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Posted by octoberbaseball (Member # 20977) on :
There are many explainations in terms of psychology. I wonder sometimes how people talk about homosexuality. Is one born homosexual or do they turn it? Are we born with foot fetishes or does out of no where we say hey feet are actually sexy. Would you ever try to get rid of your fetish?
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on :
I've had mine from my earliest memory.
It's always only been for female feet, though.

Posted by panic (Member # 21074) on :
no way, i like mine. I also think mine started after I saw "Boomerang". I then started looking at the female foot and it has only progressed.
Posted by recycler1973 (Member # 9727) on :
I've had my foot fetish and my (foot-)tickling fetish since birth and/or a very young age. I have no idea where it came from... but I want to keep both fetishes. I think it makes my life more interesting, and I think sex is more intense.

I am not homophobic, in part because I understand them when (most) gays and lesbians say "I was just born like this."
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
I definitely think a foot fetish comes from imprinting at an early age. However, some folks on here will testify that theirs didn't develop until much later into the teenage or even young adult lives.

I'd say the basic approach of what you see the most of at the first years of life kind of wire our brains the way we are later on. As a baby your momma probably had a nice blanky put on the floor for you to lay on or crawl around on. Well, you are pretty much at eye level with feet if that was where momma planted you for hours a day. So when the ladies she invited over from Sunday school came over for tea all sitting around on the sofas you were probably on the floor pushing around the floor bumping into your future objects of lustful obsession! Then of course one cries out "Awww, ain't he just the cutest little thing!" and promptly picked you up and sat you down on the end of her foot to give you a "horsey ride" not knowing she was juggling your marbles in her stockings and heels!

I'm pretty sure that's how mine developed. I can recall as a toddler an aunt that was a teenager at the time giving me one of those "horsey rides" while she was wearing flip flops. After that it was permanently ingrained in my computer banks and has been the driving force all my life to have women's feet slide into home plate ever since!

As far as gays and lesbians go I truly don't think anyone is "born like this." Every lesbian I've known (I actually know quite a few) was at one point early in their life sexually abused(usually by a male relative)and thus changed their mental wiring to having no physical attraction for the opposite sex and preferring same sex partners.
Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :

Although I agree with you that nobody was "born like this" I still think that you don`t necessarily have to experience your fetish during your childhood to develop it. What I mean is: You don`t need to have had any experiences with your mother`s feet (or anybody elses) to develop a foot fetish.
Take other strange fetishes for example, like the vore fetish, robot fetish, nazi-uniform fetish or giantess fetish, etc. ...I don`t think the people with these fetishes experienced any of this during their childhood. There must be a different reason why our brain makes us act sexually the way we do.
A friend of mine has a model train crush fetish...but he told me that he never saw any women in his childhood crushing model trains in high heels.

Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
What if those who have a foot fetish from the beginning are the ones who can't have sex without feet and the ones who develop a foot fetish later in life are the ones who can have sex without feet having to be there every single time? I don't necessarily mean that those who congenially have a foot fetish have a more authenthic liking for feet than for those who get it later in life; perhaps the quick-boomers have a more intense fetish. I know this diverts a bit off topic, but this just popped into my head.
Posted by catsman (Member # 10269) on :
Originally posted by footjoyboy:
I've had mine from my earliest memory.
It's always only been for female feet, though.


Diddo! No way would want to rid myself of it.......I like it better as I get older, and are 48 now.
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
Originally posted by Hal:

Although I agree with you that nobody was "born like this" I still think that you don`t necessarily have to experience your fetish during your childhood to develop it. What I mean is: You don`t need to have had any experiences with your mother`s feet (or anybody elses) to develop a foot fetish.
Take other strange fetishes for example, like the vore fetish, robot fetish, nazi-uniform fetish or giantess fetish, etc. ...I don`t think the people with these fetishes experienced any of this during their childhood. There must be a different reason why our brain makes us act sexually the way we do.
A friend of mine has a model train crush fetish...but he told me that he never saw any women in his childhood crushing model trains in high heels.


I'm just explaining how foot fetishes come about! I think a lot of it can relate to other subfetishes too though. Spanking comes to mind. An old girlfriend told me how getting spanked made her "wet" once upon a time. Lots of Freudian psycho babble should be coming to people's minds there I guess. [Big Grin]

So Hal, did yours develop in the early stages of life by any certain incident or just come to the realization later on just by accident?
Posted by pb_1234 (Member # 24712) on :
Heh get this; I actually remember the exact time it happened! I was a lot younger, some woman walked past with flip flops and red painted nails. Went home that night, looked it up on the internet, and that was that.
Posted by Foot Fetish Outlaw (Member # 26624) on :
I've had this fetish for as long as I can remember. I remember thinking that you weren't supposed to talk about feet. I wonder sometimes if this wasn't after I was told not to go around talking about genitals. As far as "are we born with it?" my opinion is just takes longer for some to realize it, or it may be repressed because of the stigma attached to it. Of course, environment shapes us all, but I think a foot fetish something from day one. That's just my opinion though.
Posted by dougiezerts (Member # 6829) on :
I've often thought about this subject.
My foot fetish started when I was 9 or 10. There wasn't any single incident that started it, just many little ones. I'd see girls/women barefooted, and think, "Their feet are very pretty." (No, I wasn't attracted to my mom's feet!)
Yes, I think that we are born with an attraction to feet.
Posted by octoberbaseball (Member # 20977) on :
By the way to add to this I think I saw somewhere like on Wikipedia Freud has an input about foot fetishes but I don't have a link. He has different reasons why one may have a foot fetish. Also thanks everyone for responding nice to hear everyone's point of view.
Posted by Thundercracker (Member # 7778) on :
A 20-something-year-old friend of my mom babysat me a few nights when I was like 3 or so. Sometimes her feet would hang off the end of the bed. The bottoms of her feet fascinated me.

Well, not knowing any better [Roll Eyes] I rubbed my, ahem, little friend on her soles. She stirred and asked me what I was doing. I just scurried off.

I didn't pay much attention to feet afterwards, but at puberty, one of Cupid's foot fetish arrows hit me dead-on!

To this day, I believe this early incident made me crazy about women's feet, especially soles. And the internet has only intensified the feeling.
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
i don't think we're born with it.

i think ledaemon said it best that we are imprinted with it at some point, and for many of us, that is at an earlier age.
Posted by GQguy (Member # 16534) on :
I think it's God showing off a great sense of humor ;o)
No I agree, I think it has to do with imprinting at some point. There has to be a commonality that we all shared when we were young. I can't think of it though. I do suspect though that our mothers , or some other female figure in our early lives influenced this.

I do have this evidence though. When pretty female feet are around me (ie my lap) I relax. After a gruelng day of trying to conquer the world a pair of feet in my lap totally cools me down. Perhaps as a toddler after exploring the world i'd go bother mom but she had little time for me so I hung out by her feet. Her company soothed me after getting a booboo or something and I associated her feet with relaxation. Later sexual arousal. Same thing with breast. Baby is hungry, and breast calms him down. Later in life though is sex associated with breast. Just a thought.
Posted by scrunchlover (Member # 21542) on :
Although we not be born with it, I think it's possible to be genetically predisposed to it. I know with me, I've been liking feet ever since I could remember. One of my earliest memories, is a woman with vinegary smelling feet, kneeling under the bed to get something. Her soles were so thick and meaty, and wrinkly! I fell in love with that.
Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
So Hal, did yours develop in the early stages of life by any certain incident or just come to the realization later on just by accident?
I´ve had my fetish as long as I can remember.

What I was trying to say was that you can basically develop (for example) a spanking fetish without necessarily ever having been spanked in your entire life. There are numerous reasons and explainations why our brain makes us develop fetishes. I agree that it probably has something to do with conditioning or imprinting at a very early childhood level. But the child may have experienced or witnessed something totally different to what it will then sexually desire in the end. A traumatic event in your early childhood can basically cause a fetish...for example very early toilet training can cause a child to later develop a SM or bondage fetish (no joke!). This child never saw any tied up women in it`s early childhood, nor did it necessarily come in contact with rubber or latex. It seems that the fetish is a substitute for something else that was missing in your earliest childhood.
So I think some of us may have developed a liking for feet without actually having come in direct contact or having had any active experiences with feet. Our brain just makes us love feet for some other complex reasons (traumatic experience on another level? Or maybe a small neurological misfunction of the brain?). In other cases it may make the person love BDSM, hair, balloons, arm-pits or God knows what other fetishes there are.

For some further reading:

Posted by feetluvr (Member # 1570) on :
Probably the greatest mystery we all face huh?

Maybe some day some world reknowned psychologist will study this in depth and give us some better theories...

As Ledaemon and Hal have debated, I think it can happen in more than one way. It can be a result of life experience(s) or it could be another type of psychological quirk or brain development or non-development. (and please understand that I'm not couching non-development in a negative light- simply that it's possible some part of our brain's dont; develop or develop differently than other's)
Posted by blackHxC88 (Member # 15094) on :
i don't know. probably middle school. i was awkward then, so i had NO fucking clue. it's gotten worse as i've gotten older
Posted by octoberbaseball (Member # 20977) on :
Define worse do you not want to have a foot fetish? Bad experiences?
Posted by trukr (Member # 25391) on :
alot of interesting answers,
i've had mine since as far back as i can remember. I can recall way back to when i was toddler and the sitter used to put me at her feet and i would play with her toes and she would keep me occupied that way and knowing that that would keep me busy/calm. U know... i was always in plain sight for her to keep track of me.....i guess. Too boot she has nice feet. The rest is History
I believe most must be imprinted at an early age at some point. It's hard to say for the much later in life ones though. You'd think they would've brushed by them somehow and just never thought of it????
Posted by bigprojectionist (Member # 14748) on :
I remember once in school (around the age of 5) the teachers made a big deal about a boy and girl who took their shoes off and walked around barefoot holding hands during recess, and how horribly bad that was, and to never do it. I'm not sure why they were really making the big fuss, but the fact that being barefoot was a "bad thing" intrigued me. Thus it began.
Posted by trukr (Member # 25391) on :
Interesting I can't seem to understand why that would b such a terrible thing. I would almost think holding hands would b worse at that age...curious huh
Posted by bigprojectionist (Member # 14748) on :
I probably misunderstood them at that age, or at least what they were trying to emphasize as "bad". Not that I'm complaining.
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on :
I don't see why many say you're not born with it. The pheremones produced by the female (in this case) foot scent (if any is present) have natural connecters in our brains. A natural irresistible aphrodisiac, if you will.
To me, one is born with those connectors; wether they become developed or not is the difference.

And p.s.: Let's stop talking about our gift as a birth defect.

Posted by Bootman (Member # 1280) on :
I can still remember being less than 5 and playin with cousin's feet, mainly my older ones all female of course. Usually when they were over to baby sit me, or to just hang out or spend the nite, i always did. And even since then i liked the smell of them. Not sure how or why, but bare female feet always turned me on, no other things i could remember and i always brought on the playing with girls feet. all the time, never anybody else that i can ever remember provoking me to do it but my own will and want to.

OF course that kind of stuff stopped (with cousins) by the time i was about 8 and then it was just kind of hidden in me until i hit puberty and found the internet, my first girlfriend, and since then i've never held it from anybody, any girl i've dated, or any of my close friends. I LOVE IT.

Nothing imprinted it in me, nobody forced it on me, and i doubt that i've lacked some mental development, but it's not entirely impossible, and who knows, it could be that or any other something in our brain. I really don't know, but i know i was born this way, or i developed the interest on my own. But feet aint the only thing i like to smell, but of course the only body part i do. I love the smell of paper, fresh from the printer or from a new package of paper, and random other smells that normal objects have. I wander if anybody else is like that, or if it has anything to do with my fetish for feet, or the like of sniffing? Man that's a long winded and semi-weird post.
Posted by octoberbaseball (Member # 20977) on :
This could make for a good psychological experiment but would it be right to do on a human. Take 2 babies have one be exposed to a barefoot caretaker who plays with and rests on the caretaker's toes and feet. The other will be with a caretaker who wears shoes and socks at all times not being exposed. Wonder if this would show anything. Maybe a negative, because if all siblings are treated equal then 3 brothers could have foot fetishes and not just one.
Posted by Nightbird77 (Member # 13561) on :
I've had mine ever since I can remember. But I don't remember ever having an event that sparked my foot fetish into exsistance, I've just always had it.

I've read a few reports by psychologists on the subject of foot fetishes. One report suggested that a foot fetish (which is most common in men) developed due to a form of sexual repression. Since a young man might have been scolded for looking at a woman's breast his brain would choose an alternative/innocent body part to fixate on, i.e. feet.

With that in mind the report also mentioned the effect of a fetish on the male brain which compaired it to popping the clutch into second gear. Normal sexual arousal takes place in stages. A fetish acts on the brain by going from step one (arousal) to step five (orgasm)! Which is why some men with fetishs can have an orgasm without any physical contact.
Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
One report suggested that a foot fetish (which is most common in men) developed due to a form of sexual repression. Since a young man might have been scolded for looking at a woman's breast his brain would choose an alternative/innocent body part to fixate on, i.e. feet.

Yes, I´ve also read this somewhere...but it was about a guy who has a leg fetish.

Posted by Zamora (Member # 1236) on :
My earliest foot memories came at the age of 4. Apparently I was every intense and expressed my fetish frequentely to the degree thatmy aunts and older cousins as well as my kindergarten teachers still remember it till this day.

I agree with all the opinions here although I think LaDaemon is the closest. Science has not nailed down many areas of the psychology field and had made no progress in the field of fetish at all since many years if any. The lack of interest in a sub-fetish, although the most popular, like foot fetish can be attributed to the relatively low number of fetishists in general as opposed to "normal" .... people. Research is driven by money and by need.

I guess each and everybody has his different experience. And it is true that there is a difference between those born with a fetish and those who developed it in their need for the object of fetish to function sexually. I believe those who developed it at an advanced age other than toddler age can "undevelop" it. It is a habit maybe more than a fetish.
Posted by blackHxC88 (Member # 15094) on :
Originally posted by octoberbaseball:
Define worse do you not want to have a foot fetish? Bad experiences?

both. i've always had bad experiences with it. but i can't get rid of it, so it's more a burden then anything else.
Posted by octoberbaseball (Member # 20977) on :
Is bad experience meaning rejection from females?
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on :
"Is bad experience meaning rejection from females?"

My guess would be that the wrong people found out about his fetish and made fun of him.


Posted by trukr (Member # 25391) on :
love having my foot fetish and never had any bad experiences with it. It is one of the biggest fetish's out there. just not talked about as much or openly????
Posted by Foot Fetish Outlaw (Member # 26624) on :
Several points have been made here. For one thing, there can be negative experiences if certain people find out. People will make fun of it. And some people just aren't into it. About the only negative experience I've ever had was dating a girl in high school who just wasn't into it. She knew I wanted foot play, but she wouldn't do it. I'd try to suck her toes and she'd say, "No. Don't. Yuck." And while she did deny that this was a reason, I really think that it was one of the reasons she broke up with me.

Overall, I'm not ashamed of my fetish, but I don't go around telling everyone. I keep the materials and websites to myself. Some of it's because not everyone understands, but mostly because it's no one elses business. But it is great to have this outlet to talk about it.

Oh, bigprojectionist -- I think that may have been a safety thing. I remember a "barefoot ban" happened at my elementary school after a child had gotten cut by something that was on the ground.
Posted by AndyEBMV (Member # 26668) on :
I guess like a lot of you my 'fetish' developed early. My sister used to make me massage her feet when I was very young. My earliest memory goes to when I was about 4 or 5 and she would have been 9 or 10. As I got older and she was in her teens it became more instense and of course I fantasized about her friends too. Only one time can I remeber her telling a friend of hers about my fetish and they both tried to get me to massage and play with their feet.
Posted by blackHxC88 (Member # 15094) on :
Originally posted by footjoyboy:
"Is bad experience meaning rejection from females?"

My guess would be that the wrong people found out about his fetish and made fun of him.



well, both
Posted by octoberbaseball (Member # 20977) on :
My only bad foot fetish experience would be a girl not accepting it, but not completely knowing meaning if I ask a girl if she wants a massage and I get a no that could be considered bad. Also I would say I'm not the only one who experienced this but if another male finds out about your fetish then makes fun of you and says like hey do you want to massage my feet? Anyone else ever get this?
Posted by blackHxC88 (Member # 15094) on :
Originally posted by octoberbaseball:
My only bad foot fetish experience would be a girl not accepting it, but not completely knowing meaning if I ask a girl if she wants a massage and I get a no that could be considered bad. Also I would say I'm not the only one who experienced this but if another male finds out about your fetish then makes fun of you and says like hey do you want to massage my feet? Anyone else ever get this?

no, i usually get called a freak. i take great pains in making sure NO ONE of my teamamtes knows. it takes as much energy to do that then actually playing the game.
Posted by octoberbaseball (Member # 20977) on :
It is hard, just don't make it obvious and openly say I have a foot fetish. I take it light and say I find feet attractive or offer a foot massage and no one can suspect I have a fetish.
Posted by blackHxC88 (Member # 15094) on :
Originally posted by octoberbaseball:
It is hard, just don't make it obvious and openly say I have a foot fetish. I take it light and say I find feet attractive or offer a foot massage and no one can suspect I have a fetish.

i can't even get away with that without looking like a freak. so i just do say anything. it's a small school tho, so news travels fast
Posted by trukr (Member # 25391) on :
yes i have to agree i certainly dont go around voic'ng that i have a foot fetish cause i have heard the ones that say gross,yuck or sumin 2 that effect. cause it is misundrstd, i believe anyways. but fortunate enough for myself i have been lucky with the women i have ran into cause none of them ever minded.......huh
Posted by octoberbaseball (Member # 20977) on :
Well I'm assuming the worst thing about telling a girl you have a foot fetish is if you are ever with her she will possibly always wear sneakers or she will know exactly why you are looking at her feet.
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on :
..."and the both tried to get me to massage and play with their feet.".
Comment by AndyEBMV

Dude, I hope you were ALL over that. [Hump]

Posted by thosetoes (Member # 2489) on :
As far as the whole foot fetish is oncerned, I believe that it's just how we were wired. We were made to be attracted to women. Whether it be an attraction by her hair, her lips,her ass, her legs her boobs, her hands, her size (bbw) or even feet, or any/all of the above that's how we roll. Everyone is on something. We have specific tastes so that what we do. The "common" person may diss you because you like feet, but that same guy might be into seeing people shit on one another. To each his own.
Posted by AndyEBMV (Member # 26668) on :
I believe mine was both nature and nurture. Either way, it's amazing how many people have it because when I was a kid (i'm 43 now) it thought i was a freak. Since the internet exploded in the 90's, it became obvious that I was not alone!!
Posted by blackHxC88 (Member # 15094) on :
Originally posted by octoberbaseball:
Well I'm assuming the worst thing about telling a girl you have a foot fetish is if you are ever with her she will possibly always wear sneakers or she will know exactly why you are looking at her feet.

i might as well send you a PM just so i don't annoy the rest of the forum.
Posted by trukr (Member # 25391) on :
well said to thosetoes 4 sure. As the list goes on for any of the above mention'd. It cld b any part of the body as what is to yur taste or gets u go'ng. It certainly must b from where yur from i guess cause frm the east to the wst i have never heard anything bad or shun'd upon cause of it. And by far since the net i would've never realized just how big it is. It's great to KNOW 4 sure. Huh
Posted by toesboy123 (Member # 25218) on :
I first noticed it years and years ago. I was watching a Bond movie, and during a sex scene (yeah, I know how "steamy" those scenes get, but I was young enough for that to still be hot to me) they showed Bond's and the Bond girl's robes falling at their feet. From there, I started thinking about bare feet at the end of the bed while "doing it", and it snowballed into a bona fide foot fetish.
Posted by Nylon Toe Sucker (Member # 21491) on :
Since I was 6 years old(1966)!!! No Lie
Posted by rabidninja (Member # 26212) on :
Originally posted by trukr:
well said to thosetoes 4 sure. As the list goes on for any of the above mention'd. It cld b any part of the body as what is to yur taste or gets u go'ng. It certainly must b from where yur from i guess cause frm the east to the wst i have never heard anything bad or shun'd upon cause of it. And by far since the net i would've never realized just how big it is. It's great to KNOW 4 sure. Huh

learn how to form a damn sentence bro....
and the earliest i remember seeing feet sexually was when I was crawling around as a baby under the table, and I just started suckin my aunts really sexy toes...actually have the image of that moment in my memory.(we aren't blood related anyway she was adopted so its cool, least it isn't my mom or somethin weird.)
Posted by Toetapper (Member # 6473) on :
I arrive here late in the game but must disagree disagree with LaDaemon in this matter; I think I may understand what he is saying but "imprinting" (as a genuine psychological term) is not a process that humans have (see A. Maslow), at least not without some mediation. It is reserved for other species; good examples would be ducks or chickens.

As for being around one's mother's feet, it is an easy explanation but Polynesians and aboriginal Amazonian peoples - who, traditionally, spend a great deal of time barefoot - exhibit little behavior that would indicate such a fetish.

I should mention here that my mother had dreadful feet and it was my father who had good feet. I can also promise you that my interest is exclusively in women's feet.

I can only say that I have always noticed...yeah, and appraised...women's feet. The origin or seed of it I can't begin to guess. Just always aware of the architecture.

The last part: I can't begin to speculate on what sparked my fascination with women's feet but I can tell you what fueled and perpetuated it....

The old movies (30's, 40's, 50's, and well into the 70's) were subject to a great deal of cencorship. Many things that could be interpretted as "sexy" or even obscene were,of course, forbidden. The recourse that directors found, especially in the 50's & 60's, was, depicting an "available" or sexually vulnerable female character, to make her clearly barefoot. This is something that has pervaded my perceptions since.

Look at contemporary commercials. When trying to convey the idea of comfort, in a feminine-oriented ad, the primary female is barefoot.

Just some thoughts.
Posted by Gameon (Member # 20877) on :
My mum always took me shopping when i was younger and she bought alot of shoes back then. Maybe I got it from then.

It was with my first GF though when I saw her at work for the first time and she was wearing heels, i got a semi from just looking. Later thatday at her house she took her shoes off and her feet stank, I couldn't help but get a boner.

Things have progressed from then, aged 18. When I was younger I didn't masturbate or get turned on by feet. So it is recent or maybe imprinted from an early age but not activated till recently.
Posted by octoberbaseball (Member # 20977) on :
Pretty interesting responses so I guess we could say that most of us have had it for a very long time as far back as we can reemmber. And not many if any had woke up one day let's say a decade plus after birth and said Hey I like feet now.
Posted by lamp (Member # 19270) on :
i think our upbringing has a huge impact on what we are now in general. we would not be the same people we are today if it wasnt for the way we were brought up.

i have a very clear image in my head as a child watching me best friends mums feet in flip flops and instantly knowing i was attracted to them.

my second point which may contradict what i am saying is that i also think a big reason why so many people have foot fetishes is becasue they simple are sexy! just like tits and ass, but we dont go into great detail on the reasons why we are attratced to other body parts.

a foot fetish is taboo maybe and we are all trying to work it out becasue fact of the matter is it is not socially accepted yet.

and thirdly i also believe that our sexuality changes and develops over time. im now into full on foot worship and smelling my gfs feet, my fetish is getting heavier, maybe due to me become more accepting of it through this forum!
Posted by Toe Sucker II (Member # 1720) on :
i used to dream of being able to tickle all the girls in my class and could not understand why i liked to smell the gym aparatus once the girls had used it.

i couldnt understand why i used to enjoy sitting near the teachers feet. at 9 years old. lol

i was a dirty perve before double figures!! LOL

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