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Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
Hi ppl just wanted to share a situation that im in, im am 20 years old and been going out wiv this gorgeous girl for over two years shes my first proper girlfriend and the only girl iv had sex with, the problem is it is we have been on the rocks big time for the last 3 months and its obvious we should split up but i am very reluctant as she suits me fine sexually as nobody knows about my fetish and this girl is very naive tbh, she thinks its normal (as im her first boyfriend sexually too) that a guy kisses, rubs, puts his face on girls feet, she thinks nothing of it, but obviously other girls will & i couldn't bear having it come out, also she is very good looking, cute, and has the best ass youll ever see, also i have soo many good memories we have been through so much together, i know id probobly be better off in the long run splitting up as she does cause alot of drama, shes tried to attack my mom which killed the relationship abit so she cant come to my moms(i live with my mom), my dad dont like her cause she loud and tbh she isnt very respectful, but i know her well & shes just a very different type of girl & that also makes her hard to forget, it doesnt help that i work with her on weekends,she also get quite violent when she has a drink & can make a big scene, plus i cant just relax with her she gets bored very easy always has to be on the go, she is just such a handfull but has an addictive personality, but she has really cute sweet sides to her like she can be cuddly, she loves cats, and she can be very cute its hard to explain and it does make it very hard to split as she is so damn attractive! But it is getting ridiculous now as it is very obvious she dont want to be with me anymore, she has tried to split up with me a number of times but its like it just keeps getting put off! please give me some advice my head in a mess!
Posted by DaBootman (Member # 1280) on :
I'm only 20. Been in almost the exact same relationship before. But we had a kid together, and instead of being angry and what not when she drank, and the lack of attacking my mother (physically, she'd always talk shit but never did anything) i felt the same way you did. She was my first girlfriend of real relationship status, we'd had a kid together, been through it all (what seemed like it all at the time) and we ended up having to go our separate ways. Asides from the kid part, and the struggle to see her (my ex decided to move 42 miles way, which isnt far, but with gas prices, go figure, that's an 84 mile trip i can't make every day) My lifes been alot more stress free. And i've found somebody who was completely accepting of my love for her feet, and loves her own feet almost so much as i do. And they turned out to be perfect.

As i will continue to say and always have said. If she don't dig that you like her feet, she aint the girl for you. So leave this bitch behind, because all woman can have a sweet side or sides, depends on what they want. And move on, if ya don't find one who doesn't accept your fetish (which if the relationship is good enough, she will, if she truely cares enough for you) then kick her to the curb too. Keep looing, you'll find the one. And don't base any new relationship, or any relationship for that matter on sexual desire, get to know her first, and get a good relationship, make sure you can communicate your wants/needs in a decent manner and you'll see how easily things come.

Hope this helps.
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
Thanks for the reply but she doesnt have an issue with me kissing her feet ect, its more about i want to stick wiv her as she doesnt even notice a have a fetish, and because we have been through so much together, spent almost everyday together, and she can be so cute and caring, but she is also very jealous, violent, and can be quite mean! the relationship is dying fast, i will admitt i also think it will take me a while finding a new girl as i am shy, and alot of the girls i have met in the past seem very party/getting mashed type girls which isn't what i want, so i think i may also be hanging on abit as i don't want to be alone.

[ August 26, 2007, 10:20 AM: Message edited by: ThisisMe373 ]
Posted by babeflover (Member # 2953) on :
OK, give me her address and phone#, so i can tolk to her about your concerns.
Posted by Sinnister (Member # 2394) on :
Type in sentences you'll get more responses. I've never read so many words run together.

Now that that's out of the way, you are only 20. You will have dozens of other opportunities. If she is ready to move on let her go.
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
i found out shes been cheating anyway, iv split from her feel really gutted though, as it was going on for 10 months behind my back.
Posted by You (Member # 2107) on :
sorry to hear that dude, put your chin up and move on
Posted by Ras (Member # 2743) on :
Sorry to hear that. All I can say is this should help you build confidence.Not saying you don't have any because just by her knowing your "fetish", you have more confidence than half the ones on this board. I experienced something simular wih my fiance while we were dating. We've been together for about 9 years and I am 22. We've had split ups and things like that and I was the one trying to hold on to what was there when really, I was playing her game and didn't know. While i'm making attempts to get back with her, she knew that by my attempts, I wasn't gonna go be with anyone else to take my attention off of her, so I was giving her the okay to take me on emotional roller coasters. Being a Rasta, I took my issues to an elder for advice on my current situations, and he told me," Love a woman,but not matter what, don't fall in love with a woman." To the untamed ear, that sounds really stupid, some would say sexist depending on tiher sensitivity. But That one phrase has turned my whole attitude around. I love my mother and sister, and have an attraction solely towards women, but I will never open myself and completely give myself to a woman. Not saying anything, but many different women change how they feel very often, sometimes without even telling you. What would that say about you, if that person has your "all"? You put your strength into one person who is either extreme right or extreme will NEVER be at ease with yourself. I started to put my strength into things I had more control over such as music. I play guitar. Thats a passion of mine before anything.When we were in shakey times during our relationship, I put me on the backburner and made myself available to her at all times, like an asshole. Noticing I did that, I could no longer blame her for sending me on ups and downs, and I couldn't blame her for me not advancing with my guitar. Anyway, I put my "all" into learning more on guitar and plenty good things came out of that. I meet someone who has been in the reggae scene since late 60's that is now helping my perfect the skill i did have and I even met people that had the same interest and devotion to the same thing as me, music. She knew I wasn't calling as much and wasn't available like I made myself and she got lonely. That gave her time to come to her senses that, someone that truly loves you for you is hard to find in this world. We spoke, I told her what I was gonna take and what I wasn't, and that was that. Now we are engaged, and doing well but still, I will never give my all to a person. Nor, will I rely on one person to make me happiest. I realized the part I played in that whole situation and stopped playing her game. She is very jealous so the moment I stopped calling and chasing her, she actually started to think. So, look at the whole situation, realize the part you are playing in it, redirect your attention to something that makes you happiest( a hobby of some sort), and tell yourself you can only go foward from there. Learn to detach yourself from people, regardless of your feelings because you control them more than you think. Don't treat every woman harshly because of her, give them all chances, but always be prepared for what could happen. Keep your head up, and learn from this experience, no matter the pain felt, there is no such thing as consequences, only lessons to be learned and of course what you decide to do with that lesson. Use it to improve yourself, or beat yourself up with it. Love yourself, and everything will be alright. Sorry so long, but I only hope to help you along the way with things I have learned in my life that are simular, many can give advice but few have actually experienced things to lead up to the advice they give. Just remember, you can only go foward from there.
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
Thanks ppl, i know its for the best in the long run as she has just been a head ache for the last 6 months, always drama, she's crazy and can be very selfish, the thing i have to remember is even when she did love me too bits i didnt like it as she never gave me any space at all, so she wasn't the one for me. More replies and opinions would be great, as im very shaken up at the moment as its just ended for good today, i confronted the guy and smacked him one, he was supposed to be a friend.
Posted by Mcpuffkins (Member # 22416) on :
We want to know about her feet....
Posted by oscarthemonkey (Member # 1692) on :
Ditch the Bitch
Posted by Fate111 (Member # 2627) on :
I think Ras gave some very sage advice. It's always a good thing never to get so invested in a relationship that you loose your own personal identity and not have a life beyond that relationship. It's so important from the relationship perspective that guys never give up their passions in life, no matter how much a woman protests about it. While it's fine to have a woman that's important to you in your life, a guy should never allow himself to give up everything, especially his passions, just to keep a woman. At that point, as Ras put it, she has your "all" and, when that happens, she knows it. Once that happens, she no longer will consider you a challenge and will lose interest in you. She may not even be able to explain why she lost interest either.

I think it's also important at this point to redirect your life to your passions and things you enjoy doing to take the sting away from your newly ended relationship with this girl. I know it may be difficult now that the relationship is over. However, I think in time that pain will heal, especially if you keep yourself busy with things you like to do. I'm sure that, if you do that, you'll put things into perspective and you'll start to realize that this girl had her issues, which were noticable to me in your intial post, ThisIsMe. It seemed like the only two things that were positive were the fact that she was good looking and she was open to your fetish. However, what far outweighed those two positive points were her lack of respect for other people, creating drama in her life (as well as yours) and having what you called an addictive personality. Those are three huge warning signs that she was no good for you. Although she may have been good looking, there's no reason why you, or any other guy, should have to tolerate that kind of behavior from a woman, let alone anyone in general.

I think it's important to all guys to be critical of women, no matter how pretty they may look. How a woman is in her character and what she has on the inside is even more important than how good looking she may be on the outside.
Posted by Ras (Member # 2743) on :
Appreciate it Fate111,lol.
Posted by Alice's Feet (Member # 24441) on :
Sorry to hear it! Hope everything works out for you and you find someone to give you plenty of footjobs soon [Big Grin]
Posted by Ninja of the Foot Clan (Member # 25128) on :
theres more people out there who like feet than you'd think, im only 20 aswell dude i was so gutted when i split from my first real girlfriend last year, we'd been together 2 and a half years, tried everything and knew exactly what we liked.

but when stuff turned rocky towards the end i was scarred no one else would accept what im into, by trying to hang onto it i made it worse and i regret that now.

if you really love her then tell her so, stop doubting yourself and show her a good time, however if you believe that no matter how much you love her it wont be perfect, then move on, it hurts, but you'll be happier when you find someone who suits you even more. and that will happen.
Posted by Ninja of the Foot Clan (Member # 25128) on :
i think i speak for everyone here when i say this is one hell of a popular fetish. worldwide.
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
Thanks, everybody, f11 i think its weird how you got it spot on about her having no respect for others because thats what alot of people have said, & i already feel better without her in my life which makes it obvious, btw she is now contacting me still denying cheating but i know i shouldn't go back with her as im feeling less stressed and more positive, any thoughts, btw alice i would love a fj of you.
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
What should i do she is saying we can work it out ect, but she always can barely make time for me,& is always hard to get hold of and is a real handfull, she sayin she ain't cheated but tbh it was ending before all that happened and tbh i only want her so im not alone, and its guaranteed pleasure, i feel frightened that if i let go i won't meet someone else as i am shy, plus it would really hurt seeing her with someone else i just don't want to be alone, I know i need to work on myself really i shouldn't be depending on people, help me out with opinions please guys, much appreciated.
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
Can someone help me with advice she still txs me every week or so and i am alone and horny but i want to meet someone new but its hard.
Posted by Wing-Washer (Member # 3013) on :
Originally posted by ThisisMe373:
Can someone help me with advice she still txs me every week or so and i am alone and horny but i want to meet someone new but its hard.

Piss on her - ignore her texts. I know how much it sucks to be alone, but have some self respect. My buddy was going through the same thing recently. He continually let himself get hurt by a girl who was just leading him on. He is nice to women to the point that he becomes their doormat. He finally came to his senses, told her to piss off, ignored her texts, and has been much happier recently as a result. There are plenty of women out there who will treat you right. Don't waste your time and feelings on the one's who won't.
Posted by DaBootman (Member # 1280) on :
Don't worry about being shy, there's plenty of woman who like that, also you can eventually overcome your shyness. NEVER worry about being by yourself or "alone" because if you can't be alone you can't be in a relationship. Or atleast that's how i've felt about it. I always make it a point to stay single (no attachments to anybody) for atleast 3 to 4 months so i can get my head on straight and be comfortable by myself before moving into another relationship. Casual or serious.

Don't take the texts, just delete them, and don't let her get to you. If she can't manage to find the time for you, she doesn't really care. And from all of what you've said she's a bitch who likes playing mind games. You don't need that man. And as for tryin to find somebody who doesn't enjoy getting mashed at our age or partying, good luck. But it's not too hard, it's all in the people you associate yourself with. Finding a good one isn't the easiest, but patience and self confidence will conquer all. Take some of the advice we've all posted here for ya, and be strong, brother! It gets better, trust me. And sometimes it does get worse before it gets better, but once it is better you'll see that the worse wasn't as bad as it could be and as we get older, you'll find alot more troubling things and things such as this will be simple.
Posted by ct_feet (Member # 6757) on :
Have you ever heard the phrase "run on sentence"? If not, read your post and you will know what it is. That is awful!! I couldn't read it, I don't know how any of you guys could. Use periods, capitals, paragraphs and basic grammar that you learned in 4th grade.
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
Cheers guys, I know its basically dead but i think what it is that i want her for back-up incase i can't find somebody, i just hate being alone, i feel miserable and just keep thinking back to the times where we were close and she was so sweet and caring i feel like that was my highest point in life thus far, and want it back
Posted by You (Member # 2107) on :
Originally posted by ThisisMe373:
just keep thinking back to the times where we were close and she was so sweet and caring i feel like that was my highest point in life thus far, and want it back

i know exactly how that feels, we´re in the same boat
Posted by Bootman (Member # 1280) on :
Originally posted by You:
Originally posted by ThisisMe373:
just keep thinking back to the times where we were close and she was so sweet and caring i feel like that was my highest point in life thus far, and want it back

i know exactly how that feels, we´re in the same boat
Yeah, been there, done that. Almost got the T-shirt. But i do have a scar from where i put a window out the day i found out she cheated on me in my own apartment. Those days ain't comin back, don't worry about it. It seems rough, but it's for the best. Once things get so far, the good times are never lost and always close to your heart and in your memories. But so are just as many of the bad things. Always think about that. Keep your chins up, and keep on pluggin away
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
She is very reluctant for us to split up but hasn't really got time for me? I think we are kind of using each other because we are both dragging this relationship out, because i know it will never work my family hates her, and things just ain't the same too much damage has been done to me emotionally, and its like it has to end but its hard, for instance she will meet me in the day on a lunch break but thats all then when i call her she's kind of rushing me, all this shit iks driving me mad i think i just need to make a clean break but the thing is im hoping we can be close again cus i don't wanna be alone, suggestions please i really appreciate it.
Posted by LoveGirlyFeet (Member # 22706) on :
Ras has given great advice. Don't play her game, don't be a puppet to her, and don't let her have your "all". Most guys who have written here on this thread have all gone through what you're going through, including me as well. My ex was my first real gf too.... and man, I think she had the Perfect feet ever. And I'm majorly into feet, and I've never seen feet better than her's.

But here's the thing, when things go SOUR, even her feet won't help. Her prettyness won't work. See, ultimately its about the personality. If you're happy with her or not. Bottom line. If you're not, then let her go. Specially if she's been cheating, LET HER GO!

As for your fetish, man there's almost every single girl who could be trained into this fetish. Its so simple and easy. I'm 35 yrs old, and have had feet of every gf I've ever had. That means about 15 or so by now. I've sucked more women's feet than I can count. Its all in the approach. Yeah, some know its a foot fetish - so what. Its great, they know your pleasure, and will give you what you want, when you have a relationship. Ones who don't know about it, they too will let you play with their feet. Do it casually, like giving a foot massage... eventually, kiss it, suck it, and they will eventually figure you like their feet. My current girl who knew nothing about feet before she met me, is into it too now. Infact, she notices other girl's feet too now, and tells me if they're cute.... Its all how you train them...

But whatever you do, get out of this stupid relation, its not worth the hassle. Most girls have cute feet. They sometimes don't take good care of them, but if you teach them, they will. And looking at other women's cute feet, they will try and follow them.... So, don't worry about that... Get another girl, and get lots of foot action and footjobs...
Posted by trukr (Member # 25391) on :
bravo well put by many of u's. Yup move on young fella. Many many more fresh fish {feets} out thr 4 ya. heads up 2mrrw is anthr day. Not 2 b a dick or any such thing but did she have nice feet cause if she did rest assure friend she isn't the only out thr. thr r plently of thse 2 b had.
good luck.....
Posted by GloriousFJ (Member # 26779) on :
Mate been there done that . 20 geez man dont sweat [Tongue] am 39 mow... Dont get me wrong , being 20 doesnt mean ur feelings are less than my 39 years of age.

But all of us in here and 'been there done that' Its part of life and it simply sux [Tongue] When u accept that you can move on..

I too, thought, at 20, that my fetish was all my own and that I wouldnt find anyone else...

Thats complete BS [Tongue]

Its all out there man, it out there [Tongue]

The best advice I can give is , Dont go back to her. You will learn and grow...She is the loser not you.

Suck it up, get pissed, ONE night only, then start relaxing.

You hunt for it you wont find it, you sit back and dont expect shite, it will be coming all your way.

Well thats my adice [Tongue]

Good luck
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
thanks guys all your responses are very helpfull, its really getting me down this relationship lingering on, i suppose i just have to accept that she has changed and we ain't right for each other, keep opinions coming is very helpful, im reading them all lol

[ October 08, 2007, 12:45 PM: Message edited by: ThisisMe373 ]
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
My problem now i think is like in the '40 yr old virgin' im puttin the pussy on a pedastall, its like i think im not gonna get nothin after this girl, i can be very shy & not let loose at all unless i drink.
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
Am feeling very depressed lately with this still hangin out its like false hope will i feel alot better if i end it for good, its just im scared to, i have a feeling when it is over it will be worse than this.
Posted by Toetapper (Member # 6473) on :
Well, lets see if I can be brief: First, let me tell you that punctuation is a good thing. Secondly, oscarthemonkey, though terse, is concise and correct.
Thirdly, it sounds to me as though you fear that you'll never find sex such as you have known again. Nothing could be further from the truth. A shitty relationship is just that...shit. There is nothing that is nutritious in shit; a relationship is supposed to feed the heart/soul (whatever you wish to call it) and your relationship is poisoning it. Enough with the scatological poetic metaphor.
No doubt about it, you're going to feel as if you are carrying around a hole inside you; likely, it will feel as if it will never go away but, trust me, it will. You may have to remind yourself that you did the right thing. Be assured, you have. There is plenty of time and many adventures in your future and you will never know when they might pop, fer cryin' out loud, carry a good camera.
A quick but true little parable: A few months after the death of my mother (and my college sweetheart had just dicked me over in spectacular fashion) my father (a sagacious & horny man) and I visited his parents who lived in Ft. Lauderdale. We took some time to go to the nearby beach to enjoy the surf, sun, and sand. It was Spring. We strolled along the beach, strewn with slender, bronzed bodies for over a mile discussing many things. We finally came to the end of the beach and turned around, covering the same territory to return to the car. Along the way, he paused and surveyed the scenery. Looking at me with the familiar expression of having arrived at a definite conclusion, he said, "Y'know, there really ARE plenty of fish in the sea..."
Perhaps, it may seem cliche but it is well worth some contemplation. Thus endeth the lecture; so much for brevity.
Posted by solevenerator (Member # 24978) on :
toeTapper...sage advise..well said. We've all been there This isme and I empathize with you.

go wit your instincts and perhaps take solace in these refelctive phrases writtewn by others far greater and more eloquent than I:

"the hard road leads to the good life."

"he has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness for we must have felt what it is to die that we may aprreciate the enjoyments of life. Live then, beloved children of my heart and never forget that until the day when god will deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is contained in these two words, Wait and Hope"

Wishing you the best from the unverse and all it's delicious possibilities.
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
The new situation is she wants to work things out, she has basically been kicked out her dads for causing trouble has emergency accomodation & is saying she'll have a place in a few weeks & wants me to move with her, i dont really want to but just keep thinking of all the sex & her feet in my face every night would be awesome but she is such a handfull, i know she'll stress me out big time, & also get this, she has fallen out wiv my family from fighting wiv my mom (In previous posts) & expects me to pick her over my family for christmas & also my bday on 15th dec, & i know i ain't doing that so all this is gonna just be conflict, i have to admitt i think i just thinking of the sex & feet as i have missed them alot, but i have to make the right decision, all she seems like is a safe option, but the wrong one, any advice on this new situation. Much Appreciated ppl.
Posted by SS07 (Member # 27234) on :
Hey, how about some motherly advice?

First, it's all your choice, but you must live with it, and not only you but those whom you know and/or love must live with it too. Even if it's for a short time due to splitting up -again, 'cuz it will most likely happen.

Do you want to be in this type of relationship of splitting up, getting back together, and on and on?

As Madonna sang...Respect yourself. You're no one's doormat. Sounds like you'd make a great roommate, tho, maybe she's counting on it. Keep in mind, if she's cheated on you before, she's likely to do it again.
Posted by Fate111 (Member # 2627) on :
Bottome line, dude,... don't let her play you for a chump!

This is a classic "test" that women tend to use on guys quite a bit. Women test guys all the time, whether the are conscious of it or not. She is trying to use your own weaknesses against you - i.e. dangling "the carrot" of living with her and making you think things will be like they used to be between the two of you if you move in with her and choose her over your family. Just remember one thing - You can have many girlfriends, and even wives, in one lifetime,... but you only have one family.

Bottom line, men who always cave in to the demands of women and constantly kiss their asses are not looked at as "nice guys" by women. They are, ultimately, looked at as wussies and wussies are unattractive to women. She's desparate right now because of her situation of having nowhere to live and she's playing on your feelings and using them to her advantage. If you cave in to her way, there's no doubt in my mind she'll eventually use you like a rented mule and kick you to the curb once again. She has discovered a hole in your boundary as a person and all it's doing to you is draining you of your self esteem - i.e. you think you can't find someone else or have things as great as when you were with her. This is a very bad, and dangerous, way of thinking!

There are some things that you need to keep repeating to yourself over and over again when it comes to this woman...

1. She is/has been disrespectful to your parents.

2. She has an additctive personality.

3. She gets bored easily.

4. She can cause a big scene when she drinks.

5. She causes a lot of drama.

6. She can be jealous, violent, and quite mean.

7. She cheated on you with someone else for 10 months.

By the way, this is all stuff you have brought up in previous posts about her.

The above is quite a bit of baggage but, for me, reason number 7 alone would be the deal breaker. A woman cheating on me would have no chance in hell at ever getting back together with me, no matter how beautiful her feet are, no matter how often I could express my fetish when she's around, and no matter how cute her ass really is or how great the sex is!

It sounds like you're way too hung up on this woman's looks. You need to remember that there's so much more to women than just a pretty face and a good looking body. Beauty is so common in today's world, especially when it comes to women who are physically attractive. There are beautiful women everywhere. Keep in mind that there are over 3 billion females on the planet right now as we speak.... Let me repeat that... There are over 3 billion females on the planet right now as we speak! There's no need to think in a scarcity mentality and think that this woman is your "ultimate prize" when there are that many other females out there right at this moment. Even if you weed out those who are not in the age group that you would consider dating, that's still a hell of a lot of women!

You need to think better of yourself and realize that there's more to life than just this one woman. Because of all that she has done to you, she should not even be considered in the same league as you and, in reality, is beneath you. As SS said, you need to respect yourself first and realize that you have the upper hand. Beauty is abundant when it comes to women who are physically attractive and you need to think that you're deserving of that beauty but, most importantly, you need to be critical of any woman and who they are on the inside, including this girl who's trying to get back into your life and wants to force you into making a decision. Would a woman who really loves you force you to choose between her and your family? I think not.
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on :
[Cry] [Cry] [Cry] [Cry] [Cry] so many ways.

Posted by solevenerator (Member # 24978) on :
Can I get an Amen please for Fate111!

You gettin it said bro!
Posted by SS07 (Member # 27234) on :
I think I'm in love [Love]
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
thanks 4 the advice people especially fate111 great help.
Posted by Fate111 (Member # 2627) on :
You're welcome. Glad I could help.
Posted by imation_pc (Member # 1480) on :
So whats the situation now? If you really want to keep going w/ this relationship, then you need to talk to her, and tell her how YOU feel. If she really wants to be with you, she will atleast TRY to accomidate some of ur requests. If she is causing alot of unnecessary problems, then let her know how it bothers you, why, and reasons why you think she should try to change a bit.
Posted by Bootman (Member # 1280) on :
Recently goin through the break up bullshit right now. And the few things i've learned in the past as well...

People never change. They can act differently for so long, but it's just like the whole "true colors" effect. After awhile you start noticing they're back to their old selves.

Even though I have cheated before (years ago and have not since) I'm a pretty steady believer that people do make mistakes, but there's no way in hell that forgiving that person will ever make you forget what's happened. Nothing can take away history, not a damn thing. You can always forgive, but never forget. And that tends to weigh on your relationship and it'll eventually come up later on, and that causes problems. So in short, there's no good reason to be with somebody that's cheated on you...Especially for that long. If you can be lied to that amount of time, and think completely opposite of the person you've been with long...Makes ya feel like you been living a lie, and you definitely know you are not to trust somebody who can lie that much. And as fate111 said i think, You can have many girls, and only ONE Family.

Don't let her use you for getting a place to crash, it'll just bite you in the ass later. Being used to worst degree, working and helping somebody out after they fucked you over is not good. They just think they can get another over on ya easier. Tell her you're not ready to move out, and that your sorry but maybe some time later...and if she gives you shit, she's not very understanding and could care less. They always seem to come back in a time of extreme need.

Anyway, that's about it.
Posted by Elvzz (Member # 14178) on :
I am sure there have been a lot of great responses but FATE111 - pretty deep yet pratical advice.

The thing about time is once we get past the hurt - we tend to remember the good stuff and if it washes over us and we resist - we prematurely jump to the good stuff and repeating that list will keep you in the pain enough to stand-up for yourself and to move past it in a healthy way quicker.

What we resist, persists and you need to go thru this now - so you can look back and laugh at it later.

You need to do what is best for you. Whether a family member keeps borrowing money or a girl is playing damsel in distress. You have to say "No," for people to take you seriously.

And a quick note, the more one repeats themselves the words lose power. Say what you want to her, back it up with action and end of story. When people, women listen to you and what you say happens - they will be drawn to you!

Kick butt man - sometimes the fight ain't for the opponent but all those watchin'.
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
well at the moment we are basically not together but nobody has ended it properly if that makes sense, im am getting over her now and the longer i havent seen her the more i dont want her back, i have now got a very entertaining and to be honest good life, i am very close with all my old friends going out meeting other girls and very busy.
Posted by Elvzz (Member # 14178) on :
I don't know you - but I am happy to hear that you are keeping busy and going out. "Closure" will come. Most of the time the person is not into it - my X-X was a f/f webmistress - I'll get into that some other time. But she refused to allow it to end in a good way. The point is, I had to declare closure - "It is closed." And move on. I wasn't going to get the reponse I wanted - I got the response I got. FYI - ususally that is a sign that the other person is really hurt.
Posted by Fate111 (Member # 2627) on :
Originally posted by ThisisMe373:
well at the moment we are basically not together but nobody has ended it properly if that makes sense, im am getting over her now and the longer i havent seen her the more i dont want her back, i have now got a very entertaining and to be honest good life, i am very close with all my old friends going out meeting other girls and very busy.

Good to hear, ThisisMe. Keep busy and spending time with the friends you have and trust, as well as meeting other women, even if meeting these women doesn't necessarily lead to a romantic relationship. That is the best way to get over things.
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
Cheers guys, is a slow process, sometimes i'll be feeling down then start thinking well she was really good to me and i was an asshole alot of the time but then it reversed and she was an asshole and i was good to hear is a very strange relationship we've had, but tbh looking back i was an asshole to her as she was too clingy and in a sense was been nasty as it was my way of making her back off wrong i know but when she was nasty it was just evil she looked like she thrives of me begging and needing her and i hate her for doing that, its just hard to let go of the fact that at one time she was so lovely and cant forgive myself for throwing what i had away and turning her into what she is now really.
Posted by Bootman (Member # 1280) on :
There's always good times in every bad relationship. Not everything is bad, but sometimes people just aren't right for eachother. The chemistry may be right, the people may have strong feelings but life and different up bringings can get in the way. So can very stubborn and immature people too.

There's always (usually) something you feel you could have done better, but in the moment you didn't feel the person really deserved it. And when you stop feeling certain ways about people, there's not much you can do (if you can't find the root of the problem) and just eventually lose heart in the situation. People have many different different sides, and i think somebody here once said 2 years is the first part of a longer relationship, and the first two years is getting to know a person for who they really are.

Never take bullshit from anybody, and you also should look it at like; In highschool how many people did you leave with being "best friends" or how many people do you know now whom you consider to be really close to? And if so are of the same sex? Few of your buddies from school that aren't actually too bad, or co-workers you've known for a few years that are cool? How many girls do you really think you're gonna meet in the atleast hundreds or thousands of people you encounter yearly? And of that amount will be really worth keeping around for a very long time? NOt to say the ones you don't want to spend the rest of your lives with aren't decent people, but just not for you... But the longer you're single, the better you feel about your self and eventually get back in the game. It don't take long when youre optimistic.
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
Well we talked today and have agreed to end it, the relationship is way to pressured and strained it just felt on both sides that we know we have to move on, it was hard, but i know in time i'll be feeling better, i think all i care about is not liking the thought of her moving on and im scared i wont meet someone else, but i know i will never be able to put up with the ways and demands she has such as, gets very jealous if i even glance at another girl, goes mad if a nude scene comes on a movie and i look, uses me sometimes for lifts,money,mobilephone, gets rowdy when she has a drink, is stubborn, can be very loud, and can not relax, also if i lived with her and friends came over she can be embarrasing and gets jealous if i ignore her.
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
havent seen or spoke to her in about 2 weeks now, but it feels horrible i dont know whether shes moved on or misses me or what, & i do keep thinking about good times like christmas's when we were together as we are coming closer to xmas, & i just kinda feel jealousy as she is v good looking & will attract way more than me, & her being gd looking also means i keep thinking back to kissing her feet & her being sexy and everything, is this just the normal process of splitting up? will it fade??
Posted by Bootman (Member # 1280) on :
Only normal to the inexperienced. Really, if all you have to think about in life is some other girl... I mean come on, you got family and i'm sure you have friends, holidays aint always about spending it with some woman, or another man, or somebody like that. Forget her. Whether she's out enjoying herself with another guy is none of your concern, nor should you care. You've broken up, she treated you like shit for the most part you've said so yourself. The few good times will surely stay, but for god sakes don't think about it so much. whenever they come up, just forget them because they don't really matter anymore. Not comin back, even if you were together, those times are still gone. ANd the longer you spend sitting around moping and being upset and depressed about it, the less likely you'll be meeting any other new women.

And that's the worst attitude ever, you can't just assume she'll attract more people than you, and even if so, that's the worst reason to be concerned. You'd be surprised at the amount of women a man can have, ask GQ guy. But they sure as hell aint gonna bother with somebody who can't manage to get over his ex. There's plenty of other women out there, there's plenty of other women that are i'm sure way sexier than she is, and there are plenty of women's feet for the kissing.

So for god sakes, CHIN UP MAN! It gets better, stop thinking about it. That's all you have to do. Find something to keep yourself busy. Find ways to make yourself happy, and you'll find that when you're happy and doing what ya like, more people like you. And before ya know it, you'll be attracting more people than she ever can, because she'll have already been around and her names out. And she'll be the skanky bitch, you'll be the guy most girls wish they'd have met sooner.
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
in fact i found out a girl likes me earlier today, but the problem is she slept with alot of men & is very randy, but i am not open about my fetish as ill get torn apart as its very wierd to every1 i know, but anyway like i said shes experienced & i have only been with 1 girl who was a virgin, i aint the kinda guy who can just get hard & shove it in, with my ex she played with it got it hard & she bassically put it in, i am not only turned on by feet i get turned on by making out, groping, & her touching me but im gonna look so stupid to this girl if shes all horny stipping me down & im limp, any1 got suggestions?
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
anyone got advice please am worried about this.
Posted by Fate111 (Member # 2627) on :
I know there are women like this out there - i.e. women don't really care who they're with as long as they do the nasty with a guy who's breathing and has a pulse. From what I've seen, girls like that are bad news and a bit psychotic. Obviously, they're something going on that's a deeper problem if she has a reputation with being with so many guys just to get her rocks off.

Bottom line, if you feel you'll be uncomfortable being with this woman because she, or the situation, isn't really what you're looking for, then it's probably best not to pursue anything with her just for the sake of having sex. It should be on a level you're comfortable with and if you're not comfortable because of the way she is, not to mention the risk of STDs involved, then it's not worth trying to hook up with her, IMO.
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
yeh but we have been texting all week & tbh she seems a very nice girl, & has a gd personality, so i will pursue & just see what happens, hopefully she dont judge people just on the performance in the bedroom cus i am worried about being compared to her previous bf's.
Posted by markn (Member # 13818) on :
The girl may be a great fantasy, but she sounds like a real nightmare. Move on to a woman you can live with, and stay away from the ones you can't live without.
Posted by imation_pc (Member # 1480) on :
Originally posted by ThisisMe373:
Well we talked today and have agreed to end it, the relationship is way to pressured and strained it just felt on both sides that we know we have to move on, it was hard, but i know in time i'll be feeling better, i think all i care about is not liking the thought of her moving on and im scared i wont meet someone else, but i know i will never be able to put up with the ways and demands she has such as, gets very jealous if i even glance at another girl, goes mad if a nude scene comes on a movie and i look, uses me sometimes for lifts,money,mobilephone, gets rowdy when she has a drink, is stubborn, can be very loud, and can not relax, also if i lived with her and friends came over she can be embarrasing and gets jealous if i ignore her.

wow, are you me? Could it be that I'm posting all that w/out even knowing it? Do i sleep post on Wu's and rant and rave about the situation of my relationship? Most of what you typed sounds so much like my relationship, that if I were to find out that I was posting that in my sleep, i would not be one bit surprised. Most of it, minus the fact that we ended it.
Posted by Bootman (Member # 1280) on :
Originally posted by ThisisMe373:
yeh but we have been texting all week & tbh she seems a very nice girl, & has a gd personality, so i will pursue & just see what happens, hopefully she dont judge people just on the performance in the bedroom cus i am worried about being compared to her previous bf's.

Yeah, well texting and hanging out with somebody in person is two different things. It's quite easy to answer questions online, or over a text message, some people are decent at it on the phone. But when you're face to face, or around when faced in a real life situation... They can become completely different. Keep your guard up, and dont move so quickly just because you've been on the phone texting and what not. Spend a few more than just one day with this girl before jumpin into bed. And for god sakes man, don't worry about other guys. If you're standin around bein worried about bein compared to other guys, you need to check your sexuality. Cause she aint in the room with any of these other guys (not right now anyway, and i'd hope not for your sake) and you're gettin naked with her. And if all you're into it for is the sex, and either way, wrap it up, and have no shame. Don't bother with worrying about other guys, cause who cares really?
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
Originally posted by imation_pc:
Originally posted by ThisisMe373:
Well we talked today and have agreed to end it, the relationship is way to pressured and strained it just felt on both sides that we know we have to move on, it was hard, but i know in time i'll be feeling better, i think all i care about is not liking the thought of her moving on and im scared i wont meet someone else, but i know i will never be able to put up with the ways and demands she has such as, gets very jealous if i even glance at another girl, goes mad if a nude scene comes on a movie and i look, uses me sometimes for lifts,money,mobilephone, gets rowdy when she has a drink, is stubborn, can be very loud, and can not relax, also if i lived with her and friends came over she can be embarrasing and gets jealous if i ignore her.

wow, are you me? Could it be that I'm posting all that w/out even knowing it? Do i sleep post on Wu's and rant and rave about the situation of my relationship? Most of what you typed sounds so much like my relationship, that if I were to find out that I was posting that in my sleep, i would not be one bit surprised. Most of it, minus the fact that we ended it.
haha sounds like we both hooked up with crazy girls lol, btw i think its best you end it, i have been away from the girl for a few weeks now & its then that you can really see how bad they are.
Posted by Sabbath (Member # 4844) on :
she sounds like a bitch, don't worry , move forward, dont worry about the fetish thing if a girl likes you she eventually will like that
Posted by Keyfeet (Member # 27313) on :
post some pics of her feet on here before breaking up with her.
Posted by Toetapper (Member # 6473) on :
I'm trying to find a scorecard to use to keep track of this drama. It begins to make me think you love your misery; if that is the case, then by all means let her continue to bait you and torment you. If you wish to maintain some semblance of self-respect and the respect of those, here, who have offered support and advice, let me offer you the plan (with a good notion from the above contributors) in the following steps:
1)Take photos
2)Post the feet pics here. (Take many more, if possible, you'll thank yourself later.)
3)Ditch the Bitch
4)Move along and let the circus continue.

There are two ways to handle a problem: you can bitch about it or you can do something about it. I reccommend the second option.
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
lol cant take pics of her feet as i have broken up with her, and dont want her back. thanks for advice everyone, much appreciated.
Posted by LLewis (Member # 27806) on :
It took me half a lifetime to find a man to share the passion of feet with...but AAAHHH!! the investigating and search were so much fun [Wink]
keep looking...
Posted by femalefootfetish (Member # 17034) on :
Don't keep the chick that thinks attacking your Mom is a good idea. You're 20 and have a good bit ahead of you. Plenty of females to be met. At 20 my personality was not what it is today and i'm just 24. People have a tendency to refine themselves through experience. This is one of those opportunities. Also,hy and mysterious can be a great thing.
Very few people go through life without this type of experience. Albeit, fetishists have their unique perspective.
I think we can all benefit from brother Ras' words.
"always do the right thing." get it and get gone.
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
since then iv been dating two girls is gd but i have to admitt i would love to not have my fetish & have pussy turn me on more, it can make shagging a girl a hard job if you dont think about feet, but i suppose pussy has grown on me a little bit.
Posted by ozboy (Member # 518) on :
Guys very impressive responses. Ras and Fate111 words of wisdom.

Guys, as bad as u think ur sit is, remember there is always someone worse.

I'm 35 I was married for 10 years, I have 3 kids whilst completing my military training my ex took the kids and left on a holiday to Canada (her home town)and called me during the peak of my training to say its over..

You can imagine how hard that is...especially when the pressure is on during the training. My ex was also my first ever girl, she had beautiful toes and was very good at using them. Hence the pain is magnified greater as I also lost what I really enjoyed.

Well that was a year ago, I'm here in Australia all alone now and hopeful that I'll meet someone special and someone who will accept and accomodate my foot fetish requirements...

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