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Posted by Toesonthenoes (Member # 2121) on :
I have a question to all members here in our great forum which are US-Americans:
do you really think you should elect GWB again?
What has he done to you that was so great to deserve this title one more time?
I`m from Austria and would be very interested in intelligent american peoples thinking !
Being a great fan from USA ( have been there 7x )and looking forward to go there again very soon I have to explain that I love the AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE!
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Niether canidate has done anything to deserve the position of president. Thats the problem! Thier just the 2 most likely to get elected, the most popular, not the most deserving and definitely not the best men for the position. So until we can put 2 men up for election that deserve the post and not just the 2 with the most recognition, why worry about it? Either one is as good as the other and thats sad. I would say Bush simply becuase his party hasnt totaly disgusted me as much as Kerry's has lately. I cant stand hippocrites and the Democrats have set themselves up to be the biggest ones in the world right now. Maybe even in history!
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
I'm definitely not going to vote for Bush. I've seen what he's done to this country, and I couldn't get myself to do it. I'm probably not voting for Kerry either. He'd do better than Bush, but why vote for someone who you don't think will do a good job? This country is fucked either way.
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
This country is ****** either way.
As far as our choices for president I couldnt agree more.

I only said Bush in the case I had to pick one of the two. I cant stand either one of them.

The thing that gets me about the Democrats though is how for eight LONG years we had a draft dodger sitting in the white house and all they ever said was that this didnt matter and that war service wasnt required and a war record doesnt make a good president. Now all we hear from them is how Kerry's war service makes him qualified. Good God! You damn HIPPOCRITES!
This alone doesnt suprise me or make me ill, the fact that we let them get away with this after hearing the complete opposite for eight years is what makes me ill. Eight years!
If this doesnt prove to the American people that they are just going to say whatever they have to too get elected nothing will. Eight years! This isnt a case of a politician saying something once then changing his mind this was eight years!
Posted by Sasha (Member # 1842) on :
This country is fucked either way.

I diagree.....This country compared to other countrys is still a great place...We are in war times..Thats always makes things look a tad bit bleek..
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
I diagree.....This country compared to other countrys is still a great place...
In my opinion i would say this is the GREATEST country to live in. I was just agreeing with him as far as our choices for president were concerned. [Smile]

This country is ****** either way.

As far as our choices for president I couldnt agree more.

Posted by Sasha (Member # 1842) on :
I know...I was responding to gs3647's quote.
Posted by Toesonthenoes (Member # 2121) on :
War is just made to make rich man more rich!
Why do you really think GWB+friends sent your brothers and sisters to Afganistan?
I`m very sorry for you US-people that you dont have more election choices!
I know this problem quite well because in my country we had presidential elections in february, and this two persons I didnt like in either way(Mrs.Ferero-Waldner/Mr.Fischer).
But Austria is very, very small and it doesnt matter who it is know because we have nothing to say in world politics and the bigger EU-members like Germany, France, etc. are giving a big s.... on our country, we austrians just have to pay our fee!
In your case it can be very dangerous and of course its still is! So what I want say is just, and dont take me wrong : the world should be saver without GWB and his "friend" because they have real might in their hands and cant handle it as you can see ! (Its just my opinion !)
Maybe you guys will think :
why to hell are you careing about our politics, you dont know about anything! And in some points you are absolutley right!
When I saw the "Hurrican Frances"- destruction pics from Florida it hurts me very much because I love this state. I saw similar pics of absoltley destruction in another place! See what I want to explain?
Bush should have a closer look to your beautiful sunshine state right now!
I mean I have absolutley respect of american peoples thinking but ...?
You have lost so many soldiers !
And believe me, the people from Iraq are full of hate about USA. Most of them will never see you as heros who free them from whatever!
Please dont misunderstand me!
In this time terrorists couldnt have a better US-president! And this point should be over as soon as possible!
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
I know, this country is a great place to live, but other countries don't like this country. Eventually, I think that'll come to hurt us all, no matter who is president. The stuff going on in Iraq is pretty much at the point where it's impossible to solve, without another 1000 soldiers dying. I don't think Kerry can solve it, or has the guts to, and I think Bush will solve it by killing 100 more soldiers and many more Iraqi civilians, and by the time we're done, we'll have lost a ton of our allies' support for anything.

I maybe a bit pesamistic there, but I don't think the crisis we're in is anywhere near finishing. I might pass voting this election. None of the candidates really look fit for president.
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
other countries don't like this country
As long as this country is in the position that we are in they will always hate us.
Were on top. Every one always hates the one on top when thier not.
Its just like when your a raiders fan and the steelers win the super bowl, you hate them.
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
Originally posted by Lord:
other countries don't like this country
As long as this country is in the position that we are in they will always hate us.
Were on top. Every one always hates the one on top when thier not.

True, but other countries hate us that much more, since we've destroyed a country, and haven't repaired it yet. Especially Iraq.
Posted by feet-e-zine (Member # 1966) on :
I can feel my blood beginning to boil as I read the posts in this thread...

Men and women of our armed forces...deployed 1/2 way around the world...fighting and liberate a people and to give them the vote...

I cannot wait to vote on Nov 2nd...

And I, without any doubt or reservation will cast my vote for President Bush...


Because I more closely identify with him, his administration, his party, etc

Thats why we have a party system...

It doesnt boil down to the lesser of two boils down to who best represents my "world view"...

However...this gig is already over anyway...

Those folks who were planning to move to Canada if President Bush wins...better start making their plans...

Its all over but for the crying...

Momentum has swung to the Pres and it will not swing back...

Doesnt matter how many forged documents or whatever...

This party is over!

Will the last one out please turn out the lights?
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
True, but other countries hate us that much more, since we've destroyed a country, and haven't repaired it yet. Especially Iraq.

Just one thing in a long list of things this country has done. If this was the only bad thing our country has ever done I think everyone would forgive us. The fact is they can go fly a kite. No other country given our power would show the restraint that we do. Every other country who had power that resembled ours in history has tried to take over the world. From britain to france to germany to rome. So let them shut up and fly kites.
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
I know that, but I rather not stay locked up here and never go to a foreign country without facing danger. If the situation gets worse, this could be the case. Unfortunately, there isn't much to do about it. The Republicans chose an idiot, and the Democrats failed to find a better candidate. I might stay home this November.
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Men and women of our armed forces...deployed 1/2 way around the world...fighting and liberate a people and to give them the vote...

Oh please!
They are fighting and dieing because thats what they are paid to do.
Every one wants to join the military to get a pay check, free college, room and board, and techinical training but no one expects them to fight?
Thats what thier paid to do!
A soldier has no stake in what he is fighting for it is his job to do what he is told.
If they get credit for fighting a good cause you also have to give them the credit for the bad causes they killed for.
Soldiers dont want credit for what they are doing and if they do thier not true soldiers.
A true soldier does his duty to his commander thats his job.
if a soldier fights to liberate a country and you say "oh he fought to liberate a country" when he is sent to do something else and it turns out to be wrong you have to blame him for it. You cant do one with out the other. So instead you should say he is a soldier he did his duty no matter what it was and I am glad I live in a country surrounded by people who are willing to die for this country so I dont have to. People shouldnt hold soldiers responsible for the decisions thier commanders make. Look how they were treated coming back from vietnam that was B.S. but this happens when you assign credit or blame to them. If the people back then had said "thier soldiers they do what thier told" they would have spit on the politicians not the soldiers.

And please dont ever forget that our millitary is totaly volunteer no one is over there that didnt want to be a soldier. Unlike vietnam.
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
And I, without any doubt or reservation will cast my vote for President Bush...


Because I more closely identify with him, his administration, his party, etc

Thats why we have a party system...

How in the heck do you indentify with Bush? Were you born to a millionare family? Was your father president? Were you govenor of texas? Is your brother govenor of Florida?
You identify with the things he lets you know, the things he says to get elected. Hes conservative right? or so he says he is. Wheres the smaller government? Wheres less government spending? He has done nothing but grow the government and goverment spending. Doesnt sound conservative to me.

How in the heck is a country who is not suppossed to have aristocrats have one family with so much political power?
Posted by Toesonthenoes (Member # 2121) on :
Its very interesting for me to read your opinions and I understand every statement you made here!
How exactly is it in USA ?
Does every male american have to go to the army a time long ?(in Austria you have to join now 6 months)
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
There is no required service in the U.S. every american soldier in iraq is there because he or she wanted to be a soldier not becuase they were forced to.
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
I hope there's no draft. That would totally change it. It's true that the soldiers there are volunteers, but I'm in touch with a few of them (who were my friends) planning to come back January 04 and are still there. They're really pissed at the whole situation and I am too. This country has gone through rough times, and it looks like this one won't really resolve nicely. No one ever said history was supposed to be happy.
Posted by feet-e-zine (Member # 1966) on :
Originally posted by Lord:
And I, without any doubt or reservation will cast my vote for President Bush...


Because I more closely identify with him, his administration, his party, etc

Thats why we have a party system...

How in the heck do you indentify with Bush? Were you born to a millionare family? Was your father president? Were you govenor of texas? Is your brother govenor of Florida?
You identify with the things he lets you know, the things he says to get elected. Hes conservative right? or so he says he is. Wheres the smaller government? Wheres less government spending? He has done nothing but grow the government and goverment spending. Doesnt sound conservative to me.

How in the heck is a country who is not suppossed to have aristocrats have one family with so much political power?

These are such excellent questions and often not easy to answer...but here goes

I lean toward Libertarianism...less Government not more... While it is true that both parties have difficulty saying no, elephants seem to do better...

As a side bar...Im not concerned about deficits...government is NOT like a household...a balanced budget is not good during a down or sluggish economy...we need to give it some gas...hold down taxes...put some money into the system...allow the multiplier affect to work...FDR did it in the 30s...will work now also...

I like less taxes...not more..I pay too much money in taxes...local...state...fed..sales tax..gaseline on wine and beer..endless taxes...I want someone who is willing to cut taxes..not raise 'em

I support the candidate who spends time building up...rather than tearing down...

I support the party who is not dependent upon

1) Economic downturn
2) Failure in Iraq
3) Failure in the global war on terrorism
4) Forged documents

as a way to win votes and thereby win elections...seems to damn pessimistic to me...

I support the candidate who understands JFKs words better than the other guy:

" Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty."

By the way, if you have time, you can read the entire speeh here John F. Kennedy - Inaugural Address This is one of the greatest speeches ever delivered by an American President. You can read it and get a sense of what it was like to be smack dab in the middle of the Cold War...incredible...

I support the canidate who who does not call the Americans fighting and dying in Iraq "Occupiers"...but rather..calls them "Liberators"...

If ou think you were lied to or the war is illegal (Like Koffe Annon)...then vote for the other guy...

By the way...does anyone care that the UN stood by while France, Germany, Russia and others bilked the Iraqi people out of billions and billions of dollars through the corrupt "Food for Oil" program? I mean sheesh, I am so glad that the UN worked so hard to keep Saddam in power..he was such a positive influence on the world...dont you miss 'em?

I could go on and on...but you get the point...

Also, our current President had some advantages...but...not like some folks...for do know that Theresa Heinz-Kerry was first married to a multi-billionare REPUBLICAN Senator from Penn...Senator about some dough....sheesh....gimmie a break!

Oh, and that George Sorros...he's worth billions...

This is just talk...

This party is over...

John Kerry (the haughty looking Senator from Mass, who by the way served in Vietnam) will NEVER be President of the United States...

Will the last one out...please turn out the lights?
Posted by Sasha (Member # 1842) on :
John Kerry (the haughty looking Senator from Mass, who by the way served in Vietnam) will NEVER be President of the United States...

I tend to agree with this at this point.

HOWEVER!!!!!!(the following is not a personal attack on you feet-e-zine.I am passionate about how I feel ,on this subject)

I support the canidate who who does not call the Americans fighting and dying in Iraq "Occupiers"...but rather..calls them "Liberators"...

Don't sell me this load of crap!!!
I was cool with Afghanistan .But Iraq......NO WAY....This president had the total support of the WORLD as we went into Afghanistan...And to turn around and pull this poorly planned attack on a COUNTRY that had nothing to do with. Alqida.(sorry for the spelling)

NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM!!!!!!!!.This Iraq war has been justified as a preemtive move to prevent further terrorist attacks on US's....
Is iraq better off. YES/I guess (HISTORY WILL TELL)...Was SADHAM bad..YES!!!
But now look at this ......1000 US troops are dead and who knows how many innocent citizens of Iraq are dead...NOBODY SAY's anything about this!!!!!!!
I've heard from my brother the shit that goes down in IRAQ .As we sit in our LAZY BOY armchairs with blindfolds on!

So does this mean we from this point on, go into every Country thats is ruled by a dictator??? And LIBERATE them????????????????

Open our eyes !!!!!!

I 'm sick of this DEM v REP CRAP!!All one sided facts!!!!!!!

The only thing BUSH has going for him is the FEAR thats instilled in all our brains from 9/11...And hes capitalized on that 100%
Bush and the Reps marketing is BRILLIANT!! Simply BRILLIANT!!!! They are playing off the Roosevelt speech..THE ONLY THING WE HAVE TO FEAR IS......FEAR ITSELF!!


So on that note..Bush will get the middle of the road people(the ones that dont give a rats ass) !! Because people like his simple small talk.(one liners).Hes a guy you can like..DOWN HOME....Much like Clinton..
Middle of the road people should have to take a test before voting!!

I'm not a Kerry guy.
But don't tell me he is not qualified to be PRESIDENT....BUSH is in there!!(who by the way served in the NATIONAL GUARD)

I'm not speaking as a DEM or REP.I'm speaking as person that sees the world for what it is...IM NOT A SHEEP THAT FOLLOWS THE FLOCK....

Foot chicks Bla bla bla
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :

Amen Sister!

I'm not speaking as a DEM or REP.I'm speaking as person that sees the world for what it is...IM NOT A SHEEP THAT FOLLOWS THE FLOCK....
Yet again Amen Sister!

Thats what i have been eluding to this whole time. When are people going to stop aligning themsleves left or right simply because they are given a choice to do so? The left or right just pretend to be one way or another, in reality thier on the same side (thier own).
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
Americans were asleep before 9/11. They weren't near prepared for an attack a quarter as bad. Then, when the terrorist attack happens, they're still allowing pocket-knives onto planes (they let me take one on a plane once) but they don't allow nail clippers. Something quite... strange... is going on here. Bush lied to our country just to do something his father couldn't do: get Saddam Hussein out. Maybe he did that, but what did he do to Iraq in the process? Demolished it. Bush failed as president, and no way am I voting for him. Our country is not prepared for attack.
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
I dont care what Bush has done or didnt do, the war in Iraq or nothing else.
I dont care what Kerry has done or didnt do.

No matter what they say, no matter what party thier affiliated with, no matter who has the best hair or who is more charismatic niether one deserves the office. The only reason either one of them is where thier at is MONEY and last I checked being rich isnt even close to being a good reason for being president. Yet this is what politicts have become in this country and its our fault.
The Libs and Cons make public statements about how they fight each other and how they have the best idea of how to get things done. In reality they all Libs and Cons sit back and get rich together prospering off the fact that they have us aurguing about parties and not about who really deserves to be there.
Posted by Toesonthenoes (Member # 2121) on :
Lord, not only in USA the rich people have the power!
Sasha, brilliant words!
Being a weird european I hope I am allowed to say I fully agree with your terms!
And I am very excited of your words too, Lord and gs!
You said what I was thinking all the time!(with some exceptions)
Normally I hate politics but in this case, fascinating and important for everybody in this world!
Another opinion from an unimportant styrian(part of austria i live in) man:
Feet-e-zine, do you really think that Bush understands a simple word he is saying or an action is doing? I mean if there should be a real sentence is coming?
And I mean, he didnt understand a single word from the speech of JFK ! I bet if you will ask him about this, his answere gonna be: who is Kennedy?
Bush didnt know anything about
*health surgery for you people
*his and your USA
*foreign countries, their real problems and more important where they are
and some other unimportant things a US-president should know about!
He just knows: oil, money and how to spent it for cruel things!
Posted by fanatic66 (Member # 991) on :
Feet-e-zine pretty much summed up the way I feel too! In the recent months, I have become more of a fan of GWB. I do feel America is safer with him in office. I don't believe that it's all about money. Trying to get rich off of the presidency is stupid. It doesn't work & never will. Both GWB & John Fake Kerry know this. They are not trying to make their pockets any deeper than they already are. Does GWB want more money for America? Yes he does. Maybe this is what has many of you confused. He is not out for personal gain here people. I do believe, however, that Kerry only wants to become president for status. With him, it's all about power & status.

All of the anti-Bush people out there need to ask yourselves these questions:

Is the economy in good shape?
Yes & it is getting stronger every day.

Is the unemployment rate the lowest it's been since the Reagan era?
Yes, & it is getting lower every day.

Is America safer now than it was before 9/11?
Some will say no, however most will say yes. Myself included.

Are we, as a nation, supposed to sit back & not fight for our freedom? Are we supposed to keep crying for peace when there never can or will be peace in this world?
HELL NO! We need to defend ourselves. We cannot wait for another attack on our country to fight back. If there is a threat, we need to stop it. We can't wait for the UN to dance around & keep delaying our need to defend.

And finally; How has my quality of life worsened since GWB has been in office?
Hmmmmm....... My quality of life just keeps improving.

I honestly can't see where all this Bush hatred is coming from. The only reason I can think of is that he is a conservative republican, & the liberal dems are still upset that they had to give up the power in 2000. The democratic party has gone way, way too far left in the recent years. It seems like they want America to be just like Europe. Well, if you like Europe so much, why don't you move there. And another thing; We don't need all of these "green groups" which Kerry supports, like the Sierra club & greenpeace. Bunch of politically correct hippies is all they are anyways. All they want to do is take away America's right to use & enjoy our public lands. To hell with political correctness!

That is all.
Posted by Sasha (Member # 1842) on :
IT"S NOT ABOUT MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IT"S ABOUT POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lets all go back into our DEM AND REP PARTISAN brainwashed Chambers and carry on.....Good night...

The forefathers are rolling in their graves......

Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
IT"S NOT ABOUT MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IT"S ABOUT POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its about Money and power.
Its about money because money is power without the money they would have no power. You cant have one without the other.
Money is the stepping stone that allows them to achieve power.
Posted by Sasha (Member # 1842) on :
I phrased that wrong...I'm flustered........ [Laugh]

My point was not everyone sees the BUISNESS side of Politics....They only see what they are told.

We are in IRAQ not protect the US..We are their to Scare the REST of the World .....POWER...Thats what I meant.

And I'm not coming from the left on this....It's reality

Money and Power go hand in hand..YES
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Thats what makes you so special Sasha!
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Thats what makes you so special Sasha!
Sorry this isnt true. Its ONE of the MANY things that makes you SO special! [Smile]
Posted by feet-e-zine (Member # 1966) on :
Gorgeous Sasha, I love you dearly...but...I would like to respectfully disagree with you.

Pre-9/11, your argument(s) (excellent and well said as they are) would be more appropriate...

Post-9/11, they do not fit...

I took the time to outline the reasons why I think this is so...

On September 20th, 2001 (the fires at ground zero were still red hot) the President said this during an Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People:

“This war will not be like the war against Iraq a decade ago, with a decisive liberation of territory and a swift conclusion. It will not look like the air war above Kosovo two years ago, where no ground troops were used and not a single American was lost in combat.

Our response involves far more than instant retaliation and isolated strikes. Americans should not expect one battle, but a lengthy campaign, unlike any other we have ever seen. It may include dramatic strikes, visible on TV, and covert operations, secret even in success. We will starve terrorists of funding, turn them one against another, and drive them from place to place, until there is no refuge or no rest. And we will pursue nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism. Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime.”

On September 12, 2002, the President spoke to the United Nations General Assembly. He outlined and cataloged 12 long years of defiance and deception by Saddam and his henchman.

In an important speech full of important points and questions, this one stands out in my mind:

“The conduct of the Iraqi regime is a threat to the authority of the United Nations, and a threat to peace. Iraq has answered a decade of U.N. demands with a decade of defiance. The entire world now faces a test, and the United Nations a difficult and defining moment. Are Security Council resolutions to be honored and enforced, or cast aside without consequence? Will the United Nations serve the purpose of its founding, or will it be irrelevant?”

On March 19, 2003 the United States armed forces began the liberation of the Iraqi people and in the process to hopefully help to ensure “liberty” here at home.

So, what happened during those 6 months from when the President addressed the United Nations and the next battle against Global Terrorism began?

Here is a partial accounting, taken from memory:

The United Nations Security Council debated and negotiated and passed two (2) significant UN Resolutions which spelled out clearly the actions that Saddam must (not voluntary) must take to prevent serious consequences.

These resolutions passed 15 – 0. Unanimous. The “World” was given an opportunity to have its voice heard.

The United States Congress passed a resolution authorizing the President to:

(a) AUTHORIZATION. The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to
(1) defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and
(2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions regarding Iraq.

So, the voices of the American people, through their elected representatives in the Congress had their voices heard.

During this 6 month period, and I remember this very, very well, there was a very serious and ongoing debate conducted in this country.

It was in the newspapers, TV, blogs, you name it…everyday…

Anti-war demonstrators had their chance…in fact…they demonstrated all over the world!

Everyone had an opportunity to weigh in on this crucial decision.

Bottom line to me:

Saddam had to go.

The situation was beginning to unravel…

The United States had been bearing the burden of containment for 12 long years…

However, we could not continue to base United States Service personal in Saudi Arabia or other Gulf Nation states. The people of those countries were beginning to grow weary.

Additionally, one of Osams major complaints was the basing our Armed Forces in Saudi Arabia

The situation was having a serious affect upon the United Nations as evidenced by the massive, and I do mean massive “Oil for Food” corruption

Saddam and his regime supported international terrorism in many, many ways, both covert and overt

Saddam and his regime understood the strategic and tactical utility of certain weapons systems and worked very hard to acquire the necessary technologies

Pre-9/11, The United States could afford to “wait and see”…

Post-9/11, the Unites States can no longer wait while the storms gather…modern day weapons systems are just too horrific…

So, I guess that you could say that I am squarely in the “Pre-emption” group…

Iraq is not the war, but rather is only one significant battle in a what will surely be a long and bloody war against Global Terrorism.

By the way, be prepared, because there are still many more battles to come…
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
Unfortunately, with presidents needed to be as overwhelmingly rich as they are, money can mean power. If Bush or Kerry weren't rich, would they be anywhere at all? The rich rule America and try to ruin it for the rest of us. Fortunately, they don't have enough power to totally ruin it. I know that I'm just about ready to vote for my father on November 2nd, knowing he could probably do better than Bush or Kerry. I refuse to blindly follow a Republican or Democrat, because I don't agree with a lot of what they say. I fit as an independent, I suppose, and I think Dems and Reps don't care about a better candidate, just blindly follow Kerry or Bush.
Posted by Sasha (Member # 1842) on :
These debates we are having are the very reason I love this Country!!!

We are free society with our own ideals and opinions....AND WE ARE FREE TO PROJECT THEM...ANY TIME WE CHOOSE!!!!!!!!

Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
YEAH! 1st Amendment! Where would we be without it? [Cheers]
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
YEAH! 1st Amendment! Where would we be without it?
Guantanamo Bay! [Smile]
Posted by Toesonthenoes (Member # 2121) on :
Thank you again for so much respons on my question!
What a great discussion!
I learned a bit more about what thoughts you are having about your coming election!
Here is my wish for all:
who ever is going to be president the next 4 years I just hope he now will show more intelligence and doesnt deal again with scaring the people!
It really looks like that Bush is going to win this time without DADDYS help!
What very POOR situation for your great country !

However, I hope that every single person knows how much power you will have with your opinion! Because the might of USA in wrong hands is fatal as you still can see!
So in your special case please think twice before choosing!
The result is very important for the entire world!
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
Sure, the subject of politics always raises a lot of discussion.

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