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Posted by Lars (Member # 1461) on :
Silly Redneck President
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Lars, no disrespect meant toward you, but do yourself a favor and only take Michael Moore with a grain on salt. He's a sensationalist and capitalizing right now on a lot of people's discontent with Bush. If Kerry makes it into the president's seat, God forbid, and has his share of screw ups as well, Moore's silence will be deafening. Moore's not out for the people, he's out for himself, and the Democratic party, pretty much a liberal equivalent of Rush Limbaugh, that is, another fatboy with a loudmouth who's only real "talent" is tickling ears when the opportunity presents itself.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of Bush at all. I am personally totally and thoroughly disgusted with his actions, but when it comes down to it, Kerry isn't going to be any better, and I think in the back of Moore's mind he knows it, he just realizes that plenty of money can be made taking pot-shots at Bush. (run-on sentence!)

Posted by WAKI1 (Member # 2383) on :
GWB has received a terrable response from the world for his actions in Baghdad. When ever I hear a negitive conotation regarding our leader my mind processes what I personally call "My I wondered".

The world's poor preception of America only perpuates liberals bashing our leader.

GWB's decisions although not popular, maybe career ending IMHO are creating a safer home front for us to speak more of our peice continue to build a free America.

History cannot be turned back and it cannot be fully predicted.

I often wonder if 911 would have took place if Maj. Oliver North would have been taken serious back in 87 during the Iran Contra hearings. The Major was asked why he invested $60,000 in a home security system. The Major's reply was to protect his family from the worlds most dangerous man. The Major was then questioned who might this feared man be? The Major responsed, why Osama Bin Laden the most dangerous terrorist in the world. Obviously back then he just got a chuckle out of the liberals for thinking such out-landish thoughts.

I then wonder would 911 of took place if Clinton would have responded to Bin Laden when he attacked the US Embassy back in 98.

I then wonder would 911 of took place if Clinton would have responded to Bin Laden when he attacked the USS Cole back on 01.

I also wonder if this recent Iqaq conflict would have took place if former President Clinton would have finished the job in Desertstorm and removed Saddam because of his Kuwait invasion.

I then wondered if Saddam committed genocide on his Kurds would he have tried to take out America.

I then wondered if GWB would not have taken out Saddam out and Saddam attacked the USA. Would all the liberals try to attack GWB and devise a way to say he knew about the attack like he supposedly knew of 911?

I then wonder what would the liberals have to bash our leader for if all of this would have been prevented.

I then wonder because we can't turn back history and all of this did happen. What if America was attacked and our First Amendment rights were taken away? What would the liberals talk about because they certainly could no longer talk down our government like they do.

I then wonder how the liberals would bash our military that we are doing nothing when really it's because our 3rd amendment was taken away during our invasion.

I then wonder if our military was tied because the 3rd amendment was taken away how many people in the world would bash us for not helping them because we allowed it to happen to us.

I don't take offense when people of the world say negitive things about our government. Nor do I take offense when our own countrymen bash our government like they do.

There is one thing I don't wonder.

I don't wonder why I don't take offense when "world friends" bash our government. I don't wonder why I chuckle at our home front liberals bashing their own country government.

I take comfort in knowing they would not be able to bash our government if all of my "I wonders really took place".

What really bugs the hell out of me and I wonder like crazy is though. What would the left wing people bash the right wing people about if I had no "I wonders".
Posted by Sasha (Member # 1842) on :
Silly Redneck President

So do you take what this dude says as the complete truth???....Man people need to open their minds up to reality....Nothing personal to you Lars.. But .Look at both sides of the spectrum....Its very broad....I say this to all people who think in absolutes....
Posted by feet-e-zine (Member # 1966) on :
There is a fantastic op-ed peice to be found and read at the Wall Street Journal Editorial pAge entitled:

Europe's Choice

Why the American election is seen as a referendum on the continent's future.

Sunday, August 8, 2004 12:01 a.m. EDT

The following two paragraphs are printed here for your consideration. If you have time, find and read the entire piece...

paragraph one

"Kerry must win, you see, so we can be friends again." You hear things like this these days in Europe. George Bush's campaign staffers may tease about John Kerry's French connections, his Europhile mannerisms, and his unguarded boasts that the Continent is pulling for him, but such caricatures are closer to the truth than even the Republican operatives suspect.

paragraph two

Michael Moore is offered up as proof of grassroots American unhappiness with the president. Was he not perched in an exalted seat at the Democratic convention? Completely lost on Europeans is that Mr. Moore, for all his notoriety, is still a cult figure. An icon among the crowd, and when used gingerly a good weapon of the Democratic Party, he is still otherwise a polarizing figure disliked by the majority of America that votes. As the list of cinematic distortions in his recent film grows, "Fahrenheit 9/11" increasingly will be relegated to the genre of crass propaganda once mastered by the far more gifted Leni Riefenstahl in her similarly slanted "political documentary," "Triumph of Will."

My analysis

All of the European power centers are currently governed by what we would call the "Democratic Party" in this country

Labor control Britian (Democrates)

Socialist contro France (Democrates)

Socialists control German (Democrates)

Socialists now control Spain (Thanks to a horrific teror campaign launched by Al Quida prior to their election and ineptness on the part of the other party) Democrates

Bottom line

We live in a "Global" world now...

European political parties work in concert with parties around the world...

So...who would the European "Democratic" parties support?

Why John Kerry....of course!

To do otherwise would actually be silly...


I am fasinated that Tony Blair supported the current occupant of the White House as regards Iraq...

And...remember what I wrote earlier about Iran...

The stories are beginning to come much faster now...

Condi Rice was on all the talk shows this weekend..talking about Iran..

Editorials in all the major dailies...

For example, this can be found at the Washington Times today:

Weighing a strike on Iran
By James T. Hackett
Published August 10, 2004

On June 7, 1981, Israeli F-15 and F-16 fighter-bombers took off from Etzion Air Base in the Sinai, flew at low altitude across the Iraqi border and zeroed in on Saddam Hussein's Osirak nuclear reactor. One minute and 20 seconds after the first bomb struck, the reactor lay in ruins. All aircraft returned safely.

Today, 23 years later, there is a growing view in Washington and Tel Aviv that a similar pre-emptive strike against Iran's nuclear facilities may be the only way to prevent the fundamentalist mullahs from acquiring a nuclear bomb.

The Iranian threat to Israel, and to Middle Eastern stability, is serious and growing. Ten months of intensive diplomacy by Britain, France and Germany has failed to defuse the crisis.

Since the fall of Saddam Hussein, Israel has considered Iran its No. 1 enemy. On July 21, Israel's intelligence agencies submitted a joint report to the Cabinet that Iran could have a nuclear weapon by 2007. And Iran has made clear its main enemies are the "Zionist state" and its U.S. ally.

John Kerry will be called upon to explain to the American people just what, if anything, he would do if elected about this "Gathering Storm"
Posted by feet-e-zine (Member # 1966) on :
Interesting lil tidbit found at the New York Times

August 11, 2004
Stumping Bush Calls Kerry a Reluctant Ally on Iraq

NICEVILLE, Fla., Aug. 10 - Traveling here through Florida's conservative Panhandle, President Bush told supporters Tuesday that he had a new backer for his decision to invade Iraq: Senator John Kerry.

Mr. Bush and allies seized on Mr. Kerry's remark of Monday that he would have voted to grant authority for the war even if he had known no weapons of mass destruction would be found. The Republicans said the comment amounted to what they described as another shift in position by the Democratic presidential nominee and an acknowledgement that administration policy on a crucial national security matter was correct after all.

"After months of questioning my motives and even my credibility, Senator Kerry now agrees with me that even though we have not found the stockpile of weapons we all believe were there, knowing everything we know today, he would have voted to go into Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein from power," Mr. Bush told a cheering crowd in Pensacola as he began a five-day cross-country campaign swing. "I want to thank Senator Kerry for clearing that up."

Mr. Kerry has long maintained that his vote in favor of authorizing force in Iraq, a vote cast five months before the war began, in no way signaled his favoring the way the president ultimately acted: without reaching out, in the senator's view, to sufficient numbers of American partners and failing to exhaust all alternatives. He has also argued that the Senate vote was necessary if the president was to be armed with enough credibility to deal with Saddam Hussein.

At a rally Tuesday night in Las Vegas, Mr. Kerry said he had been "consistent all along,'' and added: "I thought the United States needed to stand up to Saddam Hussein, and I voted to stand up to Saddam Hussein. But I thought we ought to do it right.''
Posted by fanatic66 (Member # 991) on :
Originally posted by feet-e-zine:
Socialists now control Spain (Thanks to a horrific teror campaign launched by Al Quida prior to their election and ineptness on the part of the other party) Democrates

This is something I've been thinking about lately. Do any of you believe Al Qaeda is planning a terrorist attack in America days before the election in November? I believe that they may have something in the works. If a successful attack is launched, god forbid, how will this effect the election? It's a scary thought, but one that we need to be aware of.
Posted by feet-e-zine (Member # 1966) on :
The following is lifted...verbatum from an article I read recently...

Osama bin Laden’s terrorist movement makes no secret of its plans, priorities or motives. They are all laid out - in English too – in a plethora of print and internet publications. While difficult reading for Westerners, who find it hard to take the florid phrasing and outrageous aspirations seriously, such publications are the daily fare of tens of millions of Muslims around the world, almost in the same way a daily newspaper may be part of an ordinary Westerner’s routine.

According to data gathered by our experts, from December 2002, three months before the US invasion of Iraq, al Qaeda began issuing a stream of fatwas designating its main operating theatres in Europe. Spain was on the list, but not the first.

1. Turkey was first. Islamic fundamentalists were constrained to recover the honor and glory of the Ottoman caliphates which were trampled by Christian forces in 1917 in the last days of World War I.

2. Spain followed. There, al Qaeda set Muslims the goal of recovering their lost kingdom in Andalusia.

3. Italy and its capital were third. Muslim fundamentalists view Rome as a world center of heresy because of the Vatican and the Pope.

4. Vienna came next because the advancing Muslim armies were defeated there in 1683 before they could engulf the heart of Europe.

My observations:

The United States is constantly in al Qaeda’s sights.

The would love nothing more than to hurt this nation as badly as they possibly can.

They will stop at nothing...

Current thinking is that they are planning assasinations of our nations addition to Iraqi as well as Saudi Arabia...

Bottom line...

This is war...our enemies recognize it...they want to win...they are like the Terminator...they will not stop or rest until either they or we are defeated...
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
Bush maybe a liar, but so is Michael Moore. I don't like Bush at all, but Michael Moore sucks too.
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Moore's not out for the people, he's out for himself, and the Democratic party, pretty much a liberal equivalent of Rush Limbaugh, that is, another fatboy with a loudmouth who's only real "talent" is tickling ears when the opportunity presents itself
That is the God's honest truth Lou but....
Just to keep you totaly accurate Limbaugh's not fat any more. Morphine diets cause wieght loss!
[Laugh] [Hump] [Big Grin]

Long live WU! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
Bush might be, but if he is so is Michael Moore.

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