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Posted by mystik (Member # 1420) on :
Since this forum loves videogames, I figured you'd like this tidbit of information. As some of you may already know, Nintendo is coming out with the successor to the Gamecube, the Revolution. The thing will be completely wireless. Wireless controllers, wireless communication with other Revolutions, and wireless online play. The coolest part? The system will be backwards compatible with any Nintendo game ever made. Yep, even Duck Hunt. You will be able to download any game you want from Nintendo's arsenal that's debuted for the NES, SNES, N64 or Gamecube. It will also use DVDs now instead of the smaller optical discs. The games will be downloaded directly to the system...can you imagine how many badass games you'll be able to play that are so hard to find?? Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 3, Excitebike, hell even the newer ones like Wind Waker and Mario Sunshine. Can't wait for this baby to come out.

P.S. The new Super Smash Brothers will be a launch title...
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
That's something that I really respect and admire out of Nintendo...they seem to never forget their roots...the games that got them where they are today. The first time I saw the Ice Climbers as playable characters in Super Smash Brothers Melee, it blew me away! To think that Nintendo brought these characters from such an obscure title and put a spotlight on them in this day and age, all these kids playing the game never having heard of the original Ice Climbers game getting introduced to them...I thought that was cool as hell! [Thumbs Up]

Brother Mystik, you have made my day with this news. To think that I may once again be playing games like Donkey Kong 3, or Excitebike, or Trojan, or Ice Climbers, on my TV screen again...the mind boggles with glee imagining the trips down memory lane! [Woot]

This is gonna be sweet...looks like I'm sticking with Nintendo! Thanks for the info Bro. [Cool]
Posted by mystik (Member # 1420) on :
Yeah, they are the "good guy" of the big game companies. They stick to their roots, and will never ever sell out just because something becomes trendy. Think about the popular games of this popular generation:
Grand Theft Auto III
Microsoft was quick to come out with their own version to try and make some money off of the action/shooter genre that GTA made popular.

Sony was quick to come out with Killzone, that was supposed to best Halo and enhance their own version of the FPS.

Did Nintendo make a GTA wannabe? No. Did they make a Halo wannabe? NO. What'd they make? Pikmin. Wind Waker. Mario Sunshine. Metroid. Nintendo will never sell out. They appeal to the gamer. Nintendo appeals to the hardcore, the people that listen to underground rock bands from the 70s and 80s, that listen to underground rap, that appreciate the depth of Ayn Rand novels, that refuse to watch reality TV, that can appreciate the depth and humor of Seinfeld. Microsoft and Sony appeal to those who watch MTV, who love Carson Daily, who care who Jennifer Lopez is dating, who listen to Chingy, who wish that their system could toast their bread and fry their eggs. Nintendo is for those who appreciate life, and who appreciate the little things in life. K my speech is over. lol.
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Preach on Brother man, because I agree 100% with you! [Thumbs Up]

People are so damn quick to try and write Nintendo off as being "kiddy" because their games usually don't involve gratuitous violence and the like. The fact of the matter is, to me anyway, is that these are video games! As such they're meant to be enjoyed...who the hell cares if the subject-matter isn't all "grisly, bloody, and/or pimpin'"?! Like you pointed out, the trendies seem to think that they're defined by what they enjoy...but then, being the bandwagoners by nature that they are, perhaps they are so shallow that they could in fact be measured by what they consume.

Nintendo may be safe for the kids, but that doesn't automatically exclude us adult gamers who know quality when we see it. I'll gladly take a blood-free Wind Waker game over any of that trendy GTA stuff any day of the week! [Cool]
Posted by mystik (Member # 1420) on :
Nintendo did an incredibly chivalrous thing. I listen to a lot of underground rap, as you know, and the rappers there have no intention of becoming mainstream. They are happy to please the crowd that listens to their clever wordplay not heard on the radio. Should one or two burst onto the mainstream market, it's only time before their hunger for the music goes away in favor for money. Nintendo did the opposite. They owned the market. They were it. And some say they blew it. Others say they gave it away. I think they stayed the same. They stayed true, and made games that they thought would best serve the gaming community. Microsoft is trying it's hardest to squeeze every dime and penny out of gamers, and out of gaming itself. How do you do this? The casual gamer. The casual gamer who doesn't appreciate the newness of the game, or the originality. The gamer who gets the same thrill from seeing blood splatter in Grand Theft Auto to seeing blood splatter in The Getaway, or True Crime, or Dead to Rights. The feeling is the same to them. My reaction to that is a yawn. It takes a lot more to please me than to run over 5 prostitutes and shoot up some police officers and shoot it out with some drug lords. How bout you give me something I've never seen before? We're not casual gamers though Lou. Go ask a kid now if he remembers classics from the 2600, or the NES. If he knows what Kid Icarus is. If he knows what color the dog was on Duck Hunt (brown). I don't see these new games from Sony and Microsoft any different than I see the doomed music industry, and the doomed television industry. Both run by moronic reality TV (which is the ULTIMATE form of idiotic hypnotism I've ever seen) and soul-less, thoughtless music (new "Rap" and new "Rock") The companies don't care about the art anymore. They care about the money. They don't see happiness in enjoyment, they see happiness in numbers. The videogame industry has at least one true hardcore player in it that's Nintendo. I can't say the same for the other two industries...all we can do is support it and hope that they can retake the market. I don't want to spend the rest of my videogaming days shooting police officers, splattering someones brains on the walls, or whatever. I just want a game to give me that same thrill I got when I first turned into a statue in Super Mario Bros. 3, or when I rode Epona for the first time in Ocarina of Time. As you can tell, I'm very passionate about videogames, but it hurts to me that another industry I once had a lot of pride in is being reduced to rubbish by corporate money hungry whores.
Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
[Laugh] @ Excite bike.....what would you know about that game youngster ? [Nana]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Originally posted by mystik:
Nintendo did an incredibly chivalrous thing. I listen to a lot of underground rap, as you know, and the rappers there have no intention of becoming mainstream. They are happy to please the crowd that listens to their clever wordplay not heard on the radio. Should one or two burst onto the mainstream market, it's only time before their hunger for the music goes away in favor for money. Nintendo did the opposite. They owned the market. They were it. And some say they blew it. Others say they gave it away. I think they stayed the same. They stayed true, and made games that they thought would best serve the gaming community. Microsoft is trying it's hardest to squeeze every dime and penny out of gamers, and out of gaming itself. How do you do this? The casual gamer. The casual gamer who doesn't appreciate the newness of the game, or the originality. The gamer who gets the same thrill from seeing blood splatter in Grand Theft Auto to seeing blood splatter in The Getaway, or True Crime, or Dead to Rights. The feeling is the same to them. My reaction to that is a yawn. It takes a lot more to please me than to run over 5 prostitutes and shoot up some police officers and shoot it out with some drug lords. How bout you give me something I've never seen before? We're not casual gamers though Lou. Go ask a kid now if he remembers classics from the 2600, or the NES. If he knows what Kid Icarus is. If he knows what color the dog was on Duck Hunt (brown). I don't see these new games from Sony and Microsoft any different than I see the doomed music industry, and the doomed television industry. Both run by moronic reality TV (which is the ULTIMATE form of idiotic hypnotism I've ever seen) and soul-less, thoughtless music (new "Rap" and new "Rock") The companies don't care about the art anymore. They care about the money. They don't see happiness in enjoyment, they see happiness in numbers. The videogame industry has at least one true hardcore player in it that's Nintendo. I can't say the same for the other two industries...all we can do is support it and hope that they can retake the market. I don't want to spend the rest of my videogaming days shooting police officers, splattering someones brains on the walls, or whatever. I just want a game to give me that same thrill I got when I first turned into a statue in Super Mario Bros. 3, or when I rode Epona for the first time in Ocarina of Time. As you can tell, I'm very passionate about videogames, but it hurts to me that another industry I once had a lot of pride in is being reduced to rubbish by corporate money hungry whores.

*applause* That was beautiful.

In your opinion, what do you think could or should happen to the video gaming market to get it back on track? I've got an idea or two, but I'm curious what you think should happen. [Cool]
Posted by mystik (Member # 1420) on :
Well, I had a discussion today about this with my friend today actually. It was as to why the music and movie and TV industry have gone to crap. Money of course is to blame. Videogames were once an innocent and beautiful market. It was about originality. Throw a monkey wrench into the mix, and you were rewarded. But honestly, honest to God, if Nintendo left, the videogame industry would be nothing but Halo/Grand Theft Auto/The Sims/Final Fantasy clones. Bill Gates is a fruitcake. All her cares about is having more money in his pockets, and I see him no different as I see the selfish TV executives who don't want to pay actors to do a television show when talentless bums on a reality show will work just the same. Why make an original game? Why not just copy a formula that's proven to work? That's what Microsoft does, and continues to do, and for that I hate them. I hate them with a passion. They're ruining the videogame industry. They want it to become so mainstream that the art is gone, the originality is gone. They have done nothing but plagued this industry. Just look at the way they do things, they copy everyone else, do what's successful, and try to come out with things first. Nintendo was successful with the Wavebird controllers, so Microsoft now does wireless controllers. Let me show you a link as to why Nintendo showed nothing on their new controllers:

IGNcube: We're all assuming that the revolutionary aspect of Revolution is the controller. Do you know what the Revolution is yet or are you still trying to figure that out?

Shigeru Miyamoto: [Laughs] You're doubting me, aren't you? I can see that you're over there mistrusting my word. I understand. [Laughs]

Of course. It's set in stone. It has been determined. I'd love to show it to you. I'd love to be able to show you the features of the Revolution controller and tell you about them. However, unfortunately if we do that too early those ideas would be stolen. We know that from past history. Analog stick. Boom - gone. Rumble Pak. We bring it out and everybody has to have rumble. We got the wireless out first and now there's wireless everywhere. So we have to keep it under wraps.

That's part of it, the rest of it is in the link. They've been copied in everything they do, and they're tired of it. Microsoft doesn't have neither the brains nor the creativity to come up with things on their own, so they just copy what works. I don't know if there's a way to fix the industry. Nintendo is sticking to their guns, coming out with games like Animal Crossing, Nintendogs and Elektroplankton. Originality. Microsoft is coming out with more gore, more bloody, more of the same. But that's where it's headed. It all depends on what the customer wants. If we begin, as a whole, the lose interest in those games, which WILL happen sooner or later, companies will be forced to create something new. But, if we don't lose interest, then it'll be the same ole same ole for years upon years till the videogame industry is no different than the music industry. How is the music industry, which once had the likes of the Eagles, Pink Floyd and Led Zepplin, now producing stuff like Linkin Park, Toby Keith and Avril Lavigne? People are getting dumber. Companies and labels are realizing that they dont have to try very hard to appeal the customer. Much like videogames now. They can make a masterpiece, but it'll sell the same as a Halo clone. So it's gonna take time. If Nintendo can come out of the gates firing, and that means appealing the casual gamer with a masterpiece like Goldeneye, or a FPS that can rival Halo and provide online play, as well as make a Grand Theft Auto like game that can implement new ideas, they can slowly work the growing fan base to like different sorts of games. But they will have to appeal to the casual gamer to do this, and that means somewhat selling out. But I think it's the only way...we'll see though.
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Very interesting take on it Bro, and thanks for the link BTW. [Cool]

You wanna know what I think the industry needs to get back on track?

One major crash!!!

I want to see the market get flooded with crappy games, a whole lot of me-too titles, I want to see costs go up and quality to spiral down...I want to see these casual gamers start getting bored of their systems and moving onto whatever else MTV tells them to move onto...I want to see Bill Gates throw his hands up in frustration over the money lost and throw in the towel...I want to see Sony realize that more money is to be made in other markets and pull out of video games...

When the chaos ends, and the smoke clears, guess who will be there? The actual game companies! Nintendo, Sega, Capcom, Konami, Treasure, etc...all these companies that make games, that have built themselves up by making games, and their only goal is to make games...the casual trendies will once more think gaming is a nerd's hobby, and make fun of people who still play video games. Meanwhile, us people who appreciate quality, originality, gameplay, and innovation in the hobby will be catered to soley once more. The market will be microscopic in comparison to what it is now after a crash, but it will be back where it should've stayed to begin with.

I'm old enough to remember when video games became "unfashionable" for a time in the early 80's. All the Pac-Man lemmings moved on to other trends, arcades closed shop all over the place, and us "hardcore nerds" were getting introduced to the NES and Sega Master System. My father told me that video games were dead in America, and that these new systems would eventually flop because nobody but kids and geeks like me (his own son) were still enthused about them. But sure enough, after the crash, games constantly got better, from 8-bit to 16-bit, the graphics improved, the game-play improved, there were so many original ideas and everything seemed fresh and new for the most part.

So that's what I think would do the most good...just a good ol' purging of the slag and a red flag put up for the MTV crowd telling them that they're not welcome here. [Thumbs Up]
Posted by mystik (Member # 1420) on :
Man that would be a dream come true. Having Sony and Microsoft leave this and have Nintendo and Sega start making systems again. It doesnt look like a crash is too far off honestly. Go look at the previews for the next generation of games. All sequels, and all dark and bloody. Only so long before it gets old. From the N64 to the current systems, graphics have improved but gameplay has not. These new systems will be it. Graphical improvements will mean it looks like it'll be another 5 years before the gameplay aspects of games will actually come to the surface. Who knows if videogames will ever go back to the nerdy crowd...the average videogame player went from underground regular guy to drunken frat fuck in just a couple years time. Hope it'll change...
Posted by tasm (Member # 3081) on :
I don't know about either of you,but i've been wishing tecmo would make another football game(for revolution). They haven't made one since "95" for the original ps.
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Originally posted by tasm:
I don't know about either of you,but i've been wishing tecmo would make another football game(for revolution). They haven't made one since "95" for the original ps.

I've never been a big fan of video sports games, but I can understand you wanting to see a new football game from Tecmo. Speaking of Tecmo, I'd like to see them do more with Rygar, and I hope the Rygar game they released for the PS2 isn't the last we see of this legendary hero with the unique and bad-ass weapon! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :

Now I am gonna be upset for buying more than 150 NES games on eBay and from FunCo Land! [Cry]

I wonder if Mike Tyson will get royalties from Mike Tyson's Punch Out again? [Smile]

- Patrick
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Originally posted by Patrick:

Now I am gonna be upset for buying more than 150 NES games on eBay and from FunCo Land! [Cry]

I wonder if Mike Tyson will get royalties from Mike Tyson's Punch Out again? [Smile]

- Patrick

Nope. Mike Tyson's contract with Nintendo came to an end when he lost that fight with Buster Douglas, hence the re-print of the old Punch Out game with "Mr. Dream" as the last boxer to fight instead of Tyson. And, since these games for download are going to be on Nintendo's servers, odds are the re-print Punch Out will be the one up for downloading.

Of course, that's not as bad as Sega's contracting Douglas' name to a Genesis title only to have him get K.O.ed in his very next fight! [Laugh]

And Bro, don't lament for a minute your buying all those carts, because for all you know, there may be some games that don't make it to the downloading network and you've already got them on cart! And even if they do, so what? I'm a guy who once shelled out hundreds of dollars at a time for Neo Geo carts, only to see them come up for free downloading in the emulation circles, or for that matter see their prices plummet years after their release. It doesn't matter...I wanted the best at the time, and I got the best. Not to mention, it's pretty cool being the only guy in my neighborhood to have his shelves lined in those games. [Thumbs Up]

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