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Posted by Adam X (Member # 2872) on :
The Spurs are going to murder us but holy crap it's awesome to see them in the finals.
Posted by A&F_FootDude05 (Member # 2999) on :
As much of a Detroit Piston fan that I am, and being dissapointed to see them fall yet again, I'm a big LeBron fan (believe it or not) and want to see them take down the Spurs! I'd love to see Cleveland suprise a lot of people here.
Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
Being a former San Antonio resident myself,AND working security for the Spurs...I still can't come to supporting them because of their dirty aggressive style of playing, who a few of those guys are off the court as far as total jerks,and their fans "in your face" type mockery of the opposing's just bad business.
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
I've never liked the Spurs (I've also never hated them, but I just can't cheer for them against most teams). But then again, I'm also a lifelong Laker fan (though Kobe's pissing me off right now...he must win a title soon or at least get the Lakers deep into the playoffs for him to get back on my better side). Anyway, I really want the Cavs to win, the Spurs have been there before, its boring to see them win another title, and I'd like to see the East get some respect. My heart says Cleveland in 7. My head says San Antonio in 6.
Posted by 2spy (Member # 1528) on :
The Spurs will when another!!! Go Spurs Go
I am a fan of LeBron James and looking forward to seeing him play.

"dirty aggressive style of playing"...... WHAT????.......... "fans "in your face" type mockery of the opposing team"....Never happens, Jazz threw cans and shit at our boys, we don't do that. In fact we have shown the world how to celebrate a championship with class.

No burning down the city, tipping over cars, We know how to party here.
Nobody liked Lakers, Bulls, Celtics when they won several either. People just don't like seeing the same team win over and over.

Class Team..Class City...going for 4 WOO HOO!
Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
2spy: Don't get me wrong man, I love San Antonio alot, and I do miss Texas..but the hard core Spurs fans are just too bandwagonish for me..and you have to admit Ginobili uses too much thug style agression on the court..the modern day Spurs would get smoked by the Lakers of the mid 1980's and had to play a "cleaner" game of B-Ball,way too much contact on forwards going to the hoop to be called "Basketball"There is alot of un-called for behavior on the team.The one guy I can say was a true gentleman when I met him was Parker. Oh and "In your face Mockery" what I meant by that was marketing t-shirts that say "Lakers suck" is personal,team spirit has officially been thrown out the window at that point when you have to bad mouth the rival.
Posted by 2spy (Member # 1528) on :
Wrinklesguy, I don't know if you have family here or not, but if you ever come to visit please come by the bar and visit us. Lots of pretty girls with sexy legs and feet..It's summer in Texas!!You know that one... [Woot]

Just taking up for my team and city, we have have been called po'dunk and sissy's for soooo long it just feels good ( if we win ) to be up there with the best.

I don't think there is a team in football or basketball I hate. There is an owner however, but not the team. Anyway, here's to a great series of championship basketball... [Cheers]
Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
Yeah San Anto isn't even close to's shortly becoming Texas's 3rd largest city if it hasn't already. I don't remember anyone saying that by the way about the city,unless they referred to the team in the Dave Robinson years LOL j/k! So Brooke's Bar?Is that a new joint down off Military?
Posted by 2spy (Member # 1528) on :
Wrinklesguy, Yes it is. Military and Goliad area.If you remember about 2 years ago we spoke about having a beer together, and I was soooo busy trying to get this place open we never got together. So if you get down here sometime I will buy you a couple....fair enough? Till then you can see whats going on, at the site link below... [Cheers]
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
I think the only time I've ever cheered for the Spurs in the playoffs was when they finally won one for The Admiral back in '99...the year before my Lakers reeled off 3 in a, the good 'ol days. But really, the only team I care about in basketball is the Lakers, I've been a lifelong Lakers fan, and I'll stick with them through thick and thin. And lately, its been pretty thin.

I mean, I have nothing against the Spurs, and certainly nothing against San Antonio, I just can't cheer for them. They're our rivals. There's no other team in the Western Conference I cheer for regularly asides from the Lakers, the Clippers occasionally, and in the Eastern Conference, I've always had a soft spot for the Bulls. But I'm pulling for the upset here, I want the LeBron and the Cavs in 7 games. Don't forget, they've beaten the Spurs twice this season.
Posted by desmond (Member # 20001) on :
it's strange that instead of celebrating a "dynasty" team when it's playing, people just want to see them fall. the lakers of the 80's, celtics of the 80's, bulls in the 90's and men, the spurs have been contenders ever since tim duncan arrived in the 1997-98 season, he took what was left over of the david robinson spurs to a championship and has continued taking the post-robinson/elliott/ spurs team to the finals. never mind the fans, it's all about the game and the teams, just face it men, the spurs are one of the very very very few teams in the league right now that have had the core of their team in tact for numerous years, detroit as well and that just doesn't happen that often anymore, since all players just switch teams like it's nothing. The great teams in nba history always had a core of players they had build upon for 5, 6, 7 years or more man and nowadays team presidents just try to toss some "shit" together in order to make a run for te championship this year or the next and after that uyou won'\t hear from that team again because all of those players are probably gone already. so please [people, try to appriciate the teams that still BUILD around their core of players, players that are loyal enough to stick with their team and the system and that is how GREAT teams are build, teams that are able to contend for 5 years or more, just look at the pistons right now and the spurs and lebron and his cavs are probably just getting started right now. it's great to see teams build and progress over the years, it's the total opposite of boring to me. I loved the bulls of the 90's, i didn't like the laker team with shaq, but had to face facts, they started to build their team in 1996-7 aquiring kobe/shaq/fisher/horry and that was their foundation and they contended right up until shaq left in 2004. people, please please please just enjoy the GREAT teams while their playing and not when it's all over and were looking back at them, because they're the best teams and they always will be, a team that has been building for years will always be a contender, might not always win the big one but they're always right there in the playoffs and yeah, i gotta say that i've never given kobe his respect, because he won't be anywhere near Jordan in my opinion untilhe wins a title in los angeles by himself (without shaq), i was and am still getting sick of the comparisings to mike, lebron is doing great if you ask me man, hope he puts on a great performance in the finals against one of the best teams of the last 10 years, the spurs,

gotta love this game and gotta love women's FEET

Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
You know, to be fair, Jordan never won a title without Scottie Pippen either. I'm not trying to utterly defend Kobe (he's in my doghouse at the moment), but those are the facts. For the record, I don't think anyone will ever touch Jordan in any sense, not Kobe, LeBron, D-Wade, T-Mac, Iverson, no one will ever come close to approach what Jordan did and what Jordan was. The only ones in basketball history who come close to the sort of impact that Jordan had are Magic Johnson and Larry Bird (not counting centers, they've always been capable of being dominant, if not particularly fascinating to watch).
Posted by desmond (Member # 20001) on :
ey salvy mic,

i agree totally with pretty much everything that you're saying!!!!! thanks fort that, the only point i was trying to make about jordan and kobe was, yeah mike had scottie, but scottie doesn't dominate the game like shaq does right? just wonder what jordan could have done with a players like shaq next to him in stead of scottie. doesn't make kobe look that impressive to me. although kobe is a great scores, men enough about kobe, salvy mic, you raised THE BEST POINT here man, npon centers that dominate the game are rare and beautiful and no one did it like Mike, gotta mention magic and larry ofcourse!!

good to know there are other basketball lover's out there who still appriciate the GREATS (jordan magic and bird, who like salvy mic said, will never be touched)

Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
Like I said..{and Desmond you are correct}..Lakers from the early-mid 80's were the team to beat as well as Bird and the Celtics wow what to give to go back to the glory days and see B-Ball in it's finest hour where there were no street thugs and punks degrading the sport and taking things to an alltime I can appreciate the core teams like the Spurs in a way.
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
As far as teams that are actually teams, I'm liking the way the Bulls are building themselves up. They're a young team with a bunch of talent, and they're only going to get better, with guys like Ben Gordon, Luol Deng, Andres Nocioni, Kirk Hinrich, Tyrus Thomas, and veterans like Ben Wallace and P.J. Brown. They couldn't get past Detroit this year, but in the next few years, they'll be serious contenders, East or West, for the championship.
Posted by desmond (Member # 20001) on :
oh my god, good to hear other people are also sick of the thugs and punks degrading the game of basketball, i'm sick of it too man. it's allabout the game!! just the game!!! no other nonsense, no thuglife, or recognize or hip hop nonsense on the court, no momves after making a basket like the "jet" and nonsense like that, just play the game, nobody wants to see guys finishing a great fast break with a dunk and then SCREAMING his way down the court. and what happened to people having regular basketball outfits, everybody is wearing headbands, sporting the tattoos and cornrows. i thought it was nice when a few guys around the league had this thing of their own like cliff robinson with the headband, allen iverson with the cornrows, rodman with the hair and tattoos, horace grant with the goggles, kurt rambis with the goggles. i also don't like it when a team changes it's uniform and colours. i was happy to see the pistons going back to the origional blue and red bad boy colours. there is no need to spice up a basketball teams popularity by changing it's uniform or colours. i like it when a team stays with it's origional colours, a little change in design is just normal, but stay with the colour man, like the lakers, bulls, celtics. it's just confusing right now when i watch teams wear retro shirt for no appearant reason, just so they can sell all those shirt to young people who liek to wear them because of the popularity of rapmusic and stuff like that. music shouldn't have an impact on the game man. as far as i know, teams wearing retro shirts was only done onspeil occaions, like n the 1996-97 season, celebrating the 50 year of excistens of the nba, that was nice and it had a point. now it's just hard to really watch the game, because there is too much nonsense surrounding it, although i gotta agree with salvy again and say that i like the way John Paxson (great player) is rebuilding the bulls over the [past few years, loved the sweep over miami. whatever the reason is, i think it's just pathetic when a team with big names like miami (payton,walker,shaq,mouring,wade) gets swept in the first round after winning the championship last year, that kind of nonsense has rarely happenein the past with the championship teams, bird and magic and mike have never been swept like that in the first round after winning the big one if i'm not mistaken. the 1994 bulls without michael even got to the second round and took new york to seven games in that round!! men, it's hard to really get excited about the league right now if you've been lucky enough to watch the glory days of the league, althoug basketball is still basketball and i like watching it still, but i can't seem to feel the game right now like i did when i watched larry bird carying his celtics on his weak back, jordan returning at the age of 33 and getting back to the top of the league dispite the fact that he was fisically a little less impressive than he was before he left, he found a way to stay on top until the age of 35 in 1998, incredible, magic johnson's endless dominance of the 80's, whiletaking 5 rigns, i think he went to the finals 9 times in his 12 seasons in the league, just incredible how he won the mvp of the all star game in 1992, these guys captured your hart while you watched the game that you love most and they even went on to capture people who don't even like basketball, i remember my mom watching games, dispite hating basketball (because of me watching so much), bottom line, these players could get people that don't even like the game to watch a 2 hour game and enjoy it for that short time. i would like to see big headed kobe do that, t-mac, vince carter (he probably got some ouhs and aahs in the 200 dunk contest but that's it), iverson will not get my mom or paps watching a game, neither will any other player that plays today, but hey, i still gotta say, the spurs are a nice group of guys that are a joy to watch!! but i miss the old days, the malone stockton jazz, the drexler blazers, the jordan bulls, the reggie miller pacers, payton/kemp sonics, asiah thomas pistons, birds celtics, magic's lakers, ewing/oakley's knicks, domenique wilkins hawks, mouring hardaway heat, robinsons spurs, olajuwon rockets, dr.j sixers, men oh men the league was great, i hope the league will take the path of teams like the spurs right now, or the rebuilding bulls and the 5 times east finals participants pistons, these are teams that have stayed together and kept improving and i'm curious to see what will hapen with the cavs over the next few years and even though i dislike kobe bryant, i think he'll earn a lot of respect if he'll stay in la and is able to get them back to glory,

i can talk for hours about the leaguye men, my apologies to those of you who have red my nonsense and thought it was a waiste of time,

get back to wusfeetlinks and have a better time than you did while reading my shit,

i love this game

Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
my biggest that these "thugs" get paid millions of dollars to WORK and do MAKE the shots but yet they expect all this damn gratitude for something that they should be doing naturally anyway..sure we'll clap for you when you make that basket but like hell I will worship you when you do the stupid dance after knocking down your opponent to slam the ball..gimme a break,you got paid to make the basket your nothing special LOL That's like doing a bump n'grind dance around your bosses office after finishing the johnson report,he'll look at you and go "uhm..yeah..well we pay you to do that,i'd hope u can do get back to work"
Posted by Adam X (Member # 2872) on :
That was FUN! [Cry]

We got our asses handed to us like a one legged man in an ass kicking contest.
Posted by 2spy (Member # 1528) on :
Sorry Guy's....NOT'.....I'm loving it.. [Nana]
Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
Someone has alot of money invested in the spurs to win,it is obvious now many years?Same with the Patriots in football,but the public turns the other cheek like usual and says there's "nothing" going on..but congrats i guess,celebrate tomorrow morning with some taco cabana breakfast taco's and some Shiner Bock beer!
Posted by 2spy (Member # 1528) on :
Taco Cabana Breakfast taco's....oh yeah' good stuff..
Posted by Adam X (Member # 2872) on :
As much as it pains me right now I respect the Spurs.

They've done it the team way and earned their titles. Well there was that thing in Pheonix earlier this year.

However I LOATHE New England. Not just loathe but DISPISE WITH A PASSION!
Posted by A&F_FootDude05 (Member # 2999) on :
Bummed that Cleveland couldn't get things done in San Antonio or even on their own floor. This is coming from a Pistons fan who was dissapointed when Cleveland beat them, showing the Cavs rise to greatness. This is one of the most dissapointing NBA seasons ever in my book.

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