This is topic A Woman Was Stalked By a Guy with a Foot Fetish. in forum Foot Fetish Talk at Foot Fetish Forum.

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Posted by National (Member # 8568) on :
Based on the title of this thread, I know what you're thinking. You're probably thinking, "Oh NO ... not another one of these news stories that's gonna make us look bad!" Just take a deep breath, it's not that serious.

Look, the story you're about to hear is not as horrific as it sounds. In fact, I thought this story was funny. I was cracking up throughout.

This woman wasn't stalked in the traditional sense in that the guy knew where she lived and worked, following her around to different places like the supermarket and the mall, for example. Just listen to her story and you'll know what I mean.


Aw, poor cute little innocent girl!

You will understand why she was creeped out, but at the same time she thought the whole ordeal was kind of funny, as did I.

Posted by BareSoles84 (Member # 45910) on :
I've seen this video pop up a few times on YouTube, but I've never watched it until now.

One thing I think a lot of guys fail to realize is that females in general tend to be a little more perspicacious than males when it comes to reading someone's intentions. I notice most guys will ask females pretty direct questions that one otherwise wouldn't ask unless there was some ulterior motive, and when questioned about it, the guy will usually respond, "Just asking" or "Just curious." I don't think this response should fly with anyone because the fact that one asked the question in the first place is self evident that one is curious about something; the question is why? Especially when you follow your query with " [Wink] " if you're asking it via digital communication. I think a lot of guys underestimate the perspicacity of females in this sense.

I can see why things like this would paint a negative picture about foot enthusiasts to any general person, but once again, it's not the fetish itself that deserves condemnation; it's the way the guy carried himself. She could have easily been selling some other sort of garment and it could have attracted the same type of guy and he could have done the exact same thing.

I also find it humorous that the guy acted as if the girl in the video further "owed" him something because he was spending $90 on her used uggs. Nobody was forcing him to buy them, so I'm not sure why he felt that she needed to throw in something extra for him. This is another thing that irks me about some males is that they feel entitled to a lot of things when it comes to women, or that she owes him in some capacity. If you are the one that consciously makes the decision to spend money on a female, or anyone for that matter, they don't "owe" you anything. For instance, if someone came up to me and offered to buy me a drink, I'd graciously accept, but in no way would I feel endebtted to them. I didn't ask for them to buy me a drink, they chose to do it on their own free will.
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on :
I also find it humorous that the guy acted as if the girl in the video further "owed" him something because he was spending $90 on her used uggs. Nobody was forcing him to buy them, so I'm not sure why he felt that she needed to throw in something extra for him. This is another thing that irks me about some males is that they feel entitled to a lot of things when it comes to women, or that she owes him in some capacity. If you are the one that consciously makes the decision to spend money on a female, or anyone for that matter, they don't "owe" you anything.
I think the point is right to some degree you make here but it's coming from such a primal non intuitive angle. As a Webmaster of 10 years this video is the exact reason all shoe sales, pic requests, or ANYTHING related to my models goes through ME and me alone. Guys like this one (and they are a dime a dozen in this community) are the reason I keep info private and don't allow direct contact.

They most definitely are a cancer to honest foot fetish guys by turning off otherwise cool chicks from ever discussing this topic again let alone being open minded about a future mate kissing or sniffing their feet lovingly in an intimate situation.

They undoubtedly will recall a groveling little troll like this poor girl had to deal with and be immediately turned off. Regardless if she thought it was a "little funny" and even indifferent to guys with a foot fetish, psychologically she will associate this experience with all other guys in her lifetime who might bring up feet with her. So whoever this guy was, good job and bringing us back to the stone age with her.
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on :
Just take a deep breath, it's not that serious.
Really? The guy randomly texted her. He went to some great lengths getting it, I can assure you. That's pretty serious, and this girl is being naive because if he got the number he also has her address.
Posted by Fwrinkledsoles (Member # 101) on :
Give me liberty, give me justice, but give me white women wrinkled soles first!
Posted by Fair Adam (Member # 13350) on :
And here I find myself again, agreeing with NorCal. Dang! I must be living in some weird alt universe.

But seriously, this is one of the reason why all the email people send to my models go to me first, so I can give them a good screening. There are no guarantees of course, but I can usually weed out about 95% of the potential stalkers and time wasters. The virtues of the Internet are often offset by its flaws; it's a public forum, and unless you're dealing with personal friends, you just never know who or what you're going to encounter.

Like that young lady, I too see the humor in the situation, but I can also understand her concern. Because I belong to this community, and a lot of my models get similar requests all the time, I would profile this guy as probably a harmless foot fetish dude, but how do I know for sure that he isn't potentially dangerous? How does anyone? and therein lies the inherent risk in dealing with anonymous people on-line.

The young lady is obviously not very familiar with foot fetishism, if at all, and because I'm also guessing this guy might have some sort of social interaction disorder (go ahead and call me Mr. amateur psychologist), he seems oblivious to the fact that his insistence in things would be perceived as unusual by most, is pretty much guaranteed to freak out someone like her. I'm not passing judgement, but that kind of insistent behavior is often seen as a precursor for all-out stalking in many cases.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on :
Perhaps those words came out wrong, but I still don't think she's in danger. Yes, although anything is possible, I don't get the impression that the guy is going to go out of his way to find her in person.

This happened to her a couple of months ago, and as far as I can tell that was probably the only day in where he was making things more difficult than it should've been for her. I don't think she said anything in the comments section (I'm don't have the time or the energy to sift through the comments) or made any update videos about how he has continued to stalk her. But if such evidence does exist, then I'll have a different opinion, obviously.

If he kept doing this to her every so often, then you got me. Something like that would be the sign that there's a method to his madness that's going to go beyond texting her. But if after two months later there's no other sign that he has reared his ugly head to harass her, then everything should be just fine.

I don't condone his behavior ... at all. And like I said, if he continued to bother her by finding other ways to get through to her, creating different accounts to send her messages, then no one is going to see me laughing in here or anywhere else. But if she was able to laugh this off, and if this was the only time that has happened to her, then I don't think there's anything more to see here, I feel, other than to say that this was a creepy, but funny story all rolled into one.


[ March 15, 2016, 01:08 AM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on :
If he kept doing this to her every so often, then you got me. Something like that would be the sign that there's a method to his madness that's going to go beyond texting her. But if after two months later there's no other sign that he has reared his ugly head to harass her, then everything should be just fine.

The fact he did it once shows who he is and that he can't be trusted.When these types of guys go after random girls and eventually feel their game is up and they can no longer bring them their "Jollies" they move on to the next "victim" or girl who will listen to him for a minute.This case is textbook, I have weeded out many many guys like this over the year. If you had models that were your friends or models you made professional contact with you would understand this a little better.

If this guy was legit and sane, he would have just paid for the boots and been done with it. Normal people (even hard core feet guys) mostly never take it to these levels. It's just in poor taste.

[ March 15, 2016, 01:30 AM: Message edited by: NorcalfeetStudios ]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on :
Yes, the fact that he did this once shows who he is and the fact that that he did this at all tells us that his IQ and mental functioning level is probably very low. I agree.

You're not going to get an argument from me because he has actually done this with at least one other woman (as the woman in the video mentioned). I understand that this is textbook. All I'm saying is that I don't think this particular woman is in any danger from this guy. As far as the other woman is concerned, that story might be a different story.

I was going to bring this up in my last post, but didn't. I'll mention this now. The part about if I had models I was friends with or had professional contact with. I understand exactly what you're saying here, and I'm not dismissing that at all. This also explains why when I show pictures of women I shot, I don't divulge personal information such as their real names or any social media accounts. Because something like what happened to this girl in that video is going to happen to them. There was this guy who sent me a PM asking me for all sorts of personal information on one of the women I shot. And he was serious about it, too. He kept asking me two or three other times that day about how he could get in touch with her. I never gave him that information, of course, but if I had, then that would've opened up the floodgates for the barrage of messages that that woman would've received.

Normal people would not take it to this level, which is why her story stands out. It was certainly in poor taste, his behavior. Had I first saw this clip on the day she uploaded it to YouTube, I would not have been as quick to say that everything was going to be okay with her situation because the story would still be hot off the press. And if he had actually peeped through her bedroom or bathroom window just one time, even if it was a long time ago, then I would not be shrugging this off at all. Call me kooky, but it's just that for some reason I'm not concerned about her physical or emotional safety with regards to this guy. This should not have happened in the first place and, hopefully, that was the only time he bothered her. But the story was still creepy and funny to me. [Tongue]
Posted by BareSoles84 (Member # 45910) on :
As mentioned by others, guys such as this individual most likely suffer from some sort of social interaction disorder in some capacity. The reason I say this is because as Fair Adam mentioned, they are genuinely oblivious to their actions and completely unaware of how they are making the other party feel. And then when and if they do realize they've upset someone, they apologize and act as if they were asking an innocuous question and that it was your fault for getting concerned over nothing.

It's funny, because I admantly believe the advent of social media and the digital age is a key contributor to the degeneration of social skills for a lot of people in today's society. I think people start losing their ability to sympathize, empathize and emotionally connect with people on a human level because these are feelings that you generally can't emote nor feel when conversing with someone through email, text, instant messenger, etc. Therefore, person on the other side of the screen are mere objects to these people. Most I believe are afraid or rejection in the real world as a result of feeling insecure about themselves, so communicating digitally with people for them is a way to circumvent real life rejection and repercussions for their actions. However, I believe the more they become immersed in relying on social media to be their form of communication with others, the more they lose touch with reality and their ability to connect with others on a human level and feel any sort of sympathy or empathy.

Whenever people act differently on the Internet than what they do in person and essentially adopt two personas, I feel that the persona they adopt on the Internet is a reflection of their true personality. However one is willing to act when they feel they can get away with it, is a testament to who they truly are.

Kind of like the adage that it's only illegal if you get caught and therefore, if you feel you won't get caught, will be willing to do something illegal.

[ March 15, 2016, 04:26 AM: Message edited by: BareSoles84 ]
Posted by feetiesandtoes (Member # 32674) on :
He never was gonna buy the Uggs, just wanted to get some foot fetish dialog going with the girl. The problem was, she is too young and inexperienced in the perversions of men to know what she was dealing with. A true foot girl probably could've had herself a steady, monthly paycheck for worn socks, shoes, nail clippings, etc...but I don't expect a gal as cute as her to ever go down that dark road. Such a shame because guys, with hard dicks, at their computer are willing to pay big money...

...until they shoot their load.
Posted by Fair Adam (Member # 13350) on :
Originally posted by National:

There was this guy who sent me a PM asking me for all sorts of personal information on one of the women I shot. And he was serious about it, too. He kept asking me two or three other times that day about how he could get in touch with her. I never gave him that information, of course, but if I had, then that would've opened up the floodgates for the barrage of messages that that woman would've received.


I can totally relate on this. Way back in the day when I first started Feet Fair, I would make sure to respond to every piece of mail I got, even if it wasn't flattering to me, a particular model, or the site. (lol) I've always felt that if someone takes the time and effort to to reach out, the least you can do is answer back and thank them.

Well, there was this guy who seemed pretty normal, so we used to exchange emails all the time. After some months of friendly back and forth, he told me that he was thinking of starting his own site, and asked if he could pick my brains for some ideas. I readily agreed, and we exchanged phone numbers. He happened to live in the NYC area, so he felt comfortable talking to me, and told me he was hopeful of tapping into the same marked as me. Some photographers are very possessive of their models, and not because they're particularly caring, they just don't want to "dilute" their "product" - and I can understand that on a level, but I'm just wired differently, I suppose. I would usually ask people who wanted to shoot any Feet Fair models for references, and if they were just starting out, like in the case of this particular individual, I liked to do a phone interview with them at the very least. I have since stopped even doing these things, because I don't want to be legally liable for any problems that could arise from third party meetings, from which I get nothing, save for some potential aggravation.

Back to my guy. We chatted on the phone for about half an hour where he asked me about the camera and lighting I use, locations, modeling releases, etc. And then it got weird. He started asking me how close I was to my models, which I found unusual, but I told him that since my site was relatively new at the time, I hand't yet formed any significant friendships with anyone. Emboldened, he then asked me if I ever did worship sessions with my models, including getting foot jobs! I had to stop him there and then, and tell him that his line of questioning was inappropriate and intrusive, but he protested that he only wanted to know the "limits" of each individual model.

I think it's no secret that I'm close to some of my models, and that yes, I've been known to indulge in sessions from time to time, but unless a certain model is open to the public about doing that sort of stuff, it's just weird and invasive to ask me those sort of questions. Even if say, a certain model has done foot jobs on video, it's really nobody's business as to what she might or might not do with me.

Anyways, I don't want to drone on about this, but this individual turned out to be a notorious Internet stalker, who would badger models to work with him, but he wasn't really professional, he was just a GWC (guy with camera) with a foot fetish. He basically had no money, and no intention of having a legit site, he just liked to lure unsuspecting models to his "studio", a shed in the back yard of his mother's house, and tried and convince them to do some "testing" with him.

To me, the guy should have just been attending foot worship parties, or hooking up with pros from Craig's List or Backstage to get with foot fetish jollies, instead of misrepresenting himself, and taking advantage of new and naive girls.
Posted by PhantomWalker (Member # 43545) on :
Well this certainly reinforces why I feel purchasing used shoes online isn't worth it.
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on :
Originally posted by PhantomWalker:
Well this certainly reinforces why I feel purchasing used shoes online isn't worth it.

How so? All you have to do it click "buy them now" or whatever and refrain from creepy dialog, get your shoes and it's over with. [Thumbs Up]
Posted by BareSoles84 (Member # 45910) on :
I've personally never felt inclined to buy used footwear or socks on the Internet simply for fetishistic purposes.

For one, just as there's stories of unsavory guys harrassing females, I've also heard stories of people getting swindled on the other end as well. Shoes weren't as advertised, the girl wasn't the one who actually wore them, etc.

Above all else though, I don't really see any point in paying for someone else's dirty laundry. When it comes down to it, that's what you're doing.
Posted by 5thgear (Member # 46148) on :
This vid was more mental gymnastics than I could bear. She links her Instagram, Twitter, etc... on her other vids. If she didn't know the guy in real life, then she could of used a pic on the site she was selling them on that he could of Google Imaged that matched a pic that she uses on Instagram.

Overall I think this guy was just compelled to get to her feet. I can see why. We all fall in that trap at one time or another whether it be buying flowers with cards, or spending ridiculous money, or whatever else. As long as he's not following her around real shady in real life, this was pretty harmless in my opinion.
Posted by BareSoles84 (Member # 45910) on :
I would be inclined to agree with this and with what National said also.

I don't believe this girl is in any real danger. I could of course be wrong because anything is possible, but I believe he was just simply obsessed with getting at her feet in this case and/or getting her to talk about her feet. I don't think foot guys generally would resort to genuinely stalking someone simply so they could get at their feet.

You get the few exceptions that make the news, but I think many foot enthusiasts of this type are probably too insecure about their interest in feet (and probably themselves in general) to actually do anything about it in person, so they take to the Internet to indulge in it by messaging girls via social media and social networking sites. Other than inundating a particular girl with a barrage of foot related messages, such as in this case, I'd be inclined to say they're probably generally harmless.
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on :
Until you run a Foot Website guys, you will never know what we see. Take Adam's and my advice, this goes much farther than "harmless foot fetish" guy. If given enough rope, they will hang themselves applies here. The only reason the guy backed off her is because she "put her foot down" no pun intended and cut him off before it got bad.
There were a few different guys over the years in my realm, that I tested with more and more tidbits of info about a model and each time they got more comfortable with asking more intrusive and inappropriate questions each time up to the point of BEGGING for the model's phone number and wanting to come to the next shoot and being in the videos/ saying "I know where you shoot pics and I will just show up there if you don't tell me". These guys are like Terminators, they won't stop until you shut them down and they feel they can't get any more leverage on you. There's nothing normal in that equation.
Posted by PhantomWalker (Member # 43545) on :
Overzealousness ruins it for everybody. Respect of personal space is the least and most you can ask. If respect is maintained, communication is easier.
But the thirst is real.

In regards to the video posted, a lot of the comments I read about the "assailant" weren't that negative.
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
Meh! I can't stand a chick blabbering on and on and on, don't matter how hot she is. The guy shouldn't beat around the bush [Smile]

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