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Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
Right i need to let some of this out, Basically i hate having this fetish and just cannot accept it, I know alot of guys on here act like its no big deal with ridiculous comments such as "oh some guys like breasts we like feet" but have you actually thought of how creepy and weird that sounds? breasts & vagina's are meant to be sexual not feet, there is no way this fetish will ever be accepted it just naturally freaks people out, you cant have a normal sex life imo, you cant just sleep with loads of girls no prob because you need feet involved which just makes things uncomfortable in the bedroom, I envy normal guys they dont have to worry about what girls will think when they bury there face in pussy and tits cause its what the girl expects imagine how good it would feel if you felt the same way about pussy as we do with feet? I just cannot accept having this curse, its horrible i feel trapped and my head is hurting im stressing about it that much i just want to have a normal sexuality.
Posted by Gameon (Member # 20877) on :

Sounds like trolling to me.

Get over it mate.
Posted by footlover14 (Member # 26169) on :
ummm actually feet can tell a lot about a person
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
Curse??? I don't think so... How often do you see pussy and tits exposed in public? I believe we're blessed my friend... I would like to hear what the wiser members have to say as they have great advice.... I learn a thing or two from them alot [Wink]
Posted by Feeties (Member # 10561) on :
Well.. my girlfriend loves it, and wouldn't have it any other way. I've asked if she would like to have it gone (foot fetish) and she said hell no, it's part of me she loves dearly.
Posted by femsolelover (Member # 1584) on :
First of all, a curse? I don't think so...may be harder to find what you want, but I don't think it's a curse. Besides, who cares if it's weird? Everybody's weird in their own little way.

Second, define normal. The only definition I have for it is a city in Illinois. When most people talk about "normal" they really mean average or norm. Check it out.

Next, why would anybody want to be the same as everybody else? Personally, I wouldn't want to be the same as them. Honestly, I don't like people enough to be like most people.

Maybe you should think about how you got where ever you may be at in the first place, if you don't like it. You found it for a reason; deal with it.
Posted by TommyGavin (Member # 26059) on :
I sleep with more then a few women in my day and there was times I didn't even need to get there feet involved to enjoy myself. The times I did get there feet involved the woman thought it was cool and cute. I dig having this fetish and just makes me more mysterious then you average dude which appeals to the ladies. Feet is the most common fetish and weather society accepts it or not, its not going away anytime soon. Ps.lot of chics out there that would kill to have guys like us to pamper there feet. And if you have one that don't move on to another.
Posted by climax (Member # 6641) on :
Originally posted by ThisisMe373:
breasts & vagina's are meant to be sexual not feet,

Wrong. biology wise the breats are for feeding a mothers new born and nothing else. The only vital parts needed for sexual ( which btw is intent on reproduction) is the penis and virgina, no other part is needed for sexual stimulus, hence breats are just in the same boat as feet or any other part. In fact if you dig deep into mans history, at one time in our primitive state, it WAS just those two vital parts that were the focal point and nothing else. Only as time went by and humanity evolved did we start exploring the human body on new levels.

The only reason breasts aint regarded as a fetish is because its regarded by many as a general norm to like them in modern times, you gotta remember, the non foot general public dont use the word fetish politically correct, it is merely used to describe something "weird" "unusual" and "freaky", since breats arent seen that way, they are not seen as such, which in itself is politically incorrect.
Posted by Tom Uz (Member # 12166) on :
I think feet are like lighthouses at the entrance to the harbor. From the crow's nest of a sailing ship it's a beautiful sight. But along with her eyes and her cute little dimple or whatever they are like petals of a flower that attract the bee to the pollen in the center. Many believe the feet exude chemical messages called pheromones, which are part of the reproductive system and are perceived non-consciously. Feet are not bad and neither is being attracted to them. You just have to keep them in perspective.
Posted by Ummmmm (Member # 15145) on :
Originally posted by ThisisMe373:
Right i need to let some of this out, Basically i hate having this fetish and just cannot accept it, I know alot of guys on here act like its no big deal with ridiculous comments such as "oh some guys like breasts we like feet" but have you actually thought of how creepy and weird that sounds? breasts & vagina's are meant to be sexual not feet, there is no way this fetish will ever be accepted it just naturally freaks people out, you cant have a normal sex life imo, you cant just sleep with loads of girls no prob because you need feet involved which just makes things uncomfortable in the bedroom, I envy normal guys they dont have to worry about what girls will think when they bury there face in pussy and tits cause its what the girl expects imagine how good it would feel if you felt the same way about pussy as we do with feet? I just cannot accept having this curse, its horrible i feel trapped and my head is hurting im stressing about it that much i just want to have a normal sexuality.

Go see a shrink then! Better yet, except your fetish and enjoy it! Choices, choices, choices...
Posted by perfectpeds (Member # 29295) on :
Without adding more clog to your poor head, I would like to say that as a woman, I certainly want a man who appreciates "all" of me. I want to be pleasured in all arenas. LOL

Loving feet is not weird and this is coming from a woman who was only introduced to her own feet as a sexually desirable entity 4 months ago.

If you overanalyze it will certainly stress you out. As you can see here on the forum - there are many out there who have the fetish and many who are willing to feed the fetish.

If you take a deep breath and let it all out, once your head clears, you'll be able to see that your FF doesn't have to consume you but should widen your horizons.
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
Originally posted by ThisisMe373:
..."oh some guys like breasts we like feet" but have you actually thought of how creepy and weird that sounds?

Originally posted by ThisisMe373: cant have a normal sex life imo, you cant just sleep with loads of girls no prob because you need feet involved which just makes things uncomfortable in the bedroom

H-h-h-h-h-WOW!!!! Simply speaking, you have echoed a LOT of common universal sentiment in just that brainfart of a rant. While I think it's hard to go so far to call it a curse, you do bring up alot of valid haunts that are often reconciled by people's cliche answers to common problems.

Nonetheless, those haunts do realistically come back and present themselves to me every so often. I wish there was a good way to reconcile our problems with normal society. Perhaps it was never meant to be, and perhaps we are also destined to find peace in other cliche solutions like "being special" or "being unique".

I don't know what to think really. I just try to get by and get some feet whenever I can without worrying about all the negative impressions it may cause. Perhaps my indifference to society's negative view of my foot fetish is also why I lead a miserable life of loserdom acceptance via my foot fetish.
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
I find that women tend to find it quite annoying when a guy only sees her breasts, butt, and vagina as the only sexual things on her body. Whether or not she's into her feet being "appreciated", she also usually tends to like most of her body "appreciated", not just the mainstream 3.

And what the hell ThisIsMe!? Have you seen your signature lately? You want to make us all feel guilty about something we know to be harmless, yet you're over here shouting from the rooftops, for all intents and purposes, that you want luscious soles on your face. Either accept what you are, or get treatment for something you claim you don't want. Just don't preach to us, got it?
Posted by ozkar (Member # 13264) on :
ThisisMe, if my assumption that you are young is incorrect I apologize...

...but if you are young you'll probably later find that you like touching and enjoy sticking your tongue or whatever else on/around/in any part of the female body. And if that sounds weird, you'll find out that women like it too. Then you won't feel weird any more.

Life is too short to waste time repressing yourself.
Posted by manolojchoo (Member # 1257) on :
Let's see, a woman's breasts are for nursing babies, her legs are for supporting her torso, and her ass is for... Well, you know what that's for. So, your premise is a bit flawed, wouldn't you say?

Now, do you want to try again?
Posted by dougiezerts (Member # 6829) on :
Originally posted by Salvy_Mic:
I find that women tend to find it quite annoying when a guy only sees her breasts, butt, and vagina as the only sexual things on her body. Whether or not she's into her feet being "appreciated", she also usually tends to like most of her body "appreciated", not just the mainstream 3.

And what the hell ThisIsMe!? Have you seen your signature lately? You want to make us all feel guilty about something we know to be harmless, yet you're over here shouting from the rooftops, for all intents and purposes, that you want luscious soles on your face. Either accept what you are, or get treatment for something you claim you don't want. Just don't preach to us, got it?

I agree. If you really feel the way you do, then why do you have that as your signature?
Posted by Panic (Member # 21074) on :
At first when I told my wife, I was very reluctant, but I told her anyway and she was relieved that I had a foot fetish and not a scat fetish or something else.

When I feel insecure about it and say I feel wierd because I like sucking on her toes she says "you are the only one making it wierd"

I guess I am lucky becasue she is open to it and vowed to keep it "our" secret.

She has also said something that makes me feel better...It is just what you like and I like that fact that I can share it with you.

Just read the previous responses. There are many great comments. If you do not truly like having what I believe to be is the greatest fetish of all, then seriously think about speaking with a shrink. Research it.

I say do not worry so much and be to hard on yourself, it is who you are and someday you will find someone who accepts it and loves it about you. Go slow at bringing it into the bedroom.
Posted by sandyrog (Member # 30383) on :
as one of the wiser menbers in this forum, i can see your point. yes it is seen as a weird fetish among the larger numbe rof people in the world. but i wouldnt get so stressed out about it. enjoy looking at feet in the parks and on the streets, and someday you might find the woman that will satisfy your foot needs
Posted by ajantis (Member # 10394) on :
In my experience, this fetish has been nothing but a burden and an horrific curse. It has never had any kind of remote gratification and has only ever brought about pain. Women find me thoroughly ignorable as it is (I don't wear pink shirts, or something). So, this fetish only ever exacerbated the difficulty I naturally feel speaking to women. If there existed a pill I could take to reverse the effects, I'd do so in a second. Granted, I would probably feel differently if I had ever been allowed to partake in any of the activities that supposedly go along with it. I think people who are in happy relationships with women who like to please them are, understandable, not fully conscious of the problems this thing can amplify. Eh, those are my thoughts.
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
Problems with a foot fetish are only brought along by people who have little self-control or little self-esteem. It has nothing to do with the foot fetish itself. Without the foot fetish, these same people are just your run of the mill pervs, but with it, they suddenly become "sexually abnormal". Bullshit.
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
Get a g/f...easy as that sounds I know..but once you get a g/f there should be no reason why she wouldn't at the very least let you give her a foot massage. i mean come on, what girl would actually say they HATE a foot massage?
But when telling your g/f about it don't make it sound like a painful freaky thing. For example, "I know this will sound weird and stuff but I love your feet/ I want to fuck your feet/ I have a foot FETISH"...then yes ajantis, your right, girls WILL turn you down or dump you or hell...not even pay attention to you.
It's all about tact, use it wisely and you will find happiness in this love for feet that we have.
Posted by Diabolicus (Member # 7743) on :
Breasts aren't meant to be sexual at all, neither is an ass or a set of lips, or pretty eyes. Everyone has turn-ons, it doesnt "freak everybody out".

Yes, it is natural to have a fetish, many people have them. Seems like you need to read less of the bible, or watch less Dateline NBC.

BTW: Ajantis, there is nothing wrong with pink shirts. I wear them all the time, and I believe I am pretty manly either way. Colors are just colors, and fetishes are just fetishes. Seek therapy.
Posted by moneyman (Member # 17336) on :
Thisisme373, I copied what I wrote for another post and believe it applies to your situation.

I was talking to a very good girl friend of mine and she was saying how much she likes that I'm not the typical breast guy. (I've already had her feet: smelled, kissed, sucked toes, and cummed all over them). She said it was one of the most erotic experiences of her life! She lives 7hrs away or I would have her feet all the time. And another girl I'm talking to now likes to tease me because she knows all about my fetish. She told me yesterday she had worked all day then had two softball games and when she got home she didn't have a guy there to take off her shoes and socks. This is how she likes to tease me,lol. She already said she wouldn't mind me smelling her feet and trust me guys I'll have her feet soon. She said she likes the fact that I'm different. Both of them have also said they like how many different ways they can tease me and get me excited. I seem to be running into women that find our fetish refreshing and appealing to explore because its a change from the "breast guys". I know there are guys here that write about how frustrating their fetish is. I tend to think of our fetish as an asset because the same old breast thing can get old to some women. Alot of people like variety or something different at some point and trust me the right women will appreciate it.

I'd also like to add that I used to be very uneasy about my fetish and telling women but at some point I just decided to be open and if they don't accept it I move on. I agree that before this I would make way too big a deal out of it and it comes down to confidence.

"If your not comfortable with your fetish how do you expect a woman to be?"

[ May 24, 2008, 04:27 AM: Message edited by: moneyman ]
Posted by perfectpeds (Member # 29295) on :
Originally posted by ajantis:
In my experience, this fetish has been nothing but a burden and an horrific curse. It has never had any kind of remote gratification and has only ever brought about pain. Women find me thoroughly ignorable as it is (I don't wear pink shirts, or something). So, this fetish only ever exacerbated the difficulty I naturally feel speaking to women. If there existed a pill I could take to reverse the effects, I'd do so in a second. Granted, I would probably feel differently if I had ever been allowed to partake in any of the activities that supposedly go along with it. I think people who are in happy relationships with women who like to please them are, understandable, not fully conscious of the problems this thing can amplify. Eh, those are my thoughts.

Dear ajantis, whether or not something is a curse to us or causes us pain is totally up to us as the individual.

You can learn to act and react differently. It isn't easy but it can be done. Each one of us is special in our own right and we all have different issues, likes, dislikes and in some cases -- very strong opinions!

I am not in a relationship at the moment and although I don't need feet to turn me on, I have reaped much pleasure from knowing that my feet can provide a sexy stimulant that turns men on. There's nothing wrong with that.

If you think of your FF as a curse, it will always be a curse. However, it is a part of who you are and if you try to ignore it and cover it up, you will be the only one who suffers in the end. Like anything, it is a learning experience to come into your own sense of being that will embrace your FF -- take your time, there's no rush that says it has to be perfect right away.

But if you try to repress something you truly enjoy and are cheating yourself ... and cheating some wonderful girl/woman who might just enjoy it with you.

Patience...take heart and listen to the wiser, more experienced voices that are trying to guide those of you who are uncertain and unhappy with your FF.

Just accept yourself for who you are and then others will too. Those who don't aren't worth having in your life anyway.

Hang in there and don't give up [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Nylon Toe Sucker (Member # 21491) on :
Feel lucky like the rest of us that we can be easily turned on by our fetish. And like it was earlier said, and I have always felt about my fetish that has wound up in my head since(1966), age of 6, it easily accesible unlike, how often are you going to see anything else naked in public or just random around female friends. Enjoy it!
Posted by Toetapper (Member # 6473) on :
Originally posted by ThisisMe373:
breasts & vagina's are meant to be sexual not feet,

Sounds like you've been talking to Jerry Falwell. Oh wait, he's dead...Creepier, still.

I could go on at some length but you are, once again "making mountains out of mole-hills". Furthermore, stop being envious of "normal guys" - there's no such a thing. Having been around "normal guys", they make sucking a dirty toe quite prosaic and very tame.
Posted by Michael P (Member # 1922) on :
the thread starter does have a point about breasts

nice breasts cause men to subconsiously think that she would produce strong babies and healthy milk for the babies

whether you want kids or not, we are all subconsiously attracted to people we feel would produce strong and healthy offspring, i can see how breasts fit into this but i don't see how feet do

i guess nice looking and healthy looking feet mean she's healthy all around
Posted by footlovinman_2000 (Member # 28391) on :
I call it a blessing. Once you embrace it and find a girl that will share her feet with you, watch out.

My wife enjoys herself much more if I suck some toes before the real action starts.
Posted by brek44 (Member # 28601) on :
It is a curse. At least for my marriage. At first my wife accepted it, and went along with it. After years of my selfish pleasure, she rejects it. Leaving me with no satisfaction, or any sexual contact whatsoever with her. She grew to be repulsed by me, and this God foresaken fetish.

So I lurk on these forums, in my own private hell.
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
Brek dude! There has to be some underlying issue at play here? Now, you say selfish pleasure...I am going to assume you just pleasured yourself and that was it..rolled over and called it a night? Then yes...over time she will come to hate it, and rightfully so. You have to find that happy medium, pleasure her and she will do the's called a comprimise.

Now you say she is repulsed by you...I'm sorry but that does NOT sound like a marriage at you talk to her about it? Find out why she is repulsed by you and your love for feet. No sane woman can honestly say that she hates receiving foot massages everyday...that is what I do to pleasure my g/f, it not only gives her pleasure but at the same time it equals out to her getting pleasure as do I. Just some points to ponder for you.

As for the lurking, post as much as you can! Share your thoughts, speak your mind, feel free to ask questions. I can guarantee you that it will not only give you confidence in your life but also support to fall back on when confronted with a situation your not sure the meantime, thanks for posting and welcome to Wu's! Good luck with everything bro!
Posted by moneyman (Member # 17336) on :
brek44, ever thought about a divorce? I mean we are only on this earth for so long and to go without sex or indulging a foot fetish while being married is CRAZY!! If your wife is not willing to compromise at all why stay?
Posted by brek44 (Member # 28601) on :
I'm not a youngster like you guys. At 54 sex is not as important as it use to be. Family is why I wouldn't divorce. We have a good relationship, just not a sexual one, or a fetishist one. Life is not all about sex. At 50 I had a major stroke on my brain stem, so I'm usually too sick to worry too much about anything. That is part of my hell I guess.

Sorry to interfere with this thread.

I'll post more, now that I've broken the ice.

Posted by Tweener (Member # 1630) on :
To me it looks like a big part of the original poster's issue with foot fetishism is social acceptance. If that's the case, stop worrying about what mainstream society thinks. Some guys like getting enemas, others like being humped by their girlfriends or wives with a strap-on, and still others like to be tied up and smacked in the nuts with a ping pong paddle. Enjoying feet is tame in comparison, and a lot of the non-foot people who are quickest to condemn it probably have their own sexual perversions that they're too afraid to bring up outside of their own bedroom.
Posted by ajantis (Member # 10394) on :
Originally posted by Diabolicus:
Breasts aren't meant to be sexual at all, neither is an ass or a set of lips, or pretty eyes. Everyone has turn-ons, it doesnt "freak everybody out".

Yes, it is natural to have a fetish, many people have them. Seems like you need to read less of the bible, or watch less Dateline NBC.

BTW: Ajantis, there is nothing wrong with pink shirts. I wear them all the time, and I believe I am pretty manly either way. Colors are just colors, and fetishes are just fetishes. Seek therapy.

You're a fool. I understand fully that colors are nothing more than the brain's interpretation of photons of differing energies in the visible electromagnetic spectrum. My point was not that pink is in anyway an inherently feminine OR masculine color, which is a preposterous assertion. It is interesting, though, that ten years ago you would have been laughed out of the room for wearing pink and now you aint cool until you do.

My point was that it seems you need to fit some arbitrarily defined set of criteria before people will even consider thinking about you in any romantic or sexual sense. Dress a particular way, have particular interests, etc. Call it a generalization if you wish, but that doesn't mean it isn't an observable trend.

I was speculating, half tongue-in-cheek half grinding teeth about the reasons women find me utterly ignorable and was saying that having a foot-fetish, therefore only ever exacerbated the difficulty I experience in this area.

Maybe you should try and re-read things a few times to make sure you've got it, before you decide to question the mental function of others
Posted by ajantis (Member # 10394) on :
Originally posted by perfectpeds:
Originally posted by ajantis:
In my experience, this fetish has been nothing but a burden and an horrific curse. It has never had any kind of remote gratification and has only ever brought about pain. Women find me thoroughly ignorable as it is (I don't wear pink shirts, or something). So, this fetish only ever exacerbated the difficulty I naturally feel speaking to women. If there existed a pill I could take to reverse the effects, I'd do so in a second. Granted, I would probably feel differently if I had ever been allowed to partake in any of the activities that supposedly go along with it. I think people who are in happy relationships with women who like to please them are, understandable, not fully conscious of the problems this thing can amplify. Eh, those are my thoughts.

Dear ajantis, whether or not something is a curse to us or causes us pain is totally up to us as the individual.

You can learn to act and react differently. It isn't easy but it can be done. Each one of us is special in our own right and we all have different issues, likes, dislikes and in some cases -- very strong opinions!

I am not in a relationship at the moment and although I don't need feet to turn me on, I have reaped much pleasure from knowing that my feet can provide a sexy stimulant that turns men on. There's nothing wrong with that.

If you think of your FF as a curse, it will always be a curse. However, it is a part of who you are and if you try to ignore it and cover it up, you will be the only one who suffers in the end. Like anything, it is a learning experience to come into your own sense of being that will embrace your FF -- take your time, there's no rush that says it has to be perfect right away.

But if you try to repress something you truly enjoy and are cheating yourself ... and cheating some wonderful girl/woman who might just enjoy it with you.

Patience...take heart and listen to the wiser, more experienced voices that are trying to guide those of you who are uncertain and unhappy with your FF.

Just accept yourself for who you are and then others will too. Those who don't aren't worth having in your life anyway.

Hang in there and don't give up [Thumbs Up]

Wow, thanks for taking the time (and thought) in such a lengthy reply. The thing is, though; You said "But if you try to repress something you truly enjoy and are cheating yourself ...", and I wouldn't really say I ever 'enjoyed' my fetish. Other than, you know, watching porn. But what you said is thought-inspiring, and It will hang in my mind.
Posted by ajantis (Member # 10394) on :
Originally posted by bluetoelover:
Get a g/f...easy as that sounds I know..but once you get a g/f there should be no reason why she wouldn't at the very least let you give her a foot massage. i mean come on, what girl would actually say they HATE a foot massage?
But when telling your g/f about it don't make it sound like a painful freaky thing. For example, "I know this will sound weird and stuff but I love your feet/ I want to fuck your feet/ I have a foot FETISH"...then yes ajantis, your right, girls WILL turn you down or dump you or hell...not even pay attention to you.

It's not about how I present my fetish. It's as if I'm not even in the room regardless. And trust me, if I was capable of just "getting a girlfriend", I'd constantly be in a relationship. But thanks for your words, anyway. I appreciate that you took the time. [Smile]
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
Originally posted by brek44:
After years of my selfish pleasure, she rejects it. Leaving me with no satisfaction, or any sexual contact whatsoever with her. She grew to be repulsed by me, and this God foresaken fetish.

So I lurk on these forums, in my own private hell.

HOLY SHIKES!!!! You sound undeservingly miserable as a result of your fetish, yet sound-minded, wise, and honest.

I fear for my own selfish fetish fate thru a similar act of marriage.

Any lessons learned that you might be able to share with us unmarried guys so that we can try to outsmart the marital pitfalls (or side effects) of this fetish? I hope I don't end up in a "living-hell" marriage because of my perversion.

[ May 27, 2008, 05:03 AM: Message edited by: Tyler D. ]
Posted by Fate111 (Member # 2627) on :
Originally posted by ThisisMe373:
Right i need to let some of this out, Basically i hate having this fetish and just cannot accept it, I know alot of guys on here act like its no big deal with ridiculous comments such as "oh some guys like breasts we like feet" but have you actually thought of how creepy and weird that sounds?

It's only "weird" and/or "creepy" if you make it that way or act that way.... And, sorry, but liking a women's feet and being attracted to them like some guys are attracted to breasts and admitting it is not a ridiculous comment!

Originally posted by ThisisMe373:
breasts & vagina's are meant to be sexual not feet, there is no way this fetish will ever be accepted it just naturally freaks people out, you cant have a normal sex life imo, you cant just sleep with loads of girls no prob because you need feet involved which just makes things uncomfortable in the bedroom,...

As some have already stated, the vagina is the only part of a women "meant to be sexual" so saying a women's breasts are is entirely off base.

Are you now a sex expert? How do you know that wanting feet involved in the bedroom "just makes things uncomfortable"? Do you have solid evidence to support this claim? By "solid evidence" here, I mean do you have a study of sorts that says that? I'm not talking about anything you may have experienced personally. There are plenty of guys on and off of this forum who like women's feet and are confident enough to share it with their significant others, wives, etc., and the women in their lives have no problems with it.

Originally posted by ThisisMe373:
I just cannot accept having this curse, its horrible i feel trapped and my head is hurting im stressing about it that much i just want to have a normal sexuality.

If you treat it, or think of it, as something horrible and a "curse", then, guess what? It will be for you! If you just accept it as a part of you and don't give a damn what everyone else thinks (or, it seems like, in your case, what others may think, because I've noticed that most of your posts have dealt with situations that you've created in your own head that are "what if" scenarios and they haven't even come to pass), then most women, once they get to know you and feel comfortable around you and trust you, will think it's just a natural thing for you to like their feet and they will accept it.

If you still want to think of it as something that's horrible and a curse, then you may want to look into getting some help.
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
As in Brek's situation he's wife got fed up of him just giving attention to her feet, imagine if he was "normal" and had to have her pussy in his mouth all the time instead im sure she's be much more satisfied! Id love to feel the same about pussy as i do feet, but for me im not to bothered about the pussy and licking a girl out tbh is almost disgusting, i cannot accept this, my brain is working overtime, but unfortunately there is no therapy for a foot fetish. Guess i have to fight this myself & try and be more chilled out and not worry so much.
Posted by Martial Law (Member # 2564) on :
I love licking feet and pussy. Everyone's a winner!
Posted by Sinnister (Member # 2394) on :
How old are you?

You sound like you might be under 20.

Either that or you have yet to explore females outside of your immediate circle.

I've only ever encountere 1 girl who denied me feet. The rest had no problem with it.
Posted by ajantis (Member # 10394) on :
"unfortunately there is no therapy for a foot fetish."

Do you say this because you've actually investigated it? I would say therapy might have some use and would be interested in it myself.
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on :
I don't want or need a "cure".
Woman's feet are a great contribution to making life worth living.

A few of you need to stop whining. [Cry]

Posted by Leila (Member # 30422) on :
lets see, I'm in my early 20's and have had sex with 9 guys (mixing relationships and one night stands). Out of these 9 guys, 1 was into SM and being strangled while he came, 2 could not come in my mouth (something about it being humiliating for the woman), 1 just refused getting a blowjob (thinks he's the only guy not forcing a girl to do something non natural that she doesn't like) and has a urine fetish (is that what you call it, liked to watch me piss and would have liked me pissing on him) as well as the need to bite for sex to be great for him, and the one I am with now has a foot fetish. I have to say that the foot fetish is my favorite.
And some of you guys really believe to be freaky????
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
Originally posted by Sinnister:
How old are you?

You sound like you might be under 20.

Either that or you have yet to explore females outside of your immediate circle.

I've only ever encountere 1 girl who denied me feet. The rest had no problem with it.

i dont tell anybody about my fetish it would be spread instantly. something i certainly dont want would rather die, and im 21, but yeah aint been with many girls due to my fetish i am decent looking but this fetish holds me back sexually, iv had sex with only 2 girls so far.
Posted by J.J. (Member # 24686) on :
Originally posted by brek44:
I'm not a youngster like you guys. At 54 sex is not as important as it use to be. Family is why I wouldn't divorce. We have a good relationship, just not a sexual one, or a fetishist one. Life is not all about sex. At 50 I had a major stroke on my brain stem, so I'm usually too sick to worry too much about anything. That is part of my hell I guess.

Sorry to interfere with this thread.

I'll post more, now that I've broken the ice.


First of all, you're not interfering, you're participating in this thread, there's a subtle difference [Wink]

Beg your pardon for being frank as I am.

I found it very touching, the way you opened up your heart to all of us and I hope from the bottom of mine that you'll make life a little better for yourself. You've proven yourself to be a good man by standing by your loved ones but it seems to me you've forgotten to stand by yourself at the same time. You say you've been selfish in the past but does that make you repulsive? You deserve better Brek, I know sex isn't everything but no sex is nothing! If you can't work it out with her, you've got to move on to get out of your "hell". I'm not saying you should leave her, I'm just saying stop putting yourself in the last place.

Anyway, I guess you took a big step in the right direction in speaking your mind here, hope to see you around.

As we say in France, Bon courage!
Posted by Fate111 (Member # 2627) on :
Originally posted by ThisisMe373:
i dont tell anybody about my fetish it would be spread instantly. something i certainly dont want would rather die, and im 21, but yeah aint been with many girls due to my fetish i am decent looking but this fetish holds me back sexually, iv had sex with only 2 girls so far.

How do you know "word would spread instantly" about your fetish, especially if you started seeing a girl, got more intimate with her and only told her and no one else? This, again, sounds like something you're assuming in your head that has no basis in reality. And, if, by chance, one of the girls you've gone out with in the past who found out you like feet turned around and told some of her friends about it, that doesn't mean other girls will do the same in the future.
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
Originally posted by Fate111:
Originally posted by ThisisMe373:
i dont tell anybody about my fetish it would be spread instantly. something i certainly dont want would rather die, and im 21, but yeah aint been with many girls due to my fetish i am decent looking but this fetish holds me back sexually, iv had sex with only 2 girls so far.

And, if, by chance, one of the girls you've gone out with in the past who found out you like feet turned around and told some of her friends about it, that doesn't mean other girls will do the same in the future.
yes but i dont want 1 single girl telling everyone about my fetish it would destroy me.
Posted by Fate111 (Member # 2627) on :
Originally posted by ThisisMe373:
yes but i dont want 1 single girl telling everyone about my fetish it would destroy me.

In that case, you may as well prepare for a life of celibacy or go join the priesthood or something if you're not willing to take any chances with any girl in letting her get to know you on an intimate level.

Since no one knows about your fetish, have you ever given any thought to the possibility that if a girl, hypothetically speaking (Again, another "what if" scenario!), said something about it, you could just deny it, if it would, as you say, destroy you if word got out about it and you were confronted about it?

To some degree, I used to feel a little bit like you do about not wanting anyone knowing about my fetish, and would get overanalytical about things and run through all of these "what if" scenarios in my head. Well, as it turned out, like it or not, word did get out to some degree and, you know what? It didn't destroy me. I don't make a federal case out of it and, because I don't, no one else who knows about it, or has heard anything about it, does either. Do I get the occasional comment about it? Yes, but it's rare. When it does happen, I either laugh it off or don't even acknowledge the comment. I know that those who may make a comment about it are trying to push buttons and get a negative reaction out of me, or make me feel uncomfortable, etc.. If you don't give anyone the satisfaction and just be cool about it, they won't even bring it up in the future. They know it's something they can't "get you" on because it doesn't bother you and, as such, it doesn't become an issue.

Of course, all of this involves one to actually accept their fetish and who they are as a person. It looks like that's something you're having a difficult time with right now, from what you've already posted. Maybe at some point, you'll find that one moment of revelation where it all clicks inside of you and you'll realize that there are people who will like you for just being you and that it's okay to be you. Then, you'll be able to accept who you are, fetish and all. I'm thankful that I had that moment and have been able to accept who I am. I think many of us have been on the same road you are to some degree. It's just that some have found ways to look at things differently.
Posted by ajantis (Member # 10394) on :
[/qb][/QUOTE]im 21, but yeah aint been with many girls due to my fetish i am decent looking but this fetish holds me back sexually, iv had sex with only 2 girls so far. [/QB][/QUOTE]I'm 20 and I've never kissed, held hands with, or ever been in a single relationship with a woman. I don't even have any as friends. And no, I'm not an obese video gamer. So I wouldn't be too upset - I'll probably blow my brains out before I get to your age. lulz.
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
Originally posted by ajantis:

im 21, but yeah aint been with many girls due to my fetish i am decent looking but this fetish holds me back sexually, iv had sex with only 2 girls so far. [/QB][/QUOTE]I'm 20 and I've never kissed, held hands with, or ever been in a single relationship with a woman. I don't even have any as friends. And no, I'm not an obese video gamer. So I wouldn't be too upset - I'll probably blow my brains out before I get to your age. lulz. [/QB][/QUOTE]

so is your fetish holding you back also? with me it really holds back my personality, makes me more reserved and in a way boring and socially awkward as and i know everyone will curse me for this if i meet a girl that seems interested i start looking too far ahead thinking i wont be able to please her sexually or ill fail to perform, but man why aint you done any of these things? do you go to nightclubs ect?
Posted by LuckyTeen (Member # 30822) on :
Dude, listen to yourself. You clearly want the feet but you are thinking about it too much. Feet are the most common fetish in the world FACT, and I for one don't have a fetish. I don't NEED the feet to get off it heightens my enjoyment as I find female feet extremely erotic.

It's just a body part, it isn't illegal or perverse to find feet attractive and if you can worship a lady's foot and she likes it you have an advantage over any one who wouldn't go anywhere near feet (yes, some men hate feet too). That's something she will always appreciate you for.

Unless you have an actual fetish I wouldn't stress too much, after all some women love foot fetish. My girl does, she describes the feeling of her soles being licked and kissed 'the best thing in the world' no joke it relaxes her so much!

Enjoy it and don't criticise those that do and are proud of it.

I have had a foot fetish since as long as I can remember and it has never bothered me.
Posted by LuckyTeen (Member # 30822) on :
I just want to add, the reason so people with FF get rejected is they are selfish lovers, they expect their GF's to just ravish them in their foot needs but forget somewhere along the line they need to give her some as well, give her raw passionate ses until she blows and make her feel special. Yes it's important we get what we want since most of us LOVE feet but it's not all about us.

It's also something you can't change, if you have it it's imprinted on your brain as part of sexual stimulation. Nothing you can do.
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
thats what hurts so much theres nothing i can do about it, i hate it, and i do need feet to stimulate me sexually.
Posted by ajantis (Member # 10394) on :
Originally posted by ThisisMe373:
Originally posted by ajantis:

im 21, but yeah aint been with many girls due to my fetish i am decent looking but this fetish holds me back sexually, iv had sex with only 2 girls so far.
I'm 20 and I've never kissed, held hands with, or ever been in a single relationship with a woman. I don't even have any as friends. And no, I'm not an obese video gamer. So I wouldn't be too upset - I'll probably blow my brains out before I get to your age. lulz. [/QB][/QUOTE]

so is your fetish holding you back also? with me it really holds back my personality, makes me more reserved and in a way boring and socially awkward as and i know everyone will curse me for this if i meet a girl that seems interested i start looking too far ahead thinking i wont be able to please her sexually or ill fail to perform, but man why aint you done any of these things? do you go to nightclubs ect? [/QB][/QUOTE]I'd say I have a general inability to relate to people in general. Particularly as far as women are concerned. There's some inherent problem - the foot thing just makes it even harder, I guess. As far as failure to perform, yes, that used to worry me. And I _would_ understandably fail to perform, I suppose, being a virgin. As far as clubbing and all that? No, never. Really not my thing, and whenever I have, I just get outright ignored anyway. Funny how dressing and acting in a way that stands out actually makes you less noticable.
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
im gonna go meet my ex today (from relationship prob thread) we had a heart to heart on the phone and hope we can sort things out, this way i can settle down wiv her i know what im gettin and we connect in lots of ways, im quite happy actually i know if we sort it out we will last, the conversation last night was very positive think we have both grown up. i'll let u know how it goes later.
Posted by Michael P (Member # 1922) on :
Originally posted by ThisisMe373:
im gonna go meet my ex today (from relationship prob thread) we had a heart to heart on the phone and hope we can sort things out, this way i can settle down wiv her i know what im gettin and we connect in lots of ways, im quite happy actually i know if we sort it out we will last, the conversation last night was very positive think we have both grown up. i'll let u know how it goes later.

the same ex that beats up your mom?
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
she dont beat up my mom was a drunken row, anyways im just gonna see how it goes if i see any signs of her acting like this im ending it i told her that yesterday
Posted by Michael P (Member # 1922) on :
Originally posted by ThisisMe373:
she dont beat up my mom was a drunken row, anyways im just gonna see how it goes if i see any signs of her acting like this im ending it i told her that yesterday

people rarely change

especially in a few weeks [Roll Eyes]
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
well michael you may have been right, its not going well so far, i'll tell you all the full story so you can tell me what you think, firstly i called her to tell her i want to completely break away from her and i have a new gf which i didnt she got incredibly jealous and wanted to sort things out i told her for about half an hour its not gonna happen but she just kept calling and calling she started crying and i gave in, i met her had sex two times in a row great, but now she's let me down twice in dates we were supposed to have giving me all this bull (imo) about needing time to revise for tests and because its hot and she wants to go out wiv friends and now today she aint answering her phone but i know whats coming she's gonna call and say oh my phone was at home or something, imo she's playing me, just wants me there as a back up plan, i know your probley reading this thinking well you know what she's doing but i aint got nobody else and my social skills are poor and i love having someone and sex is great, but is it best to stop this as i may get feelings again.
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
Play it back on her...use her as a booty call until you do find a girl. Then break it off...
Posted by Toetapper (Member # 6473) on :
I stopped following this thread for awhile because a number of people here have contributed great advice an you, ThisisMe373, have completely ignored it.

You are trying (and succeeding) to conduct your life as though you exist in the worst Soap Opera ever conceived. I've known some "drama queens" over the years but you put them all to shame. You stagger from one witless act to another, astonished that a stupid decision leads to disastrous results.

The key here is "personal responsibility". Stop blaming your fetish and stop blaming her for your problems. You are the source of your own troubles. You try to come across as some sort of victim. If so, you are the victim of your own self-indulgent, self-pitying decision making.

If you believe that you are unworthy of the affection of another...well, you're right. You made the decisions that led you to your unworthiness. Time to face the reality of decisions: you decided what you were going to wear today...right down to which sock goes on which foot (oh, yes, you DID make that decision). Perhaps, it's time to put thought into the small decisions which may give perspective on the larger ones.

Is your situation irretrievable? No...but, then again, it all depends upon what YOU decide. It is YOU that controls your life, not your fetish and certainly not this hosebag whom you so adore.

I could go on at some great length here (as if I haven't already). I will tell you that what sparked me up is that you called her to tell her you were breaking it off with her (AGAIN???). All you achieved here was to try to hurt her, which you did, and afford here the opportunity to hurt you in return, which she did - even better. One more dumb choice in a long line of them.

Stop calling her. Stop communicating with her. get her out of your life. And fer cryin' out loud, you don't owe her an explanation. Just get her out of your life.

After that, you can make the decision that you are worthy of someone's affection...and you'll probably be right.
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on :
"You are trying (and succeeding) to conduct your life as though you exist in the worst Soap Opera ever conceived."
Comment by Toetapper

Yeah, I saw that episode, it was "ThisisMe373 meets BlackCX388"; a real melodrama. [Laugh] [Cry]

Posted by perfectpeds (Member # 29295) on :
LOL Now boys.... let them have their say! LOL Not all of us are as strong emotionally as we'd like to be! Youth will soon blossom into stronger, confident Wu's members! [Smile]

And if not, well, we tried.
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on :
Let's hope so, perfectpeds, or we are going to need some cheese with that whine. [Big Grin]

Posted by J.J. (Member # 24686) on :
Originally posted by footjoyboy:
Let's hope so, perfectpeds, or we are going to need some cheese with that whine. [Big Grin]



How did you get so SHARP bro, cracks me up every time.

I agree with perfect peds though, let's give the boys a break. After all, we each have our own tempo, our own time to blossom. The fact that we get good advice doesn't always mean we can immediately put it to good use, il y a un temps pour tout.
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
Well I'll speak on Black's case...If I remember correctly he is attending a college that pretty much the whole campus knows he has a FF because he was so open about it when he first arrived...
So everytime he meets someone new there more than likely either saying "Get away freak" or at the very least have it in the back of their essentially it has cock killed him.

Now, I don't know about you but I know I couldn't possibly imagine what that would be like to be going to college where getting laid should be easy as shit but can't due to close minded dumb fucks ruining it by spreading it around campus. Then when he goes to Wu's and of course is in a shitty demeanor and asks for advice or replies about advice people bash him for being a pussy,whiner, etc. I understand that people are frustrated when he craps on their advice but just stop for a second and put yourself in his shoes
Posted by blackHxC88 (Member # 15094) on :
Originally posted by footjoyboy:
"You are trying (and succeeding) to conduct your life as though you exist in the worst Soap Opera ever conceived."
Comment by Toetapper

Yeah, I saw that episode, it was "ThisisMe373 meets BlackCX388"; a real melodrama. [Laugh] [Cry]


Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
Some say loving breasts & pussy is normal, and that liking feet is not normal.

But guess what? There is no such thing as normal sexuality.

Source: one of my professors!
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on :
Comment by blackHxC88

Dude, don't get defensive; I was talking about 'BlackCX388', not 'blackHxC88': Got it?

_fjb_ [Fingers Crossed]
Posted by J.J. (Member # 24686) on :
Originally posted by ThisisMe373:
well michael you may have been right, its not going well so far, i'll tell you all the full story so you can tell me what you think, firstly i called her to tell her i want to completely break away from her and i have a new gf which i didnt she got incredibly jealous and wanted to sort things out i told her for about half an hour its not gonna happen but she just kept calling and calling she started crying and i gave in, i met her had sex two times in a row great, but now she's let me down twice in dates we were supposed to have giving me all this bull (imo) about needing time to revise for tests and because its hot and she wants to go out wiv friends and now today she aint answering her phone but i know whats coming she's gonna call and say oh my phone was at home or something, imo she's playing me, just wants me there as a back up plan, i know your probley reading this thinking well you know what she's doing but i aint got nobody else and my social skills are poor and i love having someone and sex is great, but is it best to stop this as i may get feelings again.

Drop her man, like a big fat brick in a pool of mud. Show her you don't need the likes of her and, more importantly, show yourself you don't need her. You won't find anything better until you let go of the 'worse'. Question of making space for what's cooking, simmering away, deep inside of you; the POSITIVE.
Posted by J.J. (Member # 24686) on :
And, for what it's worth, as far as I'm concerned it's cool that you talk so open about your feelings and frustrations, at least it goes a little deeper than; "Where does our fetish originate" or "do you like stinky feet or clean feet". Ok, there's always the jokers but if they happen to have a sense of humour, it lightens the load my friend, it really does.
Posted by blackHxC88 (Member # 15094) on :
Originally posted by footjoyboy:
Comment by blackHxC88

Dude, don't get defensive; I was talking about 'BlackCX388', not 'blackHxC88': Got it?

_fjb_ [Fingers Crossed]

fuck you [Violent]
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on :
"fuck you [Violent] "
Comment by blackHxC88

You need to grow up, you violent loser: You'll be in a straight jacket soon enough. [Hump]

Posted by blackHxC88 (Member # 15094) on :
Originally posted by footjoyboy:
"fuck you [Violent] "
Comment by blackHxC88

You need to grow up, you violent loser: You'll be in a straight jacket soon enough. [Hump]


grow up, my fucking ass. i don't think that shit is funny at all. just sit there and be sad i'm not giving you anything to jerk off about

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