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Posted by Reinforcedheelstoes (Member # 1099) on :
Okay, okay. Stop laughing, yes I just got on Facebook. I'm an OLD guy. LOL!

Anyway, my daughter tells me how to use Facebook so that we can keep up with each other while she is away at college, other family members, etc...well as you guys all know, it's pretty much all automatic with the friend request and updates and all that bullshit. It's fun, though. I'm not gonna bore anyone with a tutorial as I am sure I am the last guy to sign up for it!

I start getting A LOT of friend request form my entire past! Family, ex teammates, guys at college and people from high school, all asking me where I've been, did I just get on Facebook, and laughing at me for just figuring it out. (Thank God for my kid..!)

Last Sunday I got a friend request from someone special to me. Her name is Chloe and she is a lovely Irish woman with a beautiful face and a head full of red hair. I chased after Chloe ALL through high school and after until I left and walked on to my college football team in another state. I never saw or heard from Chloe after that although I often dreamt about her and fantasised about her shapley feet, which I got to massage ONE TIME while she sat next to me at a movie with her boyfriend on the other side of her!

It was back in 1983 and the movie was 'Return of the Jedi'. I was sitting with my boy 'Joe' in the middle row of this long since torn down movie theater. The middle row was the best because it was the middle crossing aisle halfway to the screen and no one could sit in front of you. It FELT like the front row with the leg room but it was halfway up the length of the theater, They were perfect seats, and me and my buddy Joe had 'em right in the middle. Choice.

But I swear I never saw that damn movie.

Oh, I saw bits and pieces. But I spent most of the movie in a sort of boner induced trance with pre cum ALL over the inside of my shorts. Here's what happened.

All of us hard core Star Wars fans ere there for the movie. It was a Friday night and it was on like the break of dawn. Nothing but rowdy high school students in the whole place, right? It was SO MUCH fun but for me it was about to get fucking amazing. Joe and I got there early, to scam on the kick ass seats, right? Were sitting there shooting the BS and laughing when the love of my life walks up with her fucking boyfriend. She's smiling at me and leading this dude by the hand. I'm totally in love with her and she knows it, but she is safe to flirt with and tease me because we all know "she has a boyfriend". He was a tall defensive end on our football team and he was handsome as hell, the fucker. I was a short, square, squatty nose tackle who fought off double teams while HE got all the quarterback sacks. Whatever. He knows me from the team and smiles and goes to sit next to me as more and more students start to fill the movie house. But she stops him and says SHE wants to sit between us two all city football players. I didn't get All City but her boyfriend did. I just felt even worse but I was excited to be sitting next to her. I still to this day feel bad as I just TOTALLY ignored my buddy Joe, but after what happened to me, I know he would understand. They sit next to us, and the actual fucking Prom Queen is 2 seats away from Joe and it seemed as if all the popular kids were in me and Joe's row. I, being a football player, could have hung with any crowd, but my boy Joe was feeling excited sitting with us. There's popcorn flying and paper airplanes in the air and laughter all around, it kind of felt like a party.
Get this, as the preveiws started and the lights went a little darker than they were, the crowd cheered (Youv'e all been to Star Wars movies...) I feel a poke on my thigh, as I look down, I see the most beautiful sight. Chloe had tucked one leg underneath the other and her shoe was lightly brushing my jeans. I look down and catch my breath. Her shoes are those stupid flats girls wore BITD and her feet wer bare inside. Chloe is an Irish girl and her skin is very pale. Her flats are a maroon color and match her leather coat. She wears jeans and light make up with gold hoop earings. I look to the screen and back down to her foot. I was looking forward to 'The Return' but at that moment I didn't give a fuck. I was sitting sitting next to the girl of my dreams and she had her foot where I could see it. I was on Cloud 9. It gets better.
As I lifted my gaze from Chloe's foot to check to see if she is catching me staring at her feet or if her boyfriend was going to punch me. As I look up, I find her STARING RIGHT INTO MY EYES!! "OH SHIT! BUSTED!!!" I thought. I was sure she was going scream "FOOT PERVERT!!" You guys know how we all thought when we were in school. But no. What actually happened was right out of a dream. She looked around to her boyfriend, who was cutting up with one of his bros, and then back to me. Back then I HAD NO IDEA she actually liked me, I thought she was just teasing me, but she said the greatest thing to me. " You can take off my shoe if you want to, I'm kind of messing up your jeans, and if you can stand the smell." She laughed at her last but I just stared at her. (WTF did she just say???!!!) I sear I just stared at her. Then I asked her "You want me to take your shoe off?" (Are you fucking kidding me??!!) I ALMOST asked "How did you know?" but she beat me to it by saying,"I don't want to mess your jeans up with my nasty shoe, but I want to sit like this because my feet don't reach the floor and it's kind of embarrasing, being so short. So I just cross my legs underneath me. And I LOVE to be barefoot! I took my other shoe off already, it's on the floor. Can I please? He, (meaning her boyfriend) hates when I put my barefeet anywhere on him. Is it okay to touch your leg with my foot?"
Now, by this time I realiized if my secret is out, she wouldn't be asking such a stupid question. I was slowly getting my wits back as I said "I think your feet are beautiful" Chloe beamed at me like the sun rising out of the ocean and our faces were 12 inches away from each other as I slipped her shoe off, She quickly grabbed it away from me and shoved it in her coat pocket. But she pressed her toes into my thigh and started giving me an erotic toe massage as she turned her face to smile at her boyfriend and back to the screen.
Posted by hyperion2424 (Member # 39397) on :
Great story dude, the way you described her, she was classic 80s girl. Vivid and well written. RoTJ has special significance for me too regarding a girl. Were her nails painted?
Posted by Reinforcedheelstoes (Member # 1099) on :
Sorry so long, but this is great what just happened to me last week I wanted to expain it.

Now I was a kid of 18, but even back then I was kind of reckless. I was staring down at the at the foot of a high school girl and back at the screen. I was trying to talk myself out of what I was going to do next. I mean, after all, she was touching me, right? Then I had a right to touch her, too. All this time I was looking at Luke Skywalker and barefeet and Han frozen in that shit and barefeet, and on and on, I was getting SOOO excited, I was mouth breathing and she was looking at me me and smiling and how in the fuck does someone look sexy CHEWING POPCORN!!??

I finally said "Fuck it, get it over with." So I did.

I reached my hand down and lightly massaged Chloe's foot. I thought, "Okay, I did it. Now here comes the rain." I looked a Chloe but she didn't look at me, she turned and looked at her boyfriend, smiled at him, THEN turned to me, raised her hand to her hair as if to hide her face, and nodded at me before she turned back to the screen. I took that as a green light and put my hand back onto her foot.

I gave her the footrub to end all footrubs, my hand was aching after that fucking movie! Once while everyone was cheering, she leaned to me and said "That feels so fucking good". I fondled that girls ankle, foot, heel, instep and toes for tha whole 2 hour movie. She never stopped me once only to put her shoes on to go to the ladies room.
Posted by Reinforcedheelstoes (Member # 1099) on :
Originally posted by hyperion2424:
Great story dude, the way you described her, she was classic 80s girl. Vivid and well written. RoTJ has special significance for me too regarding a girl. Were her nails painted?

Shit, I don't know. She wore flats and it was so dark. They might have been peach or pink colored, somthing light.
Posted by Reinforcedheelstoes (Member # 1099) on :
She came back from the ladies room, sat down and curled up in a way that that leaned on her guy but HER OTHER FOOT was snaked under the armrest of our seats and in my lap!! It was awesome! I took off my hoodie and covered her foot as I rubbed it. I could lean back, too, into my seat and watch the movie, Luke all up in the brush of that jungle planet riding his speeder bike. Joe whispered to me, "Are you rubbing Chloe's foot under your jacket?" I said in a whisper, "Yeah", He said in a whisper, "Your my hero" We giggled like a couple of dickheads as I massaged away.

The Death Star explodes and Chloe pulls her foot out from under my sweatshirt and slips her flats on as I watch her. As Luke gives Darth Vader a funeral, Chloe starts to brush her hair, but doing it in a way where she has to turn to me to do it. We stare into each other's eyes until the lights come on. The look she gave me I will never forget.

Now back to Facebook.
Posted by Andy-Laa (Member # 31511) on :
So is she/are you single?

Posted by Reinforcedheelstoes (Member # 1099) on :
Guess who messages me on Facebook last Sunday?

Yep. I could not freaking believe it. Ol'e Chloe, now a mom of 2 little girls and a widow of 8 years. Lost her husband to cancer back in 2002. Lives pretty close and has 'been searching for you on Facrbook forever!' I ask her why and she says she has feelings for me and always has but 'It was complicated'. I ask her what that means and she explains how it is important for her boyfriend and husband to fit in with her family and that I just didn't meet that requirement for her to get serious over. (Yeah, right, I thought) But she is Irish and they do have a strong family bond. I guess I get that.

Chloe friends me and I eagerly look to see what she looks like now after 2 kids. I look at her pictures and it is the same girl, woman now, with that same gorgeous face, but a few more pounds. I still want to fuck her though. I think she looks great.
She finally gets around to talking about 'Return of the Jedi'. I was like 'Finally!' She tells me in another Facebook message that I "really messed her up with that amazing footrub you gave me. Everytime I see that fucking movie, I cream my jeans!" She put LOL after it, but I was amazed.

I wrote her a message back. "You liked it?" I asked. She said " I LOVED it! I couldn't even face you in school I was so ashamed for getting so excited!" I was such a slut, huh?"

I had NO IDEA she liked her foot massage. I guess I thought she was so unaccessable in high school I never gave it much thought.
Posted by Reinforcedheelstoes (Member # 1099) on :
She says she wants to see me and that she is so happy we message back and forth on Facebook. She finally tells me that she wants to see me. I tell her that I would love to finish her footrub if she didn't mind. She says she wouldn't mind at all.

We met at a mall between the 2 of us and as she got out of her car I grab her and we kiss. She kisses me in a way that lets me know it would be alright to take pictures of her feet. " I don't care", she told me, " but no pics of my face. I'm a mom in a small town"

I told her no problem, and thank you. I've been wanting to rub these feet again since 1983.I brought the nylons with me, theyr'e mine but she kept them. I think were going to see each other again. She did let me rub her feet all over my face as she giggled at me. I stole a few kisses of her soles she seemed to enjoy. My crazy camera runs off regular AA batteries, and every time I change out the batteries I get ome new, crazy date in the timestamp display. Oh well, Cheap POS.

A few pics are in the Pictures Forum titled 'Chloe's Nylon Soles'. It was great seeing her after all these years.

How cool is Facebook?

[ September 26, 2010, 09:32 AM: Message edited by: Reinforcedheelstoes ]
Posted by Reinforcedheelstoes (Member # 1099) on :
Originally posted by Andy-Laa:
So is she/are you single?


I don't know if she is. I date, but I have no wife (divorced) and no serious girlfriend.
Posted by catsman (Member # 10269) on :
Gotta see her toes please.....
Posted by dougiezerts (Member # 6829) on :
So your foot massage had a big impression on her, eh? That's a great story!
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on :
Just saw the pics.. [Drool]

A couple of questions:

1) Did her feet smell that night in the theater or did you smell your fingers?

2) Did you get to smell her feet in the car pics.? How did they smell?
Posted by feetluvr (Member # 1570) on :
One of the most exciting, and touching (seriously) foot stories I've ever read- anywhere. How awesome is that. Not only a long lost love returns to you- but she's into feet. Awesome.
Posted by Reinforcedheelstoes (Member # 1099) on :
Originally posted by catsman:
Gotta see her toes please.....

I will try to remember to get some pics of her toes. I THINK we are going to see each other again. She bought me a 'sexy nightie' she wants me to see. I told her to be careful, if I see her in lingerie, were going to bed together.

She messages me that "I can do anything I want." So I guess we might have another date coming up.
Posted by Reinforcedheelstoes (Member # 1099) on :
Originally posted by dougiezerts:
So your foot massage had a big impression on her, eh? That's a great story!

Thanks Dougie. But I think it is more the realization that she actually always liked me. I was shocked at her allowing me to touch her body that way. The foot massage was something I chose. She just didn't mind.
Posted by Reinforcedheelstoes (Member # 1099) on :
Originally posted by footjoyboy:
Just saw the pics.. [Drool]

A couple of questions:

1) Did her feet smell that night in the theater or did you smell your fingers?

2) Did you get to smell her feet in the car pics.? How did they smell?

Lol! Yeah, I did. I shouldn't have! But I did. When she went to the bathroom I smelled my hand and it was wonderful, I wanted to marry her on the spot. Man her feet smelled good but I must have gotten popcorn oil on her feet because I smelled that and shoe leather and a little foot smell but it smelled SO GOOD!

In the car I smelled nothing, she was ready for me! Lol! I smelled a little soap, that was all.
Posted by Reinforcedheelstoes (Member # 1099) on :
Originally posted by feetluvr:
One of the most exciting, and touching (seriously) foot stories I've ever read- anywhere. How awesome is that. Not only a long lost love returns to you- but she's into feet. Awesome.

Thank you, yeah, she's pretty great. I don't know if she's into feet, but she just loves when I lay my hands on her anywhere, she just melts under my touch. It is so sweet to watch her when I touch her skin. As far as her feet are concerned, she is so smooth and confident that she just doesn't care where you touch her, as long as you touch her. She is very huggy, touchy feely, which is great for me. I get the impression the men in her life don't touch her much, and this is something she needs.
Posted by Andy-Laa (Member # 31511) on :
Originally posted by Reinforcedheelstoes:
I must have gotten popcorn oil on her feet because I smelled that and shoe leather and a little foot smell but it smelled SO GOOD!

I've heard some girls' feet do smell like popcorn when sweaty, so it might be her feet [Wink]
Posted by BuckMKII (Member # 40654) on :
What an awesome story. Thanks for sharing and best of luck to you and her.
Posted by 2nd. To God In Power (Member # 23391) on :
This is the only story that I've ever read fully that was this long. This story was great. Now, we MUST see the tops of the toes in order for this story to be extraordinary.
Posted by Reinforcedheelstoes (Member # 1099) on :
Originally posted by Andy-Laa:
Originally posted by Reinforcedheelstoes:
I must have gotten popcorn oil on her feet because I smelled that and shoe leather and a little foot smell but it smelled SO GOOD!

I've heard some girls' feet do smell like popcorn when sweaty, so it might be her feet [Wink]
That is actually true. I never thought of that....gotta sniff on 'em some more. Shit, good point.
Posted by Reinforcedheelstoes (Member # 1099) on :
Originally posted by BuckMKII:
What an awesome story. Thanks for sharing and best of luck to you and her.

Thanks a lot, Buck.
Posted by Reinforcedheelstoes (Member # 1099) on :
Originally posted by 2nd. To God In Power:
This is the only story that I've ever read fully that was this long. This story was great. Now, we MUST see the tops of the toes in order for this story to be extraordinary.

I'm so sorry it was so long. I wanted you guys to share in my experience with me. Thank you, though!
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on :

Good luck with this relationship! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by sole O (Member # 38449) on :
WOW! Great story, Man.
Posted by Reinforcedheelstoes (Member # 1099) on :
Originally posted by footjoyboy:

Good luck with this relationship! [Thumbs Up]

She wants to have lunch. Thanks
Posted by Reinforcedheelstoes (Member # 1099) on :
Originally posted by sole O:
WOW! Great story, Man.

Thank you, sir. Sorry I was so long winded.

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