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Posted by feet-e-zine (Member # 1966) on :
I predict...without any further reservation...that John Kerry will NEVER be called "President of the United States"

Turn out the lights...this party is over...
Posted by fanatic66 (Member # 991) on :
I tend to agree with you.
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
I'm not sure. Never put anything beyond the public of the United States people. What matters most is the two weeks before election. Not the five months before it.
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
I'll go out on a limb here and say "It doesnt matter" No matter who wins the government is still going to be bloated, spend way to much of OUR money, corrupt, low down, and not give a rats ass about me or you. All kerry or bush care about is money and power and how they can get more. Voting for one or the other is like picking which head of the two headed snake youd rather be bit by. How bout another choice, Niether figgin one!

Long live WU! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by feet-e-zine (Member # 1966) on :
Guess Mr Nader doesnt float your boat either...
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Its not that, dont really follow him. But it doesnt matter they got us so strung up on democrat and republican he has no chance. Both parties do thier best to exclude any independent and we let them.
basicly the way i feel about it is any man worthy of the position isnt going to do what it takes to get elected. Mostly people in america will only vote for people who are one famous and two offer them something. And as long as you have to make promises to get elected your corrupt. When your willing to do things that arent right or just not needed to get elected your not worthy of the office you seek.

Long live WU! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
I heard something recently about Kerry that will cause a lot of his supporters to hate him, if word circulates about it and of course if it's true. Something about Bush asking him if he'd have gone into Iraq knowing what we do now, not what was supposedly known then (pre-war). It took Kerry three days to get an answer back to him, but he answered yes.

Now, if judging by the crowd at the Fahrenheit 9/11 movie is any indication, a lot of people were looking to Kerry as some supposed "savior" that would end this war. However, if what I've heard is true, Kerry has more of a blood-lust than Bush! I mean come on, at least Bush can say he didn't know any weapons didn't exist, or that the reports he got were phony. Why would Kerry go into Iraq knowing there are no WMD's, or that there are no proven ties with Al-Quaeda?

I say to hell with both of them. At least Nader had the balls to tell it like it is when he called them both puppets to Ariel Sharon and Israel. But then, why take the time to vote Independant when you know for certain that an Independant isn't going to stand a chance at getting in there anyway? I figure staying at home and not voting will be just as effective.

Me personally, I don't see Bush making a second term. I could be wrong, but I almost predict riots if he winds up in the President's seat again.
Posted by feet-e-zine (Member # 1966) on :
cspan played the entire testimony given by Kerry in front of a Senate cmte where he accussed the entire military of that era of commiting war crimes etc...

Now...he wants to be their cmdr 'n chief?

fuggatabout it...


Aint no how...John Kerry going to be called President of the United States...

Ever time they run another Swift Boat ad...Kerry loses points in key "battleground" states...

Bush is starting to pull away in Ohio...Michigan...Wisconsin...And even Florida...

John Kerry is trailing in every southern state...every one of 'em

They call this the big Mo...(as in momentum)

Rule of thumb for the next wanna be war hero who decided to run for the Presidency:

"Real heros never go around the country bragging about what a "big hero" they are..."

And this salute...reporting for business stuff is getting old real fast...

Its all over but for the crying...

Turn out the lights...this party is over!!!
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Just asking but is there a reason you want bush to win or do you just hate kerry that much?

Dont get me wrong I dont want kerry to win just curious.

Long live WU! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Sasha (Member # 1842) on :
Its all over but for the crying...

Turn out the lights...this party is over!!!

The Dems better get some badass guy like Carvell to Market them.....Or you might be right....

However.....Theres alot of time left..Anything can happen...
2.5 months is an eternity in a election year

The most important election in the history of the US ...And it comes down to voting for the lesser of the to evils!!......Lovely


Footmodel/chick just giveing Her BLA BLA BLA

GOV ARNOLD at the Republican Convention last night... " What are you......An economic GIRLYMAN!!!!!"...... [Eek!] [Laugh]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
The most important election in the history of the US ...And it comes down to voting for the lesser of the to evils!!......Lovely


Footmodel/chick just giveing Her BLA BLA BLA

"Just giving her BLA BLA BLA?" Sasha, my dear sweet Fantasy Girl, it's things like this that make you all the more attractive! Beauty and brains combined is a great combination! [Thumbs Up]

But you hit the nail on the head, sadly, it really is a matter of the lesser of two evils. Fortunately, most folks seem to see it this way, no matter which way they plan to vote. What irk's me are the people who tend to talk politics like sports. "Our guy can whoop your guy's ass!" [Roll Eyes] I mean please, it's the future of the nation at stake here, not a matter of who's going to be the champs the season. Not implying anybody here is guilty of this kind of talk/mind-set, I'm talking about the folks I deal with in the real world.

In fact, just two days ago, I had a co-worker tell me she pulls a straight Democrat ticket when she votes. When I asked her why, she just said she always does, no real reason given. I don't know for a fact, but I think my own dad does the same thing when it comes to Republican voting. He's a smart guy, but it seems like he get's that "ballgame" mentality over certain aspects of government.
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
The most important election in the history of the US ...And it comes down to voting for the lesser of the to evils!!......

Long live WU! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by feet-e-zine (Member # 1966) on :
Originally posted by Lord:
Just asking but is there a reason you want bush to win or do you just hate kerry that much?

This is an outstanding question!

"Hate" has no place in political discourse...

I have noticed however that there is an awful lot of "hate" on the Kerry side...

And anger...

Because Lord knows...the election of 2000 was stolen from them...NOT!

Even Democratic leaning dogs hate bush:

a google search of "hate" + "bush" yields about 1,790,000 hits!


Thats a whole lotta "hate" going on out there...

I do not "hate" John Kerry...

I do however strongly dislike his political views...

Here is the bottom line for me..."trust"...

I simply do not trust the Dems or their candidate to do what needs to be 9/11...

Of course...those folks would love to turn the clock back to 9/10 and pretend nothing happened and we can get bacl to the way things were...the old pre 9/11 order...

Zell Millar managed to put into words what I had felt in my are some important snippets from his speech:

In the summer of 1940, I was an 8-year-old boy living in a remote little Appalachian valley. Our country was not yet at war, but even we children knew that there were some crazy men across the ocean who would kill us if they could.

President Roosevelt, in his speech that summer, told America "all private plans, all private lives, have been in a sense repealed by an overriding public danger."

In 1940, Wendell Wilkie was the Republican nominee.

And there is no better example of someone repealing their "private plans" than this good man. He gave Roosevelt the critical support he needed for a peacetime draft, an unpopular idea at the time.

And he made it clear that he would rather lose the election than make national security a partisan campaign issue.

Shortly before Wilkie died, he told a friend, that if he could write his own epitaph and had to choose between "here lies a president" or "here lies one who contributed to saving freedom," he would prefer the latter.

Where are such statesmen today?

Where is the bipartisanship in this country when we need it most?

Now, while young Americans are dying in the sands of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan, our nation is being torn apart and made weaker because of the Democrat's manic obsession to bring down our Commander in Chief.

What has happened to the party I've spent my life working in?

I can remember when Democrats believed that it was the duty of America to fight for freedom over tyranny.

It was Democratic President Harry Truman who pushed the Red Army out of Iran, who came to the aid of Greece when Communists threatened to overthrow it, who stared down the Soviet blockade of West Berlin by flying in supplies and saving the city.

Time after time in our history, in the face of great danger, Democrats and Republicans worked together to ensure that freedom would not falter. But not today.

Motivated more by partisan politics than by national security, today's Democratic leaders see America as an occupier, not a liberator.

And nothing makes this Marine madder than someone calling American troops occupiers rather than liberators.

Tell that to the one-half of Europe that was freed because Franklin Roosevelt led an army of liberators, not occupiers.

Tell that to the lower half of the Korean Peninsula that is free because Dwight Eisenhower commanded an army of liberators, not occupiers.

Tell that to the half a billion men, women and children who are free today from the Baltics to the Crimea, from Poland to Siberia, because Ronald Reagan rebuilt a military of liberators, not occupiers.

Never in the history of the world has any soldier sacrificed more for the freedom and liberty of total strangers than the American soldier. And, our soldiers don't just give freedom abroad, they preserve it for us here at home.

For it has been said so truthfully that it is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us the freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the soldier, not the agitator, who has given us the freedom to protest.

It is the soldier who salutes the flag, serves beneath the flag, whose coffin is draped by the flag, who gives that protester the freedom to abuse and burn that flag.

No one should dare to even think about being the Commander in Chief of this country if he doesn't believe with all his heart that our soldiers are liberators abroad and defenders of freedom at home.

But don't waste your breath telling that to the leaders of my party today. In their warped way of thinking America is the problem, not the solution.

They don't believe there is any real danger in the world except that which America brings upon itself through our clumsy and misguided foreign policy.

It is not their patriotism — it is their judgment that has been so sorely lacking. They claimed Carter's pacifism would lead to peace.


I also do not question John Kerry's patriotism...

I do however...question his judgement...

John Kerry will NEVER be called President of the United States...

And Lou...please forgive me for slipping once again into that Monday Night Football mode but...

"Turn out the lights...this party is over!"
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
I didnt figure you hated him personally ... No natter how bad a canidate he is he might be an ok guy.... Hmmmm... well we will say maybe.
I dont hate either one of them personally but politicaly I dont care for them much.

I dont know either one of them well enough personally to form an opinion.. I dont know if they know themselves that well thats what happens when you make a living out of lieing you forget yourself or worse you start believing yourself.

The lust for power is more addictive than any drug known to man. [Evil Grin]

Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely
An observation that a person’s sense of morality lessens as his or her power increases. The statement was made by Lord Acton. In the nineteenth century.

Long live WU! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Never put anything beyond the public of the United States people
This is very true because when it comes down to it we have no one to blame but ourselves.
Our government is great because it allows us to change it whenever we want. Its our fault things are the way they are in this country. If enough people wanted change... excuse me.. if enough people were willing to do something to change the way things were it would change.

Long live WU! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
The debates will also have a lot to do with the outcome of the election.
Posted by comte (Member # 1354) on :
I strongly disagree that neither Bush nor Kerry address any relevant issues most people are facing. But I DEFINITELY think that the FOCUS of the media has been almost entirely on the horse race and not the issues. So I understand the cynicism.

Both Kerry and Bush have plans (and vastly diverging plans at that) for health care reform, tax reform, education reform, environmental and energy policy, they have a fundamentally different approach and view of foreign policy, and lots more.

What really burns me up is that far too many people are staunchly partisan, so they only hear of the opposing party's views from their own party's campaign - and they ALWAYS wildly distort their opponent's views. Thus, most people are MISinformed by partisans, and simply UNinformed by the media.

Typical political discourse is this: one candidate's supporter mocking a false caricature of the opposing party's candidate, and then offering an equally false, unrealistic, sunny and polished view of their own candidate.

So yes - I REALLY understand the cynicism! [Confused]
Posted by Sasha (Member # 1842) on :
Both Kerry and Bush have plans (and vastly diverging plans at that) for health care reform, tax reform, education reform, environmental and energy policy, they have a fundamentally different approach and view of foreign policy, and lots more.

You just made my point..( I KNOW THIS)

Then stop comparing dick size and let the people here the plans!!!!

TALK TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm educated...I could care less how big these guys dicks are!!!!!!

I realize the conventions are nothing more than political pep rallies....BUT SAY SOMETHING RELEVANT!!!! DEMS OR REPUBS

I'm looking forward to the debates..I HOPE THESE GUYS DEBATE!!!NO ROLLING OVER
So yes - I REALLY understand the cynicism!
I'm not being CYNICAL.I'm being a realist....

Typical political discourse is this: one candidate's supporter mocking a false caricature of the opposing party's candidate, and then offering an equally false, unrealistic, sunny and polished view of their own candidate.
Then learn from history! Bill Clinton and Ronald Regan ran two of the most successful first term campaigns ever..Why?.They were dreamers...They knew how to speak to the people..Convey their dreams..Wheather you liked these guys or not....The formula worked!!! There were smears (always are) BUT..... WHEN THEY SPOKE .THE MAIN FOCUS WAS ON OUR COUNTRY AND THE DREAMS THEY HAD.(FOR THIS COUNTRY).They made us feel good about who they were..
I realize the world has changed since Clinton and Bush ran for office.BUT.....

I hope people feel the need to vote this time..No more hanging chads ..PLEASE!!!! LETS REALLY ELECT A PRESIDENT!

Whewwwwwwwwww.....time to get a BIG glass of wine and chill...... Foot models BLA BLA BLA
Posted by comte (Member # 1354) on :
I think both Bush and Kerry themselves DO primarily talk about the relevant issues (but yes, they too sometimes indulge in the "dick size comparison" B.S.). It's the network pundits and DNC and RNC and campaign surrogates who engage in all the smearing, useless horse race crap, and "dick size comparison".

Personally, I've never once bought into the whole "president who shares his dreams" nonsense. I think you're right that it wins most people over when they do it well, but I MUCH prefer when candidates talk about facts and policy specifics rather than vague, poetical rhetoric.
Posted by Sasha (Member # 1842) on :
Personally, I've never once bought into the whole "president who shares his dreams" nonsense. I think you're right that it wins most people over when they do it well, but I MUCH prefer when candidates talk about facts and policy specifics rather than vague, poetical rhetoric. sentament too..But there is something to be said about a visonary..It makes people feel comfortable...less divided and uncertain.

Its MARKETING 101......Clinton and Regans people were masters of this......;-))
Posted by feet-e-zine (Member # 1966) on :
I have this bad habit of always seeming to see the world differently...

Subtle and not so subtle clues lead me to believe that slowly...ever so slowly...the people are taking the measure of each candidate...

Die hard partisans aside...their votes are fixed and cannot be swayed...

The "silent" majority...

Those who can be swayed...

Are find....that Mr Kerry may not be the right man for the job at this time...

Pre 9/11...Mr Kerry would have been a better candidate for the Dems to run...

Post 9/11...Mr Kerry is a bad fit...

I mean no disrespect to the Democratic party when I say that:

They need to recognize that post 9/11 is different...

They need to listen to Zell Millar...

Americans are worried and concerned...

They turn on their TV's and they watch in horror as 150 children are slaughtered in Russia...

Or 89 people loss their lives as Suicide Bombers detonate the bombs they have strapped to their bodies while on an airplane...(women bombers...)

This is World War IV...

I strongly disagree that the debates will affect this election...

This election is already decided...

I predict that come Nov 3rd, John Kerry will not have been elected the 44th President of these United States...

Now...if anyone doubts this...

All you have to watch the way he behaved and spoke during his "screed" in Ohio as the clock struck midnight last Friday after the Presidents speech Thursday night...

He went off the rails...almost the way Mr Dean did...

I believe in my heart that even John Kerry knows that it is over and that from now and until Nov 2nd is compelled to go through the motions...

Will the last one out...please turn out the lights?

This party is over!
Posted by fanatic66 (Member # 991) on :
Well said Feet-E-zine. I couldn't agree with you more.
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
I MUCH prefer when candidates talk about facts and policy specifics rather than vague, poetical rhetoric.
How long you been waiting on this?
I have to say I have been waiting on this for a really long time.
I have to wonder at what point in this countries history did it become like this.
When canidates dont win because thier worthy of the job they win because they make us think thier not as bad as the other guy.
That would be like me appointing one man foreman over another because I didnt think he would screw up as bad as the other. Not that I didnt think the first man would screw up but maybe just not as bad.
Where did our choices go?
Are these two men the best we can do?
Of over the 300 million people in this country these two men are the best we could come up with to govern us?
I say NO!
No way this great nation has to settle for these two lieing, power hungry, elitist (a group of persons who by virtue of position or education exercise much power or influence)

We can all pray that one day the american voter will open thier eyes and say " What? No thank you."

Long live WU! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Sasha (Member # 1842) on :
Ive decided to stop blowing my gasket and ask myself this.(NOT AS A DEM OR REP. I'll take a deep breath....

Our situation a this point in time is very serious...And is John Kerry the man to lead our NATION at this time????

It all comes down to this question.....And I belive most people are going to say NO.......


I'm still not sold on either guy....OK OK I'LL SHUT UP....... FOR NOW!

Where is the bipartisanship in this country when we need it most?

Good question........ [Roll Eyes]
Posted by comte (Member # 1354) on :
"Our situation a this point in time is very serious...And is John Kerry the man to lead our NATION at this time????"

I agree that these are particularly "serious times", but I think that Bush is the one who has demonstrated the past four years that he's simply not up to the task.

Just after 9-11, I thought he was doing a magnificent job fighting terrorism. He brought both Americans and the world together in a common purpose in rooting out terrorism. I remember being weary of the military decision in Afghanistan to let the Northern Alliance do most of the fighting - I thought that we should throw everything we had at the Taliban and Al Qaeda and made sure the job was done right. Overall though, I thought Bush was doing a good job.

Then the whole Tora Bora debacle happened, and that was the beginning of the end of my support of Bush. We had Osama cornered in a cave, and the decision was made to have American forces merely play a supporting role to the Northern Alliance in caputring Osama. As we all know, he got away.

It was at that time that I became far less confident in Bush's decision-making.

Nevertheless, at that time, we had tremendous support from our European and Arab allies. The French and Germans made significant arrests and played a strong role in freezing the assets of terrorists. Remnants of Al Qaeda and the Taliban were being captured and killed in Afghanistan. Things were looking promising.

But then came Bush's decision to bring Iraq into the spotlight.

The systematic and deadly stream of incompetence with which Bush has carried out the whole Iraq mess has shocked me. From beginning to end, he's screwed up almost every step of the way: the senseless and arrogant diplomatic posturing with the U.N. in the lead up to the war; declaring false and exaggerated claims of Iraq's WMD; spreading the idea of a Saddam connection to 9-11; ignoring and subverting those who asked the hard questions about how the occupation should be handled, and providing a silly and totally unrealistic view of what that occupation would be like; blithely accepting bogus intelligence reports from dubious sources; awarding no-bid contracts to Dick Cheney's company Halliburton; publicly declaring to capture or kill Al Sadr and then not following through; and much, much more.

Then, Bush made it clear that he was firmly against the creation of the 9-11 Commission, saying that it would distract them from carrying out the war on terror. Right. [Roll Eyes] Under unrelenting pressure from the families of the 9-11 victims, the commission was finally formed. Thomas Kean, the Republican chairman of the commission, reported that the Bush administration was being uncooperative to the point of actually being disruptive.

It was at that point that I became DISGUSTED with Bush.

I could go on and on citing specific instances of Bush's incompetence, disingenuousness, vindictiveness, and ineffectiveness, but I think you get the idea - Bush has done such a poor job the last four years that I firmly believe he needs to be replaced.
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Bush has done such a poor job the last four years that I firmly believe he needs to be replaced
Is Kerry better?
Should we replace Bush with someone who could be worse?
If your not straight up and down repub or dem this election holds nothing for you. The ONLY reason to vote for either one is to tow a party line so you can say your side won.
Like I have said before I am just baffled this is the best we could come up with.

Long live Wu! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by comte (Member # 1354) on :
Lord, in my previous post I listed several specific incidents that have led me to conclude that, "Bush has done such a poor job the last four years that I firmly believe he needs to be replaced," to which you replied, "Is Kerry better?" The answer to that is yes, Kerry is better, because he's not the one who did the things I mentioned, Bush is. My speculation is that Kerry would have pursued the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan with more focus and power than Bush did, and not have led us into the distraction of Iraq. And hypothetically, if Kerry would have decided that we did have to invade Iraq, he would not have ignored and subverted those who demanded an accounting of what the plan would be for the occupation or had uncomfortable projections of what the post-invasion conditions would be like. I don't think Kerry would have carried out diplomacy with the U.N. with the same kind of senseless arrogance that had the effect of alienating us from many allies like Bush did. Unlike Bush, Kerry would not have surrounded himself with neoconservative idealogues who were determined to invade Iraq on reasons that had nothing to do with 9-11, but didn't hesitate to cite 9-11 as the motivation for the invasion. I also don't believe that Kerry would have fought and defied the 9-11 Commission the same way that Bush did. I also believe that Kerry would never have cut funding to firefighters, police, and other first responders after 9-11 like Bush did, and he would have done more to beef up our security right here in U.S. in ways that Bush has failed to do. In mistake after mistake after mistake that Bush has made, I think Kerry would have either avoided it altogether, or handled it far better.

You then go on to ask, "Should we replace Bush with someone who could be worse?"

The problem with this question is that the logic behind it is equally valid if we consider Bush running against Adolf Hitler or John McCain. ANYONE, logically, COULD be a worse president than Bush, and that's why I think that question is not useful. I prefer to ask, "Has Bush's performance the last four years as president warranted him a second term? If not, do the qualities of the challenger make it reasonable to speculate that he would be a better replacement?"

My assessment is that Kerry would make a far better president than Bush in these "serious times".
Posted by Sasha (Member # 1842) on :
Everything that was stated above is why GW will win......
The Republicans are doing such a good job makeing Kerry have to defend himself, that the focus is off the important things... Republicans are the marketing CHAMPS right now!!!! Dont even argue that point...


The Democratic party knowing all the above...ELECT KERRY to be the DEMOCRATIC front runner??????

This is the best they could do!!

The Democratic party is in complete kaos...
The guy representing the PARTY isnt even the the GUY they wanted!!

WAY TO FAR TO LEFT!! That scares the hell outta people..
They need to centralize themselves more. Kerry's not the guy whos gonna do this.....

Reality is Reality.....Democrates are in fact settleing for second best...Horrible MARKETING by THE democratic party.HORRIBLE!!!!

Forgive my butchering of the ENGLISH language.I'm at work and in a RUSH...

I love this thread....All great points for debate!!!!!!
Posted by DJ (Member # 1698) on :
I try to stay out of political threads because I have some pretty strong opinions and hate to argue over this stuff. However, I am bored today and feel like making one statement.

The number one priority for me is the safety of my family and this country.

Bush means what he say's about terrorism and has the middle east scared of what he might do next. I PERSONALLY love that!

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY is afraid of Kerry and Edward's. I shutter to think of what their response would be to another attack on our country.

No need to condemn or argue my viewpoint with me. It won't change regardless of any "issues", "findings", "commission reports" or "facts" anyone posts.

I am looking forward to the debate(s) though. I think that will be very interesting.

I love to see Sasha posting and wish some of the other girl's around here would get involved in the sports and political posts!
Posted by Sasha (Member # 1842) on :
hey DJ......yea I've always been a big mouth when it comes to politics......I like it in a sick kinda way...

I think issues around the world and home are so frigin important

As for sports.ROCK ON ...I love not knowing whats going to happen..Sports is real reality TV....

Photo guy is less nuts...he owns his own buisness....He says FUCK the DEMS and their raising my taxs!!!!! I PROVIDE JOBS!!!!!!ITS CAPITALISM! NOT SOCIALISM...

Thats where he stands....he feels the most important thing on Sept 8 2004....IS THE SAFTY OF OUR COUNTRY!!!

I DO TO.......but I like to look at the whole picture......Thats just me....I don't see things so black and white [Smile]
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
I think the difference between me and you Comte is that you have faith that Kerry would be better. You have very little proof of this. Total speculation. You assume he would be better.
Where as I know thier both worthless.
You give way to much credit to someone who is basicly a useless politician.

Long live WU! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Ramsfan (Member # 1996) on :
I hate to say this,(I'm mostly Democratic) but Bush will be reelected again. Kerry's party has not responded to any of the things (With honest answers rather than changing the subject) that the Republicans have questioned.
Posted by fanatic66 (Member # 991) on :
Originally posted by Sasha:
The Republicans are doing such a good job makeing Kerry have to defend himself, that the focus is off the important things... Republicans are the marketing CHAMPS right now!!!! Dont even argue that point...

The Republicans ARE tying to focus on the important issues like Kerry's horrible 19 year senate record. However, the Kerry campaign & the mainstream media keep sweeping this under the rug. Instead, they're keeping the focus on Kerry's vietnam service, because that's the only thing he's got & by no means is that enough. I think it's funny how Kerry will focus on the vietnam war in most of his speeches, but when anyone questions him about his service he blows his top & says something like "why do you people have to keep focusing on the vietnam war". Well, senator Kerry, that's because YOU won't shut-up about it! I still can't believe this joker's on the ticket. [Roll Eyes]

Sasha, you're right about how the Democratic party is in sad shape right now. Way too left. If there were only more people like Zell Miller & Joe Lieberman, then the party would get back on track. [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
What really tickles my fanny is how for 8 years the dems said "war service doesnt matter just doesnt matter" Really? You damn hippocrites.
Why is John Kerry's war record the only thing you point to for his being qualified to run this country? Total B*** S***. For eight long years all we heard was it didnt matter that clinton dodged the draft military service doesnt make a good president. How dare these hippocrites even open thier mouths to say anything about Bush dodging his National guard duty. Shut up you disgusting, two face, stinky, hippocritical democrats. Shut the f*** up.
I cant even stand Bush and I think you HIPPOCRITES need to shut up!
No offense to anyone here thats just what I would say to the democrat leadership. SHUT UP!
Thats what Id say to all politicians but here recently the hippocracy of thier public statements have really tickled my tail feathers. How can we let them get away with this? Is four years really that long? Has everyone really forgotten all the crap they said about Clinton?
Good God! He was a draft dodger for Christ Sakes!

Long live WU! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
and he waisted good weed!
If that had been my weed he didnt inhale Id have kicked his ass!
Puff Puff inhale Dumb A**!

Long live WU! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by feet-e-zine (Member # 1966) on :
Subtle and not so subtle clues...

John Kerry will never be elected President of The United States...


As it stands right now...the Dems are close...and I do mean very close to a complete and total meltdown...

John Kerry is going to begin to create a very serious drag upon Congressional and Senate seats if he doesnt look out...

The panicky Dems are playing with fire...

They may loss more seats in the Senate if they are not careful...

Zell Millar said it best when he said "It is not their patriotism — it is their judgment that has been so sorely lacking."

Some clues:

Once again Mr Kerry cannot figure out how he feels about Iraq...first its right..then its no its right...then its wrong

John Kerry has no inner compass...He goes the way the political winds are blowing...

This worked for Mr Clinton...

But that was Pre 9/11...

Post 9/11...Americans want and need leaders who can "Lead!"

Now, this from the Washington Post:

Some Question Authenticity of Papers on Bush

Documents unearthed by CBS News that raise doubts about whether President Bush fulfilled his obligations to the Texas Air National Guard include several features suggesting that they were generated by a computer or word processor rather than a Vietnam War-era typewriter, experts said yesterday.


William Flynn, a forensic document specialist with 35 years of experience in police crime labs and private practice, said the CBS documents raise suspicions because of their use of proportional spacing techniques. Documents generated by the kind of typewriters that were widely used in 1972 space letters evenly across the page, so that an "i" uses as much space as an "m." In the CBS documents, by contrast, each letter uses a different amount of space.

While IBM had introduced an electric typewriter that used proportional spacing by the early 1970s, it was not widely used in government. In addition, Flynn said, the CBS documents appear to use proportional spacing both across and down the page, a relatively recent innovation. Other anomalies in the documents include the use of the superscripted letters "th" in phrases such as 111th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, Bush's unit.

"It would be nearly impossible for all this technology to have existed at that time," said Flynn, who runs a document-authentication company in Phoenix.

Other experts largely concurred. Phil Bouffard, a forensic document examiner from Cleveland, said the font used in the CBS documents appeared to be Times Roman, which is widely used by word-processing programs but was not common on typewriters.

The doubts about the documents left the White House and the Bush campaign in a state of suspended animation, with Bush aides encouraging doubts about the documents but conceding that the possibility that they were forged seemed too good to be true. White House spokeswoman Claire Buchan said that officials there had not attempted to authenticate the documents but simply released copies "provided to us by CBS in the interests of openness."

If it turns out...that these documents are forgeries...then this will rank up there with some of our nations most famous political legend and lore...

Think about the famous picture of Truman holding the newspaper thats says "Dewey defeats Truman"

The Dems put on a full court pres this week...hammering the many Dems went out on a limb based upon this info...

And if it turns out to be false!?!?!?

Such poor judgement....

This started Tue...I predict that by Sunday this story is gonna be in full throat...

Kerry lost 6 weeks due to his "Gold Bricking" ways in Vietnam....

Now his campaign is gonna lose more precious time...

Everyone who was planning to move to Canada if Bush wins better start making their plans right now...

Cuz this party is over!

Will the last one out...please turn out the lights?
Posted by Sasha (Member # 1842) on :
At this point I think we need to all come together .Dems .Reps.and all the other parties. Get in a big circle .AND SING KUME BI YA.....


This election year, so far I'm BI PARTISAN......That's a first for me... mind could change.Hmmmm or maybe flip a coin???

Just me being silly after a few glasses of wine [Wink]
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
At this point I think we need to all come together .Dems .Reps.and all the other parties. Get in a big circle .AND SING KUME BI YA.....
[Laugh] [Laugh] [Laugh] [Laugh] [Laugh] [Laugh]

Make it stop! It hurts. I cant stop laughing!
Good one. [Smile]
Thats awesome Sasha!

Long live WU! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Ramsfan (Member # 1996) on :
Originally posted by Sasha:
At this point I think we need to all come together .Dems .Reps.and all the other parties. Get in a big circle .AND SING KUME BI YA.....


This election year, so far I'm BI PARTISAN......That's a first for me... mind could change.Hmmmm or maybe flip a coin???

Just me being silly after a few glasses of wine [Wink]

Make sure you don't goof up the coin toss like what happen that one year with Jerome Bettis [Laugh] [Laugh] [Laugh] Man that was hilarious
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
I don't want Kerry or Bush to win. I'm not voting for either, because I believe it's time a different party took over.

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