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Posted by TopHat (Member # 20810) on :
My gf yesterday said that haveing a foot fetish is wrong and perverted. But I just don't get it.

Why do girls get pedicures and make there feet beautiful and not expect guys to like them?

how am a not supposed to look when she expects me to buy her new flip flops. I am being deployed to the middle east soon and she won't let me do anything that involves feet. She even walks around the house in every closed toe shoe in the house just so I can't look at them.
[Mad] [Violent]
Posted by hur (Member # 24089) on :
just send the girl to the middle east instead of you and find a new one.
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
damn, that is a tough predicament man

i had girls who would leverage their control on me with their feet but never just flat out completely deny me becuase of it.

btw, two of my ex's thought it was weird too and they did kinda try to use it to control me.

i feel for ya, but maybe you can find a nice girl during your travels instead [Wink]
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
You are about to deploy into the danger zone for a year and some change I'm guessing, and she's playing a mind game on you??? I hope she'll lighten up when you return from your tour. If not I'd suggest making your own personal "regime change" when you return home.
Posted by oscarthemonkey (Member # 1692) on :
Time for a new girlfriend!! ..... best wishes to you and hope for your safe return.
Posted by Fate111 (Member # 2627) on :
Originally posted by TopHat:

Why do girls get pedicures and make there feet beautiful and not expect guys to like them?

Girls get pedicures today simply because it has become the "in" thing to do. They really don't do it to tell the world, "Hey, look at my feet!" I know a few girls who think feet in general are gross, including their own, and they still take the time to pretty them up since it's the thing to do.

Your girlfriend thinking the way she does about your fetish and feet in general really sucks. I don't know how much time you have invested into your relationship with her, but there's no need for you to tolerate someone who can't accept you as you are. While you can't change her personal hang ups about your interests, there's no need for you to not be able to enjoy something that gives you extreme pleasure, especially since you're going to be deployed into a hostile environment soon and will be denied that type of interaction with her, or any other woman. To me, that's grounds enough right there to dump her and just move on and to do it before you get deployed. I know that may sound cruel but, like I said, she's denying you of something that gives you great pleasure and that encompasses who you are. Would a women who really loves you do such a thing?

Also, and I hate to say this, but there also might be a chance that she won't be faithful to you when you're in the Middle East. Since she knows of your fetish and isn't happy about it, and, from your post, it sounds like maybe it's putting some degree of strain on your relationship (at least that's the impression I got from reading it), her "fulfilling her needs" may be a distinct possibility while you're not there. Why be subjected to having to worry about that while you're away? If she hates your fetish to the degree you related in your post, she might even use that as an excuse to end the relationship at some point. However, I'm thinking that she may not have the balls to say that, so to speak, and let you down easy by citing you not being there for her as the excuse to end the relationship because she "can't handle the stress" of you being away.

I apologize if what I'm saying is off base. However, I think you have to look at all the angles and possibilities. The bottom line is that your fetish is part of who you are and, as such, she needs to accept that and incorporate it as part of her sexual relationship with you and not deny you of that. If she can't do that, or won't do that, it's not really fair to you. A fetish for women's feet is at the low end of the kinky spectrum compared to other things that are out there. While I understand that some women aren't into that and won't ever be, it might be better off for you to make a clean break and do it before you leave so that there are no issues for you to worry about. I wish you the best and hope you stay safe once you're deployed.
Posted by wiggler (Member # 2240) on :
I met a chick online once and before we arranged to meet for a date, I told her in an email about my foot thing and she responded, and I quote, "The feet thing is disgusting and I will never do any of that shit with you. You got that?" Now, bear in mind, this chick was really sweet and sexy in her emails for a couple of days, then started ending all her emails with "You got that?" as in "When we meet, we are going to have trantric sex MY way. You got that?"

Needless to say, I did not meet this bitch in person. Only a momma's boy with rock bottom self-esteem allows that kind of shit to infiltrate his imperfect existence.

I'm kind of stoned right now, so I forgot who I was talking to and what the point of this whole story was.
Posted by octoberbaseball (Member # 20977) on :
I hate it also I offered a girl a foot massage then she's like no i'm not into massages and it makes me think of the whole foot fetish thing. Right when she said that I immediately got pissed off.
Posted by toelicker91 (Member # 7658) on :
I have had girls tell me that feet are gross. I told a girl one day she had cute feet. Her reaction was to call me a creep. Now I look at it as her only being a 21 year old bitch who just has no concept in life.
On the other hand I have told other females about their cute feet and some of them really enjoyed the fact that I noticed their feet not just the other parts. A couple of them have even let me massage their feet.
Posted by Dave888 (Member # 13797) on :
Originally posted by LeDaemon:
You are about to deploy into the danger zone for a year and some change I'm guessing, and she's playing a mind game on you??? I hope she'll lighten up when you return from your tour. If not I'd suggest making your own personal "regime change" when you return home.

that's great advice. spot on.
Posted by Sinnister (Member # 2394) on :
Girlfriend right? Throw it in the gutta and go buy anotha.
Posted by climax (Member # 6641) on :
to those who says its wrong, first of all define "WRONG" its not against the law to have a foot fetish so they are incorrect already, just think of the more disgusting things out there anc compare em, to deny you of what you desire sexually is wrong in itself.

[ July 02, 2007, 09:07 PM: Message edited by: climax ]
Posted by TopHat (Member # 20810) on :
I left her today, she lost her job and expeced me to pay her student loan, she said if I didn't she would find another man and I told her to start looking.
Posted by toelicker91 (Member # 7658) on :
good job my friend. You will be much better off in the long run. Wait till you get back from over seas and then find yourself a girl who will let you indulge in her feet.

Good luck and best wishes in your trip over seas.
Posted by PublicName (Member # 12270) on :
Originally posted by TopHat:
I left her today, she lost her job and expeced me to pay her student loan, she said if I didn't she would find another man and I told her to start looking.

Smooth. For real too how dumb can she be
Posted by feetluvr (Member # 1570) on :
Situation cleared!!

The onlt hope you have for a girl like that is that, if she truly begins to love you and desires to make you happy- that she'll come around in her thinking.

Though my wife finds me sucking her toes a bit sensuous. she doesn't understand how any other foot stuff turns me on- yet she'll do it because she loves me and wants to make me happy. [Big Grin]
Posted by dougiezerts (Member # 6829) on :
I think you might have asked her why she thought your being attracted to feet was weird.
Still, good riddance!
Posted by Eliza Durden (Member # 22995) on :
what a b!tch

She doesn't deserve you
Posted by Mighty Mike (Member # 1922) on :
Originally posted by TopHat:
My gf yesterday said that haveing a foot fetish is wrong and perverted. But I just don't get it.

Why do girls get pedicures and make there feet beautiful and not expect guys to like them?

how am a not supposed to look when she expects me to buy her new flip flops. I am being deployed to the middle east soon and she won't let me do anything that involves feet. She even walks around the house in every closed toe shoe in the house just so I can't look at them.
[Mad] [Violent]

kick her to the curb, she has no respect for you

edit: just read that you did kick her to the curb [Big Grin]

don't tolerate bullshit like that ever again
Posted by beamont (Member # 21780) on :
wow, she expected you to pay her student loan??? AND she denies you extreme pleasure of her feet? Good job dumping her. Now push her in front of a bus [Big Grin]
Posted by benedictine (Member # 14762) on :
Also, don't go crawling back to her, even if she swears she was wrong and you can kiss her feet all you want. She is lying, and is just trying to control you. Don't fall for it. Get yourself a nice girl once you are done with your duty. I'd recommend Asian.
Posted by dinosaurjr (Member # 20300) on :
Okay I was dating this one chick a few years ago before I got married.. One morning I was horny and starting rubbing her feet when she was sleeping... Just wanted to crank one off before she woke up. At this point -- about 3 months into us dating -- I never let her know about my foot thing.. Anyway, as soon as I started kissing the bottoms of her feet, she woke up and very angrily exclaimed, "Don't kiss my feet!" So that was that, and then I just met other girls who didn't have a problem with it. In fact once I was over at this one girls house (Italian) and while her mom was upstairs and we were chillin in the basement, she all of a sudden took off her one flip-flop and said ,"Oh look I've got this bruise on my ankle, do you know what it is?" OF course any chance to get closer to a hot girl's foot (me and her were just barely acquaintances-- more like friends of each other's friends). Anyway, I hold her foot in one hand and try to see what the heck she's talking about, and there's no bruise. In fact right after that, she goes, "I've never had a foot massage before." My penis jumps to attention and I'm kneeling there in front of her (on the sofa) and start rubbing her barefeet (which are okay, not that perfect -- but hey at least she's pretty and rather stupid). She gets a phone call on her cell and it's from some dude whom she's been "hooking up" with and I'm rubbing her feet and he's talking on the other line with no clue that some dude is rubbing his chicks feet... I'm giving her a very GOOD massage, a very relaxing one, but yet she's talking quite cool and calm on the phone as if she's all alone. She holds one finger up to her lips as if to say 'Shh'.. Anyway, when we went upstairs so I could leave (right after that), when I gave her a hug goodbye, she kissed me on the lips and that turned into a fairly deep french kiss... I kinda wish I didn't because who knows where her mouth had been.

Good for you TopHat. Yeah! Don't be a fkn sissy and let some dumb biatch run your life. Rubbing a girl's feet doesn't been you're her slave in other ways... What happens in the bedroom (or dark alley) stays there.
Posted by Redcell (Member # 24011) on :
I too have been victim to this nonsense but I was young and stupid and stayed in the relationship way too long. When we first started dating she was constatnly wore dress shoes and sandals. If she did have on sneakers and socks she'd always take them off and go barefoot when she was at my place. When I first told her about the foot and bondage interests I had she was kind of like..."umm, ok. I've never heard of that". And initially she played along. The key word was "play" was a game to her. Soon she never went barefoot and I wasn't allowed to touch her feet unless she ok'd it in advance. Of course, when she wanted something she'd use her feet to try and bribe me. Young and stupid I fell for it and it went on way too long.

Luckily the woman I married isn't like that. She openly admits that she thinks my interests are bizarre and she can't understand how I'm turned on by the thing's that turn me on. On the other hand she loves the fact that she can turn me on instantly just by wiggling her toes.
Posted by Alice's Feet (Member # 24441) on :
You need a girlfriend like me! [Wink]
Posted by Foot Lover Of London (Member # 2420) on :
Alice, We all need a girlfriend like you [Blush] [Tongue]
Posted by toesuckerryan (Member # 23296) on :
ditch her man, ditch her. you were honest about your fetish and she is just disrespecting you by telling you you are perverted.
Posted by GeorgyPorgy (Member # 20439) on :
Alice, we all need a g/f like you.
Posted by Fate111 (Member # 2627) on :
Originally posted by GeorgyPorgy:
Alice, we all need a g/f like you.

Isn't that the truth!
Posted by TopHat (Member # 20810) on :
My brother gave me his computer while he is away. I never knew he had a foot fetish and I would have never found out if he didn't catch me worshiping my girl friends feet after watching live free or die hard. He told me about Wu's and I love it.

Posted by Wing-Washer (Member # 3013) on :
fuckin'-a, man! what a bitch - way to kick her to the curb!!! [Thumbs Up]

Originally posted by benedictine:
Also, don't go crawling back to her, even if she swears she was wrong and you can kiss her feet all you want. She is lying, and is just trying to control you. Don't fall for it. Get yourself a nice girl once you are done with your duty. I'd recommend Asian.

VERY good advice

Stay safe in the "sandbox", bro.
Posted by footluvrguy (Member # 23285) on :
Obviously there's always more to the story than what we know.. But? It all boils down to respecting each others needs and desires. When you finally meet the right one... you're going to be amazed that you were even with this person. Do yourself a favor and move on to someone who treats you right.

Women like that aren't "keepers" for a reason. Good luck and be relieved my friend!
Posted by jmb (Member # 20347) on :
yeah fuck that bitch, 99.9 percent of the women here are like that ive found 5 that are into s little thats all i had this fring id always joke with her to give me a footjob finally one day in bed i said that and she started rubbing my crotch with her feet and that lasted from jan. to may of that year till she got a boyfriend on my birthday i tried to get her to give me one she wouldnt because of the boyfriend but she did let me kiss and suck her toes while i masturbated... then i had this one chick beg me to let her give me a footjob so i finally did.. and it sucked her feet werent very soft... lol then a friend would let mew kiss and suck her toes even thogh she thought it was wierd and last year birthday my cousins g/f and a friend of mine let me lick ice cream off their feet thats all the experiences ive had girls in park hills missouri are boring and suck! but yeah dude fuck that bitch keep looking...
Posted by MusclesX (Member # 20860) on :
My girlfriend now lets me play with her feet some, but still doesn't let me go all out on them like how I'd like to.

I'm glad you dumped her bro. In life you'll learn that you are in control of the situation. Don't ever let someone you are dating control you. DON'T EVER. There are tons of girls out there that are nice girls and also very wild ones.

Someone mentioned in earlier posts about asian girls and I'd have to agree. I used to chat alot on cam sites when I was single and probably like 9/10 asians girls had no problem showing me their feet. In fact alot of them found it cute and a turn on. However, when I went to ask white girls alot of them were uptight about it. Some of them even banned me from their chat just for asking. Even most latinas are open to foot fetishes.

Why girls call us pervs or think we are freaks I am not totally sure.. I look at it this way. There are tons of fetishes around. Foot fetish is probably the most popular and alot of guys are embarassed to mention it to their girlfriends.. Why? Fear of rejection? In my opinion if a girl I'm dating has a problem with me kissing her feet then then clearly she doesn't really care about me and my turn ons. There have been a few things my ex girlfriends liked that I didn't understand, but if you love someone you should always try to see things both ways and go along with it.

So yeah once you finish your tour of duty, come home and start looking;) Have you ever been to a foot fetish party? There are tons of girls out there waiting to have their feet played with! You just gotta go out and find them. The minute they try and control you is when you say farewell. Good luck man!
Posted by Dave888 (Member # 13797) on :
I have converted or convinced that last 3 women I have been with.
Posted by footntoesmassager (Member # 12132) on :
Good call on kicking her to the curb, dude. You don't want to be dealing with that in the long run.
Posted by Footman Pete (Member # 16664) on :
Originally posted by TopHat:
My gf yesterday said that haveing a foot fetish is wrong and perverted. But I just don't get it.

Why do girls get pedicures and make there feet beautiful and not expect guys to like them?

how am a not supposed to look when she expects me to buy her new flip flops. I am being deployed to the middle east soon and she won't let me do anything that involves feet. She even walks around the house in every closed toe shoe in the house just so I can't look at them.
[Mad] [Violent]

Just out of curiosity where are you headed? What unit are you with (if you feel like answering that) I just ask because I spent time in Afghanistan
Posted by skaramunga (Member # 11914) on :
Forget the girl dude...hope you make it back safe.
Posted by solelvr2007 (Member # 20632) on :
Yeah once that topic is brought up, its make or break for the female...
Posted by Andy-Laa (Member # 31511) on :
what a bitch. Hope you dumped her
Posted by pantyhosefoot lover (Member # 30777) on :
Pete first let me say thank you for your service. I am a vetern myself and I know what you mean but that is why when you first start dating you try to find out where they stand. Usually if a women wean polish on her toes and stuff means she like the attention. I would DUMP HER cause there are plenty of women out their that DO like their feet "played" with and I am sure that you will be able to find one. Like I said this is something I have ALWAYS found out about right up front cause it something like you said that you like, the turns you on , and that frankly you want to be able to access. So don't sweat the small stuff Pete I understand what you mean but like the other guys are saying if she thinks that what you like is [Puke] then I agree with you [Roll Eyes] and go find a real women!!!
Posted by Mr. Manny (Member # 6895) on :
You know what I have found in regard to a girl being receptive to my foot fetish?

I would meet a girl that I would like to get to know. I avoid any attempts at foot sex let alone a conversation about having a foot fetish.

I have learned how to go down on a girl and learned how to get them off. I don't even bring up the issue of oral sex on me. I just make her orgasm my priority. Once she realizes how well I take care of her, she will eventually begin to see the light when you bring up the foot fetish topic.

Girls don't like to let go of a guy who can reliably get them off. It's really funny when they refuse to give in and at that moment you just stop what you are doing and just walk away. It's hysterical as to how quickly they start to see the light and realize that a footfetish and receiving good head go really well together.

I don't tolerate that foot fetish is deviate conversation. I just say oh really, well then get some other idiot to give you head because I am out of here. Trust me, it works five times out of six. The sixth girl is no loss because she is most likely the type that takes more than she gives.

Making a woman very receptive to a foot fetish can be done.

The fourth time I was with my present girl, she tried that little speech with me and I simply stopped what I was doing and she basically had a melt down right before my eyes. Nobody wants to ever go through the experience of having someone walk away right at the moment they are going to have sex. It's major blow to the ego regardless of whether you are a male or female.

I remember a really funny line from a movie Alex Baldwin made where he makes the analogy that "sex is like eating a Chinese food dinner. It ain't over until everyone gets their fortune cookie." Think about it. Good sex is about her getting hers and you getting yours. LOL

Gentlemen, what I have said really works! Bargain from a position of power. Women hate to give up a man who can get them off. Hear me now and believe me later! LOL
Posted by feet lover/chris (Member # 2048) on :
some woman are closed me its hard to find someone that has an open mind.the girls on the west coast are more open minded and kinkier than the girls on the eat coast and central america. i too have a hard time finding someone who is open to my liking of feet.
Posted by dougiezerts (Member # 6829) on :
Originally posted by TopHat:
I left her today, she lost her job and expeced me to pay her student loan, she said if I didn't she would find another man and I told her to start looking.

She refuses to let you have access to her feet, and she thinks it's perferted--and yet she expects you to pay her student loan?
Good riddence, buddy!
Posted by erectus8 (Member # 27076) on :
"she lost her job and expeced me to pay her student loan, she said if I didn't she would find another man and I told her to start looking. "

Whoa. You really avoided disaster on this woman. You were going into a minefield!
Posted by erectus8 (Member # 27076) on :
I sucked my (now wife's) toes on the first date. I was just honest and told her like it was.I can understand if a woman doesn't understand it, but to condemn you for it, usually shows she is not mature and closed minded.I have no desire to be in a serious relationship with a closed minded person.

The fact that she asked you to pay her loan showed the relationship was all about her anyways. Far too many American woman are like this these days.
Posted by ozboy (Member # 518) on :
Just out of curiosity where are you headed? What unit are you with (if you feel like answering that)
Pete, you know u shouldnt be asking those questions. Its Classified info.

Its amusing to read everyones response ! This topic has certainly pushed the buttons of most of you guys hasnt it? The girl that hates feet....
Posted by temp1234 (Member # 33411) on :
my girl always liked a foot massage. but she joked once (shes an artist) spoke about some people on a forum drawing characters with an emphisis on feet and joked about "foot fetish" people. it was quite funny really I was just biting my tongue hehe.
i thought she might not like foot fetish people but one night i said i'd like to kiss her feet and she let me. asked if i had a foot fetish and just simply said...

"i dont want to label this under anything, i just wanted to do it"

but she loved the feeling and now its part of foreplay hehe. if i kiss in the right spot it turns her on hehe.

i cud never go out with a girl who didnt like me playing with her feet.
Posted by riker25 (Member # 31867) on :
I would get rid of her so fast her head would spin. One time when I was much younger, I was involved in a similar situation. As time went on and my frustration built, I finally decided enough was enough. Now I would never get involved with a woman who was not into foot sex. the best thing is to just be right up front at the very begining about being into feet. If she does not care for it, adios and go on to the next one.

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