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Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
One of the best things a friend can do is help you get things off your chest so you dont take them out on the people you love the most. I thought a good idea would be to have a thread where everyone could do this. Here we go.

Heres whats got the Lord angry today! [Mad]

1) Bad drivers/slow pokes, I dont mind people going the speed limit but jesus if there are two lanes please get in the slow lane And please god dont do 20 under.
2) A holes who are never happy with anything. I have several condos that I maintain the lawns on and every one has atleast one complainer who no matter what I do how hard I try to please is happy with anything I do. One case a man complained about the mulch so out of my own pocket I bought the most beautiful mulch I have ever seen it was gorgeous. He was not happy!
3) Registering software! You know they sale that info to anyone who will buy it and your considered a customer they can call you.

thats it for now more later I promise [Smile]

Long live WU! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Sasha (Member # 1842) on :
People who try to argue politics and have no clue! Just today this guy was bantering on about how STUPID GW BUSH And J KERRY are........I made my voice clear and simply asked......WHY???
He said.... the the the they just are..Ahhhhhhh nice answer....very enlightning
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
People who try to argue politics and have no clue! Just today this guy was bantering on about how STUPID GW BUSH And J KERRY are........I made my voice clear and simply asked......WHY???
He said.... the the the they just are..Ahhhhhhh nice answer....very enlightning

People like this make it harder on the others who have real reasons.

Long live WU! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Here's something I'd like to vent about:
People who, for reasons known only to them, think they're "above" other people.

I've dealt with people like this, sadly, off and on all through my life, as I'm sure most of you have too. It's bad enough when you yourself have to deal with their behavior, but then seeing it projected onto others makes me mad as well.

What sparked this little vent session is a girl where I work. I don't know what's crawled up her ass, but she's the kind of person you can picture saying: "You can wipe my sweat now..." You'd think working social work, the way those counselors do, it would be a humbling and reality inducing experience, having to deal with all sorts of people and their problems. This girl seems to be the exception to that idealogy. Not only have I heard clients say things like: "I hate that fucking bitch...thinks she's better than everybody..." in reference to her, but I've dealt with her elitism first-hand. The snobby arrogance, the refusal to make eye-contact or even speak, it's starting to become harder and harder to bite my tongue around her.

Now a lot of folks might assume if a guy is angry with a girl, he probably got shot down in asking her out on a date. Let me assure you that this is not the case here. It's just that working what I do, security, and having to keep an eye on everybody in the building, clients and staff alike, I notice these things. There are doctors who drive BMW's to work and make six figure salaries there that act more humble and down-to-Earth than her.

I wouldn't mind it so much if she was that way across the board with all the staff, though it would be bad enough, but I've noticed that she's that way in particular with me, and the other people who are considered "support" staff. Even called one of the receptionists a bitch one time and didn't catch any hell over it.

I find myself wanting to do something, maybe take my job in hand and cuss her ass out the next time she gives an eye roll or throws another temper tantrum, or addresses somebody in a condescending way. I know it may sound like I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill, but people like that are like tobassco rubbed in my eyes. If I could, I'd line them all up against a wall and machine gun them by the thousands. *sigh* But what good would it do? I guess there's always going to be assholes in society, and possibly losing my job just to tell off one of them probably wouldn't do any good in the long run...

Sorry for rambling...
Posted by DJ (Member # 1698) on :
1) Smart ass little punks with their baggy ass pants, sideways hats, and socks to their knees!

2) Light sentences for criminals, or even worse, having them get off on technicalities.

3) Defense Attorney's!

4) Hip Hop booming from a car with a driver laid so far back in his seat you can barely see him!

5) OJ Simpson!

6) Wive's who say "NO"! To anything! And then make plans to do shit without warning! "oh, by the way we are going to my parent's house for dinner". WTF, "I wanted to watch the fight tonight" "too bad, I already told them we were coming!"

7) Foot Models who think they know football [Eek!] [Eek!] Just kidding Sasha, you know I love messing with you!
Posted by Sasha (Member # 1842) on :
7) Foot Models who think they know football Just kidding Sasha, you know I love messing with you!

Very funny DJ...I've always loved football..Family was way into football growing up.
Photo Guy is a HUGE football fan too....He's helped me understand the game (x's and o's )even better..WHEN I've LET HIM OUTTA HIS CAGE.... [Laugh]
Posted by Pink (Member # 1577) on :
I would like to add, but everything so far is right up my alley.
Lord, you hit the nail on the head. The driving issue is just simple selfishness, but it makes Neo crazy.
Posted by Wu (Member # 1) on :
I like to wear my jeans baggy... Not hanging off my ass but baggy none the less.
Posted by DJ (Member # 1698) on :
Originally posted by Wu:
I like to wear my jeans baggy... Not hanging off my ass but baggy none the less.

Does your underwear show with your baggy jeans?

Does your backseat have a large enough speaker box that you could fit Gary Coleman inside of it?
Posted by Calico Jack (Member # 2299) on :
>Smart ass little punks with their baggy ass
>pants, sideways hats, and socks to their knees!

Socks to their knees? I wasn't even aware that this was a fashion trend favored by today's smartass little punks. Hell, my grandfather used to wear his socks up to his knees, but we never would've pieced together his being hip from that alone. The man was ahead of his time.


Calico Jack
Posted by DJ (Member # 1698) on :
You haven't seen the little gang members wearing baggy shorts that hang just to the knee and the long white socks that go to the kneecaps?

I guess living in California for so long got to me.
Posted by Calico Jack (Member # 2299) on :
>You haven't seen the little gang members
>wearing baggy shorts that hang just to the knee
>and the long white socks that go to the

I've seen plenty of kiddies wearing their baggy jeans half off their asses such that their plumber's cracks can wave hello to the world, but the white socks to the knees thing I've yet to see.

>I guess living in California for so long got to

Yeah that's gotta be a west coast thing. Admittedly, outside of an asinine affinity for Homies figurines, I'm no authority on matters concerning the L.A. gangbanging low-rider subculture, but perhaps this particular fashion statement is one of their innovations. With a little luck I shan't be seeing it in person anytime soon. It'd be wasted on me anyway as my idea of gangbanging involves twenty guys and a porn star.

[Big Grin]

Calico Jack
Posted by DJ (Member # 1698) on :
I like that view on gangbanging much better than the other [Cheers]
Posted by mystik (Member # 1420) on :
I am tired of having people look down upon other people. Im 19, and man do "adults" raise their nose to me. Treat me like an equal.
"The Acura TL is the best sedan you can buy. Period."
"Actually the G35 is better in my opinion."
"What do you know about cars? Ive been with cars for 20 years now, you probably dont know half of what I know."
"I know that youve never driven a TL. I know that the TL has an engine that as about 270 HP, slightly more than that of the G35 but nowhere near the potential. I know that the G35 got rated car of the year for a reason. I know that the G35 offers smoother and faster acceleration than the TL, and it was an original platform. Did you know that your precious TL is a Honda Accord with an "A" instead of an "H"? "
"Ok wahtever kid."

Ahhhhh. I also hate people that Lou said, think that their better than everyone else. Heres a story to boil your chops.

My friend Kris walks up to this cute girl on campus.
Him: Hey, whats up.
"Nothing, just waiting for class"
"Oh cool...what class you going to?"
"Thats cool, well hey i gotta run but can I get your number? Id like to talk to you some more"
"Are you wearing abercrombie?"
"No, that stuffs overrated"
"Then why are you talking to me?"
I shit you not. I cant believe there are real people like this. It sickens me.
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
I shit you not. I cant believe there are real people like this. It sickens me.
It sickens me too Bro, and let me tell you, you'll never stop crossing pathes with them. When I was in high school, I figured it was an age thing people would grow out of. When I was in college (for a little while) I kept thinking that maybe it applied to that environment, but the "real world" would be different. After spending a good solid 11 years or so in the "real world", working all kinds of places and encountering all kinds of people, these types of assholes still crop up.

After my vent session last night (see above) I've been mulling over this point all day today. I'm going to try reworking my perception of people like that. The thing is Bro, we hate them, and we're certainly justified in it, but in the end they're not going to change because we hate them. We're wasting valuable mental energy letting some waste of flesh take up our thoughts at times, so we have to ask ourselves: "Are they worth it?" So when I say "rework my thoughts", I'm not looking for a way to find people like that worthy of breathing good oxygen, rather I'm trying to discipline myself to stop spending mental time on people who aren't worth it.

Not to sound like a preacher or anything, but I'm religious and I think about Jesus. Here He created the Earth, but when He was here, He actually had wastes of flesh like these people look down on Him and try to belittle Him. If it can happen to our Lord and Savior, surely it'll happen to us too; and if He endured it, then why should I let it bother me? These kinds of people will get humbled soon enough, and let me tell you Bro, when the chickens come home to roost it will not be pretty...

Don't mean to preach Bro, but being as your anger sounds similar to mine, I figured I'd let you know how I'm going to try and deal with it. Hope it helps you too. [Cool]
Posted by mystik (Member # 1420) on :
I know what you mean. The what goes around comes around theory. Its hard in architecture yesterday. (I go to the University of Houston) this girl transferred from Texas Tech and wasnt used to getting C's. So the professor picked 4 projects to display in front of the class so that the other classes could walk by and see the 4 best. Mine was chosen, as well as my friend Jason's. He graded hard, and we both got B+'s. There was one A-, our 2 B+'s, and the rest. This girl from Tech straight up jocked Jason's idea, not even funny. Same damn everything, and put together a half assed model, and pretty much had the "It doesnt matter I dont care, its all the same" attitude about everything. So she got a C+, and naturally hers did not get chosen. She proceeds to talk crap about the projects who DID get chosen as the elite 4 to her friend on the phone. "Yeah you shoulda seen these projects he chose as the 'best' ones. I mean, one of them was even working on it the day it was due! Im so pissed off, blah blah blah" talkin bout me and Jason. And Im sitting there, biting the HELL out of my tongue wanting to say "Who the fuck are you to say anything? You straight up COPY Jason's idea, and then proceed to bitch about how you didnt get picked? You put together this half assed model that looks like a couple of pieces of wood fell together along with some glue and you think youre gonna get a good grade?" but I cant because Im the same type of person as you. I'm extremely confident in the sense that I know when a person is boosting their ego, and I can manage to stay above them, if you know what I mean. It's hard for someone to get the best of me, but to be like that you have to bite your tongue like you said. Its so hard to stay cool in situations like that, but she got what was coming to her, as well as I think most people should. Its so irritating man...
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Awesome post guys!
Feels better to get it out dont it.
Here's whats got the Lord pissed off today [Mad]
1) Partners! The biggest mistake I have ever made in my life (barring getting married and not telling my wife about my fetish) is starting a business with a partner! he is a total dumbA**. I wasnt even going to have any partners when I started my company but he had just been fired from his job and gave me a sob story of how his life was going no where and he needed direction. of course I let him in no money down cause he was broke. Its taken him 3 years to pay me back and the business is going great. We have advertisements on radio in 8 ads in 2 different phone books and a weekly sunday paper ad. We were just about to put together a tv spot. What does he tell me this morning? He wants out. Hes tired of me telling him what to do. Now he expects me to split the clients down the middle with him and pay him for half the equipment! He just got me paid off for the original starting capitol! I just cant help but think "what happened to that guy who new nothing of this business and begged me to let him in? " He has even threatened to take me to court if I dont go along with his demands. I cussed him up one side and down another today! The sheer audacity. JESUS CHRIST! I told him to get of my land and that if I ever saw him again I would shoot first and call it self defense. I also told him that if I recieved a summons to court over this his wife would be suing me for wrongful death.
If for any reason I am abscent from here for awhile I might be in jail. I will stay in until they release me on my own signature usualy takes about a month. If I am found guilty I will post what prison I am in if anyone wants to write me or maybe send me some photos or maybe some cookies [Smile]
Who would have ever thought I should have taken a shotgun to work this morning. I just dont do that any more. I will tomorrow! I am so pissed I could chew airline cable into! **** **** stupid **** **** ************ lousy **** **** **** ****.
Sorry for the profanity.

Long live WU! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Heres whats got the Lord pissed right now! [Mad]

1) Partners ( see above )
2} Friggin Idiots! Like I wasnt having a bad enough day. I decide to go into Mickie D's for some lunch. Bad idea! Where do they get these people? I am sorry Mickie D's should give IQ test to thier cashiers if you score in the single digits you cant work the front! $4.57 I give the man $5.07 and he makes 2 voids and has to get a manager! OH MY FRIGGIN GOD!
OH MY GOD! Even when I told him he owed me $.50 he told me he didnt think so! OH MY GOD! This isnt the first time either. I mean is it a requirement you have to fail an IQ test to work the front at Mickie D's? You cant fail an IQ test! But these idiots could! OH MY GOD!

Lord out.
Long live WU! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Sasha (Member # 1842) on :
First mistake LORD DO NOT EAT AT MICKEY D's...ITS POISON!!!!!!!!

Second mistake would be to go back..

If your hungry eat something good ...If ya gotta go fast food.....maybe Subway....

As far as the employees go....Ehhhhhhhhh mostly kids....after all its the world we live in.These people dont have to even count change manually..
Posted by Calico Jack (Member # 2299) on :
While we're on the subject of McDonald's, I'd just like to recommend a movie for those of you who haven't seen it or aren't familiar with it. The film is called Supersize Me! and was shot on location here in NYC and elsewhere. Directed by and starring Morgan Spurlock, it's basically a documentary which may just change the way you think about fast food. It's being released on DVD at the end of the month, so track it down if possible. Your body will thank you for it!


Calico Jack
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
I'm turning 24 tomorrow, and I'm fucking tired of people still treating me like a kid. Yeah, I'm still a sorta young adult, but I'm not a kid, and I know more than most adults.

Some people will say to me

"why don't you paint your house."
I'll say "I don't have the time, and it's my house, I'll do what I want with it."

Then they say "Doesn't my opinion mean anything to you!?"

It's not that their opinion doesn't, it's that I can make my own decisions without people getting angry.
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
and I know more than most adults
Bro, if you don't mind me saying, don't ever allow yourself to think this way. I'm not saying that young people are stupid, matter of fact I've got a Bro who's only 17, and he can run circles around my 31 year old ass when it comes to intelligence. The thing is though, and I think this is why young people face discriminations like this, is that you will always grow (at least mentally) until the day you die, and when you reach 34, or 44, or 54, you'll look back on this era and wonder why you thought some of the things you did. That's not to say you're inherently wrong in your thoughts, that's just saying that at 24 you may know a lot less than you think you do. I can say that because I was the same way, I too figured I knew more than a lot of older adults, but as I grow older I realize all the time all the things I didn't know! [Laugh]

I understand your frustration though, nobody likes getting talked down to (just read mine and Brother mystik's posts), but you'll do yourself a world of good if you don't allow yourself to think you're smarter than most people. You can feel like you are at times, we all do that I'm sure, just don't put stock in it like it's a fact. If somebody had told me when I was 24 that I'd think some of the thoughts I do now, and take the stand on the things I do now, I would've thought they were nuts. [Big Grin]

Sorry if I got on a soap box, but your post made me think about that. [Cool]

*edit: Ooops, I almost forgot... Happy Birthday Bro. [Cheers]
Posted by mystik (Member # 1420) on :
Its frustrating yes, like Lou says. You really cant do anything about it, except knowing you are above them. Its what keeps me going. Its hard for someone to get the best of me (unless they are a registered architect orr are well above me in school). I guess I have too much confidence to the point of arrogance even, but I'd never ever show to someone that Im a weak person. I always treat people how I want to be treated, and until someone begins to "talk down" to me, is when I hear them out, laugh at their idiocy and tell them to go play in a sandbox somewhere. It is frustrating though. I have so much stuff I'd like to vent its not even funny, but Ill save it for another time. Just breathe, relax, and dont ever let anyone get the best of you.
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
Originally posted by Lou Gojira:
and I know more than most adults
Bro, if you don't mind me saying, don't ever allow yourself to think this way.
I was simply saying that I'm more intelligent than the average adult. I know that maybe there's a genius 16 year old out there that could out-think me, but compared to the average adult, I'm pretty smart, and even though I'm a young adult, that doesn't make me lesser than most adults. That's all I was saying.
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Heres whats got the Lord Pissed today! [Mad]

1) Partners! See above.
2) Yellow Jackets! Jesus Christ I have been stung more times this summer than all the other times I have been stung in my entire life!
I got nailed twice in the knee cap about 2 hours ago and I can barley walk now.
3) Bad weeks! This has got to be verging on the worst week of my entire life! It all just seems to come at once. Why is that? Why do we have to be tested in such ways? I can only hope that my pain brings someone joy becuase I would hate to think this was for nothing. [Smile]

Long live WU! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Heres whats got the Lord pissed right now [Mad]

1) Partners! see above

2) Neighbors. Its 10pm and my neighbor, who I am nice too because he has no other friends, knocks on my damn door so loud he wakes my kids up.
Jeez. No wonder no one else likes him. We have a state fair in town right now and he wanted to know if I wanted to go, his treat. Its amazing how nice people are when the Florida game is coming up and they know you have season tickets. Why wait till 10? Why? Thats insane.

3) Partners! See above.

Long live WU! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Heres whats got the Lord angry today! [Mad]

1) Partners! (see previous)

2) Stupid Laws. I had to bail a friend of mine out today after getting caught with a 1000 valium. I have told him this type of behaviour would get him into trouble so he deserves it. BUT They charged him with posession, of course, they also charged him with manufacturing. Is this not crazy? They actually think this dumb redneck can make valium? I understand that if you have so much the charge goes up but to call it manufacturing, thats just stupid! you would think any decent lawyer would say " my clients an idiot he cant make valium he bought them" case dismissed. How could they prove he manufactured them? How could they prove this in a court of law? Hes too stupid! Even if he did make them wheres the proof? Just having a certain amount doesnt prove you made it. Thats like saying if I get caught with 5000 roof shingles I had to make them just cause I had so many. This is nuts! Im not saying they should go easy on him, they shouldnt, but call it what it is! Excessive amounts for resale!

Posted by Calico Jack (Member # 2299) on :
Perhaps I just have a honed intuition for these types of things, but for some reason, I'm beginning to think that you might need a new partner, Lord.


Calico Jack
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
Today, this one guy at work that still acts like a teenager is makin me mad. He's making us young men look bad. [Mad]
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
I'm beginning to think that you might need a new partner, Lord.

I think after I have to go through the trouble of cutting up, getting rid of and denieing any knowledge of this one I might be fed up with partners!
Posted by Sasha (Member # 1842) on :
Credits Cards!!!!!!........DONT USE THEM!!!!!!!! And if you do.....Pay the balance in full at the end of the month.
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
Originally posted by Sasha:
Credits Cards!!!!!!........DONT USE THEM!!!!!!!! And if you do.....Pay the balance in full at the end of the month.

Why did I buy that damn credit card! I've lost so much money on it!! [sad]
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Heres whats got the Lord pissed today! [Mad]

1) ... yeah you guessed it ... Partners!

2) Should I say partners again .. Yeah .. Partners!

3) Friends who swear on your friendship that they will be there through thick and thin and end up stabbing you in the back and have the audacity to think they even still desrve to live let alone money for equipment and half the clients. I wish there was a Graemlin for pulling your hair out, going nuts and throwing furniture across the room becuase I would post it right here.

4) Cops! Normally I wouldnt care one way or the other but right they are my nemesis. They are keeping me from what I want to do most in the world. If I didnt know for a fact that they would haul me to jail and keep me from making money to support my family there is a certain some one who would be getting his door kicked in right now hauled to the fu**ing airport and a bullet put into him every 3 inches starting at his ankles until I made it to his head!

So sayeth the Lord
Posted by Sasha (Member # 1842) on :
For the most part I think COPS are cool...

Society would suck without law enforcement.

My motto...Stay clean and you will never have to deal with a cop.....
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Society would suck without law enforcement.
I agree but some times, like in my case, thier just kind of in the way!
Posted by fanatic66 (Member # 991) on :
The heat! It's the middle of September for fuck's sake & it's still 105 deg. here in Phoenix! [Mad] Goddamn global warming! [Laugh]
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
Today I'm mad at: My sister who was 1 hour late for our meeting at lunch! [Mad] Grrrrrrr I nearly finished my whole lunch and had to watch her eat!
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Heres whats got the Lord pissed today! [Mad]

1) Living in a state where the liqour stores close at 11 pm. This is crazy! Im just getting going at this time. I mean it makes going to the liqour store stressful get it now or get over it!
I hate it when I go and then say Ill never drink this much, I am not really in the mood, and then by 1 am I am kicking myself in the rear end for thinking this. [Smile]

2) People who think just because you have a truck your willing to move all of thier stuff. I mean I will drive but why do I have to pick up everything also? [Smile]

3) Grandparents (wifes side) that plan a vacation and offer to take the grand kids ( just wait I know normally this wouldnt be a bad thing ) and your like "YES!" but when the day finally comes they say "we will need $300 for food for them and part of the hotel" . What? Why am I not going on vacation? I didnt ask you to take them you volunteered! Here just go!

So sayeth the Lord
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
Today, my dog threw up, so I pissed at that. I had to run to the store and buy Nature's Miracle. [Mad] Damn dog.
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Heres whats got the Lord Pissed off today! [Mad]

Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
I hate my neighbor, who keeps on throwing his shit in my backyard!! [Violent]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Here's what got me royally pissed off today:

As soon as I got to work, I had two of my supervisors call me into the office. There's a long story as to the initial reason why, but to cut to the chase, once they got me inside and shut the door, I realized how much of a non-working slacking piece of shit I am. It doesn't matter that I do more than what my job title requires, according to them I'm not doing enough. To add insult to injury, they don't like my attitude either. They had a write-up all prepared for me, but I took it, read it, and wrote "refuse to sign" on the bottom of it and handed it back.

I walked out to my car, ready to take off and keep going, then walked back in, walked back to the car, walked back in, in other words I felt like I was going out of my mind. I wanted to tell them old bitties to take that joke of a job and shove it up their asses, but at the same time I realize I need to eat and pay bills, so I had to "buck up" and keep smiling.

You want to know something really silly about all of this? After that incident, one of the two sup's gave me a fucking phone number to a counselor so I could call it and line up therapy session! She said I've got a lot of anger... [Roll Eyes] Well hellfire, if I get toyed with over stupid shit and be made to feel like nothing I do ever get's noticed or appreciated, I'm going to be mad! Who wouldn't be?
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Amen Lou!

Amen to everyone else!
I love this thread!
Great post guys and Gals!
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
Great thread, it's good to have a place I can disrespect everything. Let's see:

Today, I'm pissed at:

My neighbor, yes still, who's mad at me for reacting to throwing his shit in my yard. I'm fuckin pissed at that bastard now [Mad] [Violent]
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Heres whats got the Lord pissed off today! [Mad]

1) Absolutely gorgeous women who are shy or think they are ugly! Good God! My wife is absolutely stunning. I have no idea how I ended up with her. The beauty and the beast thing I guess. But my point is, she wont let me post a pic of her on this forum not even a non foot non nude pic! I just wanted to share with you guys my wifes beauty and she refuses. Says she is to fat! 5'10 120 is to fat? I thnk she still needs to put on a few pounds myself. Before the kids were born she was 100 110 wet. That was too skinny! A lady in a clothing store once told her to shop in the todler section (long story look in the post: Shopping with G/F for my reply). I just dont understand! I dont friggin get it!

2) Not being able to post certain pics!

3) Not being able to post certain pics!

4) Not being able to post certain pics!

5) The fact that I have too much class to post pics I was told not too!


So sayeth the Lord
Posted by Ramsfan (Member # 1996) on :
Yeah, I don't understand why some women think they are fat. Last week a skinny girl asked me if she was fat. Of course I said no to her.
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
It's strange how women think they are the opposite of what they are. A kit if ugly girls think they're pretty, and pretty girls think they're ugly! Women are so hard to understand sometimes... [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Heres whats got the Lord pissed off today! [Mad]

So sayeth the Lord
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
Taxes piss me off every day [Mad]
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Heres whats got the Lord pissed off right now! [Mad]

So sayeth the Lord
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Heres whats got the Lord pissed off today! [Mad]

To better understand whats got me worked up see this post:;f=28;t=000045

Posted by Ramsfan (Member # 1996) on :
I just noticed his thread was deleted. The stuff he said in response should get him banned from this forum.
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
Today, gs is annoyed at...

my old volvo: slid near the edge of the road when I didn't even touch the wheel. Old piece of shit [Mad] I need a new car.
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Heres whats got the Lord pissed off today! [Mad]

Posted by fanatic66 (Member # 991) on :
Here's what has me pissed off right now;

Kidney stones! son-of-a-bitch do they hurt! The worst pain I've ever experienced in my life! Guess it's time to change my diet & lifestyle.
Posted by Footman9 (Member # 1100) on :
Well, right now I am pissed about my wife waking me up and complaining that I didn't honor her request EXACTLY like she wanted it. It gets busy around the house with both of us working and raising our 6 yr old son, so we write stuff down to make sure we don't forget. She ask me last night to write down the day/time "Desperate Housewives" (new TV show) comes on on the dry erase board. OK, I wrote it down on a post it note and then put it on the dry erase board. Well, this mornong she wakes me up disgusted that I didn't write the note on the dry erase board directly. I told did I get the info down and it is on the board via post it note. This went back & forth for abut 3 to 4 minutes. So, I told her what difference does it make if its on post it note as long as the info is down so you will not forget it. That was the bottom line to me (when I wrote it down), but not to her this morning. [Mad] Trying to be a team player and still get blasted. WTF!!! Women complain that men don't listen, understand, blah, blah, and then when we come on line and accomplish the task at hand it still isn't accepted [Confused] . I love my wife, but there are days she doesn't make sense in the practical sense about things.

*This feels good to get it off my chest. Not a bad outlet. [Thumbs Up]
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
Today, CAR ALARMS are pissing me off! Those things are really just made to annoy everyone! I could barely sleep because someone wouldn't turn their damn car alarm off! [Violent] [Mad]
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Heres whats got the Lord pissed of today! [Mad]

Posted by Sasha (Member # 1842) on :
Wednesday....Big meeting....I snagged my pantyhose!!!(HUGE SNAG)!!!! Girls who wear hose to work know,this is the worst thing that can happen! I had no back up hose either!.Needless to say....Emergency run to the nearest supermarket for reinforsements!.....PAIN IN THE ASS!!!!!!!!
Don't laugh.THIS
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
I hate people that always make you call back! My friends were supposed to call me today, and I had to call them. [Mad]
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Heres whats got the Lord pissed off today! [Mad]

So sayeth the Lord.

Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
Today, I'm pissed at everything. I was late to work, I got a longer day, I have to order take-out tonight... today hasn't been the best day of my life, to put it nicely [Confused] [Mad]
Posted by mystik (Member # 1420) on :
My project was due today. I have been up for 72 hours, and am running on 2.5 hours of was a studio design for my architecture class, and I spent a shit load of time working on it, making it look good. I stuck around after everyone displayed theirs, and found out the grades of 5 of my friends. But not mine. I'm so anxious...I went out of my way to get an A, so I hope Im recognized for it. And that one girl, the one who takes everyones designs, turned in the ugliest piece of crap I have ever seen in my life. It looks like someone grabbed a few pieces of thin sheets of wood, poured wood glue on it, and let them fall and they happened to fall in a wierd little shape. Its not even a studio. Shit you cant even get in it. She made stairs that are 1.5 feet tall. If anyone wants to see a picture of the thing Ill be glad to post it. Its quite funny, but also upsetting. Her, this other girl and the guy next to her all showed up the last day before it was due, with nothing done, and just started working. So if they got even remotely close to my grade I will be INSANELY upset. I think I need a nap or something. I nice 15 hour nap.
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Heres whats got the Lord pissed off right now! [Mad]

So sayeth the Lord

Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
So far, nothing's pissing me off today, but just wait... [Mad]
Posted by Footman9 (Member # 1100) on :
she is killing me with this move to the new house.

It's a woman thing. They are "nesting" and the house is a direct reflection of them. Women judge each other by how good their houses look (in/outside). Its a BIG DEAL to them. Take me for example, what has me slightly disturbed is knowing I MUST help my wife paint our guest room this weekend... I am not motivated at all for any painting, but she is beaming to do this. BUMMER!
Posted by Lord (Member # 2465) on :
Heres whats got the Lord pissed off right now! [Mad]

I almost called the cops myself. What a dumb ass!

So sayeth the Lord

Posted by Mulholland Man (Member # 1491) on :
I'm not angry right now, but here's a few things I want to get off my chest.

1) Bad drivers.

2) People who act tough and present their attitude to anyone or just brush past people.

3) Smart arses who cannot handle being sledged.

4) Compulsive liars who lie about themselves just to make themselves feel good, yet are complete losers.

5) Women who are rude to men at nightclubs/pubs. Even they don't accept a friendly hello.

6) Women who act like bitches/snobs. They don't change.

7) Patronosing/condesending people. Shove your heads up your fucking arses!

8) Lazy, malingering people who avoid work, particularly co-workers that are lazy, yet bitch when they don't get enough hours.

9) Criminals that get off on light sentences.

10) Seeing wankers from school scoring with chicks [Mad] [Violent]

11) Do-gooders. Do your selves a favour and fuck off. [Nut Kick] [Violent]

12) God botherers. (no offence to any religious people here, but just those that doorknock and disturb you, particularly during the footy).

13) Sport haters.

14) Thieves.

15) Double standards. That annoys me big time!!!

16) Any rude and ignorant people.

How's that for a list that pisses me off big time?

If any religious people get offended by my suggestion of god botherers, let me know and I can remove it.

Have a nice day, and don't get mad, get even.
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
I agree with you about bad driver. Especially the ones that don't even go the speed limit and drag us along [Mad]

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