This is topic The Mainstream Theory on Foot Fetishes in forum Foot Fetish Talk at Foot Fetish Forum.

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Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
One topic that has been talked about to death on this board is how foot fetishism is becoming, or should be, more mainstream - usually due to the media. I want to take a few minutes and make some statements about this because you have people on both sides of the fence about whether it should be, or if it even matters or not. So here is my take(s).

When people say it is becoming more mainstream, I don't think they mean that people who have no interest in feet or the fetish are talking about it on a regular basis. It isn't the next topic that comes up after who won the football game. What they mean is by people seeing/hearing about some of their favorite celebs having foot fetishes, it at least opens up some peoples' minds to things outside the box. If someone they admire has a liking for a girl's feet, it might take on less of a sterotype as strange to them, if they thought that way. Of course, others won't care one way or the other.

The other side sees it as a who cares topic and prefers it to not be mainstream because it loses some of its specialness if everyone liked feet. Well, don't worry. I seriously doubt by some movie stars, directors, rappers, etc. saying they like women's feet a bunch of non foot guys will suddendly go out and treat their women to pedicures and want to smell their sweaty feet and suck their toes. But I do agree that I like the fetish being something out of the ordinary. Nothing is better than when I give a girl a foot massage and she admits that none of her past boyfriends ever did that for her. It usually creates a nice intimate moment, even if it is nothing more than a foot rub.

Overall, although many people won't like that I bring this up, I liken this to the acceptance of homosexuality these days. I'm only 30, but when I was in school, you NEVER admitted to being gay. You'd be teased, and sadly, some people would want to kick your ass. Well, it's not that bad with having a foot fetish, asides from being the rib of lots of jokes with your friends. But in present day media, look at all the popularity of homosexuals out there. It isn't something that people look upon as "out of the ordinary" now. Many of us have at least one gay friend, relative or someone we at least know personally. In no way am I saying that our fetish will be commercialized like that by the media and put front and center. My bringing this up is just a way to show that by the media at least acknowledging it, it takes some of that mystery away to some people. The media has a HEAVY influence on our lives, whether you want to admit it or not. It is just what each individual does with that influence. I believe that it doesn't hurt in the least.

In closing, I offer this bit of advice. Your fetish is only as strange as you make it. If you like smelling sweaty female feet, that probably isn't something you want to bring up on the first date. Use some common sense. Offer her a foot rub after a date down the line when you know they'll be sweaty. Tell her you don't mind and don't be a dork about it - have some confidence. If she says no, then move on and try again later. Make your fetish cool and it will be cool. Make your fetish odd and it will be odd.

Posted by zackstoy (Member # 4013) on :
Well said. [Cheers]
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
I have a foot fetish and I am proud. If mainstream has the problem with it, that is their loss.

Licking and sniffing beautiful female feet has and will always be a favorite pasttime of mine.

If they accept it, that is great, but if they think i'm a freak that is their problem. I will simply enjoy what i love while being who I truly am.

I will not succumb to what mainstream would prefer me to be. Everyone should take note and learn to be themselves. When you are honest in the end, it will all come together and you will be licking and sniffing in no time. This is guaranteed!
Posted by climax (Member # 6641) on :
I definatley agree with you patrick. I happen to be on the formner side of the fence, meaning id like the whole mainstream thing, for me, it would make it alot easier when talking about it, especially to women i date.

Whether it actually does become that way or not, im ok with either outcome, but it sure would be nice if it did, and when i look back a few years, it does seem like things are looking up.
Posted by Andy-Laa (Member # 31511) on :
One thing I don't get is when say a celebrity does something with her foot, for the sake of argument, let's say it's smelling her own shoe. Some guys are ADAMANT that she did it just for the foot guys and she's aware of her foot-fans.

I reckon they think this because...well simply, that's how THEY think and so assume others do, but it's always struck me as odd.
Posted by GQguy (Member # 16534) on :
I think there are varying levels of foot fetishism based on what i've read here at wu's. Just my take with plenty of grey in between categories.

1)You can appreciate a pretty foot. They do not arouse you however.

2) You like feet. Much like other guys like breast and a nice butt. You have a normal sex life. Foot kissing is part of sex but not an act in it's self.

3) You like feet. Much like other guys like breast and a nice butt, but you like everything about feet. Even the sweaty smell of dirty socks. You collect shoes and socks. Have a normal sex life.

4) You like feet. Much like other guys like breast and a nice butt, but you like everything about feet. Even the sweaty smell of dirty socks. You collect shoes and socks. Not so normal sex life. Foot worship is an act on it's own. Cannot get aroused without feet.

5) You are obsessed with feet. You love everything about them. You collect shoes and socks and would even resort to stealing them. At times your foot fetish clouds your better judgement putting you at risk for extreme embarassment. You have no sex life save for the one that is paid for.

When it comes to mainstream I think guys in category 1 are pretty safe. Category 2 is becoming more acceptable. As for 3? I don't think so. I liken it to an ass guy collecting his girls underwear and sniffing them later. There are guys out there that do this, but they are never cast in a good light. It's seen as a bit too obsessive. But if a chic is into a guy she'll gladly give up her underwear for his pleasure. As you go down to 4 and 5 it gets harder and harder. Anything after 5 is where you find "that guy" in the news licking some unattractive stranger's feet.

Just my take

Posted by Fate111 (Member # 2627) on :
Good point, Patrick.

The feeling that I get from the posts of those who wish foot fetishism could become more "mainstream" is that they want it to be socially acceptable in the way that being gay is today. While I don't mind people treating a foot fetish as more socially acceptable, it's still part of one's sexuality and, as such, is a personal thing and should remain a personal thing, not something that you demonstrate in view of the public and get in everyone's face about.

One of the main reasons the gay and lesbian lifestyle became so "mainstream" is because it has legal ramifications. There were plenty of gay and lesbian couples who were living together as couples and they weren't being treated like married couples in the eyes of the law in many states in the U.S.. With that said, the only way for gays and lesbians to get the attention of state lawmakers was to demonstrate publicly on behalf of their personal rights. Their personal lifestyle became something that the legal system in states had to address because of laws pertaining to married couples that didn't necessarily pertain to gay and lesbian couples. As such, it became a big issue and, through that, it became more "mainstream" in the eyes of society.

One can't really make a legal issue out of the lifestyle of foot fetishists,... unless some of the more obsessive ones start to rip shoes off women, or sneak into the houses of women and suck on their toes without consent, etc.. Laws governing that are already on the books and they all say those type of things are not acceptable behavior, which I do agree with. And, by the way, that kind of behavior doesn't do well for the cause for those of us out there who do have a foot fetish but don't act in that manner and want people to think that having a foot fetish is no big deal.

I totally agree with Patrick when he said that your fetish is as strange as you make it. If you're embarrassed by it or come off as shady about it, people, especially women, will perceive that and they will feel uneasy being around you. Uneasiness breeds a feeling of being uncomfortable, as well as distrust. If a woman doesn't feel comfortable around you and doesn't trust you, she sure as hell isn't going to feel comfortable with you touching any part of her body, let alone her feet. However, if a woman feels comfortable being around you and trusts you, she can hear it all from society about how foot fetishists are "weird" or how that behavior is "disgusting", yet she will, at the very least, not stop you when you begin sucking on her toes. My experience has been that the odds actually increase of a woman liking that sort of thing if she's comfortable being around me and trusts me.

I think some people miss the forest through the trees when it comes to making foot fetishism "mainstream". I doubt that will really happen on a huge level. What guys should really do is try and make it more mainstream on a personal level in their own lives and get comfortable with themselves having a foot fetish. The more mainstream they can make it on a personal level when dealing with women in one on one circumstances and with women who trust them and are comfortable being around them, the more accepting women will be with it.
Posted by -cfg- (Member # 13863) on :
Originally posted by GQguy:
I think there are varying levels of foot fetishism based on what i've read here at wu's. Just my take with plenty of grey in between categories.

1)You can appreciate a pretty foot. They do not arouse you however.

2) You like feet. Much like other guys like breast and a nice butt. You have a normal sex life. Foot kissing is part of sex but not an act in it's self.

3) You like feet. Much like other guys like breast and a nice butt, but you like everything about feet. Even the sweaty smell of dirty socks. You collect shoes and socks. Have a normal sex life.

4) You like feet. Much like other guys like breast and a nice butt, but you like everything about feet. Even the sweaty smell of dirty socks. You collect shoes and socks. Not so normal sex life. Foot worship is an act on it's own. Cannot get aroused without feet.

5) You are obsessed with feet. You love everything about them. You collect shoes and socks and would even resort to stealing them. At times your foot fetish clouds your better judgement putting you at risk for extreme embarassment. You have no sex life save for the one that is paid for.

When it comes to mainstream I think guys in category 1 are pretty safe. Category 2 is becoming more acceptable. As for 3? I don't think so. I liken it to an ass guy collecting his girls underwear and sniffing them later. There are guys out there that do this, but they are never cast in a good light. It's seen as a bit too obsessive. But if a chic is into a guy she'll gladly give up her underwear for his pleasure. As you go down to 4 and 5 it gets harder and harder. Anything after 5 is where you find "that guy" in the news licking some unattractive stranger's feet.

Just my take



One of the best posts I've ever seen here. I don't agree with everything necessarily, but leaving gray area for categories between categories certainly helps me see your point of view a lot better.
Posted by Drunk_24-7 (Member # 21781) on :
GQguy that was one hell of a post and right on the money. I think I probably fall into catagory three and seem to be accepted pretty well, but it's about as far as you can push the envalope. Catagory 4 crosses the line and catagory 5 leaves you basically hopeless in terms of having a life that can meet society's standards for acceptable behavior.
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
Originally posted by Fate111:
What guys should really do is try and make it more mainstream on a personal level in their own lives and get comfortable with themselves having a foot fetish. The more mainstream they can make it on a personal level when dealing with women in one on one circumstances and with women who trust them and are comfortable being around them, the more accepting women will be with it.

that is one of the most well-put statements i have read in this forum in a long time.

this is unbelievably true fellas. in the end, it is you who will be accountable to the woman who's feet your are sucking (not the creepy guys in the news stories).

mainstream's impression of foot guys should be irrelevant to how you get women to indulge your fetish desires. separating the creepy guys from yourself is one of the biggest steps a foot man can take in getting women to allow him to sniff and lick.
Posted by octoberbaseball (Member # 20977) on :
I also agree with this post. Honestly i will say that I have much respect for the gay community and I have a couple of friends who are gay. I think having a foot fetish is similar. Both of them I believe you are born with. Also it is what you make of it. If a pill was created that would eliminate our foot fetish from us forever how many of us would take the pill? I know I wouldn't because I love having a foot fetish. As for making things mainstream, I think with homosexuality it is slightly different. When it is mentioned in the news it could come out as this actor is seeing this actor and left at that. As for a foot fetish, it would probably be something so minor such as oh seems like Quintin Tarantino has a foot fetish and left at that. I see a gay pride parade, but I don't picture a foot fetish pride parade, because honestly I don't know how to word this but I think it's too sexual.
Posted by Mona (Member # 8351) on :
I think the mainstream will from here on become more and more irrelevant.

Through things like social media and communities like wu's that have members from all over the globe it is likely that people will more and more have specific small groups they identify with and the "mainstream" will become something that is more or less antique.

a lot of web 2.0 gurus talk about tribes. Some have been well established for a long time. Many of the forumite's here have been around for half a decade or more.

" The internet was supposed to homogenize everyone by connecting us all. Instead what it has allowed is silos of interest"
Seth Godin-Technology, Entertainment, Design conference

The mainstream is probably a battle that doesn't need to be fought. Instead i suggest putting the energy and creativity that comes with making a small slice of the pie even more welcoming and appealing. That would include being more positive about each others experiences and having a solid and impressive foundation for newcomers to biuld on.

Lately there has been some anger it seems from those who do not have footjob fetishes and those who do. Is there a simple public relations move the forum could do to prevent collisions like this from longtime members? if so, then there is all the more reason to believe that the community can thrive with or without external approval. Can any of the conflicts of preference be sorted out? Is the Foot Fetish community healthy?

Some of the posts likened the position to the acceptance of homosexuality. Another community that has likened themselves to the "out" campaign of homosexuality are atheists. Recently in the news some atheist groups paid to have local buses carry the slogan "'There's probably no God... now stop worrying and enjoy your life'"

While most here will probably not agree with them, it is the approach that is my point here. The foot fetish equivelant might read: "The mainstream is probably not important, and will probably only become more and more irrelevant, so stop worrying and enjoy your foot fetish".
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
Lots of great remarks and views going on here. While I don't agree with every single idea, I think this is one of the most intellectual conversations we've had on this board. I like a good discussion and I like seeing other people's points of views. I'm always the first person to play devil's advocate in a group debate just to show people there are and always will be other views.

As for the homosexuality tidbits, I wasn't really saying the fetish is anything like that. My theory was that when many people see the people they enjoy on TV, music, sports, etc. and they find out they are gay, it might come to a shock at first, but it helps with people becoming more accepting. Some people might become open to things because of politics, but let's be real, the media influences way more people - at least in the USA. Now with people saying they like women's feet in the popular media, it just might make a girl say, "Oh you like feet? I think Ludacris does too." It just makes it a little more "common," if you will. Either way, I don't care if it's out there. I love my fetish and if giving a girl from work Monday a 4 hour long foot massage while hanging out is any indication, it must not be strange to everyone else. [Smile]


P.S. One of the other girls I was hanging out with let me rub hers for about 40 minutes before the other. They both really wanted some cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory and I said I'd buy a whole cake and split it if I got some foot rub time in. The one was like, "hell yeah!" The other was a little taken back. The open minded one looked at her and said, "You get cheesecake and your feet rubbed, what the fuck is there to think about?" Heehee... That's the one who got the 4 hour one in.
Posted by babeflover (Member # 2953) on :
Licking and sniffing beautiful female feet has and will always be a favorite pasttime of mine..."

pasttime? pasttime? are you kidding? it is my quest, my purpose, and my destiny. OK. i'm sounding creepy.
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
Originally posted by babeflover:
it is my quest, my purpose, and my destiny.

lol, i know that feelin m8! [Big Grin]

beautiful women's feet to me, are like viagra to an old geezer's shrivelled cock

in other words, i feel majorly enhanced if i get some gorgeous female feet and i am always thankful if the opportunity arises. i believe life is meant to be enjoyed and one should not forcibly deprive himself because of fear of what others will think.

get them feet boys and sniff to ur heart's content, Hee Hee [Fingers Crossed]
Posted by Martial Law (Member # 2564) on :
Originally posted by Patrick:
Overall, although many people won't like that I bring this up, I liken this to the acceptance of homosexuality these days. I'm only 30, but when I was in school, you NEVER admitted to being gay. You'd be teased, and sadly, some people would want to kick your ass. Well, it's not that bad with having a foot fetish, asides from being the rib of lots of jokes with your friends. But in present day media, look at all the popularity of homosexuals out there. It isn't something that people look upon as "out of the ordinary" now. Many of us have at least one gay friend, relative or someone we at least know personally. In no way am I saying that our fetish will be commercialized like that by the media and put front and center. My bringing this up is just a way to show that by the media at least acknowledging it, it takes some of that mystery away to some people. The media has a HEAVY influence on our lives, whether you want to admit it or not. It is just what each individual does with that influence. I believe that it doesn't hurt in the least.

While I agree with most of what you said in your post (which is, as usual, very intelligent and well written) I must disagree with what you say here about homosexuality. Heck, wasn't too long ago that I was being bullied for being bisexual (well actually it stopped when I asked a guy if he'd feel clever after getting his face caved in by a faggot, but that's another story) and I still get the occaisional jibe about liking a bit of penis with my vagina sometimes. Heck, one of the things I hate about my job at the moment is the amount of homophobia which is just allowed to occur at work. I'm tempted to get some people sacked but in all honesty it just entertains me how small minded people can be. And I guess that's a facet of your argument. I dunno, perhaps the UK is more homophobic than the US.

That said, awesome post. So true about your fetish only being as dorky as you make it, was joking with my GF earlier about people wondering "how can I lick some smelly feets, HALP!" when in all honesty it just takes you being civil and introducing a lady friend to your desires slowly.
Posted by babeflover (Member # 2953) on :
Quote"...beautiful women's feet to me, are like viagra..."

Interesting you said that my friend. after being married for 15 years, and having sex with only her for about 20 years, if it wasn't for my love for her feet, i probably need viagra. So, in other words, at least for me, footfetish, in a way,= viagra.

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