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Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :
Posted by Vanderfeet (Member # 8733) on :

"Rezko has been involved in fundraising for local Illinois Democratic and Republican politicians since the 1980s."

so really, if you're going to use the "guilt by association" angle, NO politician, republican OR democrat, should be allowed to remain in service if they are from illinois?

what a joke.

you honestly think that simply because obama's from illinois, where there was a corrupt fundraiser who dealt with republicans AND democrats, that he should be impeached?

where's the proof obama knew ANYTHING about ANY shady dealings by rezko? there is none. so this movement is demanding impeachment based solely on a fallacious rhetorical strategy - guilt by association. well, fuck, this rezko asshole was "associated" with half of washington.

[ January 09, 2009, 01:03 PM: Message edited by: Vanderfeet ]
Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :
"The constant refrain of Obama defenders is that he is being unfairly criticized because his problematic friends and acquaintances represent nothing more than “guilt by association.” Taken on a case by case basis, such a defense might ring true. But Obama’s problem is that he has so many friends and associates where “guilt by association” is the explanation given by his campaign that one begins to wonder when we can declare the candidate just plain “guilty” of using horrendous judgment and question whether his connection to some of these characters actually goes beyond innocence of wrongdoing."

Rick Moran - Right Wing Nuthouse
Posted by Vanderfeet (Member # 8733) on :
That's a very provocative quotation, but it again suffers from yet another rhetorical fallacy: "appeal to ignorance". i.e., Moran is saying that because we don't know FOR SURE that Obama ISN'T guilty, that means he MUST be guilty. It's hardly an argument.

American politics are corrupt. American politicians, when they are not simply corrupt themselves, are usually at least surrounded by corruption. If you want to demonize ANYONE in American politics, choose "guilt by association" as your method and you will surely have much success! This is the culture, the system in which American politicians are forced to operate, regardless of their own personal integrity.

Point being, if you're going to start calling for a presidential impeachment, you'll need a lot more than that. Ya might be jumping the gun a bit.
Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
Impeach EVERYONE alike..spare no one,{as long as WE the people get to run the Impeachment hearings and are able to throw the gavel down},it looks to be more of the same this time around I am afraid.
Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
You can't impeach him if he hasn't been sworn in yet. This is a little ridiculous....

No one was trying to impeach George W. Bush before he took office

Quoted from

"The main Stream Media has done a poor job
of covering Senator Obama."

Whoever is behind this, good luck getting a following if you can't realize that mainstream is actually one word.

It's quite sad, Secondtimer, that you went against your original statement that you would respect the president no matter what. To want someone impeached before they take office is a gross sense of disrespect.

I think you'd have a much better case of impeaching George W. Bush than Obama anyday.
Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
Impeaching means bring charges against in a court of law, do your homework my good friend. So there's no "throwing out" of anyone..just court precedings. Depends on what the charges are..let's hear Second Timer on why he should be "Impeached" if you will...
Posted by Robotron2084 (Member # 33263) on :
Will this crap ever end? I bet McCain is glad it's not him taking the "popshots".
Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :

"Can we Impeach Obama before he's Inaugurated?
It is impossible to believe BHO didn't get some form of "help" from this weasel they call a Governor! In typical Obama fashion, He's throwing him "under the Bus", just like his Racist Reverend Wright! Is this man supposed to be "Presidential"? He is a bigger skunk than most of US gave him credit! He's trashing His OWN Party! Can He be "recalled", or Impeached!??
1 month ago
Additional Details

1 month ago
Double Olly, I like the way you think.
To twits out there requesting "evidence", I'm a firm believer in "Common Sense"! Try it sometime, if you have ANY!
1 month ago
Obama was NOT doing the last job he had been givin. Therefore, he was not worthy of a "promotion". IF the "Electors" follow the Constitution, he won't have his un-worthy promotion. Let's see how badly Illinois/Chicago Politics has infected OUR system.
1 month ago
Kelly, Obama is just as dirty & un-worthy as the Governor. I'm pointing out his lack of character. He's like the "pot calling the kettle black" here!"
Yahoo Answer & Question Board
Posted by den2 (Member # 20517) on :
Sore losers are such pussys, regardless of who you voted for this is the beauty of a democracy. If your a true American you'll support WHOEVER is our president and pray for the best! It truely angers me sometimes that I fought for the freedoms that you pussys hold dear. I'd love to put you pussys on the front lines of a war ridden area and IF you make it back, see if you act the same!!!!
Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :
so you supported george bush for 8 years? and "prayed for the best?"

get a clue

hey tough guy, i'm 6 foot tall, weigh 240, play racquetball 3 days a week, and ride my bike (outside or inside) 2 days a week. i hardly think if you were standing in front of me that you would call me a "pussy."
Posted by Arch-Mage (Member # 23167) on :
This is exactly why Conservatives are losing ground with a lot of people. Same old bitter, divisive, lopsided "holier-than-thou" politics. But when you've elevated the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin to the status of gods, I suppose that's not surprising...
Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :
"Losing ground?"

Rush & Ann Coulter are more popular now than they've ever been!

Lest I remind you sir, in the last 28 years, there has been a Republican President for 20 of those years.

Doesn't look much like "losing ground" to me...
Posted by Vanderfeet (Member # 8733) on :
actually second timer, rush and ann coulter MAY be more popular now, but only amongst the religious right and social conservatives.

however, there is currently a consensus in the republican party that, if they are to see success in future elections, they will need to move away from the evangelist-pandering social conservative angle that seems to have taken over the republican party over the past decade or two. americans are sick of that crap, and even the republican party is coming around regarding that. if they are to succeed in the future, they need to move back to their fiscal conservative roots.

i think rush and coulter will be increasingly shunned by any republican who wants votes. face it, those two are simply out to "shock" and make a quick buck, while rallying the religious right and the particularly bigoted segments of the american population. thankfully, they'll be on their way out soon enough. americans have had enough of their poison.
Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :
You mean "LIBERAL" americans have had enough of their poison?

You leftists kill me. Do you really want to stand behind the statement that Rush Limbaugh will be "on his way out soon?" Are you serious? Have you been that CNN'ed? That NBC'ed?

Rush has been going strong since 1988. That's 20 years. All of a sudden you libs seem to think everything or everyone you've ever hated is going to magically "go away" because the Messiah has put this false notion of unity in all of your pea-brains.

Sorry, ain't happenin. I'll bet ya anything on it!
Posted by fcgvp (Member # 14450) on :
This is about a black man being president of the United States. If guilt by association is the topic, Bush is one of the dirtiest presidents this country has seen. This is why this country will always be divided. We have a guy in Bush who has run this country into the ground, yet people want to focus on Obama. So now they will spend the next 3 years game planning to get him out of office as opposed to helping him clean this mess Bush created. You are an absolute joke!
Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :
Maybe your country is "into the ground" but mine isn't. I'm doing fine. I suggest you stop watching the liberal media outlets and getting yourself all scared about fictitious, created drama and over-hyped scare tactics.

Hope & Change, Hope & Change, etc....that's all I've heard for the last two years. You really think this clown is going to change anything?

You my friend are a joke, as is anyone who voted for this clown.
Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :
"The thought of this Leftist hack having much of anything to do with economic development is positively stomach churning. Not 2 years ago, Sen. Obama was campaigning against discount stores opening up on the South Side of Chicago, in a sop to his union funders. Literally thousands of jobs fled the City, so that Sen. Obama could get more campaign contributions.
Now the same guy is telling us he knows how to provide jobs better than the market? Nuts. The man has never created a single productive job in his life. Obama knew how to collect enough donations to get elected. He should stop there and give these maniacal bailouts a rest."
JBP - John Powers from "Clive Crook's blog."
Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :
I'm snowed in today and off work so I've got plenty of time for your pitiful, liberal comments. Bring 'em on
Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :
Posted by fcgvp (Member # 14450) on :
Oh yes, the state of the housing market is fictitious, as well as unemployment, gas prices also fictitious. Lehman Brothers didn't really collapse, and neither did Wamu, and Wachovia. How dare they make those things up. We have flourished under Republican leadership over the past 8 years, and here comes Obama to fuck it all up.
Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
You know it was funny, there was a guy working for the BHO campaign outside a local supermarket this past weekend selling buttons and whatnot. He was so excited for the 23rd of January..I said "Huh"? He said "Yah, aren't you gonna watch the inaugaration"?..I said "Dude, that happens on the 20th"...he said I didn't know what I was talking about..I just had to leave because clearly he's working with the party and doesn't even know when his candidate is getting sworn in..pretty sad..some people need to get a clue.
Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :
Gas prices are awesome you twit! I've been paying 1.60 for four months! And since when is 7.2% unemployment a bad thing? That means 92.8% of Americans are WORKING. Leham, Wamu & Wachovia all happened under BARNEY FRANKS WATCH!

Get educated you twit
Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :
Yeah, keep watchin CNN and NBC and Rachael Maddow and Keith Olberman fgcvp....Keep worrying and complaining too! That's the American way! Sit back and bitch about everything that you CANT FIX. That's the American way! Worry yourself into a heart attack! That's also the American way!

Meanwhile, my economy is fine! Just live within your means and for the most part you should be good!
Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
Let's try to keep it sorta civilized here..don't want to see anyone booted because their political beliefs. Agree to disagree sometimes is the best way..blame all the naivity on the Mainstream news for dumbing down everyone, it's not always the people's fault this time..stay in the "know" and you will be fine.
Posted by fcgvp (Member # 14450) on :
What does him having the date wrong have to do with anything? He probably has never been into politics, and finally has been motivated to do so. Is that a bad thing? If you are talking about getting a clue, you may want to look at our current President and the fact that he probably talks on a sixth grade level. Bottom line is you have a new President, like it or not. You can either back him or bash him. You have every right to do either. I am not a liberal believe it or not. I have some views that fall towards the liberal side and some that fall towards the conservative side, and many of you probably do as well. Reality is both sides have an agenda, and right now I do not want four more years of big business running this economy into the ground. I passed by Ken Lay at least twice a week for 4 years, as he ruined lives without a care in the world. I watched AIG and Lehman Bros. destroy the housing market. These companies operated with impunity as they made money hand and fist without thought of the repercussions. Obama may not be the answer, but he damn sure is the lesser of evils.
Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
But why choose ANY evil? That is where I am confused here. Obama did receive contributions from Fannie/Freddie like it or not and he did vote for bailout #1 and now stimulus #2..if that isn't "4 more years of Big Business" I don't know what is. He has no clue on how to fix this economy..none! Neither did McCain since he also was part of the Keating group and ALSO voted for the Robbery of America through bailout #1 as well. Screw these people!
Posted by footluvrguy (Member # 23285) on :
Originally posted by fcgvp:
What does him having the date wrong have to do with anything? He probably has never been into politics, and finally has been motivated to do so. Is that a bad thing? If you are talking about getting a clue, you may want to look at our current President and the fact that he probably talks on a sixth grade level. Bottom line is you have a new President, like it or not. You can either back him or bash him. You have every right to do either. I am not a liberal believe it or not. I have some views that fall towards the liberal side and some that fall towards the conservative side, and many of you probably do as well. Reality is both sides have an agenda, and right now I do not want four more years of big business running this economy into the ground. I passed by Ken Lay at least twice a week for 4 years, as he ruined lives without a care in the world. I watched AIG and Lehman Bros. destroy the housing market. These companies operated with impunity as they made money hand and fist without thought of the repercussions. Obama may not be the answer, but he damn sure is the lesser of evils.

Right on! Seriously... If anything, The Bush administration should be examined. For we have seen the last 4 years of this administration.

Bush and Cheney have shown innumerable impeachable offenses. But I guess that's now "spilled milk". Obama is now left with a gigantic mess to clean up. Question is- Are we going to work towards solutions or bitch about it?
Posted by lambskin (Member # 1542) on :
[QUOTE] Maybe your country is "into the ground" but mine isn't. I'm doing fine. I suggest you stop watching the liberal media outlets and getting yourself all scared about fictitious, created drama and over-hyped scare tactics. /QUOTE]

I agree. Although we have fallen under some hard economic times I hardly call the United States run into the ground. Over 92% of the country is employed, most people still own homes, most families have a car (or two), we have grocery stores filled with food (and people buying it), most people own televisions too big for their homes....etc.

Tell someone in Darfur where hundreds of thousands are dead from genocide that your life is so rough. Tell a person in Zimbabwa where thousands have now died from cholera about how our medical system is falling apart. Tell someone in North Korea how your civil liberties are being trampled by this administration. Tell someone in Myanmar about how our government does nothing to prevent casualties from natural disasters.

While I agree that there are definitely problems, I disagree with the fact that our country is somehow "run into the ground". The problem with most of this country is that we do not appreciate what we have.
Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
Lambskin: Don't forget, of that 92% maybe 35% actually OWN those homes and those Escalades and Big Screen TV's they have are consumed off credit cards or more's a fake wealth that will have the plug pulled soon. Gotta love that mighty Dolla!
Posted by den2 (Member # 20517) on :
hey second timer, by the way I DIDN'T vote for Bush but I did "pray" for the best even if I didn't agree with what he was doing. And by the way I'm also 6' tall at 220lbs and I'm a former Marine Corps Sniper so don't Play the pussy game buddy, I've killed more people than I'd like to admit, and you can't be a pussy to do that ok. And please don't think I'm saying I'm gonna kill you, its a political conversation not a war for Gods sake!!
Posted by den2 (Member # 20517) on :
Oh and by the way I've called bigger guys than you a pussy and I'm not trying to be a tough guy, I know what I'M capable of and I know my limits. Besides I wasn't directing My comment at you specifically it was in general so stop being so emotional and calm the hell down!
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
Geeze, are you guys about done beating your chests trying to figure out who the alpha chimp is yet? [Laugh]

Carry on... [Big Grin]
Posted by fcgvp (Member # 14450) on :
I never compared the US to a third world country. That's comparing apples and oranges. Relative to our economy over the years, yes it is run into the ground. You speak of homeowners, but you don't speak of record foreclosures. You speak of jobs, but you don't speak of the millions of Americans who have seen their income cut or frozen, as well as their assets sliced in half. The markets are in turmoil, and defaults on consumer debt is at record highs. Small business owners can not get working capital because banks have tightened credit criteria. When we rebound, and we will rebound, we will probably stronger and smarter. That being said, we should have never been in this position in the first place. I would just like Bush to acknowledge that the war was a bad move. It is what it is at this point, but don't blow smoke up my ass and tell me it was the right move. This administration is one of if not the worst this country has seen.
Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :

Posted by den2 (Member # 20517) on :
I like the alpha chimp comment Ledaemon "lol". sorry about all that maddness guys, that just started getting silly! hopefully secondtimer will calm down and admit it was inmature and silly too, but as far as I'm concerned, my apologies.
Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :
I also thought the Alpha Chimp comment was priceless! My apologies as well.

I do, though, disagree completely with fcgvp's comment that this was the worst administration ever in our country. It's such an easy thing to say. It's so safe to spew that out. You would've never even thought about those words had it not been pounded into your ears/head by the liberal media and these twit actors/actresses, musicians, etc...

I believe the war in Iraq was the "ultimate humanitarian effort" on the part of the USA, by freeing thousands of tortured Iraqi's from that MONSTER Hussein. I will NEVER believe that it was the "wrong thing to do." I supported it then, I support it now. And I thank our brave military for their sacrifice.

Hal, the picture is awesome! Thanks for the laugh.
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
Originally posted by Second Timer:

I believe the war in Iraq was the "ultimate humanitarian effort" on the part of the USA, by freeing thousands of tortured Iraqi's from that MONSTER Hussein. I will NEVER believe that it was the "wrong thing to do." I supported it then, I support it now. And I thank our brave military for their sacrifice.

I really have to disagree with the assessment as the "ultimate humanitarian effort." The original reason given for the invasion of Iraq was because we had intelligence telling us that Saddam had the "weapons of mass destruction" stashed all over Iraq and his scientists were in the process of developing nukes. Remember that Colin Powell was on the television showing us pictures of mobile units that had labs for working on chemical agents like Ricin to use against the US and our allies. It was only after WMD weren't found after we invaded Iraq that the agenda then turned into "Operation Iraqi Freedom" that it was determined figured we needed a really good reason for us to be there.

There's no argument with me that Saddam was a bad dude. However, remember not too long ago he was another administration's (Reagan) buddy that was supplied with weapons and intelligence during his little 8 year war with another one of our favorites, Iran back in the 80s. I'm pretty sure the reason no WMD were found back then was because I believe he had pretty much used up all the ones we gave him during Iraq's war with Iran all those years ago. He was just as evil back in those days when he was supported by our government. He just fit in better with OUR agenda at that time. That is until he decided to invade Kuwait back in '91.


So what is the real reason behind the invasion of Iraq? Bush and Co. really think that the world was going to see Iraq as a shining example of democracy working in the middle east after a special brand of nation building following its destruction? I didn't support the war in Iraq before the invasion. I'm still waiting for the real reason we are in Afghanistan to be completed as well. You know the Bin Laden dude's capture or confirmed kill.
Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :
With all due respect LaDaemon these are all arguments plucked right off of CNN and NBC and all the other liberal news outlets. I've heard this tune over and over and over....and it's just so....exhaustingly liberal.

Let me ask you this. If Iraq is a contributing democracy with peace and happiness for most of it's citizens, then wasn't the whole endeavor a success?

Things change, just cuz we were once on Husseins side doesn't mean it's going to stay that way forever.

We will never agree I'm sure. Although you CNN'ers would never know it because they refuse to report anything good about Bush or his administration, I know one thing, Iraq is sure a whole lot better today than it was 5 years ago when the MONSTER Hussein was throwing his innocent citizens off buildings while they were blindfolded and handcuffed, when women couldn't walk the streets without wearing those stupid veils, when the Kurdish people were gassed/frozen for no other reason than to "test" his mustard gas. How on earth could you argue against the removal of one of the most EVIL people in the history of the world? For whatever reason? Who cares if there are no WMD's?
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
Come on now, you think just because someone doesn't blindly follow where our governing party takes us automatically makes you liberal? I'm assuming you think I am unable to form my own opinion without having it spoon fed by a televised news media outlet broken down in small edible sound bytes.

Since you have bought into it that the purpose of the mission was to enrich the lives of the Iraqi people by ousting their former dictator and then creating the oasis of democracy in the desert of extremism then there is really nothing to change your frame of mind.

Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :
The only things that I believe need changing in this country are:

1. People get off their butts and go to work.
2. People live within their means and quit borrowing/spending money they DON'T HAVE.
3. Repeat 1 and 2.

Sure Bush has made some mistake just like every other president but ya know what? If you think the change we need in this country is to bail out the banks and auto industry, and to re-distribute the wealth, you are dead wrong. You Obambi lovers will see soon enough, this guys gonna fail LARGE. Until you hold people accountable for their actions/spending you will continue to see out-of-control financial irresponsibility from Americans. And Obambi held NOBODY accountable for anything in his Senate run (voting present over 90% of the time).

LaDaemon you can nail Bush on all his mistakes with your pictures. That's fine. It won't be long though before Obambi will have to answer for his failures.
Posted by fcgvp (Member # 14450) on :
You don't even have enough respect to address the man by his correct name. I find that disgusting and disrespectful. Anyone who really thinks the war in Iraq was a humanitarian effort needs to stop drinking the kool-aid and put the cup down. The reason we are bailing out large corporations is because for years they have operated with impunity, and conservatives have done everything within their power to make sure they continue to do so. Now that it has spiraled out of control, the repercussions would be catastrophic if certain companies failed. Should they let Wachovia fail and exhaust FDIC resources? Was the bailout signed off on by Liberals only? The easy answer is to say the media is feeding liberals their opinion, but yet you probably believe everything Rush says, and that's somehow different to you. I formulate my own opinions, and I'm not silly enough to believe the war was to save the citizens of Iraq. I also respect a man until he deserves not to be respected. I listened to Bush make up words and butcher sentences for 8 years and wondered how the hell someone who speaks like a foreigner just learning the english language could lead this country. I listened to Republican after Republican defend him, giving reason after reason for his ignorance. Now those same people disrespect a brilliant man before he even takes office. Say what you want about associations and experience, but you can't justifiably call him ignorant as you could Bush.
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
Originally posted by Second Timer:

LaDaemon you can nail Bush on all his mistakes with your pictures. That's fine. It won't be long though before Obambi will have to answer for his failures.

Well then, can we at least wait until the man is sworn in as president and has a go at it before you call for his impeachment? I'm guessing Rush will now have another TV show for his ditto heads like he did during the 90s. You know the "America Held Hostage" bit where he did a countdown until the end of Clinton's term of office. [Laugh]
Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :

Obama brilliant? [Laugh]

Sorry 'bout calling your boy names, but I've heard every name in the book for the last eight years for Bush. Why is it now something that is tragic or serious? You're a double-standard liberal. And please stop using the "kool-aid" crap, that's so overused. GET AN ORIGINAL THOUGHT ALREADY WILL YOU?

Advice: Quit your love affair with Obambi now and you won't be disappointed when he falls on his face. Why you're in love with the clown is beyond me. He's DONE NOTHING TO DESERVE LOVE OTHER THAN RUN AROUND WITH CRIMINALS AND AMERICA HATERS, but yet you still like the guy. WHY? Cuz the media told you to. Pathetic.

I kinda remember that bit, but could never stay up that late to watch his show (12:30am er somethin?).

As you can see I'm just sickened by Americas love affair with this guy. He's a pawn who's done nothing. Maybe you're right LaDaemon, I should give the guy a year or two. I just can't seem to get over the hump. Gosh, it will be a long four years for me (and prolly eight).

Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
I was reading through and thinking something - what if Second Timer is actually Bill O' Reilly [Laugh]
Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
2nd Timer: The reason everyone is so in love is because he "appears" to be everything Bush isn't and wasn't for the past 8 years and people were so ready for something different they were left with only one choice and it didn't matter who was running for Democrat they would have voted him in against McCain and the lame 2 party system the media props up. Unfortunatly obama has many of the same failed policies of bush that he is just continuing with the socialist front side.
Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
Originally posted by Second Timer:
With all due respect LaDaemon these are all arguments plucked right off of CNN and NBC and all the other liberal news outlets. I've heard this tune over and over and over....and it's just so....exhaustingly liberal.

Let me ask you this. If Iraq is a contributing democracy with peace and happiness for most of it's citizens, then wasn't the whole endeavor a success?

Things change, just cuz we were once on Husseins side doesn't mean it's going to stay that way forever.

We will never agree I'm sure. Although you CNN'ers would never know it because they refuse to report anything good about Bush or his administration,

Uh oh, hell may have froze over Second Timer...just saw this featured on CNN's front page today [it still is as of this posting] claiming Bush has saved ten million lives...
Posted by Mona (Member # 8351) on :
these kicking and screaming threads seriously warm my liberal heart [Big Grin]
Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :

And it's time for a little..

[Nana] [Wink]
Posted by Vanderfeet (Member # 8733) on :
To me, the most amazing thing in this thread is that SecondTimer actually has the audacity to say shit like "with all due respect, everything you're saying is ripped from cnn and nbc". This from the guy who can't hold a political conversation without revealing his unconditional love for rush limbaugh and coulter of all people! This from the guy who tries to start, and sustain, a political dialogue by merely posting a bunch of hyperlinks and quotations from right-wing conspiracy theorist websites!

Absolutely classic! [Big Grin]
Posted by fcgvp (Member # 14450) on :
The ironic thing is conservatives always say liberals don't have an original thought, but the only thing that comes out of the mouths of conservatives is "liberals don't have an original thought." Is that the pot calling the kettle black? Maybe the thoughts get repetitive because the same crap keeps happening. I guess no thought is original unless it's out of the mouth of a conservative.
Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :
"With all due respect" Vanderfeet, you lost any and all credibility you had with the dumbest statement ever concerning Rush & Coulter, stating:

"thankfully, they'll be on their way out soon enough."

Maybe you wish they'd be on their way out soon but if you'd actually smack yourself on the side of your dumb noggin and WAKE UP, you'd realize they ain't goin nowhere.

Said it before and I'll say it again "Rush & Coulter" ARE MORE POPULAR THAN EVER and Obambi's failures, lies & corruption will only make them EVEN MORE POPULAR.

[Thumbs Up]
Posted by Vanderfeet (Member # 8733) on :

1. I retracted that statement.

2. Why do you seem to exhibit a perverse glee whenever discussing what you believe to be Obama's future "failures, lies, and corruption"? Is the general well-being of America really less important to you than your own petty sense of vindictiveness and urge to say "I told you so"?

If you were a good American, wouldn't you be hoping for the best right now? I hate to break it to you, but America's presently in pretty rough shape. If this president tanks, well, that certainly won't make things any better, now will it?

So, why the "I can't wait until Obama fucks up" attitude? You sound like Osama Bin Laden. I'm sure he's hoping for the same thing.
Posted by Second Timer (Member # 21660) on :
1. Where did you retract your statement? I've looked through the thread twice and I have no idea of what you're talking about. No retraction in sight. Are you able to toggle between your thoughts and what you actually wrote with any clarity?

2. America will be fine, she always is. Number one thing I want is for all you blind Obambi lovers to realize what a HUGE MISTAKE you've made. Just because you clowns can't separate media overkill from reality, I have to live with this appalling, criminal running the country. Despicable. And God forbid we have a terrorist attack on this clowns watch. All ya' all better be on this board apologizing up and down for your stupidity.

3. I love these "hope for the best" and "pray everything will be alright" sayings....Get a clue.

If I had a nickel for everytime I've heard "but Obama deserves a chance before you say anything negative about him...." I'd be fuckin rich! Hell, they scorned President Bush for spending 40 million dollars on his inauguration BEFORE HE WAS EVEN ELECTED. This jokester is spending 150 million........that's 150 million on his inauguration......and not a SINGLE NEGATIVE WORD FROM THE PRESS.

Historic. Historic my ass.
Posted by -cfg- (Member # 13863) on :
Originally posted by Wrinklesguy:

And it's time for a little..

[Nana] [Wink]

Best post of this entire thread.
Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
Bwahaa..but you don't know who it was pointed at is the best part. [Big Grin] Thanks!

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