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Posted by Mona (Member # 8351) on :
California gay couples set to wed

Phyllis Lyon (L) and Del Martin (R) celebrate their 2004 marriage, which was later declared illegal (File picture)
Ms Lyon's (L) marriage to Ms Martin (R) in 2004 was declared illegal

Homosexual couples in California are set to be granted marriage licenses for the first time.

The move follows a decision last month by the state Supreme Court to overturn a ban on same-sex marriage.

One of the first to exchange vows will be veteran gay-rights campaigners Del Martin, 87, and Phyllis Lyon, 83, who have been together for 56 years.

California voters will be asked in a November referendum whether the ban should be reinstated.

First to wed

San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom, who has been a prominent advocate of same-sex marriage, will officiate at the wedding of Ms Martin and Ms Lyon.

It was Mr Newsom's 2004 decision to issue marriage licenses to gay couples - including Ms Lyon and Ms Martin - which began the long drawn-out political and legal battle that led eventually to the California Supreme Court's ruling last month.

The more people see their friends and family get married, the more they will be comfortable with the idea
Jeff Kors
Gay rights activist

A referendum in 2000 approved a law specifying that marriage in California could only be between a man and a woman.

The 2004 marriage ceremonies were a direct challenge to this law, and were ruled illegal by judges.

But civil rights campaigners appealed against the ruling, and their arguments were accepted by the San Francisco Superior Court.

And although the lower court's ruling was overturned by the California Court of Appeal in 2006, this ruling was itself reversed last month by the state's Supreme Court.

Meanwhile, state legislators approved a law allowing same-sex marriages, but it was vetoed by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who said that the courts should decide the issue.

'Tight election'

Opponents of same-sex unions have now gathered enough signatures to put another law outlawing gay marriage before California voters in a referendum scheduled for this November.

But large numbers of gay couples - from across the US - are expected to get married in California before that time, partly in the hope that voters will be less inclined to vote for the law if it would mean splitting up married couples.

"It's going to be a very tight election come November," said Jeff Kors, executive director of the gay rights group Equality California.

"The more people see their friends and family get married, the more they will be comfortable with the idea."

Public opinion in California appears to be more favourable to gay marriage than was the case when the law banning it was passed in 2000.

A recent poll indicated that 52% of Californians supported same-sex marriages, with 41% opposed.
Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
Not that I am against it at all...but democratically speaking how can 1 supreme court persons' vote in a 9 person panel overturn "legally" what 70% something of California voters deemed to be illegal? What's fair is fair, it's still a democratic society the last time I checked.That was also underhanded what Arnold did,it truly is up to the voters,{unfortunatly} as I believe in equal rights for everyone.
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
Makes you wonder why they bothered holding the vote at all if they were just going to overturn it anyways... PR stunt gone wrong??
Posted by ozkar (Member # 13264) on :
I think the most important question here is what business is it of anyone else to legislate people's personal relationships. If something does not affect you it simply isn't your business to meddle with it

Societies functional relationship to a gay couple living together is identical to that of a married couple living together with the exception of a few mundane details. I have never in all of this controversy heard a reasonable argument against them being allowed to call it a marriage provided that society at large is willing to recognize any kind of marriage at all.

If they're paying taxes then they're pulling their own weight as an American citizen and should be able to reap the benefits that all others do. The kind of consensual getting-off that a person prefers isn't anyone else's business.

Imagine not being allowed to share benefits with your spouse if it's their feet that get you off. Imagine a different tax bracket for people who like anal sex. Imagine being denied a job because of the frequency of which you masturbate at home. It's all ludicrous, but no more than saying gay people can't get married.
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
I don't mind that gay people are allowed to marry. Hell, let them be as miserable as everyone else.
Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
Originally posted by Salvy_Mic:
I don't mind that gay people are allowed to marry. Hell, let them be as miserable as everyone else.


And Ozkar, I agree 100% with you! [Thumbs Up]

Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
Seriously, the conservatives are always railing against gay marriage. Well, what better way to discourage it than letting them get married? Once they see what its like, they won't be keen on going forward with it.

*Keep in mind that this is my hangover talking. I don't mind gay people getting married at all, but I think that fifth of Cuervo I took in last night is making me more spiteful and off-color than I usually am.*
Posted by footgirl0226 (Member # 29201) on :
I am conservative. I believe in marriage of a man and woman. But... I just cant find it in me to believe if two people love each other- gay or not, that they shouldnt have the right in our country to do it legally.

Still ultra conservative... but... realistic and accepting.
Posted by guitardrew (Member # 6635) on :
well thats nice footgirl... im feelin the love!! haha
Posted by Keyfeet (Member # 27313) on :
honestly, im all for it. i would put telling people that i like feet, in the same boat as people coming out the closet. in my case, a female feet closet. so yeah, i (and you) have no right to say this is wrong. it would be like saying liking feet is wrong.
Posted by Mona (Member # 8351) on :
Looks as though the ban could pass now.Interestingly Google came out against the ban as a company recently.Though i am not too big on treating corporations like an individual,i can still see how it affects their employees so i guess things like that are positive.From what i gather it is mostly mormon money that is helping fuel the opposition to gay marriage in the state which i really find disgusting.
Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :
The conservative point of view (which is rarely even touched on in this forum) is:

When will we stop catering to these tiny sections of the population? What's next if you allow gay marriage? Will child molesters one day form an alliance and start screaming for their rights? Will people "marry" each other just to receive health insurance and other benefits saved for married couples? Will polygamy become accepted? What about all the study's done that say children are WAY better off when there is a MAN and a WOMAN in the household? Just throw this information out the door? Do you want to teach children (starting in kindergarden) that it's ok to have sex with either sex?

More than half of the country DOES NOT support gay marriage. The country is not ready for this yet.

Now bring on the nastiness you libs...
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
It's as simple as this: a basic right is being withheld from an entire group of Americans, in this case marriage. Denying them that right is quite frankly, un-American.

And comparing gay marriage to child molesters is ridiculous and you know it. It'd be like me comparing evangelicals to Islamic terrorists, simply because both groups share fringe religious views.
Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :
Well firstly, I didn't COMPARE the two. I simply said "what's next?" What's the logical line of progression?

And secondly....."It's as simple as this: a basic right is being withheld from an entire group of Americans,etc.."

My view is if we start changing laws for every minority, for every small group of people who wants their "rights," for every organization that stands up and makes a fuss, then what could possibly be left of our great country? It would crumble.

How is it a basic right for a man to marry a man?

Come on now...
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
There's a precedent for changing laws for minorities you know. Ever heard of the civil rights movement?

You can mince words all you want, but the fact remains that marriage between two people who love each other shouldn't be denied to anyone, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation. This is supposed to be a free country, right? Being gay is not against the law, unlike child molestation, which is clearly the comparison, or "logical line of progression" as you attempted to put it.
Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :
No, never heard of the Civil Rights Movement. What is it?

You, and 15 % of the country, believe in gay marriage. THE REST OF THE COUNTRY DOES NOT. Wake up! You are the minority. MINCE words all you want but it ain't happenin, unless you go to San Franfreakshow.
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
Fine dude, be a smart ass, but it ain't making you look any better. I'd like to know where you pull this 15% from myself, because it seems like a made up number to me.

If I am in the minority, then good. Better to take a stand for something that's right than blindly following the ignorant, bigoted puppets like yourself. WAR Obama.
Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :
fine dude. i will be a smart ass. what makes you think i care how a bunch of leftist radical libs think i look anyway?

WAR Obama? Ok, we'll see how 'ole monkey ears' first couple years go.

YOU'RE the ignorant, bigoted puppet who believes cnn and msnbc. talk about sheep following the herd.

[ October 31, 2008, 02:12 PM: Message edited by: Second Timer ]
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
[Laugh] [Laugh] [Laugh]

You're doing my job for me Second Timer. [Thumbs Up]
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on :
"Ok, we'll see how 'ole monkey ears' first couple years go."
Comment by Second Timer

He, Obama, will do just fine; and compared to Bush, he will be beyond reproach.
Have you asked yourself why Bush (or Cheney) hasn't been invited to campaign for or with ANY Republican.
That should tell you everything you need to know.
Like Mona suggested in another thread: Hannity's kool aid is poison-Jim Jones poison.

Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :
yep, liberals need to constantly be reminded of how mentally off base they are so you're right. i'm doing your job. i'm putting thoughts in your head that you don't want to hear.

don't like it do ya?
Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :
footjoyboy, same reason you have seen VERY LITTLE of michelle obama (the most angry millionaire in the world), and al gore (mr. global warming even though 2008 has been one of the coldest years on record for the entire planet) campaigning for god.
Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
Originally posted by Second Timer:
... even though 2008 has been one of the coldest years on record for the entire planet.... [/QB]

I was a huge skeptic when I saw your statement of this...

Evidence that we are responsible for global warming


Your statement sounds like a hyperbole to me Second_Timer. This past winter was just the coolest since 2001.


Also, global temperatures this year are only on tap to be the coolest since 2000, and 2008 is still shaping up to be the tenth warmest year on record since 1850.


Ok, enough about global warming. Let's get back on topic and allow people to discuss gay marriage in California.
Posted by MC Nolan (Member # 20527) on :
I'm against it, but the tide is going against people like me. That doesn't mean I'm going to jump on the bandwagon though.

Every great human civilization grapples with many issues until the unthinkable happens. Remember the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans (I'd mention the Mayans, but no one really knows what happened to them)?

There wasn't one single event that toppled them, but sociological problems were close to the root.
Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
Wow, reading all the latest posts here seems like they've been serving Koolaid on both sides of the river, dang!Off original subject here but.. Quit your bickering and support this Country together as Americans, THEN we can settle our differences for God's Sake.Many men and women have fallen for and givin you the freedom to sit behind your computer and look at feet and type your anti-American filled speaches..time you came together and put all this nonsense behind before someone takes it all away while your blinders were on.
Posted by Elvzz (Member # 14178) on :
Who cares? Marriage is about love - not anything else.

If you are a skeptic - let people with alt lifestyles be as mizerable as ev one else I know that is married.

Suze Orman - won't get married to her partner due to the surviorship rules in the code. It is just all messed up.

If you ban this - where does it stop? People with one leg can't get married, etc?
Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :

1st article: Matthew Knight of Clinton News Network. Are you serious? I wouldn't believe anybody from CNN. Here's there blatant bias in action in 2005.

2nd article: OK, the coldest year in the last 7. I'll take that. Are you going to tell me that it's ok to have a year here or there where the temperature does not rise and still consider it "global warming"
Please, gimme a break.

3rd article: Richard Black from the BBC. Another extroadinarily, over-the-top, liberal news outlet.

WOW! [Thud]

[ November 01, 2008, 03:07 PM: Message edited by: Second Timer ]
Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :
"time you came together and put all this nonsense behind before someone takes it all away while your blinders were on."

Posted by Wrinklesguy.

With all due respect I don't believe anybody will ever take away our freedom of speech because we, or I should say I, would fight til the death. Hell, I'm ready to march to Washington and throw Obama out of the White House just like all ya' all talked about doing for the last eight years with Bush. Nobody's going to censor me or take away my freedom of speech.
Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
Originally posted by Second Timer:
...I don't want Obama, never did, never will, BUT I will ALWAYS support our president no matter who he or she shall be.


...Hell, I'm ready to march to Washington and throw Obama out of the White House

Would you like to take back one of those two statements because right now you're flip-flopping - you're supposed to leave the flip-flopping to Senator Kerry, lol...

I'll get back with you later on the global warming debate...
Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :
Without going through the posts (or threads) I know that I had previously stated that I would support whomever was president UNTIL I did a lengthy background check and spent a considerable amount of time looking into Obama's record, or lack thereof. Look through one of the threads in "politics" in which I've been consistently slammed and you'll find it. I don't feel like re-reading all those posts, or re-hashing Reverend Wright and all the shady dealings this bafoon has been involved in.

Oh bye the way, Chicago is now the MURDER CAPITAL OF THE USA. Guess who's jurisdiction the city of Chicago falls into?

The latest on this clown is that his "Aunti" was found living in a Boston slum...ILLEGALLY (HA HA, and he wants to "spread the wealth"). [Laugh] What a fuckin hypocrite.

This was after his Father was found living in a hut in Kenya. (I'm not linking because I hope everyone has heard this stuff already...unless of course you watch CNN & MSNBC who may have decided to cover, say, ... Sarah Palin's wardrobe instead)

If you vote for this guy after hearing just these three things (and there's way more) you are a complete, political moron.

Global Warming is such a joke. Anyone who (Al Gore) thinks that they can grasp what's going on with weather and the planet's patterns in a 75 year snapshot is an ass. The Earth is 4 1/2 BILLION YEARS OLD. (accurate weather records are about 75 to 100 years old) FUCK, they can't even tell me if it's going to rain tomorrow with any accuracy and I'm supposed to believe that if I drive a "hybrid" and don't cut my grass during "peak hours" that the planet will be saved? What a joke.

Let me repeat that for all who can't seem to realize that Al Gore grabbed "Global Warming" out of thin air after he LOST THE ELECTION for something to legitimize himself with people.


[ November 02, 2008, 08:32 AM: Message edited by: Second Timer ]
Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
I can't remember such controversy around gay marriage as I am seeing now - the people make it seem like gay marriage in Califfornia may have second life.
Posted by catsman (Member # 10269) on :
no stats I've seen tell the most unreported fact. 90% of us don't give crap about all this and liked it better when we didn't have to hear about it all the time.
Posted by Mona (Member # 8351) on :
Originally posted by catsman:
no stats I've seen tell the most unreported fact. 90% of us don't give crap about all this and liked it better when we didn't have to hear about it all the time.

Could you show where you found this "90% "fact" you speak of? Source?
Posted by Bootman (Member # 1280) on :
So when they divorce, who pays alimony?

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