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Posted by pose-lover (Member # 4038) on :
Perfect example: Stumbled across this while googling fetish threads. The reactions are enough to scare anybody into not wanting to admit. Now, of course, it seems like it's probably an under 21 thread since the actress in question is only around 20 or 21 now and that was 2 years ago but still the fact remains that the replies treated the starter like he was some sort of degenerate or something. Damn shame.

Posted by nylonlover92 (Member # 26075) on :
yea i remember reading that once as well. its a damn shame that we get ridiculed and mocked just for having different views about feet.
Posted by Cain (Member # 8492) on :
Yes all the more reason to keep foot fetishes to ourselves until we can feel people out to make sure they will not react like this.
Posted by Sinnister (Member # 2394) on :
I always get a kick out of people who feel like their going to burst if they don't let it out to whoever...

We're not gay. We don't need to come out of any closet. It's a sexual preference. Nothing more. I like girls with nice round behinds, I'm certainly not going to blurt it out the next fine-assed chick I see walking down the street.
Posted by dougiezerts (Member # 6829) on :
A point I've made before: Why is it that it's easier for a guy to admit that he's gay, than it is for him to admit that he's attracted to women's feet?
Posted by footluvrguy (Member # 23285) on :
Originally posted by dougiezerts:
A point I've made before: Why is it that it's easier for a guy to admit that he's gay, than it is for him to admit that he's attracted to women's feet?

Society for one. It's OK to like Tits and Ass... But feet? C'mon... Although! I've asked a few women and it was 50/50. Some said they liked feet and some said "No way."

I guess if you have a good healthy approach then you're not threatened by the idea. People who are "weirded out" are usually the ones I try to avoid....
Posted by foot prince (Member # 22554) on :
Be confident in who you are and what you are and everything else will fall in place. If they look at you sideways when you state you like feet, smile and chuckle like they're the ones on the outside looking in. The more you let them pigeonhole you into being some freak and you accept it...then it will be done. Man up and let these ladies know how beautiful their feet are. There is a reason you see a majority of the girls with nice, well-maintained, pedicured feet. Subliminally they know it's an erotic part of the's up to you to bring it out and let them know. My 2 pennies

Posted by Tiny Dave (Member # 30771) on :
I was on a thread one time where a dude was talking about pet snakes and everybody called him a freak. Snakes are evil somebody said. and the tread went to hell from from there.

And it was started by one jerk that didnt know what he was talking about and then everyone filed in line with there ideas. They guy who liked snakes probley felt like crapp after that.

[ June 23, 2008, 08:04 PM: Message edited by: Tiny Dave ]
Posted by footgirl0226 (Member # 29201) on :
Originally posted by dougiezerts:
A point I've made before: Why is it that it's easier for a guy to admit that he's gay, than it is for him to admit that he's attracted to women's feet?

Ummm I know a lot of parents that would rather they hear I LIKE FEET and not - DUDES... lol

...just saying...
Posted by Tiny Dave (Member # 30771) on :
I think people think that feet are forbiden or something like that.
Posted by oscarthemonkey (Member # 1692) on :
Well- judging by the question, the avatars, and the screen names- it appears that the thread in question is posted to be children/young adults. I don't care what children think about my tastes.

I'm also sure, seeing what hateful little bastards most children are to other children, that any topic, let alone feet, could provoke a similar reaction.
Posted by justdaone (Member # 16096) on :
Yeah, I wouldn't worry too much about that thread. I think most of them were teenagers. I think most people react that way because they're(feet) what you use to walk around and they consider them dirty. Like Sinnister said, it's our preference.
Posted by Shadixx (Member # 22316) on :
Just a bunch of kids on the internet. People tend to be a lot more of a penis face online. I have never had anyone say anything to me about it. I openly admit that I like feet and nobody has ever ridiculed me over it. Seriously,do you really want to be friends with some fuck faces like that anyway? What are they going to do? Lynch you,impale you to a giant wooden foot and burn you alive? As far as I am concerned openly admitting it is just a way to weed out narrow minded assholes that I don't want to associate with anyway.

[ June 24, 2008, 04:30 PM: Message edited by: Shadixx ]
Posted by AliasnameTO (Member # 29734) on :
Originally posted by Shadixx:
As far as I am concerned openly admitting it is just a way to weed out narrow minded assholes that don't want to associate with anyway.

Lol, very nicely put. That pretty much is how it works. "Those who mind don't matter, those who matter don't mind."
Posted by Toetapper (Member # 6473) on :
It is evident by the verbiage that the contributors to that thread were pretty young; that hideously confusing age where all try to be non-conformists or rebels while still trying to fit in by conforming to a lot of very rigid rules. At that age it is common for them to try to build one's self up by denigrating others. Notice also the "herd mentality"; it was inevitable that once one person branded the first contributor a weirdo that everyone else would fall in line and do likewise. So much for the "tolerance" that is supposed to be taught and reinforced in schools.

This concludes the psychological analysis portion of today's program.
Posted by secksrocks (Member # 30999) on :
People think it's weird because the media portrays us as weirdos. When I see someone with a foot fetish in movies, they are always some freak who wants to lick a stranger's feet on a bus, or some guy who only pays attention to the feet during sex and ignores all other aspects of his woman's beautiful, sexy body.

First off, any guy who wants to lick any body part of a stranger is a weirdo whether it be feet, fingers, or cheeks! But they make it seem like they're freaks for liking feet! That's not the weird part, licking a stranger is the weird part!!!

Second, I'm sure I can speak for most of us when I say that although we like feet, we still appreciate the rest of the female body, don't we?? I know I do.

Another thing is that people think of gross fungus toe jam when they think of feet. I don't know what kind of people they associate with, but the majority of women I see take care of their feet and make them look pretty as hell. And if they didn't, I wouldn't be attracted to their toe jam either!

I have to admit, none of my friends know I have a foot fetish, and I had trouble letting my girlfriend know about it too. And I only let her know because her feet were too pretty to deny! But everytime I watch a movie with her, and some foot freak comes on, I know she's probably thinking I'm a weirdo like the guy on TV (she hates feet).

However, I must say, finding this forum has helped me feel less self conscious about my foot fetish and helped me accept it as something normal. Before finding this place, I was much more embarrassed about it.

As far as Brenda Song's feet go... I've never actually paid attention to her feet before. But I must say, she is very attractive overall. [Smile] )
Posted by pose-lover (Member # 4038) on :
Originally posted by Shadixx:
impale you to a giant wooden foot and burn you alive?

This is just about the funniest thing I ever read. [Smile]

Just to clarify, I am an adult myself. I'm late 30's. Like I said, I stumbled across it and fully note they they were probably pre-21. However, I've known since I was about 15. A buddy of mine used to suck on his girlfriend's toes in front of people and I kinda thought it was interesting/cool/hot. From there I had flashbacks of staring at my neighbor's feet when I was younger and never knowing why. Point is I've obviously had some sort of attraction to feet before the age of 15 and finally came to understand it then. Others also realize at a pre-adult age and if they are made to feel it's weird they may never be able to accept/enjoy it. I'm pretty open now but that's because I just don't give a damn what people think. Not everybody is like that, though, and the thread I linked just shows why. Just pointing out an observation.


[ June 24, 2008, 07:55 AM: Message edited by: pose-lover ]
Posted by LuckyTeen (Member # 30822) on :
Confidence has a lot to do with it, also the fact many people discover their attraction for feet at a young age they may already be slightly confused and unsure. Being brought up that feet are dirty and that.

But I think it's more so the bad press feet lovers get, if there is some idiot you does something totally disrespectful to a woman to get to her feet a stereotype is made unfortunately.

And it's not true that foot men only get hard for the foot (some do) but liking feet doesn't mean you need them.
Posted by dicklipschitz (Member # 127) on :
It's uncomfortable because it's not common, statistically speaking. But awareness is growing, and people's comfort levels are improving, generally speaking.

There's a difference between "kink" and "obsession." Unfortunately, guys with obsessions are the ones who make headlines.

I say a "kink" can make you interesting, can add another dimension to your personality, as long as you're discreet about who you share it with. Several of my friends and a few of my coworkers (it's a tight-knit office) know I appreciate a great pedicure and a well-turned heel. But they also know me as good at my job, an loyal friend, an aspiring chef, a lousy singer, a would-be comedian and an avid golfer. They don't consider me as "that foot freak."

As long as people know you for something other than your sexual proclivity, consider yourself in good shape.

If others say, "Hey, there's John Smith -- he's an accountant, has a big collection of ELO records, drives a Mustang, really talented on the grill, travels to Canada every year, went to Harvard, could dress better, does volunteer work at the humane shelter, and, oh, yeah, he has a thing for women's feet," then you should be fine.

If others say, "That John Smith guy, all he does is stare at women's feet," then you've got problems.

But you could say the same thing for any other part of the female anatomy, really.

Just one man's opinion.

Posted by nusuth (Member # 7372) on :
one thing that no one has mentioned is the lack of understand 'normals' have in this. as others have said, homosexuality is, overall, viewed with less disgust than a foot fetish and i think part of that reason might lie in that in some way it makes sense. of course i am not saying that a hetero is gonna have the same urges as a homo, but the basis is the same. someone with a thing for round asses.. that makes sense.. asses are a sexual area. someone has a thing for big boobs or small boobs.. again, its directly sexual. feet though? how the hell that be sexual in anyway? its not what most people can make a direct relation.

i hope i made sense, cause it all made sense in my head.. the voices told me so.
Posted by Shadixx (Member # 22316) on :
Yes,the press coverage is pretty derogatory,they always seem to focus more on the fact that the person likes feet other than the fact that the person licked a total strangers feet. Liking feet is not weird,licking a total stranger is. The media always trys to make it out like we are creepy little trolls who sneak around in the dark molesting womens feet. Which 'most' of us are not.

The thing about admitting your fetish is to just be confident about it. If you make it out to someone like it is weird,then chances are they are going to think its weird. But if you act like its normal,then most people will just assume it is normal. Sure on occasion someone will ask you a couple of questions about it,but nobody ever jumps on a bull horn and announces "HEY EVERYBODY!! THIS GUY LIKES FEET!! HES A WEIRDO!" to everyone within a 2 mile radius. In fact it often leads to interesting encounters,because a lot of girls are curious about it after you tell them. So,dont be afraid of your fetish,embrace it. You will be much happier in life if you do. Take it from me,I used to be terrified of anyone finding out I liked feet. Then one day I decided I didn't care and that it wasn't a big deal.

I admitted it to a few female friends I had known since like 5th grade and after that ,on separate occasions I have gotten to mess around with each of their feet several times. Admitting it is NOT a bad thing. I mean,dont just blurt it out in random conversation...


ya that might make you seem a little odd.

I mean,you dont have to come out of the foot fetish closet like your gay or something and announce it to the entire world. But you don't have to be afraid to tell anyone,especially girlfriends. I have never had a chick turn me down and ridicule me for it,and I have been with a lot of girls. If anything they are always curious about it. Just look at it this way..if you have a girlfriend,and she wont let you touch her feet,do you really want her as a girlfriend anyway? The sooner you admit it to them,the less time you will be wasting on some narrow minded bitch anyway.
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
Originally posted by pose-lover:
The reactions are enough to scare anybody into not wanting to admit. ...
... Damn shame.

Damn shame indeed. But at least through those public showings, we are reminded of those real world truths that do exist out there. Sad but true [Cry]
Posted by Footman9 (Member # 1100) on :
Originally posted by foot prince:
Be confident in who you are and what you are and everything else will fall in place. If they look at you sideways when you state you like feet, smile and chuckle like they're the ones on the outside looking in. The more you let them pigeonhole you into being some freak and you accept it...then it will be done. Man up and let these ladies know how beautiful their feet are. There is a reason you see a majority of the girls with nice, well-maintained, pedicured feet. Subliminally they know it's an erotic part of the's up to you to bring it out and let them know. My 2 pennies


This is on point. Stick to your what makes you happy, folks. There are people who just don't get it. Being different to the norm DOES NOT make us weird. Remember that and stick to your guns.
Posted by RPM (Member # 2895) on :
i skimmed.. and one point sticks out.. one person said that liking feet isn't that common, statistically speaking? it's the number one fetish in the entire world. the most popular, the most had.. the most relate-able! yet.. the most 'hushed' one!!!

i only thank the media for that!

but as LuckyAndre has totally shown.. it's not all that big a deal. with confidence, even the most self-concious gals will let you close to their feet (look how he took one for the team in the pic section!)


p.s. by the way.. if you look at teen views.. the ones who are most open to feet (a lot more than you think) are the least likely to go on DisneyTeen type forums to begin with!
Posted by secksrocks (Member # 30999) on :
Hey RPM, I heard the same thing, that the foot fetish is the most common. However, I have been unable to find evidence to back that claim up. Do you have a link or something where I can find that statistic?
Posted by dicklipschitz (Member # 127) on :
Originally posted by RPM:
one person said that liking feet isn't that common, statistically speaking?

That was me. And, statistically speaking, it's not. According to psychological research, only about 15 to 18 percent of the human population engages in some kind of foot-related sexual interest (fetish, kink or otherwise).

Don't get me wrong ... that's a very sizable number. But given that it's an unexplored concept for about 85 percent of the human population, it's in a statistical minority. That's just math, not a judgment.

Happy to live in the statistical minority for nearly 40 years.

Posted by RPM (Member # 2895) on :
there might be another link.. i'll have to look for it and post it.

now.. yes 15% is not much sounding.. howevr.. if memory is working ok for me, that is the largest percentage of any one given fetish or kink. no other shares that much population share!!!

and when you extend the word to general usage... and allow accessories like nail polish and heels to factor in.. there is nothing else that gets so much world wide appreciation than feet!

but.. we're still a minority. and more folks are hushed about it because they think it's that much more a minority.


p.s. if i don't find it first, it was posted here before in discussion.

by the way.. this link is about heels.. found this link the same time i ran into the other one.. but can't find the other one yet

[ June 25, 2008, 02:45 PM: Message edited by: RPM ]
Posted by dicklipschitz (Member # 127) on :
Originally posted by RPM:
there might be another link.. i'll have to look for it and post it.

now.. yes 15% is not much sounding.. howevr.. if memory is working ok for me, that is the largest percentage of any one given fetish or kink. no other shares that much population share!!!

and when you extend the word to general usage... and allow accessories like nail polish and heels to factor in.. there is nothing else that gets so much world wide appreciation than feet!

but.. we're still a minority. and more folks are hushed about it because they think it's that much more a minority.


p.s. if i don't find it first, it was posted here before in discussion.

by the way.. this link is about heels.. found this link the same time i ran into the other one.. but can't find the other one yet

yeah, i was speaking strictly about the numbers.

then we could get into the whole definition of "fetish." in literal, psychological terms, a fetish is something that someone NEEDS for sexual gratification -- a fixation upon an object whose absence makes it impossible for them to achieve orgasm.

in everyday terms, "fetish" is used colloquially as a synonym for "kink" or "appreciation" or "enjoyment." i might say in an offhand manner that i have a foot fetish, but the truth of the matter is that i'm simply kinky ... i can still get off with traditional tab A/slot B sex. if you absolutely have to involve feet in the action, you've got a fetish. that's what the shrinks say, anyway.

using the most conservative definition of the word, foot fetishes might be the most common fetish, but you've gotta figure the number of actual, honest-to-god fetishists out there is relatively small. a more liberal interpretation might allow for something such as bondage or dominance or crossdressing -- all of which i suspect have a wider participation rate than foot lovin'.

using the common definition, i don't think there's any question that the whole wide spectrum of footdom -- feet, shoes, stockings, polish, jewelry -- collectively is the largest kink in western culture. but, still, compared to the rest of the world, our numbers are low.

Posted by RPM (Member # 2895) on :
that about sums it up. but one thing of interst. if the numbers are low.. and it's the biggest category of kink.... means most folks don't have kinks at all.. just strictly numbers speaking!

that would almost sound boring to most here on Wu's.. therefore.. we've got the most excitement going on!!!!

whatever the case may be..... there is a huge fashion industry out there that works super hard to get money from customers.. and all around the foot! (beit to dress it up, cover it up, guss it up)


p.s well put DL though! well put
Posted by PublicName (Member # 12270) on :
I'd say most of my internet friends know I like them, cause I don't really care if they do, people I hang out with in real life don't know though, unless they've known and haven't told me that they do, or asked me about it. So if they do know, I doubt they care, but I don't plan on telling them anytime soon anyways. Girls used to notice I looked at their feet in middle school but that's quite a while back anyways, don't know if they'd still have any clues about that now that I don't talk to some of them very much.

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