This is topic foot fetish really doesn't make sense if you think about it in forum Foot Fetish Talk at Foot Fetish Forum.

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Posted by Mighty Mike (Member # 1922) on :
on a subconsious level being young and having breasts indicate to men that a woman is fertile, nice butt and somewhat big hips can indicate she can have a child without complications

women like a guy to be tall and have broad shoulders because on a subconscious level this shows that he can produce strong offspring and protect their children and a nice butt indicates that he can push the sperm deep enough inside of her

when people base attraction on appearance subconsciously everybody is thinking about who could produce strong offspring

so why are we attracted to feet? how do feet fit into this?

foot fetish really doesn't make sense [Confused]
Posted by xno (Member # 3702) on :
Yeah....true. Theories abound about why foot fetishes develop and it's been discussed ad nauseum on this message board. However, in the end, it's an aberration. That being said, it's an enjoyable aberration, so don't sweat it.
Posted by RPM (Member # 2895) on :
one professor in college said it best. animals communicate a lot of their sexual viability through pheromones. the scent of sexual maturity that we can't detect conciously. it's released three places. the armpits (weak in humans). the genitalia (why dogs sniff butts) and the feet (more so in women than in man).

from an evolutionary point of view... we once walked on all fours.. then a period of time we were semi-on all fours and semi-two feet. as the transition took place, men couldn't sniff women's rear for the pheromones of the genitalia.. so the body compensated by producing more in the feet through the sweat glands

on that premise.. a man can tell if a women is sexually mature on a subconcious level via the amounts of pheromones produced by her feet. hence the fetish.. some time in our youth, we pcicked up a sexually mature woman's scent and it left an impression on us -> the fetish strarted.

for those who aren't into evolution... a childhood experience left a deep impression and we equated some aspect of the foot (again pheromnes do play a big role) and we got hoooked.

you don't hear in mainstream folks loving the scent of a woman's vagina, but more men like it than are willing to admit.. pheromones play a huge part in that!!!

my three cents on the matter

Posted by feetluvr (Member # 1570) on :
Originally posted by RPM:
...some time in our youth, we picked up a sexually mature woman's scent (from her feet) and it left an impression on us -> the fetish started.RPM

As a non-sniffer this would not have been possible for me. I adored girl's feet from my ealy teen years, but always from a distance. I never got really close to any feet, including my girlfriend's.

Though we do debate this "ad naseum" at times as someone stated, it's a question many of us frequently think about and almost every footguy contemplates at some point in their life. Though I didn't become cognizant of my desire for feet until my early teens, I strongly believe that some or many factors played a part in it from a very early age.

Not really sure that it has to "make sense" per se anyway. I believe God gave us women as partners not only to "help us" with life tasks as life partners, but to also enjoy sexually. No reason this shouldn't include her entire body.
Posted by Calico Jack (Member # 2299) on :
Originally posted by Mighty Mike:
so why are we attracted to feet?

I don't place a great deal of stock in those types of theories about the root of our attractions because they're after all only theories, and people are different enough from one another to avoid being able to be categorized into a cookie cutter mold like that. I'm no psychologist, but to the best of my knowledge my sexual attractions (regardless of whether they're to feet, legs, breasts, or whatever) never have anything to do with fertility or a desire to produce strong offspring, which is actually the last thing that I'd want to do at the moment. hehe

Thus, my attraction to feet still makes complete sense to me in the context of the strictly physical & carnal level that I embrace sexuality on. I'm attracted to female feet because they visually convey to my senses everything that's truly feminine. I love the soft skin, all those wonderful S-shaped curves and contours just like the female form itself, the bright girly nailpolish colors that are full of sparkle & dazzle, the sexy open-toed high heel CFM shoes that have become the embodiment of seduction, the sheer physical pleasure induced for her and for me simply by touching & rubbing her feet, etc.

My view may seem rather shallow and altogether on the surface compared to theories that delve into underlying psychological motivations and subconscious levels at play, but alas it's the only view that really adds up for me thus far. After all, I'm the same guy that's always said that people should turn off their minds and check their inhibitions at the door before engaging in physical intimacy together, thus allowing nothing but raw physical desire & animalistic lust to pave the way. That's the only way that makes sense to me.


Calico Jack
Posted by Craigy boy (Member # 3340) on :
The foot connects the woman to the Earth!!!
Posted by Calico Jack (Member # 2299) on :
Originally posted by Craigy boy:
The foot connects the woman to the Earth!!!

Literally! She's not exactly walkin' on water.

[Big Grin]

Calico Jack
Posted by RPM (Member # 2895) on :
hey feetluvr,

i wasn't a sniffer in the classical sense as a kid. i avoided feet as far as i can tell, only watching from a distance. i had one experience (that i've shared) where I got to smell the woman's feet by 'accident' and was hooked. that experience shaped what i wanted to find in the future, but i was curious prior to that moment and couldn't understand why i was so attracted to something that i didn't experience.

at anyrate, we're made the way we're made and I think it was best said. God made it such so there is diversity and enjoyment in a relationship. to me.. that is good enough!!!

Posted by guitardrew (Member # 6635) on :
Damn. Calico Jack said everything I could hope to convey on this subject.
Posted by ozkar (Member # 13264) on :
Three views to add to this discussion:

Neural mappings place the sensory processing centers of feet closest to the genitals. Also, as impulses travel along nerve bundles they can sometimes trigger action potentials in neighboring nerves. The nerves from your feet travel the greatest distance so they have a greater chance of this occuring.

Feet and hands are very geometrically complex, containing many degrees of biologically dictated curves and features. I think we subconciously recognise these geometries and associate them with sexiness just as we would the geometry of other female parts. Additionally feet are most often covered as with more traditional sexual parts, so there may be some kind of taboo allure there.

Feet are the first and formost thing that connect us to this planet and thus to each other. People have strong associative need for physical connection and the interface between feet and the world binds us all together. In a way that is the role of a foot, and contact with feet directly is a more direct connection to another than we typically have by just standing on the same sphere in space.

Posted by guitardrew (Member # 6635) on :
All I want to add to what has already been said are a couple of things
*The thing about men liking women's hips being subconciously linked to childbirth is just speculation anyway and in my opinion, just some attempt to explain sexual attraction. Same with the breasts and giving milk, these types of theories or whatever have nothing to do with your immediate situation of being sexually aroused or not. These just seem like theories that can actually be used as a way to set apart 'the norm' and 'the deviant' or whatever, they always seemed quite irrelevant to me.
* Studies of the subconcious, while very interesting, in my opinion dont really get to be factored in to real arguments as big 'groundbreakers', then how do you explain all the exceptions to this? Thats when 'normal behavior' and 'abnormal' and other subjective terms begin to come into play and fact gets lost quickly. It should be admitted I think that so many studies of the mind, even the most respected 'fields' of these studies, if you examine them closely, fail to encompass the whole reality of the mind and the mind's behaviors, and the truth is that they are merely opinions and statements based on (very detailed) observations in some cases. And even though there have been huge advancements in the science of observing the mind; the literal neurological factors and whatnot, there are still infinite things in human behavior that are failed to fully be analyzed and explained in a way that satisfies all the variables. But then the further I delve into this the more I am just stating my own personal beliefs.

All this to say to MightyMike: The very statements that you started this thread on only prove foot fetishism to be even further from 'taboo' or whatever in my opinion. Where does foot fetishism fit in with those theories? Nowhere, so those theories cant possibly account for or thoroughly explain human sexuality.
Posted by gibarian (Member # 11661) on :
Well whatever the hell it is womens feet turn me the f**k on does her legs.

For me it was when i was like 8 years old, my babysitter who was my uncles g/f had her feet up on the table or even footstool....i would always run and try and touch her feet she used to now i'm 25 and just love womens feet...i really cannot explain it nor can i explain why i love big breasts on women haha....especially if they look sweaty or oily...
Posted by Footman9 (Member # 1100) on :
Originally posted by Calico Jack:
Originally posted by Mighty Mike:
so why are we attracted to feet?

I don't place a great deal of stock in those types of theories about the root of our attractions because they're after all only theories, and people are different enough from one another to avoid being able to be categorized into a cookie cutter mold like that. I'm no psychologist, but to the best of my knowledge my sexual attractions (regardless of whether they're to feet, legs, breasts, or whatever) never have anything to do with fertility or a desire to produce strong offspring, which is actually the last thing that I'd want to do at the moment. hehe

Thus, my attraction to feet still makes complete sense to me in the context of the strictly physical & carnal level that I embrace sexuality on. I'm attracted to female feet because they visually convey to my senses everything that's truly feminine. I love the soft skin, all those wonderful S-shaped curves and contours just like the female form itself, the bright girly nailpolish colors that are full of sparkle & dazzle, the sexy open-toed high heel CFM shoes that have become the embodiment of seduction, the sheer physical pleasure induced for her and for me simply by touching & rubbing her feet, etc.

My view may seem rather shallow and altogether on the surface compared to theories that delve into underlying psychological motivations and subconscious levels at play, but alas it's the only view that really adds up for me thus far. After all, I'm the same guy that's always said that people should turn off their minds and check their inhibitions at the door before engaging in physical intimacy together, thus allowing nothing but raw physical desire & animalistic lust to pave the way. That's the only way that makes sense to me.


Calico Jack

I am with CJ on this thread. If we really think about half the things we do during sex, we would gross ourselves out. I just go for it with pure wanton emotion/lust. I like what I like. I don't get too bent around the axle about some of these deep theories and why things happen. I just do my thing and have fun with it. Just my $0.02. [Smile]
Posted by gibarian (Member # 11661) on :
Yeah the female foot (pretty ones..not beat up crusty sh*t lol we all seen the chicks with bad feet) is so sexy just look at the curves, the smooth arch which is so soft and the toes nice and painted...just like CJ said..i agree 110%.

I gotta say, if a chicks hands are really nice aswell it's a turn on...nice nails/palms..etc..etc. It's just that i hate it when they have nice hands and FUGLY FEET lol.
Posted by Mighty Mike (Member # 1922) on :
Originally posted by Calico Jack:
Originally posted by Mighty Mike:
so why are we attracted to feet?

I don't place a great deal of stock in those types of theories about the root of our attractions because they're after all only theories, and people are different enough from one another to avoid being able to be categorized into a cookie cutter mold like that. I'm no psychologist, but to the best of my knowledge my sexual attractions (regardless of whether they're to feet, legs, breasts, or whatever) never have anything to do with fertility or a desire to produce strong offspring, which is actually the last thing that I'd want to do at the moment. hehe

subconsiously people are attracted to people that you feel would produce strong offspring

it doesn't mean you want them to literally have your baby, they just possess certain traits like I described that indicates they can produce strong offspring which makes you find them attractive

I don't think of it as a theory, it's fact

Women don't like Danny Devito look alikes because they don't want their kids to have his short, stalky, bald genes. Subconsiously that's is why they don't like him

how do feet fit into all of this? maybe nice skin, lack of callusses and bunions represent health? there's a reason love for feet is called a fetish and a love for breasts is just a love for breasts

[ April 28, 2006, 01:24 AM: Message edited by: Mighty Mike ]
Posted by guitardrew (Member # 6635) on :
Mighty Mike, I dont wanna gang up or anything, this is just something that interests me. Just for conversation's sake, why would you consider this fact?
How can you possibly say all women like one physical prototype of guy? Although it may be somewhat true in the majority, this just flat out isnt true as a blanket statement for girls' preference of guys, or what you say is guys' preference of girls.
What evidence is there that proves these things as facts? These are statements/observations that have been made based on observing what the majority (if it is even the majority) of people are sexually attracted to, versus sex resulting in reproduction. Not only that but it is presuming even further to know what the "easiest" conditions for childbirth are, and that we 'subconciously' are aware of these and are sexually attracted to them. The more you pick these observations apart in conjunction with reality, the more things dont add up. In all honesty, Ive met fewer and fewer guys who care about girls having wide hips, and the actual ass to me can in no way have anything to do with childbirth. How does this way of looking at sexual attraction account for gay people? They are not really in as much the minority as one accepting these things as facts may think, and the 'act' of homosexuality has been prevalent since the beginning of humanity. Trying to put a package conception on something as natural as sexual attraction simply doesnt work, nature itself will prove it as 'observations' with the contradictions that immediately become apparent. I guess what I am saying regarding foot fetishism in relation to these statements is that since these things are not totally accepted as valid, they do not truly categorize foot fetishism in any way, and if you are a foot fetishist then you are living proof of the very things that call these types of 'observations' into question. I know how 'common sense' some of this stuff appears on the surface, and also rational in some ways, but its jumping to conclusions based on 'obviousness', and 'common sense' that you gotta watch out for, it can lead you to miss things, impose beliefs that alienate things you havent thought of, in short, closing your mind if only a little. This is not directed at you MightyMike, but I find it truly amazing when I see some foot fetishists who are quick to call things weird, or even more ignorant and rediculous, actually speaking against gay people, lolll as theyre sitting their checking out pictures of the soles of a girl's feet! If anybody should be as open-minded as it comes, it should be guys/gals like us.
Posted by guitardrew (Member # 6635) on :
One last thing I forgot real quick:

"how do feet fit into all of this? maybe nice skin, lack of callusses and bunions represent health? there's a reason love for feet is called a fetish and a love for breasts is just a love for breasts"

Youre right! There is a reason love of feet is called a 'fetish', because people labeled it that way! You can call it whatever you want!
Posted by secksrocks (Member # 30999) on :
I just love every aspect of women. I think me liking feet as a favorite body part has to do with associating it with it being a gross body part as a kid, then realizing they're not gross when a woman takes extremely nice care of them.

[ June 11, 2008, 10:39 PM: Message edited by: secksrocks ]
Posted by shomeyoT0ES (Member # 2662) on :
Originally posted by feetluvr:
As a non-sniffer this would not have been possible for me. I adored girl's feet from my ealy teen years, but always from a distance. I never got really close to any feet, including my girlfriend's.

I just gotta know one thing (if only for general purposes) have u gotten a bit more acquainted with your gf's feet, since that time? Cuz if you haven' don't know what you're missing!! [Big Grin]
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
Originally posted by Mighty Mike:
so why are we attracted to feet? how do feet fit into this?

foot fetish really doesn't make sense [Confused]

This is actually a great question and I agree it doesn't make any sense, but one things for sure: it gives me a bigfat-hardwun every time I see a great pair of feet on a hot woman and boy does my little gopher pop up like he wants to produce offspring.

Seems like such a natural instinct for me, but for some reason the logic doesn't make any sense, because to this date, I don't believe there have been any successful pregancies through feet. Perhaps this is a sign that pure foot fetishists are destined to become extinct if they don't adopt at least some normal mating tendancies [Confused]

I noticed that I've yet to have children (at 32 y/o) and I am on the older side of the pack compared to my friends, colleagues, and other peers. Perhaps it's a dysfunction of mother nature as a form of natural darwinism.

[ June 12, 2008, 01:02 AM: Message edited by: Tyler D. ]
Posted by justdaone (Member # 16096) on :
It's like one of those things where maybe you don't know why it's there but you enjoy it because it feels good!
Posted by LuckyTeen (Member # 30822) on :
It makes sense to me [Smile] I love women's faces, I love their bodies, I love their feet. [Big Grin]
Posted by LuckyTeen (Member # 30822) on :
It makes sense to me [Smile] I love women's faces, I love their bodies, I love their feet. [Big Grin]
Posted by RPM (Member # 2895) on :
pedactor.. nice theory that doesn't work for me.. but that is what makes feet all the more amazing.. they don't fit any mold!

Posted by secksrocks (Member # 30999) on :
Actually, if you think about it, it's always been common for women to use their feet to attract their partners. I remember watching shows where the woman would use her feet to touch her date's legs underneath the table (playing footsies). Women also sometimes use their feet as a "come hither" expression. I think that has to do with the feet being connected to the legs, which we love to open up! And I've read articles that say the nerves in feet are connected to women's pleasure zones, and when they are rubbed the right way, they can experience orgasms, which a few people in this forum have experienced based on what I've read from "Stimulation by feet, the magic spot?".
Posted by LuckyTeen (Member # 30822) on :
Don't no about actual orgasms as the feet would have to be linked to the nerves in the clitoris somehow or the vaginal wall but they are a definite erogenous zone that hide varrying degrees of pleasure for different women. [Smile]
Posted by J.J. (Member # 24686) on :
Michael, you're taking the fun out of it! [Wink]
Posted by climax (Member # 6641) on :
Originally posted by Mighty Mike:

foot fetish really doesn't make sense [Confused]

Yet it doesnt make it any less real either, its a great mystery phenomena thats hard to explain, yet its quite common. To me it doesnt have to make sense, just as long as you are enjoying what you do and it feels good, nothing else matters really, no need to complicate things.
Posted by Michael P (Member # 1922) on :
dman i was on to something when i started this thread some 26 months ago
Posted by J.J. (Member # 24686) on :
yeah, but to what?
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
Originally posted by Michael P:
dman i was on to something when i started this thread some 26 months ago

so what have you learned about it between now and then?
Posted by Toetapper (Member # 6473) on :
This topic started way back when I was still just a lurker.

Over the years, I have contemplated the origins of my foot fancy and have come to no conclusions. Sometimes it better to simply accept a situation as it stands (rather than re-hashing the history of it).

I love women's feet. Not only do I accept it, I fully intend to maximize my enjoyment of it.

That being said, there are a couple of thoughts which sprang to mind as I read some of the latest posts: I am reluctant to call my passion for women's feet a "fetish" as the pure definition of the word includes the idea that it is an object without which the sex act cannot be completed. I assure you that a pretty girl with an open pair of legs is a field I definitely wish to plow, even without the involvement of her feet.

While I'm discussing words, I'd like to advise caution in using the word "theory". In a scientific sense, the word means that it is a proposition which can be tested and the results can be repeated subsequently. I daresay that any discussions on this topic are, at best, speculation - some more wild than others. It is evident to me that the participants here are from such diverse backgrounds, upbringings, and environments that we don't share some "ped epiphany" in our histories (and I doubt that it is possible to test for any commonalities).

What we do share (Hallelujah!) is our mutual admiration for beautiful feet. I do enjoy the thought-provoking speculation, though.

Alright, I've picked enough nits here (I also had some thoughts on natural selection and genetics but decided to spare you). Guess I'll nip off and be cranky on some other thread.
Posted by Gregg2008 (Member # 28913) on :
I dont care how I got into feet. All I know is that I am glad I have this fetish. Its fun and it gets me laid a lot... LOL

And yes, I love the smell of a nice clean vagina. LOL... Not sure why guys would not admit that. LOL.
To be honest, I love everything about a woman. All of their smells and how they feel. There is not one thing on a woman I dont like.
I guess I am just a freak like that!!! LOL
Posted by foot prince (Member # 22554) on :
Do you know what a fetish is? Let me help you out. It's an object or a nongenital part of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation. I think feet perfecly fit under this category. Feet are necessary for sexual gratification amongst most foot fetishists. I wonder where the bewilderment stems from. There is no premise for your statement

Posted by foot prince (Member # 22554) on :
Including breasts that you so called ruled out to be a fetish LMAO

Posted by Gregg2008 (Member # 28913) on :
When it boils down to it, our very reason for exiastance is to procreate. Pass on our genetics. Everything we do has sex attatched to it somehow. We go to work to make money. We want to make lots of money so we can live nice and be good providers. Why do we want to be good providers??? So we are more attractive to the opposite sex.

See in past societies, strong looking men with muscles were sort after by women because the stronger men were better at hunting, building, and crafting.
It is speculated that womens breast are supposed to mimic the rear. When man started walking upright the female breast evolved to stay plump. Humans are the only animal in the world where females have full breast all year round. In primates, breast only swell when milk is present in the glands. So maybe thats why most men like tities.

In todays society, money is strength. The more cash you have the better you are as a provider.
The stronger, good looks are not needed anymore.
We have all seen the butt ugly rich guy with a smoking hot girlfriend or wife!!!
So why do good looking broke guys like myself still get play???
Because we are animals with instinctive behaviors. Women as well as men see good looks as a sign of good genetics and health. That is what we look for when we pass our genes on to the next generation.

So where do gay people come into play? Not sure. There is nothing wrong with gay people in my eyes as far as their sexuality, but it has been proven that on a genetic level they may be different than straight people. Being that they are not attracted to the opposite sex, those genetics are generally not passed on to the next generation. The fact is in nature a species can not be prolific if it is homosexual.

So where do the feet come in? Like it has already been stated, the sexual chemicals given off by women are strongest and most consentrated in the genitalia, the arm pit area and in the feet. This has been studied and it is a fact. What has not been proven is if this triggers a fetish. It sounds logical but I believe that most fetishes are triggered by a childhood experience.

So my point to all of this is that humans are instinctive animals that have many sexual triggers. What those triggers are depends on the individual. But there are common triggers put there by nature that none of us can resist.

So who cares why we like what we like. As long as we all have great, consentual fun!!
Posted by DeadGoon (Member # 24278) on :
Heh, I think some "theories" go a little over-board.

At the end of the day, we ALL like the OVERALL female body.

You have eyes, lips, nick, hands, mid-section, breasts, buttocks, thighs...

... and FEET!

I think the fetish DOES make sense because feet are an identifiable part of the human boy that has a DISTINCT CHARACTER.

I think simply during sometime in our lives we simply were lucky enough to NOTICE when a woman's feet were probably moving in a sensual way, or maybe she was wearing jewellery that brought attention to it, and it grew from there.

It's how it happened to me, my first girlfriend's feet were moving in a certain way, it caught my attention. Slowly it developed to the point I was attracted to her feet no matter WHAT they did.

Then not long after I became attracted to OTHER womens' feet.

I do remember before all of that being attracted to things like when a girl wore a bracelet around her ankle when barefoot. Though it wasn't actually her feet I was attracted to.

Weird [Confused]
Posted by Leila (Member # 30422) on :
I'm sorry mike, but i don't know about them "facts" of yours. I mean, I'm no specialist and it might well be thrue, but... You say big tits mean the woman will be able to breast feed, but as somebody else pointed out, animals don't have breasts... and they also feed their young. The breasts swell up when producing milk, the original size of the breasts has nothing to do with the amount of milk that they will produce. wide hips... maybe, maybe not, it would seem logical, but i've also been told by a doctor that it doesn't in his experience make the labor easier or more difficult. In other words, he's seen narrowed hipped women give birth without any difficulties and wide hipped women suffer.
the broad shoulders on a man part makes sense, but a tight butt = he can push the semen in deep enough? Why are we being taught that a girl can get pregnant even if the guy only rubbed up against her then?
and lastly: what about a girl's ass then? Why are men attracted to it?
Posted by LuckyTeen (Member # 30822) on :
I like the shape of a girls ass. Very sexy! [Big Grin]
Posted by Michael P (Member # 1922) on :
Originally posted by Tyler D.:
Originally posted by Michael P:
dman i was on to something when i started this thread some 26 months ago

so what have you learned about it between now and then?

it still doesn't make sense [Smile]
Posted by Michael P (Member # 1922) on :
Originally posted by foot prince:
Including breasts that you so called ruled out to be a fetish LMAO


yeah breast men are always called "breast fetishists" [Roll Eyes]

and if you read what i said men are attracted to nice breasts because subconsiously they see that the woman can produce healthy milk for a child

this is why a "breast fetish" as you call it is almost 100% common among straight men, liking breasts makes sense

physical attraction all comes down to breeding

i'm still wondering how feet fit into this

[ June 18, 2008, 01:31 AM: Message edited by: Michael P ]
Posted by Michael P (Member # 1922) on :
Originally posted by Leila:
I'm sorry mike, but i don't know about them "facts" of yours. I mean, I'm no specialist and it might well be thrue, but... You say big tits mean the woman will be able to breast feed, but as somebody else pointed out, animals don't have breasts... and they also feed their young. The breasts swell up when producing milk, the original size of the breasts has nothing to do with the amount of milk that they will produce. wide hips... maybe, maybe not, it would seem logical, but i've also been told by a doctor that it doesn't in his experience make the labor easier or more difficult. In other words, he's seen narrowed hipped women give birth without any difficulties and wide hipped women suffer.
the broad shoulders on a man part makes sense, but a tight butt = he can push the semen in deep enough? Why are we being taught that a girl can get pregnant even if the guy only rubbed up against her then?
and lastly: what about a girl's ass then? Why are men attracted to it?

animals also don't lick other animals feet or paws, yes we are all animals but there are distinct differences between humans and animals [Wink]

just because a girl doesn't need wider hips to have children doesn't mean a guy won't see wider hips and be more attracted to her over a girl with small hips, on a subconsious level a guy probably sees the wider hip chick as a better mate the same way a girl might think a taller guy would protect her better than a small guy even though the small guy might be a better fighter

i never said that any of this stuff is needed for attraction, i'm just saying that they actually make sense and the foot fetish doesn't make sense

as for guys liking a nice ass, a nice ass is a sign of health and a healthy person produces healthy children, a sloppy fat ass is a sign of being unhealthy
Posted by RPM (Member # 2895) on :
i'm going to stir the pot here a moment (inspire by Leila)

guys like what they like because of a combo of genes.. where they grew up geographically, and experiences they have growing up.

breast as a fetish item is more a product of western civilisations.. mainly the recent modern countries in the western civilisations. (or so one author puts it)

but.. here is the stirring i'm talking about. i like the creationist point of view on this....

we're all created differently with different tastes.. and that tastes gives us things to talk about and feel attracted to our mate about! there was no purpose other than opportunity to bond, relate, talk, and share.

from an evolutionary point of view.. it doesn't make sense. liking feet doesn't fit any bill.. any purpose.. and yields no desirable result. the fetish is too broad... and yet too specific.. to yield any valuable outcom.

but from a creationist point of view.. it makes sense... the whole point is to add another fascination in the socializing process of human kind!

and given how cultures vary so much and taste in feet is universal but expressed so differently... it does give much more room for more interesting social interactions!!!!!

a guy on my site is into heels.. but works in Iraq.. they can punish you with death for going after a woman's foot.. taking pics of a womans' foot.. and she can be killed for letting you come close enough to even see her feet! and it will shame her family. (so no heels and no feet).

however.. some husbands are known to be into that, despite the culture.. and in the privacy of their homes.. will endulge in it as they see fit.. but won't talk about details on it at all.. for fear of societal wrath.. but folks know about the kinky.. but won't do anything about it because it's unspoken.

so... in conclusion.. liking feet. liking rear-ends.. liking breast.. boils down to one thing.. we're hardwire to like the physique of the person we're attracted to.. and for straight men.. that is the woman's body!!! what part we focus on depends on our genes... our culture.. our upbringing.. our experiences.. and that solidifies what we love and like!!!!

and that is why i happen to like this stirring of the pot with creationism... that works for me!


p.s. i'm not going to go down a long debate on creationism either.. just making an interesting point.. and moving on [Wink]
Posted by foot prince (Member # 22554) on :
You're mixing fetishism and genetics. You're thinking too hard. It's easy...foot fetishists are into the curves of a foot just the way any man looks at the curves of a breast, ass, leg, or a woman's face for that matter. Feet have distinct features that draw us to them like the aforementioned. The aroma of a woman's foot will arouse certain men as well and that stems from the physical attraction of the female foot.

Posted by foot prince (Member # 22554) on :
"Physical attraction all comes down to breeding"

The physical attraction of female feet will arouse the male foot fetishist to ejaculation. Ejaculation of sperm is part of the breeding cycle. It's academic at this point.

Posted by DownUnderFeet (Member # 31117) on :
I don't think it can be explained as an biological drive otherwise every man would have a foot fetish, and it would also be hereditary. Natural selection would be at working killing off all those who prefer feet to intercourse.

Philosophically every pair of feet to me is unique and they are just like a person's face in the way that summarise the personal as a whole. That doesn't really explain the sexual aspect of it though.

I believe the brain is conditioned through whatever environmental factors to use a nonsexual object or body part to symbolise intercourse, but I still don't know why.

I don't want to over think it. It takes away all the romanticism.
Posted by mjl1717 (Member # 2939) on :
Originally posted by RPM:
i'm going to stir the pot here a moment (inspire by Leila)

guys like what they like because of a combo of genes.. where they grew up geographically, and experiences they have growing up.

breast as a fetish item is more a product of western civilisations.. mainly the recent modern countries in the western civilisations. (or so one author puts it)

but.. here is the stirring i'm talking about. i like the creationist point of view on this....

we're all created differently with different tastes.. and that tastes gives us things to talk about and feel attracted to our mate about! there was no purpose other than opportunity to bond, relate, talk, and share.

from an evolutionary point of view.. it doesn't make sense. liking feet doesn't fit any bill.. any purpose.. and yields no desirable result. the fetish is too broad... and yet too specific.. to yield any valuable outcom.

but from a creationist point of view.. it makes sense... the whole point is to add another fascination in the socializing process of human kind!

and given how cultures vary so much and taste in feet is universal but expressed so differently... it does give much more room for more interesting social interactions!!!!!

a guy on my site is into heels.. but works in Iraq.. they can punish you with death for going after a woman's foot.. taking pics of a womans' foot.. and she can be killed for letting you come close enough to even see her feet! and it will shame her family. (so no heels and no feet).

however.. some husbands are known to be into that, despite the culture.. and in the privacy of their homes.. will endulge in it as they see fit.. but won't talk about details on it at all.. for fear of societal wrath.. but folks know about the kinky.. but won't do anything about it because it's unspoken.

so... in conclusion.. liking feet. liking rear-ends.. liking breast.. boils down to one thing.. we're hardwire to like the physique of the person we're attracted to.. and for straight men.. that is the woman's body!!! what part we focus on depends on our genes... our culture.. our upbringing.. our experiences.. and that solidifies what we love and like!!!!

and that is why i happen to like this stirring of the pot with creationism... that works for me!


p.s. i'm not going to go down a long debate on creationism either.. just making an interesting point.. and moving on [Wink]

If it could be explained with words.. I think this is close!
Posted by TicklingFiend (Member # 10765) on :
I'm not a scientist or anything, but my belief is this:
Phobia and fetish are very similar in adrenal response-- increase in heart rate, excitement, etc. Not saying that we're all afraid of feet, but, the analogy is this; just as phobia is an irrational fear, a fetish i think is an irrational sexual attraction.
Posted by guitardrew (Member # 6635) on :
This topic is still around?? Wild... my responses make me chuckle a little reading them now as I come off like somebody fresh out of a philosophy book thinking they are bringing people 'new' thinking, loll..... but i still maintain the same basic thing about this that others in here have said better than me; no one that i know thinks about childbirth or health or milking when they are turned on by any part of a woman (unless maybe they have some sort of 'pregnancy fetish lol'.. they think about fucking to put it brashly, so the only way these speculations (thats really what they are, reading too much into an unexplainable natural thing) come into play is that they were conceived by humans to make us feel secure, feel like we can explain the world and make sense out of it. the only reason anybody would use this stuff to separate out what is normal and not normal is because they are uncomfortable with the situation.

"as for guys liking a nice ass, a nice ass is a sign of health and a healthy person produces healthy children, a sloppy fat ass is a sign of being unhealthy" [/QB][/QUOTE]

there you go right there, now YOU are kind of coming up with stuff off the top of your head to explain exceptions to the whole childbirth sex thing... but youre doing it on the side that liking other stuff besides feet is normal and liking feet isnt. So liking the spout of excrement on a girl is more excepted than liking her feet right now... oh well give it time

with your above statement you could do the same thing with feet; maybe i remember this from somebody actually saying it in here which would make me a retard but i recall somebody saying: we like nice feet because a woman with good feet can carry the child from one place to another... loll ONLY as sketchy as all the other speculation in my opinion
Posted by guitardrew (Member # 6635) on :
i believe that the first error with this is thinking that we can make some sort of logical sense out of everything that makes up our experience. whether you choose to classify yourself against a set of observations like this probably goes all the way to the heart of what we believe about life, why we're here, etc. so i bet people will be hunting down Mike's thread and checking it out for as long as Wu's is around, great thread topic man

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