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Posted by BetsyWetsy (Member # 19470) on :
ok so ive been dating this guy for about 4 months...about a month ago he tells me he has this overwhelming love of feet, which i already suspected anyway. hes the very first person ive ever known with a true foot fetish. ive done alot of reading on the internt about it as im trying to understand it better. heres my problem. he buys used socks and shoes from other women and this really angers me. ive told him i would give him socks and shoes of mine to smell any time and that he doesnt need to get it from some other woman. he says my shoes and socks dont smell enough. i am a clean person. i bathe everyday. ive even tried not using soap on my feet for a day or two and ive tried wearing pantyhose with socks over them with my tennis shoes so that my feet will sweat in my shoes. still they dont stink or whatever he wants. what can i do to make them smell like whatever they need to smell like to turn him on?
Posted by Mighty Mike (Member # 1922) on :
soak your socks in vinegar [Smile]
Posted by RPM (Member # 2895) on :

first.. welcome to our place on the web. I hope you find what you're looking for in term of answers and also respect from your man.

secondly.. as much as to him it's no big deal what he's doing.. it's a huge deal for you.. I would hope he has enough respect for you to listen and take your thoughts into serious consideration. if he can't do that... he's wasting your time

third... you being a clean person and not having 'stinky' feet is not directly correlated. I know some obsessively compulsive cleaners who showever more than three times a day to stay fresh.. but let their shoes remain on for more than 4 hours and you've got to clear the room when they take off their shoes.. so.. don't think it's because you're not 'dirty' enough.

fourth.. i've got lady friends who can be in a pair of shoes all day (14hours) running around.. and they not only won't have any scent to their feet, if you touch their feet right out of the shoe.. it almost feels totally dry. (even in an heat wave).. whereas their sister is the opposite... you can see the sweat 'puddle' in the shoe and you don't have to be close to get the scent either.

now to answer your question. very high frequency of long wear of the same shoe over time will produce ever stronger scent. your ideal situation would be wearing the same pair of shoes every single day for long periods of time with very little dry time in between wears.. ie... go to work.. school.. play all day in the shoes.. ziplock them when you take them off.. wear then again the next day for as many days in a row as you can. in time... that heavy moisture will get the shoes to start really kicking. (you said you do have a scent, but not strong enough)

outside of that, there is no real magic formula. if your body naturally doesn't produce that much sweat.. and your feet's bacterial floral isn't that active or that noxious.. he's plain out of luck.

my biggest concern is not so much getting your feet to stink.. it's his lack of respect for you. you're doing more than everything right.. you're going above the call of duty here.. you're trying everything you can.. for that.. you deserve a standing ovation!!!! seriously.. you're awesome that way (don't need to know a whole lot.. you being here eagerly trying to learn more on his behalf says volumes about you) he should show more respect!

man-made leather has more scent then real leather. closed shoes (the more enclosure than less) has more scent. using the same socks and hose technique works too. getting a lot of activity while in the shoes to increase the odds of sweat helps.. being in climate that is warm to hot helps that alot more than winter does. just a few extra ideas


p.s. i'm not going to try to suggest what you should do with him. i just hope my comments proves helpful
Posted by BetsyWetsy (Member # 19470) on :
ok i seriously think i love you. thank you so much for taking the time and thought for that reply. atleast now i know what i need to do and either i've got it or i dont. thanks again you've been a big help and its much appreciated.
Posted by BetsyWetsy (Member # 19470) on :
lol@soaking them in not trying to run him off!
Posted by AFfootdude05 (Member # 2999) on :
Hello BetsyWetsy. Good luck turning him on, and welcome abord here at Wu's

Posted by RPM (Member # 2895) on :
you're most welcome!

It's all in the negotiations... My lady and I have worked through this over time. she hates her feet sweating and having an aroma. I love it!! can't get enough.. yet.. out of respect.. I exhibit a ton of restraint. I also love mega heels on women who have the 'right' figure for it.. she has the perfect figure for me to be in mega heels.. she's not into mega heels.. so.. i've learned to live with it. the feelings are still there, but i'm managing them. and she's grown a lot.

but i digress...

what i'm saying.. you're awesome in wanting to work with him... i sure hope he realizes how lucky he is!!!! serioiusly!!!!!!!!!!

just the mere fact you'll let him have whatever you wore.. anytime he asks.. that is so freakin' awesome!!!! and you said your feet do have a scent to them but don't stink.. that is just the way I love them. a scent but not stink!!!! gosh.. he's so lucky!!!!

what i'm saying.. he needs to read this thread!!!! i'm super blessed. my lady and I have grown closer and continue to fine tune the negotiations. I'm giving more what she really wants.. and i'm getting more of what I really want.. and we're not getting on each other's nerves. but that fine tuning for us took time. mainly because i'm the first guy she knows who is into her feet.. her heels.. and overall finds her 'stupendously sexy". most of the men before me wanted her for her breast only.. i want all of her mind body and soul.

but.. like i said.. i've digressed before and again.

best of luck to you.. assuming the avatar is you, you're a beauty.. which should translate into beautiful feet (as well as beautiful body.. to go with that beautiful mind of yours)

keep us posted.. and don't run away after this thread. I feel you'll be an excellent asset to this site (and mines.. shameless promotion here).

please.. do make yourself totally at home here!!! glad you stopped by.. your presense helps reinforce for me the woman's perspective of adjusting to a foot guy and helps me remain patient as she continues to blossom into an even more beautiful person than I fell in love with originally.

Posted by feetluvr (Member # 1570) on :
Originally posted by RPM:
my biggest concern is not so much getting your feet to stink.. it's his lack of respect for you. you're doing more than everything right.. you're going above the call of duty here.. you're trying everything you can.. for that.. you deserve a standing ovation!!!! seriously.. you're awesome that way (don't need to know a whole lot.. you being here eagerly trying to learn more on his behalf says volumes about you) he should show more respect!

I totally agree with RPM. Most of us would kill for a girl like you, and we all realize that no one's going to meet ALL of our foot needs, but you're knocking yourself out for him. He needs to wise up and let you provide for his needs as best you can, and stop buying stuff from other girls.
Posted by feetlover2 (Member # 4788) on :
Well said RPM. Betsy, it sounds to me like you have gone way out of your way to please him and indulge his desire, that in itself is enough, he should appreciate that fact and show a little more respect for your feelings on the matter. Good luck with this and I hope it works out. Welcome to our forum.
Posted by vineofthorns (Member # 1313) on :
first,I'd like to say welcome to wus.this is probably the most sane foot hangout on the net..anyways to your question,I would recommend not wearing any form of socks or hose,it won't take too too long for the odor to thing I noticed with my girlfriend is when she wears white thigh high tights/stockings,her feet smell amazing in the end.
now to be honest with you,and I know some guys onhere are gonna be like ''SHUT Up ViNE!!'' but fuck their opinion for a are not wrong with being upset with him buying other womens shoes/socks,how would he feel if you liked smelling guys underwear all day.I would also like to give u props for going outta your way like this for a bf,I hope he treats u like gold,cause women like you who do things like this for their man are priceless
Posted by Fate111 (Member # 2627) on :
Welcome to Wu's Betsy.

All the guys above made solid points. Your boyfriend buying used socks and shoes from other women is a red flag, in my opinion. It shows disrespect for you, as you've gone out of your way to cater to what he likes, even coming here and explaining what's going on. A compromise should be made at some point, where you'll agree to make your feet more smelly for him, while he agrees not to buy socks and shoes from other women. I hope everything works out for you.
Posted by Outback69 (Member # 2217) on :
Hey Betsy,

I really don't have anything else to add as I think that RPM and the rest of the guys who posted here have very valid points!

It isn't too often that we get to hear a woman's point of view on topics of this sort so I also want to thank you for posting and hope that you'll stick around!

We really are a great group here but if you have any problems or questions please feel free to let us know!

Posted by Lick (Member # 2412) on :
Bets, there's something about this you might not have yet considered - maybe he values you so much that he doesn't want to OFFEND you.

I was in a relationship with a lovely girl once but my foot fetish was a secret and I always sought foot activity OUTSIDE of the relationship. I couldn't bear the thought of asking her to carry out these fantasies for me because I valued her far too much for that sort of thing and would rather get a stranger to do it.

Your guy probably sees his fetish as cheap and dirty so he wants used socks and stuff from elsewhere.
Posted by RPM (Member # 2895) on :
Lick.. out of respect for you.. I won't launch into a long speech. so here is my list instead

1-nothing dirty or cheap about enjoying feet.
2-your suggestions would mean.. he's got an issue he has to resolve.. his girl is more than willing and eager to help.. but he's not 'able' to accept it... hence... he's got a problem
3-if she's "too good" why hurt her by constantly doing something she really doesn't like?
4-if he can't handle her.. why not release her.. let her find happiness with a guy who can appreciate it?

i'm done.. i just had to turn your comment around a bit. I'm not trying to diss you or anything.. just that in her case.. she really needs a guy who can handle her.. if he's not able to.. he shouldn't hold on. Foot Fetish is not dirty or cheap and i'm so glad i realize that!!!

Posted by feetlover2 (Member # 4788) on :
[QUOTE]Originally posted by RPM:
Foot Fetish is not dirty or cheap and i'm so glad i realize that!!!


Amen! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by BetsyWetsy (Member # 19470) on :
Wow! you guys are really great...i am so enjoying reading these responses. i know i can learn alot from you and you could probably learn alot from me. so yeah ill stick around here and see how things go. its a real interesting forum [Smile]
Posted by RPM (Member # 2895) on :
now that you've said you'll stick around.. i'll be asking more questions to better understand the woman's perspective on things. thanks. glad you opted to stay!!!

Posted by TicklingFiend (Member # 10765) on :
maybe we could see some pics sometime, but first the matter at hand:
Don't compete, or he'll just think he'll come out the beneficiary all the time regardless of his actions. Maybe re-wear the same pair of socks for a few days, go jogging or do some form of excercise and get a good sweat going, then once they're good and ripe, let him get a whiff, but don't let him have them. Make him renounce all the socks/shoes he purchased before; make him beg!
That'l teach him to buy other women's socks when he's got a perfectly good pair of feet in front of him...

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