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Posted by ucflyeah (Member # 32674) on :,2933,511470,00.html
Posted by vanderfeet (Member # 8733) on :
I'd worship her feet!

[ March 30, 2009, 11:06 PM: Message edited by: vanderfeet ]
Posted by Toetapper (Member # 6473) on :
Brains to go with the beauty! She is yet another target of the Liberal-attack Obamabots (as Sarah Palin) and I'm glad she's speaking out; it's only free speech if you agree with them and it is hate-speech if you dissent - the personal attacks begin immediately.

I happen to think Mr. Obama is a very likable fellow and would love to meet in a bar and hang out; I think he would be a lot of fun and quite interesting. Nevertheless, socialism remains socialism regardless of the race or the garb in which it is presented; therefore, he is the most dangerous man in America as he threatens every principle upon which this country was founded.

It has nothing to do with race and everything to do about policy.

Oh...and Angie's feet make me feel funny "down there".
Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
Nevertheless, socialism remains socialism
What exactly do you mean by socialism?...please explain in more detail.

Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
Socialism like taking over the auto industries, lumping a huge tax bill onto the working class that will endebt our grandchildren,take over of the countries largest financial institutions..etc..keep the gov't OUT of the private sector. If some companies have to fail because they inflated a debt/credit bubble too large for themselves, oh well...let them fail. Another private sector company is waiting to take their place. That is called free-market. Did anyone study about Japan in the 90's or USSR?
Posted by bison4me (Member # 21530) on :
That's funny coming from her. One of my boys used to play for Giants back when her husband Jason Sehorn played with them. At the time they were just dating and my boy recalls an argument between Sehorn and her about "stereotyping" Jason's teammates. He recalled her using some blatant racial slurs. That was back in 2000 or '01 I believe.
Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
Originally posted by Wrinklesguy:
Socialism like taking over the auto industries, lumping a huge tax bill onto the working class that will endebt our grandchildren,take over of the countries largest financial institutions..etc..keep the gov't OUT of the private sector. If some companies have to fail because they inflated a debt/credit bubble too large for themselves, oh well...let them fail. Another private sector company is waiting to take their place. That is called free-market. Did anyone study about Japan in the 90's or USSR?

I agree with you to a certain point, but it is wrong to pin this onto Obama alone. The "Emergency Economic Stabilization Act" was originally passed under a Republican government and both Bush and McCain were in huge favour of it. It authorized the United States Treasury to spend up to $700 billion to purchase distressed assets, especially mortgage-backed securities, and make capital injections into domestic and national banks. Now, if that`s not socialism [Laugh] The Act was proposed by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, who is a Republican, during the global financial crisis of 2008.
Also, let`s not forget the federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in March 2008.

Posted by ucflyeah (Member # 32674) on :
all we heard for two F$%##$% years was "hope & change."

doesn't look much like hope & change to me.
Posted by Toetapper (Member # 6473) on :
Without going into a lot of political detail, history, and political philosophy (yes, I'm well into my cups), I will offer a simple notion of socialism:

Any governing body (or member thereof) that thinks it knows how to spend MY money better than I do.
Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
Hal..I will also mention that Bush was a Socialist {tax and spend} Liberal with the Republican badge on. Obama is just adding the Icing to the cake for their plan to come to fruition. It's a lose/lose situation no matter who is in office.
Posted by lambskin (Member # 1542) on :
Not to mention the recent "strongly engouraging" GMs CEO Rick Wagoner to resign is a little frightening itself. While there is a financial crisis, the current governement is using fear and scare tactics to push an agenda that involves unprecedented governement take overs and control over the private sector.
Posted by joecorbi (Member # 18185) on :
To quote Peter Schiff " You cant spend yourself out of Debt " . We elect these idiots in Congress. They are not like us, they dont want to be like us, the only time they display any patriotism is when its an election year. The current state of U.S. economics took at least 3 decades to come to fruition. We have spent more than we bring in for decades. If you and I ran our household finances like that, where would we be. The U.S. still refuses to do the right thing. They pass a stimulus bill that is loaded with pork. If you want to put people back to work, build infrastructure. Private companies hiring people. Which increases tax revenue. Instead we create more Govt jobs and say look, people are being hired. And what do the new Govt jobs cause. More Govt spending for their pay, pensions, medical etc. Lets tax the wealthy, foster an us against them mentality. Most of the wealthy create jobs, spend, and pay taxes. And 250 K is considered wealthy, thats about the average salary for small business owners. If I own a business, make 250 K and have hired employees that I offer a good salary and benefits to. And you thank me for my hard work rising up through the ranks and creating jobs by taxing me more. I am gonna cut two things, employees, and benefits. Because I am not taking a hit! The Govt can not undermine what made this Country great, made us lead, and then apologise to the world for our arrogance. The Govt needs to pay down the debt through trade, end the stranglehold of OPEC, encorage businesses to hire and produce (not tax them to death), and end the free rides. This current generation seems to eager to succeed without hard work. They feel we should all be equal.. In rights, I agree, but if you drop out of school, smoke crack, are lazy, or just made a bad choice then I recommend you motivate yourself to rise to the top and achieve. But alas, this is America, and both sides of Congress are eager to run this nation into the ground. I weep for the future we have made.
Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
Joe: Thanks for mentioned Peter Schiff, he's one of the greats out there telling it like it is. I feel a Revolution brewing stronger and stronger and the more these types of moves are made, the worse the backlash will be against the gov't. Funny thing is, 99.9% of people have no idea what's happening underground with this movement and will be shocked when TSHTF.
Posted by Maverick Matrix (Member # 2989) on :
I'm completely shocked that there are people on here who actually know what's really going on. I'm shocked but I'm glad. I've been studying this info for 5 years now and I can tell you that we've been duped for our entire lives. I've watched so many movies, read so many articles and read through all the BS that's being made out to sound ok. This entire deal is going the exact way that George Orwell predicted and unless people wake up you're going to see evil that no fairy tale could ever have told.

As for Mr. Paulson, I hate to break it to you Hal, but Henry Paulson is no Republician. He has no loyalty to this country or any for that matter. The Secretary of the Treasury works for the Federal Reserve which is not an agency of the US Government, but a private corporation. It has been since it's inception in 1913. It's as federal as Federal Express. As for our political parties, they aren't so different in the end. We really have one party with two factions. They're all friends behind everything and have their hands in everything from drugs to oil and beyond. Even they answer to hidden powers. Ever heard of the Bilderberg group? Those are their bosses. Read this link and I guarantee you'll never think the same way again.

In my humble opinion, everyone should take their money out of the stock market (it's fixed anyway), get away from all government bonds and invest in gold. It's the only real safe haven.
Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
I was simply trying to point out that a bailout bill that used the taxpayer`s funds was already passed during the time of the Bush administration, and that the idea of pumping money into the economy is not entirely the work or idea of Obama`s present cabinet.
For more information read this:
Btw, Paulson is a Republican [Wink]

Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
They all work for the same people above them, so weather it was Bush or Obama's watch that a bailout was pushed through, it doesn't matter really..they are usually the scapegoat anyway. It's a 1 political party systems disguised as a 2-Party system, understand that and you will be enlightened.
Posted by joecorbi (Member # 18185) on :
It just breaks my heart to see such an obvious lack of honor by both parties. Look, I am not rich, far from it. But who am I to scold and impune someone who woked hard and has been a success. Unless they did something illegal, let them be. We have a current president who got elected by appealing to naive young people and the the down on their luck why not me types. But its not Obama's fault, I didnt vote for him, saw right through him. But the sheep in this country put him in. And as much as I hate his agenda, he is the coach for now, and I will survive. The true discgrace is congress. Sorry but they are whores. They sell their soul and make deals to get elected. They take our money and spend it on garbage. Yet we continue to submit to the same old politics. Wake up people, force accountability. When I first saw Ron Paul he looked like a Gremlin, his policies were too isolationist for me. But he is right! That little, skinny Golum lookin guy is right. To those who care, YouTube Peter Schiff, while his prediction may not come true (although they are 10/10 as of now) his mind set is right

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