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» Foot Fetish Forum » Foot Fetish Content & Discussion » Foot Fetish Talk » Minor Success and Seeking Advice From The Married/In A Relationship Footguys On Here

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Author Topic: Minor Success and Seeking Advice From The Married/In A Relationship Footguys On Here
Hall Of Famer
Member # 6635

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Whatsup everyone... long time since Ive been on here, not near as active as I used to be due to internet issues..... Im speaking mostly to the dudes on here who are lucky (or unlucky however you look at it) enough to have one girl who meets everything for them in the feet category and in the mental categories... Ive always seen the many guys on here with wives and girlfriends who are totally down with their love of feet and maybe even a little into it themselves, enviously because I feel like thats what I want.... so I have had foot experiences, but unfortunately they are VERY few and sadly, not one was when I was sober LOL... sort of me just getting the balls to do what I want in the bedroom to the surprise of the girl... Im shy about telling girls about it and have avoided going the relationship route for years and now Im going for it, so I just met this super cool girl that I think I will really get along with, and or course, her feet are up and beyond par for me... so naturally in the spirit of 'going for it' I told her almost immediately about my attraction to girls' feet (trouble is this interaction was through texting haha) and to my delight her reaction was what I think was a joke 'ughh, i hate that! then, 'my ex liked feet so Im used to it'... and we have left the topic ever since, and she has seemed not to waiver one iota from being into me... so I am psyched and we have hung out only once for an hour and were hanging out for awhile tomorrow and will most likely hook up...

So..... any advice at all on 'foot advances' I guess... haha should I bring it up a little more before we get into hooking up, ask her some stuff about what she thinks about it? Should I just compliment her on her feet and all that, then go about my business when we hook up? Or should I say nothing whatsoever at all about it then just totally go for her feet when we hook up? Haha, Im a little nervous and unsure what the next move is... sorry for the loooongass message but hopefully some of you can help me out. Thanks!

I love beautiful feet. What else is new?

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well, i've had several gfs (including my current gf) who know about my thing for feet so i'll do my best to help.

and firstly, this is just what i would do in this situation from the info you've given, and i'm not saying it's right or wrong, because honestly, i'm pretty young (22) and don't know for sure.

text probably wasn't the best way to bring this up, even though it's much easier than saying it face to face, texts can be misinterpreted and to be sure that someone is joking is sometimes difficult.

you know this girl better than i do but if i told a girl about my foot interest, and she replied with those texts, i would be bummed. unless "ugh i hate that!" had a smiley face or a [Tongue] or "jk" or something on the end.

hearing that "she's used to it" can go either way i guess. the optimist in me would think she knows what shes getting into and maybe she has some tricks of her own. the pessimist in me would be a little worried about her "being used to it" and assume it doesn't seem very exciting or sexy to her.

and her ex is an ex for a reason. probably not because he was into feet, but something unique like that might remind her of him or certain feelings that connect to that.

as for the 'foot advances' if this is your first time hooking up and you're hoping for a long-term thing, i would probably avoid too much foot play or attention. I don't think a little bit is bad, but i wouldn't focus a lot on it. I like to show a girl what i've got when it comes to just good old fashioned sex, and save some kinky stuff for next time (assuming there will be one.) Yes i might kiss or suck a toe, but unless you get a really good response, don't spend all night at the foot of the bed. She might like that you adore her feet, but she wants to think you to feel that way about her whole body.

This is just my two cents, and how my train-of-thought would go if i were in your place. You definitely know her better than I so take what you will from this and good luck with your new lady friend! i hope it works out well for you.

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The King Of Feet
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Welcome back into the fold GuitarDrew!

Russ has definitely got some wisdom in his words. I agree 100% that bringing up the "foot thing" up front in a text message was not a smooth move. I personally wouldn't even make it a topic of a conversation if you are just going out with her for dates. Let it be something that comes out if you guys make it to the bedroom and not make it your entire focus of course. Of course if your first date ends up in the sack... go for it!

LeDaemon's Clips

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Ben Del Amitri
The King Of Feet
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I may not be the best person to advise on this, inasmuch as I am so philosophically singular (and abnormal) on this matter (and I am not married); but while not exactly "normal", I do enjoy a life full of feet. A wide variety of feet, and as an ancilary benefit, some beautiful and dear friends to go along with them; and I believe my straight-forward, certain and direct approach is at the core of it.

My advice is to tell of your love for feet early and often; I do this with complete strangers as well as people I know or have gotten to know. The primary reason for this is, that I want FEET and wish to imbibe in the pleasures of female feet - therefore, investing any time in a girl who may not likely be willing and able to share this is time down a rat trap.

Once you let this be known, it either gets you on the preferred path (with the individual in question), or sets sets you on your way to pursue elsewhere ... where the likelihood is greater.

I agree with you bringing it up right away, that's great. And although I would not recommend doing it via text message, it looks like you did get a fantastic result. Her reply "my ex liked feet so Im used to it" tells you everything you need to know.

The main thing is, if you are not comfortable about speaking clearly on this ... since it makes you nervous, then any attempt to broach the subject will be awkward, or may at least be seen as such.

Because you are not yet comfortable in speaking openly about your love for feet - and given the reply you've received - you may do well to leave it sit until your opportunity comes. Once intmacy is introduced into the relationship, she knows you'll be wanting to get at her feet and will provide welcome access; particularly, as she's had a boyfriend who loved her feet and you KNOW he was sucking those toes, etc.

Once you've had those feet in your face, and it has become a routine part of your interludes, you may then be comfortable in talking openly about it - but you'll have the feet either way. You've described the situation well, and from the sound of things, you've got it made. Congratulations, enjoy those feet.

[ August 20, 2008, 05:49 AM: Message edited by: Ben Del Amitri ]



Malory in Signature

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If she had an ex who was in to feet and didn't like it, you need to change her mind. [Evil Grin]

Don't just talk about her feet though you'll give off a weird vibe.

There is nothing more heavenly than the smell of a female foot ^_^

Picture shows foot worship...mmm.

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I would try to get the firl to know you & hopefully like and not bring up "feet." A foot massagge is the most I would do until you get to know her more.

The truth is that once women like you they tend to be very accomadating.

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If I were in your situation, I'd mention it to her face to face, to see her reaction.
Maybe mention something about her ex liking her feet, and ask what he'd do (smelling,worshipping, etc), and what her response to that was. Also, is that the reason they are exes now? Because he liked her feet and she didn't like it?

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I have NEVER had any probs with any gf concerning the feet thing, including my last, which is my wife. I didnt get married at 31, so I've had over 10 steady gfs that ALL let me have my way with their feet. This is not to brag, i promise - but to pass the secret to my success to the bretheren of the Wu. I have always had a sharing partner in my intense foot fetish and I could not imagine it any other way.

The Secret:

1. NEVER, EVER let on about anything feet until the "safe point".
2. Innocent foot rubs should appear to be just that - innocent. Stop looking at them and talk to her damn it!
3. Basically act as if you DONT have this fetish!
4. Be good at the things that she likes - be funny, a good kisser, be great in bed.
5. Make her feel comfortable with herself. When in public, out and about, compliment her legs - say they make you a little crazy, even out here with all these people looking. Tell her "that guy that passed by was looking awefully hard at you. And I can't blame him, you are a sexy gal".
5. Make sex great, crazy and fun for her. (still NO feet stuff). Concentrate, damn it! This is an important part - so make her pass out with pleasure!
6. You will know when she is "hooked" on you as a boyfriend. This cant be a 3rd date kind of love, but a 2-5 months kind of love. (sorry, if you want to do anything you want with those feet, you must be patient and work for it).
7. When she is hooked on you, then it is safe to begin small levels of fetish introduction. If you are not sure if she's hooked, do not move forward. You'll know. You have now reached the "safe point".

The sex part is VERY important. Because this is the environment that you will eventually reveal your true turn-on (da feet). Start with the oral stuff and give her an orgasm, begin actual sex, stop suddenly as if overwhelmed by desire, and go back to oral and give her another big O. Then finish her off with a slow, building, sex that ends the way SHE likes. If you call yourself a REAL man, give her another O after your done. ALWAYS say - "that was fucking incredible", or something similar to show that you both have incredible sex together. Like you are meant for each other. I hate to say it, but you will have to lay and snuggle for as long as she needs. Just do it! None of us really enjoy it, but it is a small sacrifice that we all must endure to get to the goodies.

The Introduction: (after 2-4 months)

You may now initiate the foot rub (not in a sexual way, in a "i like pleasing you" way). You may compliment her LEGS in a kind of "oh, i just noticed" kind of way - example is "wow, you really have sexy legs". That's right "legs", not feet. Legs are a normal part of a woman's sex appeal and are compared amongst celebrities, models and even between girlfriends. It is a true compliment, not a coming out fetish freak party.

During sex, you may touch them - not in a fetish way, but in a way that lets her know that it's another part of making HER feel good. Make sure to go all the way up her legs. Don't over focus, play it cool.

As you get a little more involved. Let sex start as a result of her legs. The foot/leg rub is an obvious ticket. If she wears something new, let her know that it makes her legs look incredible, as well as her ass, or other parts. Dont give away the freakin farm yet bub. Then, when you get home, tell her you cant stand looking without touching anymore and .... (begin porn music)

Paint her toenails. Great to do after a good foot/leg rub. Body massages work too. She starts to get a feel that her legs get you all worked up. She will like this, i promise.

The Goal:

To her, you are now a LEG MAN! and you are almost to the pearly gates of footdom.

You get the picture. Basically you focus on her as a whole and keep working toward the feet over time. It takes time, patience and strength. It will be hard not to just lose it during passionate times and start sucking a sniffing like a closet perv. If you succeed, she will eventually look to YOU and want to do WHATEVER turns YOU on. Then, my good man, you have a free pass to Footland - footjobs, sucking, posing, pics, She will do it all. The best part, is that you will be doing it together - she is turned on, you are, obviously, turned on, and maybe slobbering a smidge, and it's all working.

Remember, this has not just worked one or two times - it's ALWAYS worked! The biggest mistake would be moving and revealing too fast - it is a mistake that CANNOT be corrected. Move too fast, and you will forevermore be seen as a guy with a "weird side", instead of a guy with a "wild side". Never been that guy, and never will.

By the way, screw the Ex! You are gonna make her forget he even had a fetish. Be the bigger man and you might even tell her - "I can see why he found your legs so damn appealing, they are one of your sexiest features. Well, your eyes get to me too, and your ass can never be overlooked, and....well, i'm gonna take your clothes off now and inspect the whole damn package...".

Makes me want to get a divorce and get back out there. I loved going after gf's based on their feet - it was like my little inside joke... Until 5 months later when i've got one foot in my mouth and the other rubbing me raw!!!

Good luck Bro.

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The King Of Feet
Member # 2895

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there are two ways to look at it...

1- i'm in it just for the feet.
2- i'm in it for the relationship.

in option one, flat out bold confidence is the way to go. straight to the point.. get the feet.. move along! if she's not into it, pass along over to the next.

in option two.. romance and getting to her mind is the way to go build a relationship. and being ok with or without her feet. (ok, harder to say and much less fun to do)

in all reality, most gals if approached right, romanced properly, will give you a shot and consider your interest. especially if she wasn't burned badly.

so, my advice.... get to know her.. bring up feet not as the main focus, but as one of those nice things you just do. example... a foot massage after a long walk can work, just as well as while watching a movie at her place. (diff is based on how she feels about herself. if she's confident in how she is.. first one works well... if she's not.... second one is more likely to work)

you're not a foot guy.. you're mr.romantic who happens to give great killer foot attention.

but to be blunt, work on your confidence! seriously.. it opens up doors and work wonders. you don't want it to be forced, just natural. Ben gets the amazing stories he has because he's fully confident and not cocky about it. it's natural to him.

LuckyAndre the same.

i can go down the list.

all i know.. with me, days i'm not very confident (yes it happens) i get a lot less of what i want.. but on my confident days.. not only i get all the feet I want from my wife.. i even get to take pics of other gals, show her the pics, and she not get upset at all. but when i'm doubtful.. boy.. i create more situations to figure out than i care for. (lack of confidence means you're doing something wrong in a woman's book)


the higher the better the heel.

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Hall Of Famer
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I've never told any of my x's or even my wife that I had a foot fetish. I just grabbed them and they followed my lead. If they didn't...see ya later.

Got Feet?

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Hall Of Famer
Member # 6635

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Damn!! Thanks so much for all the wisdom everybody! From all the old Wuers that I recognize and from the ones I havent come across before, thanks! I agree totally on the texting tip; it would never be a good idea to do this through a text but let me explain hot that went down briefly:I was at work and we were texting back and forth after hanging out before I went to work for an hour or so... I made some joke then said, ' I am normal I swear', and she said 'I hope your not too normal, I need abnormality in a guy it adds character',
so I said, 'Dont worry I like to think I have a healthy percentage of abnormality', she says, ' Tell me a weird Drew fact, something strange that I would never guess', and of course you can guess now I said, 'Well I am attracted to girls' feet, have been since about 5th grade', then asked her for a strange fact about her... a little pause where i said, ' haha, too abnormal for you?' and then she said the above, thats how it was... I know what you may be thinking, I put the fetish in the 'strange' and 'abnormal' category, not cool, but it didnt feel like that to me it felt like a perfect window to share a little quirky fact about myself, in a vibe of joking and fun, and she seemed totally lighthearted about it, when she first said what she said I was unsure also, and even now think that it was a bit much to state this in a text, but I honestly dont think has any problem with it, although I dont have any sign from her yet that she likes it, likes to indulge it or anything like that...

I hung out with her tonight, and took a mix of all the advice here, although I basically took the letting it lie route, it didnt come up in any way at all, and I feel no need to bring it up as long as Im being myself, if I liked titties I wouldnt walk around with a girl I was on a date with talking about titties the whole time, loll, so I pretty much took the leave it be for a bit approach... not much of a hang though we met up went to Panera Bread and talked for a while, then went to her place where her roommate was unexpectedly home and wanting her to help her set up her internet, haha, so I sat there through that till it was getting late and left, and we said it would be better next time. I do know from talking that she is into me and wanting to move forward, so my feet comment didnt detour her at all I guess, and Im a little optimistic because she wore flip flops and her toes looked as freshly painted as any I'd seen, with two toerings on each foot, and when sitting around with her at her place we sat on a tight little couch with her turned around to her roommate behind her, and she had one of her feet up and kind of under my pantleg, and was kind of stroking my pants/leg with her toes... so I think chances may be decent for me to get at her feet.... although Im uncertain how much I really like her and since she wants a relationship if I dont want one with her it would be too much of a dick move for me if I just went for her feet then moved on....

anyway thanks everyone for the advice, it will be consulted a lot more as I keep going with this girl.

I love beautiful feet. What else is new?

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