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Posted by Bladesman38 (Member # 45092) on :
Hi. Ever wondered just why we are attracted to female feet? I mean when I think about it they are just feet. We men have them and for the most part male feet are horrible. Even girls who have pedicures and adorn their feet dont get it. Yet they are such a turn on. What is it about them. If I see an attractive girl then I immeditely look down to her feet! Even the smell of female feet is a turn on. Any theories anyone?
Posted by Peter, Peter (Member # 40235) on :
I have no theories on the matter, I personally don't know why I have one. What I do know, is I like what I like. Maybe its the idea that feet are taboo, I really don't know. But I will keep on enjoying a nice set of feet.
Posted by screwhead20 (Member # 16242) on :
"The choice of the fetish depends upon the impression which is accidentally associated with the first genital excitement."

Origins of the Fetish

Interesting read....
Posted by Drunk_24-7 (Member # 21781) on :
See now, I don't get why some people don't have the attraction for basically the same reason you question why we do. To me I think women's feet, well pretty feet on a pretty woman, is very feminine. Yeah, we have feet too, but we also have asses and legs, and's the differences of those parts are on a female that makes them I think so attractive and sexual. Like a man's pecs, or man tits are hideous and gross looking to me as a heterosexual man, but then you look at a woman's breast with it's perkyness in her youth and the definition of her nipples and how they respond to being touched, it's sexy on a woman. Not so much on a dude.

Same with an ass. The last thing I could ever find attractive is some fat, hairy, male ass, probably crusty or lubed with shit from the days biggest farts, harry, stinky, sweaty balls dangling underneath and a crack big and wide enough to house a small rodent. Not attractive to me by any stretch of the imagination.

Now you take a nice looking woman's ass, in all it's firm, smooth curvacious glory, tight and petite, or a plump little pillow of absolute perfection working with a nice set of hips and some long, sexy legs and it doesn't get much sexier than that.

It's the same with feet. The difference between male feet and an attractive pair of female feet is quite profound and in my estimation as different as any of the more universally percieved parts deemed sexually attractive. Male feet are big and often times rockin' some putrid hair in the toe knuckles, often ragged and smelly in a gross way from the wear and tear of a hard days work or stinky in a BO, room empting type way from athletic endevours. They're big sometimes to the point of goofy or small to the point of disporportioned, unkept and used mainly for getting from point A to point B, kicking some ass or in some sort of athletic capacity. A woman's feet should be destintly different, smaller and more petite, toes well aligned and well kept, pedicured with polish and nail beds that are attented to regularly and made to look pretty. They smell distinctively different. Even the most athletic women or women with the strongest smelling feet, while perhaps not an armoma that everyone is into, it's totally different than the sent given off by a male. Women have different hormones and pheromones than men and I find most of them including and especially those in their feet to be very desireable and attractive vs. our own. The definition of their arches is often far more wounderous and amazing to bare witness to than their male counterparts and acts as the perfect extention to a sexy leg. Those curves and whatnot are often times enhanced with the sexy foot attire they don that sort of preconditions their feet to assume sexy arch and excentuate their legs that much more and their ankles are thinner and more defined in their curves as well. Their insteps are smooth and hairless and their toes thinner and sexier and often all dressed up in colorful polishes. It's night and day really comparing male feet to female feet. They're not all "just feet" at all. Male feet are fucking disasterous and female feet can be delicious an as alluring as any of the other awesomely beautiful things that attract us to them.

I guess there are some guys feet that aren't as bad as what I've described above, but really there's not much shame in them being horrible looking because for a guy, they're not supposed to be attractive. For us it's all about the eyes, jawline, hair, personality, sense of humor, cock and perhaps most importantly wallet. haha. There's no reason for us to try and attract women with a body part as unattractive as our feet, however we can dress them up in nice shoes to show money and power and if you have big feet, women often relate that to the assumption of a big pecker to go with it. Those are the only attractive traits I could see our feet having to women. Any guy who cares about how attractive his feet are, and gets pedicures or God for fucking paints his stupid toenails in my estimation may be a little too light in his loafers to begin with. That's a general sterotype and I'm sure it's not set in stone, but I mean, there's really nothing masculine about having "pretty feet" and there's nothing attractive about your average set of male feet. So I see why "they're just feet." when talking about male feet. I agree with that assessment. Just like they're just pecs, or just an ass or just a gut, or whatever. It's how sexy and feminine and beautiful the female version of the same bodypart can be that makes it so attractive and desireable I find.

Women can use their feet in a teasing and tantalizing fashion. They can be dress them up and accessorize them to add additional beauty and they are just the perfect way to finish the entire landscape of a far more attractive creature than we are. The smell thing, I can see some people not getting it but I love the smell of all things female to a point. Perfume, Hair, lotions, pussy and yes, feet. There's an old saying that women don't sweat, they "glow" and I think there's some truth in that. Of course they sweat but even in doing so, it's usually in a far more attractive way than their male counterparts.

Now that doesn't go for everyone obviously. There are ugly women and there are ugly female feet of course out there, and they've fall into the "just feet" catagory because well, they're just not attractive, likely in any capacity. Then there's attractive women who unfortantaly may subscribe to the "just feet" theory and let their feet go. They might catch your attention with a face or body, they might be attractive enough to want to lay the polish sausage into but if you peep the peds and they're unkept or ugly or strike you as "just feet" without any sort of attraction there, that could be problematic in the long term.

The sexiest women that I would cosider "butterfeet" can still be somewhat attractive but they wouldn't rank nearly as highly on my scale as they may appear to other dudes because nice feet add a significant element of physical attraction for what I look for in a woman, and I think rightfully so.

Same with a perhaps less than beautiful chick from the ankles up. There's a line where ugly is just ugly, but average can quickly become exceptional with an excellent set of peds, just as the "butterface" with the great tits or the flat as a board beauty with the gorgeous face, beautiful hair and sensual lips can be quite desireable.

The same way a hot chick with a pretty face and smokin tits can be forgiven for a fat ass and blubberlegs, I think a woman with sexy legs, a fine ass and get feet can easily compensate for some imperfections from the waist up.

Basically feet, are not really necessarily more, but certainly no less important, or any less sexually attractive than any other part of the female package and when they're a part of the perfect package, well it just doesn't get any better than that. I was fortunate enough to have dated a fair share of what I would consider pretty damn sexy women. Probably had 3 or 4 what might be considered a bit below average and probably a dozen or more considered at or above, but I felt like I really nailed the total package in terms of looks from head to toe on 3 different occasions and the third time, I wasn't gonna allow myself to strike out or push my luck, so I married her and I consider her feet as well as the total package to be the hottest of em all. Toss in an attitude I can put up with and the patience to put up with me, and she's not only hot as fuck, but a cool fuckin' chick to boot, from head to each and every sexy toe.
Posted by dougiezerts (Member # 6829) on :
I often think about why I'm attracted to women's feet--and I can come up with no reason for it! I suppose I've just "wired" that way.
Posted by acebg (Member # 2056) on :
I think many guys got their start in childhood. I've heard from some that their mother would cross her legs while sitting, then put junior on her foot and give him a ride. Some guys had a sister that being mean, made little brother smell or kiss her foot. I know for a fact mine started from my mom, and what she did is why I'm a fan of reinforced toes.

As To what we like, man, look at all the curves on her foot...the arch (smooth sometimes and scrunched others) and all the toes. Look at all the things they can do...spread, clamp, etc. Then, look at all the other stuff you can add; dangling, dipping, socks, stockings/pantyhose, some guys are into crushing...there's the smell for others and toe indentations in shoes for others.

I don't think boob/butt guys have so many sub-fetishes. Also, we can see feet anywhere but you'd have to go to a strip joint to see boobs/butts. We can get foot jobs or enjoy sleeping feet. I'm glad to have my foot fetish.
Posted by Jiao (Member # 44950) on :
Drunk_24-7, are you a writer cause that was a novel! Seriously, though, I coulnd't have said it better. I agree with everything you said.
Posted by babeflover (Member # 2953) on :
Great topic, and great question. I sometimes ask myself that question,usually after an orgasm. after a have had my wife lovely feet in/on my face to jerk off to.
Posted by Bladesman38 (Member # 45092) on :
I also ask myself the question after orgasm. Its then that it seems bizzare. I just dont get it however all I know is that female feet are for me an immediate turn on. Breasts just dont anything for me!
Posted by Bladesman38 (Member # 45092) on :
I also ask myself the question after orgasm. Its then that it seems bizzare. I just dont get it however all I know is that female feet are for me an immediate turn on. Breasts just dont anything for me!
Posted by larrrr (Member # 42092) on :
It's just something that I was born with. I don't recall going through the whole mother experience. The only memory I have of young age of feet were of my kindergarten teacher. I remember she wore pumps most of the time and would take them off during naptime and would walk barefoot through the class. I never went to sleep. That's the point whenever my fetish became apparant to me.
It's just about your orientation and what attracts you to your preference. I'm attracted majorly to female feet, but I also love their hair, curves, facial beauty, etc... Not as much as feet, but they're just all part of the pie.
Posted by GoddessDeja (Member # 45176) on :
As a Woman into sexy Women's feet and having Her own feet worshipped, I have often asked men why they love My feet and sexy female feet so much. The threads here reflect the general answers I have heard so many times over.

Like many Dommes who utilize foot play or foot domination to seduce foot fetishists into deep sub-space I took it upon Myself to find a logical answer for this question. Here are merely a few of the most dominant conclusions I have developed so far, (remind you, this is just My personal speculation and pondering, not science or hard facts):

1. The foot is universal. By "universal" I do not mean all women have feet. That is obvious (in most cases). By universal I mean, a male desiring to see all desireable women he sees naked may never have the opportunity to see all women in all of their naked glory. BUT the chances of seeing every woman he desires and fantasizes about barefoot is exponentially more probable and therefore, becomes universal constant in his subconscious mind.

The woman/ or women (type of woman) of his desire may be barefoot or wearing a heel, sandal, or other footwear that reveals naked truths or aspects of her foot and or toes. These naked attributes can then be associated with what he truly desires to see and experience, "her body."

In this regard, the foot subconsciously becomes a conservative sure bet for evaluating a woman's sexuality, her naked beauty.

This is where the "fetish" comes into play. The word "fetish," as I will put it here, simply means to substitute one thing for another. The foot, therefore, with all of its curves, scents, and cleavage, is a logical (albeit subconscious) substitute for the desired naked woman.

a. Why dirty foot worship? If you can accept the above, the dirty foot represents the naked feminine when she is sweaty or not completely clean. It demonstrates the male's subconscious desire to accept Her under any circumstances, in her natural nakedness, raw, and uninterrupted. This is reflected in other sub-fetishes such as toilet servitude, ass licking, sweat fetish, arm pit sniffing, fart fetish, etc., etc., etcetera

2. Why Smelly Feet? I suggest we consider the fact that there is a chemical that both animals (mammals) and humans secrete called sex pheromones. These are secreted from various parts of the Woman such as her:

1) axillae (underarms)

2) nipples

3) pubic, genital, and circumanal regions

4) circumoral region (mouth) and lips

5) eyelids

6) outer ear (source:

I note that a woman's feet are not on this list. I also note that placing Women's feet on this list may be an endorsement for "taboos" orbiting foot fetishism. My personal hypothesis, as a Femdom who has had My feet worshiped on numerous occassion and had men request to purchase My used smelly socks and stockings, is, "Do Women's feet also produce sex pheromones?" That question reflects My personal belief and My experience leads Me to agree that there is some merit to this idea.
Posted by Jiao (Member # 44950) on :
Interesting ideas, GoddessDeja, I'd by most of that.
Posted by octoberbaseball (Member # 20977) on :
A topic that tends to come up often and we mostly all have the same answer, just that we were born with it. I'm happy I have a foot fetish. I enjoy it to the fullest.
Posted by longhitter04 (Member # 2391) on :
Originally posted by GoddessDeja:

1. The foot is universal. By "universal" I do not mean all women have feet. That is obvious (in most cases). By universal I mean, a male desiring to see all desireable women he sees naked may never have the opportunity to see all women in all of their naked glory. BUT the chances of seeing every woman he desires and fantasizes about barefoot is exponentially more probable and therefore, becomes universal constant in his subconscious mind.

The woman/ or women (type of woman) of his desire may be barefoot or wearing a heel, sandal, or other footwear that reveals naked truths or aspects of her foot and or toes. These naked attributes can then be associated with what he truly desires to see and experience, "her body."

In this regard, the foot subconsciously becomes a conservative sure bet for evaluating a woman's sexuality, her naked beauty.

This is where the "fetish" comes into play. The word "fetish," as I will put it here, simply means to substitute one thing for another. The foot, therefore, with all of its curves, scents, and cleavage, is a logical (albeit subconscious) substitute for the desired naked woman.

With all due respect... I don't buy into this theory.

If this were the case, a vast majority of ALL men would have a foot fetish as opposed to a small percentage.

If your argument were true... Why would only a small percentage of men be affected?
Posted by luvbronzefemfeet (Member # 32686) on :
My reason for liking female feet is,if i'm attracted to a particular women i like to be dominated by her(which means i'm submissive)when it comes to feet.Allowing her to take control & feel as though she is of higher stature & having me lick the bottom(sole)of her foot,her foot sweat,suck her toes etc is what turns me on.Letting her know that she is so beautiful etc that i will gladly humble myself at her feet giving her a sense of power over me.
Posted by screwhead20 (Member # 16242) on :
Why Men Like Female Feet

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