you like crap?

why anybody would put up with this I don't know [Confused]

do you not think that you can do better or is that what you like in a guy?

[ January 27, 2007, 03:41 PM: Message edited by: Mighty Mike ]

posted by Andy - Laa:
my posts in this thread are not as good as Michael P's

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Michael P
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also about the original topic, i've seen on some forums where these girls post pics and actually say something like "look at me i'm so hot"

when you come off as a cocky person you're going to get criticism

I don't feel sorry for those girls who actually have the nerve to say soemthing like that, even if they are hot

being modest is sexy

sometimes these girls need an ego check

posted by Andy - Laa:
my posts in this thread are not as good as Michael P's

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Michael P
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Originally posted by MissMcKenzie:

Mighty Mike - The one nice guy I've dated was boring as hell, but it wasn't from lack of drama, it was from a lack of personality.

and how did he lack personality?

did he not talk much or did you just think that everything he said was boring?

posted by Andy - Laa:
my posts in this thread are not as good as Michael P's

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Lou Gojira
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Originally posted by Mighty Mike:
also about the original topic, i've seen on some forums where these girls post pics and actually say something like "look at me i'm so hot"

when you come off as a cocky person you're going to get criticism

I don't feel sorry for those girls who actually have the nerve to say soemthing like that, even if they are hot

being modest is sexy

sometimes these girls need an ego check

No arguements here about that! Pride always comes before a fall...or so I've always seen happen. [Thumbs Up]

But what burns my ass is...well, you've obviously read through the topic; It's the sniveling little mama's boys that somehow think that making fun of a girl's appearance over the internet (or in real life for that matter, though I guarantee most of them cower from girls in the real world), unprovoked, is something that makes them cool. Sorry...that kinda' crap is pathetically and tragically un-cool. In fact, it's a guaranteed ticket to residence in Losersville.

Message boards aside, hell, I've even read movie reviews where the writer decides to talk about how ugly he thinks certain girls in said movies are...again, not cool. I can understand being an immature kid in elementary school and being creeped out by girls, but come on... [Roll Eyes]

A good example is a writer named Damon Foster, editor and head writer for Oriental Cinema. Generally, I enjoy reading his reviews on Asian movies, and all his wise cracks usually have me laughing...but there was a time or two that he'd stooped to making fun of how certain girls looked. The first thought that went through my head upon reading it was: "Yeap, this guy can't get layed..."

Am I the only one who thinks that?

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Michael P
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Originally posted by MissMcKenzie:
I only put up with the bitchy guy here because, to be honest, he's cute, and he'd be fine for making out with as long as he never speaks again.
It's always the assholes and the crazy people who end up flocking to me. I have no idea why...

haha i think everybody is guilty for giving alot of chances to somrbody because they liked the way they looked

good looks give you a larger margin for error [Big Grin]

about the assholes flocking to you, do you think that maybe you are only attracted to assholes?

every chick i've ever known to say that only liked jerks and were bored out of their mind with a normal minded respectable guy

posted by Andy - Laa:
my posts in this thread are not as good as Michael P's

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Michael P
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Originally posted by Lou Gojira:
Originally posted by Mighty Mike:
also about the original topic, i've seen on some forums where these girls post pics and actually say something like "look at me i'm so hot"

when you come off as a cocky person you're going to get criticism

I don't feel sorry for those girls who actually have the nerve to say soemthing like that, even if they are hot

being modest is sexy

sometimes these girls need an ego check

No arguements here about that! Pride always comes before a fall...or so I've always seen happen. [Thumbs Up]

But what burns my ass is...well, you've obviously read through the topic; It's the sniveling little mama's boys that somehow think that making fun of a girl's appearance over the internet (or in real life for that matter, though I guarantee most of them cower from girls in the real world), unprovoked, is something that makes them cool. Sorry...that kinda' crap is pathetically and tragically un-cool. In fact, it's a guaranteed ticket to residence in Losersville.

Message boards aside, hell, I've even read movie reviews where the writer decides to talk about how ugly he thinks certain girls in said movies are...again, not cool. I can understand being an immature kid in elementary school and being creeped out by girls, but come on... [Roll Eyes]

A good example is a writer named Damon Foster, editor and head writer for Oriental Cinema. Generally, I enjoy reading his reviews on Asian movies, and all his wise cracks usually have me laughing...but there was a time or two that he'd stooped to making fun of how certain girls looked. The first thought that went through my head upon reading it was: "Yeap, this guy can't get layed..."

Am I the only one who thinks that?

I agree

these guys are just very insecure and unhappy

every person i've ever known who seemed to enjoy pointing out the faults in someones looks to their face never had much going for them

they know they're a loser so it helps them sleep better at night by making others feel the same

posted by Andy - Laa:
my posts in this thread are not as good as Michael P's

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Lou Gojira
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I think both of y'all hit the nail on the head by mentioning the insecurity/not much going for them issues...

Makes me remember an episode of Cheers where Cliff was saying, and I'm paraphrasing:
"It's not that I can't find a date, I just have impossibly high standards for women."

To which Norm replies: "Yeah, they have to like you."
[Big Grin]

They want to reject the girl before the girl can reject them. That way they have the upperhand, if they pull the "oh, I'm not interested in you" card, they can kind of save their ass when the girl rejects them. Even if there's no chance in hell that a girl won't date them or even give them a friendly peck on the cheek, it manifests itself into frustration over it and also the macho "you don't want me? Fine, I don't want you" thing.
I had a friend in high school who was BAD about doing this. Granted I was no prize-catch myself, but this guy had a tendency to really creep girls out, and I think it got to him pretty badly. Whenever we'd be checking girls out or whatever, not a single one could walk by without something negative said by him, which was usually: "She's got deformed tits!" (don't ask me how in the hell he thought he was a breast expert)

After graduation he went into the Marines and served a stint. Couple years later, when I saw him again, he was completely different toward women. Had himself a girlfriend (if I remember right), told me a story where he complimented a poor girl who was missing a hand (something he NEVER would've done before), told stories about hooking up with girls (among other stories). In other words, I guess he finally got the discipline and confidence he needed, and his negativity toward the fairer sex came to an end.

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Lou Gojira
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*sigh* Now what did I tell you about revenge Miss Mac? Shame on you.

Yes ma'am, I think it'd be terribly immature and ultimately a waste of your time even gratifying this guy with further attention, be it good or bad. Just leave his goofy ass alone. He had his chances for something good with you, and he pissed them all away by being an insensitive prick.

If anything, further acknowledgement of this guy is only going to tell him that you're still hung up on him (even if it is in a negative sense), otherwise you wouldn't even be messing with him. And do you want him to even have that small amount of satisfaction? Cut him off and move on.

That's my biased and heavy-handed opinion...hope it helps. [Wink] [Big Grin]

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