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Posted by JerryJones (Member # 35340) on :
I won't lie, this is one of my biggest it be a friend coming over or my gf it would be super embarrassing don't you think? When i'm with my buddies, we talk about ass and tits, no one ever talks about feet.

Also, for those who are you hang on the videos, pics of foot fetish stuff that u find? Do you ever have time to look at it when your wife isnt' around or do you have to get rid of this stuff all together once you tie the knot? I know, weird topic.
Posted by FarmerFred (Member # 20345) on :
yea my younger brothers! they subtly took the piss for a long time.
Posted by Martial Law (Member # 2564) on :
Yeah my best mate did. Sometimes ribs me over it but he's cool really, its all good japes.
Posted by JerryJones (Member # 35340) on :
well, Im happy to say no one has found mine dad did walk in to my room once though while i was looking at a foot site, there wasn't anything pornographic though, just pics of this womans feet...i dunno if he noticed.

I had a scare once though with an Ex gf...she was being nosey and digging around in my cd stacks and found a CD with alot of foot porn pics/videos in it...she asked me what it was cuz i named it something weird...i told her not to worry about it and she got all suspcious and kept asking me all night, i didn't give in..and she never found out
Posted by Maverick Matrix (Member # 2989) on :
Unfortunately yes. When I was staying at one of my friends houses for a month, I had my computer hooked up to his monitor and his ex-girlfriend went digging through my computer and she found my foot collection at the time. She was actually quite impressed and actually was quite interested in me. The biggest problem is that she was not attractive to me and didn't have nice feet at all. It was actually quite disturbing. So lesson learned, put a password on your computer no matter what.
Posted by nineone5 (Member # 13245) on :
I got my "stash" buried DEEP in my computer. like folders among folders among FOLDERS! even though my GF is well aware of my foot fetish and lets me indulge in them, I do not think she'd be fond of my collection at all. But yea its been my biggest fear too!

I was caught once, but think I got away with it. While I was living at home with the parents, my younger bro came in late one night to see what I was up to, and I had a picture of a woman's bare heel. It was a super up close shot, so with a quick glance, you prolly could not figure it out. I told him it was an upclose shot of a woman's boob. He bought it.
Posted by Toetapper (Member # 6473) on :

To elaborate just a bit, I might mention that I don't make a secret of my predilection and that I warn people who wish to use my computer that any file that contains the word "Folly/Follies" is best left alone. Any file that begins "XXX" is very likely to be regular porn that is very graphic material - to be opened at their own risk. Nevertheless, I keep those files on an external hard drive where other users really don't need to be to accomplish their on-line tasks.
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
All of my friends know....they openly tell their g/fs...well...they did. I simply said any more of you tell people about my private life can expect a good smash in the face. Rightfully earned too in my opinion. If they were into getting whipped or their prostate examined by their S/O's I wouldn't go telling people I just met or just got involved with about it. None of their business.

As for how it happened, the god damn Google search bar....fucking thing. Buddies went to search something and up popped "suggestions"...nothing to do with what they were searching for.

It's water under the bridge and they know not to bring it up, in fact one of my buddies has a bit of a FF of his own and has an account here and posts pics of his fiance! [Smile]
Posted by talusole (Member # 16173) on :
Not to my knowledge but I suspect so anyhow. Keep it secret, keep it safe ... from those who wouldn't understand, anyhow. However, I would let anyone with an open mind in on my little secret.

To the paranoid ... create a guest account, password protect, and delete your history to the best of your knowledge. The external drive idea is also a good measure.

Don't be ashamed, just be tactful, tasteful and respectful.
Posted by Keyfeet (Member # 27313) on :
yeah, lets leave it that
Posted by climax (Member # 6641) on :
lets just say theres a hidden suitcase at my parents house which till this day are full of videos I hope no one ever sees. If i can get there one of these days and dispose of them, i can bury those memories forever, after all, all the material ill ever need is right here on my comp so im more than happy to rid myself and the world of out dated feet scenes from tv programes and such.
Posted by Madra Allta (Member # 35317) on :
I'm open about my foot fetish. Its not like I go around telling EVERYONE. But I will be like "DAMN she has some sexy toes!"
If anyone wants to check out my porn, AWESOME!
I did get caught jacking off to foot porn for the first time ever just a month ago though. And I'm 24. Damn that's some good luck. But it was just my best friend/bootycall. She walked in on me one morning. I was like "Yeah, I was horny and you looked really passed out. Hey your up now! Lets fuck!" She thought it was awesome.
I like havin a foot fetish! Its different and and fun!

Ps. This my first post as this name. I used to be Ferret, but I lost my password about 2 years ago and just quit going on the fourm. But I missed it so now im back!
Posted by blackHxC88 (Member # 15094) on :
when i was about 15-16, i was using my mom's computer and made the mistake of saving some pictures from feetfair. my aunt, who i was living with, found them and flipped out.

she screamed at me to delete it which i did, then she preceded to punch me in the nose. i still can't really breath out of one nostril because of that punch
Posted by Tiny Dave (Member # 30771) on :
My ex gf found some of my drawings that I had in my art file in my computer luckly she was cool with it. But my next gf was not at all she thought it wierd.
Posted by JerryJones (Member # 35340) on :
Originally posted by bluetoelover:
All of my friends know....they openly tell their g/fs...well...they did. I simply said any more of you tell people about my private life can expect a good smash in the face. Rightfully earned too in my opinion. If they were into getting whipped or their prostate examined by their S/O's I wouldn't go telling people I just met or just got involved with about it. None of their business.

As for how it happened, the god damn Google search bar....fucking thing. Buddies went to search something and up popped "suggestions"...nothing to do with what they were searching for.

It's water under the bridge and they know not to bring it up, in fact one of my buddies has a bit of a FF of his own and has an account here and posts pics of his fiance! [Smile]

i feel ya, i actually use firefox to do my regular internet browsing, all the FF stuff I use explorer bc i know how to delete history on there. On fire fox, I do it but the history still shows up..

Another tip, is if you have files saved, to go delete the recent items tab on the start menu, it will display all the files you recently seen.

I always get nervous when friends are over and ask to use the computer, I want to go and delete stuff first but that would just make them curious so i just let them use it and hope i have cleared everything on there.
Posted by Toetapper (Member # 6473) on :
My current version of Firefox brings up a box after I close it and offers a number of things to delete. If you simply click the "Clear Private Data" button without selecting anything it wipes everything out.

Certainly there are those who can recover the information but, for the average user, there's nothing left. Just thought you'd like to know.
Posted by PublicName (Member # 12270) on :
My dad found it a long time ago, gave me a bunch of shit for a while like you need to get rid of your porn, why you looking at girls rubbing their feet on dicks? So I said I dunno, why are you giving me shit when your computer is loaded with porn too?

I think one of my buddies saw some too while I was in the shower, but he didn't say anything. Just mentioned a lot of random shit about feet during the day but I didn't really react, so I think I played that off.

During middle school a lot of chicks noticed that I took either long stares or quick peeks at their feet and kinda laughed about it, it was pretty obvious, too. But I don't think they ever really said anything. One chick said to one of my guy friends too, and he asked me about it, I was like, "Nah I dunno man, maybe it's cause I have my head down all the time."

Sometimes I wish I had just admitted it! Might have turned into something good.
Posted by Madra Allta (Member # 35317) on :
FUCK YEAH DUDE! Being a closet foot dude as a kid was one of my biggest mistakes ever! I missed out on so many awesome chances. Still kick myself in the ass when I look back. The day I decided not to give a fuck, EVERYTHING CHANGED!
Posted by Athena K (Member # 33809) on :
all of the pictures ive taken are on my laptop, proudly labelled lol just in the pictures section. im the only person that uses the laptop so im not overly concerned, but if anyone ever went into my pictures folder theyd be in for a bit of a shock haha
Posted by hur (Member # 24089) on :
Originally posted by Toetapper:
My current version of Firefox brings up a box after I close it and offers a number of things to delete. If you simply click the "Clear Private Data" button without selecting anything it wipes everything out.

Certainly there are those who can recover the information but, for the average user, there's nothing left. Just thought you'd like to know.

you can invoque it by pressing crtl+shift+del
I think it also works on FireFox 2 older versions

also you should check out this collection of addons for FF:
Posted by UK_luckyguy (Member # 15149) on :
I've never had it found, but that's because when I got with my current girlfriend and we moved in together the two hard drives out of my old PC (over 4GB of images) were smashed with a hammer and also burned... just to be sure.

It was a hell of a collection, I'm talking three years of all updates on wu's, footster, other TGP's etc. Plus tons of trawling from flickr, webshots, photobucket...

the risk just wasn't worth it though. I thought rather than it ever be found, it's getting physically destroyed.

Now I don't keep anything except sweet, sweet memories.
Posted by Karas (Member # 23934) on :
A lot of my friends know and use to give me shit for having a foot fetish. Even now it's something I still keep under wraps though. So Im SUPER paranoid when anyone needs to use my computer.
Posted by monkeys (Member # 27145) on :
A couple friends found a couple books I had. Now they know, it's not a big deal. Some of my close friends know, some don't, it's not a big deal to us.
Posted by toesucker84 (Member # 18338) on :
There ought to be a way to make folders be password protected (maybe there is but I don't know). Then you can have stuff on some backup hard drive or whatever. Have the files hidden so they don't show up on a search.

If someone is really nosy and searching through the computer and happens to find the folder... they can't access it without a password. You can tell them it's for security reasons that you back up important files. (you can name the folder whatever) More than likely someone wouldn't go through all that hassle when using another person's computer anyway, but the password protection for folders would be a good idea.

As far as internet browsing, just clear your history and cookies and stuff.
Posted by footntoesmassager (Member # 12132) on :
Not that I'm aware of, but I've since consolidated it onto an external drive I use here. I'm currently researching ways to hide the folder from prying eyes. I have an old laptop computer that I used to store files on that was password protected, but it has since crapped out on me and my collection of vids / pics has expanded beyond its hard drive space.

As for a browser, Google Chrome has been very helpful with hiding my Internet activity with respect to foot sites with its "Incognito Window."
Posted by archadmirer (Member # 3142) on :
Originally posted by blackHxC88:
when i was about 15-16, i was using my mom's computer and made the mistake of saving some pictures from feetfair. my aunt, who i was living with, found them and flipped out.

she screamed at me to delete it which i did, then she preceded to punch me in the nose. i still can't really breath out of one nostril because of that punch

I'm sorry your aunt had to be both closed-minded and abusive. Good on you for not retaliating in kind!
Posted by blackHxC88 (Member # 15094) on :
Originally posted by archadmirer:
Originally posted by blackHxC88:
when i was about 15-16, i was using my mom's computer and made the mistake of saving some pictures from feetfair. my aunt, who i was living with, found them and flipped out.

she screamed at me to delete it which i did, then she preceded to punch me in the nose. i still can't really breath out of one nostril because of that punch

I'm sorry your aunt had to be both closed-minded and abusive. Good on you for not retaliating in kind!
i'm not a fighter at all (if i were, i'd be terrible at it) and i don't punch or lay a finger on any women in malice, no matter what.
Posted by lamp (Member # 19270) on :
never been caught. keep a external harddrive/ back up to discs.

however i told my girlfriend about the porn when we first started going out not long after revealing the fetish.

she's cool about the fetish but natural very unhappy about me looking at porn! big mistake!..although some girls like porn!
Posted by Elvzz (Member # 14178) on :
I dont believe in accidents...
Posted by JerryJones (Member # 35340) on :
i found out you can hide your i'm gonna keep one in my hard drive and keep it hidden, that way ppl can't accidentally stumble upon it, dont know why i didn't thin of it sooner.

Would that be more safe than keeping back up copies on disc and on thumb drives? That's what i currently do, burn them on to disc, i have cd spindle with about 5 foot fetsh disc, and maybe 40 something porn far it's been safe...
Posted by Nirvana988 (Member # 30928) on :
No but one time I was listening to music with the headphones on and I was looking at a picture of Summer from Coedfeet when some of my friends came over.
Posted by houseshooz (Member # 10572) on :
I've noticed my wife's history on the pc and can tell she's seen many of my pics and vids. Strangely we've never talked about it but I did notice after she started browsing through my files that she started using her feet in the bedroom. I stopped trying to hide them but I did find a program called Ccleaner that does a good job of cleaning history and recent files.

I don't think any of my friends have seen them but they really don't get on my pc that much.
Posted by sofatater (Member # 4209) on :
Up until I was in my mid thirties, I usually had a room mate to help with expenses. Each one found and or pillaged my stash at one time or another. They never said anything about it though.
Since that was about 20 years ago, it was before I ever had access to a computer. So, it was all VHS videos tapes and magazines. I guess we saw it as a mutual "don't ask, don't tell" situation.
So I figure that "foot fetishism" is a lot more mainstream than most of us realize. There are still a lot of 'em in the closet. But with the availability of all the free foot porn on the internet, it won't be long before we're as accepted as all the other "alternative lifestyle" folks out there. [Fingers Crossed]
Posted by dangerboy450 (Member # 21682) on :
I've never been caught per se (I was fairly open about my foot enthusiasm with my last two Gfs and they liked it too, but they never knew about my stash), but I was talking with a friend of mine a few weeks ago and we were talking about weird quirks and such. We had been drinking and I was feeling frisky so I told I like women's feet and had been glancing at hers for most of the evening.

She then said, "Oh I've known about that. Yeah, Erin (my older brother's fiance) found a few pictures of women's feet on her desktop the morning after you had been using her computer. So we kind of figured that out like 2 years ago." I was embarrassed, but relieved, because she already knew but didn't make a big deal about it.

We've got to be more careful. Remember to always delete your history. Clear your downloads file. Move things from your desktop to the appropriate folders right away. Properly mislead suspicious hackers by mislabeling your stash.

My collection is split amongst blank-labeled DVDs, CDs, thumb-drives, and a folder labeled "NC Tax Info" (or is it?)

As Ben Gates once said, "We separate the lock from the key."
Posted by Mr. Mule (Member # 35514) on :
I remember I was about 18 and a friend of mine wanted to install a new game on my computer. My hard drive at that time had tons of pics and clips I remember him saying that he needed to find out why there was hardly any space on my hard drive. I had to hurry and divert his attention I just told him I don't want that shit on my computer leave it. And he just left it alone. On another occasion I had an ex discovered me chatting on yahoo with one of my foot friends. Lets just say the convo was hot and heavy with nasty foot talk. When she confronted me it wasn't a good scene she thought I was the weirdest person ever.
Posted by JKO12 (Member # 30609) on :
I don't store foot stuff on my pc
I have some pics on my psp but I use it rarely for when I have no internet

as for history and stuff I clear all private data after a session but since ff 3.5 I like to use private browsing

no one has ever cough me or my stuff
Posted by -cfg- (Member # 13863) on :
I once let an ex find my stash accidentally-on-purpose to see her reaction. I got a positive response [Wink]
Posted by den2 (Member # 20517) on :
No one really, but my wife helps me add to my stash [Smile]

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