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Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Don't ask questions, just go see it now! Damn fine flick! Well-written, action-packed, great special effects, cool characters, cute girls, even plenty of nice close-up barefoot shots of one of the girls...what more can you want in a movie?

In case you don't know, the movie is an extension of the short-lived, 11 episode TV show "Firefly", but if you're like me and only recently became aware of this show (I'm behind the times on most things) or don't even know about it period, don't let that sway you from not seeing the movie. Everything is explained, and the action starts in a hurry.

No offense intended to any die-hard Star Wars fans, but this movie is what the new Star Wars movies should've been! If you like science-fiction then by all means go see it. If you don't like sci-fi, go see it'll like it!

[ November 06, 2005, 07:43 AM: Message edited by: Lou Gojira ]
Posted by Calico Jack (Member # 2299) on :
Go see Serenity, NOW!
"Serenity now!! Serenity now!!"

Surely we must have some Seinfeld fans out here who appreciate that one.

[Big Grin]

Calico Jack
Posted by IAmSpartachris (Member # 3289) on :
Being a huge fan of Firefly (best Gorram show in the 'verse), I was really eager to see this movie. I was not disappointed. What a ride. And I agree with you brother Lou, I too felt that Serenity was everything the last 3 installments of Star Wars should have been.

And emotional? I am still in a state of shock and denial.

And CJ...Serenity Now! LMAO.
Posted by mystik (Member # 1420) on :
LOL. I was going to say that Calico! Argh...

I thought the movie looked a bit wierd from the previews, but I've been looking for a movie to go see. I was gonna see A History of Violence but maybe Ill go see this instead.
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Originally posted by Calico Jack:
Go see Serenity, NOW!
"Serenity now!! Serenity now!!"

Surely we must have some Seinfeld fans out here who appreciate that one.

[Laugh] *LMAO* Man, I was running on empty when I typed that up...hadn't even caught that. [Big Grin]

And emotional? I am still in a state of shock and denial.
I hadn't got to see very much of "Firefly" at all...just one episode a few days ago on the Sci Fi channel...but to see them pull what they did in the movie, I knew some serious lines would get crossed! Ballsy moves to say the least! [Eek!]

By the way Brother IAmSpartachris, you say you're a big fan of the show and saw the movie, I'm assuming you've probably seen all 11 episodes of "Firefly". Tell me: Does that one girl (I believe her character name is Inara), Morena Baccari (hope I got her name right) ever get barefoot? She's probably one of the hottest girls I've seen in a TV show in I don't know how long. [Mmm]

I thought the movie looked a bit wierd from the previews, but I've been looking for a movie to go see.
I thought the same thing when I saw a couple of the commercials Brother mystik...the way they talked about the characters rather matter-of-factly, I kept thinking "And exactly who is this crew of the Serenity?!" I had no clue. Then, once I found out that the movie is an extension of a series that got canceled in 2002 (or was it 2003), my next reaction was "Smooth move, make a movie about a bunch of characters nobody knows about... [Roll Eyes] " Then, I got to see just one episode of the show, and instantly fell for it.

Let me tell you Bro, even if you never get to see a single episode like I did, the movie takes maybe two minutes to get you caught up to speed...then the characters will instantly grow on you from that point forward. And the writing is so well done, odds are you'll start liking them right off the bat. This isn't a Star Wars wanna-be, no Star Trek's a rather unique and inspired approach at a sci fi story. Sure, you'll spot things that have been done before, but considering all the movies and things that have come out, a few similarities are inevitable. Regardless, I think it'll be the characters themselves that rope you in, then once you're hit with all the action, bad-assed special effects, atmosphere, and not to mention a very cool soundtrack, you're gonna love the ride.

Yes folks Serentiy NOW!!! Scream it at the girl behind the counter when you're buying your ticket! [Big Grin] Hell, I'm contemplating going back and seeing it again today...God help me when I tell you, you're really gonna like this movie! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by IAmSpartachris (Member # 3289) on :
Hey Lou,

The character of Inara is used much more in the series, and is a really interesting and well rounded character. Unfortuanately, she was one of the 9 player ensemble who suffered at the hands of a 2 hour running time. And although I have seen all the episodes several times, I do not recall ever seeing her barefoot in any of them.....However...The character of River is barefoot frequently in the series, and the character of Kaylee (the cute female mechanic) is barefoot a couple of times as well, and if I am correct in remembering, even has her bare feet in the doctors lap at one point.

I agree with everything you said. This is a great movie. I need to see it again at least once more on the big screen (probably a few more times, which is something I rarely do even if I really like a movie, because DVD releases come out so quickly nowadays.

Loving the series as much as I do, it would still be unfair of me to say that I had high expectations for this movie. Because really, I didn't. I was just expecting more Firefly, only bigger, and I would have been thrilled with just that. What i got was much much more than that. Still feeling pretty high about the whole thing.

"I am a leaf on the wind".
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Originally posted by IAmSpartachris:
Hey Lou,

The character of Inara is used much more in the series, and is a really interesting and well rounded character. Unfortuanately, she was one of the 9 player ensemble who suffered at the hands of a 2 hour running time. And although I have seen all the episodes several times, I do not recall ever seeing her barefoot in any of them.....However...The character of River is barefoot frequently in the series, and the character of Kaylee (the cute female mechanic) is barefoot a couple of times as well, and if I am correct in remembering, even has her bare feet in the doctors lap at one point.

I agree with everything you said. This is a great movie. I need to see it again at least once more on the big screen (probably a few more times, which is something I rarely do even if I really like a movie, because DVD releases come out so quickly nowadays.

Loving the series as much as I do, it would still be unfair of me to say that I had high expectations for this movie. Because really, I didn't. I was just expecting more Firefly, only bigger, and I would have been thrilled with just that. What i got was much much more than that. Still feeling pretty high about the whole thing.

"I am a leaf on the wind".

Thanks for the info Bro! [Thumbs Up]

It'll only be a matter of time before I see all of this for myself too, because I went and bought the box-set of the series today! It's kinda' blowing my mind when I think of it, but one episode pushed me into seeing the movie, and the movie pushed me into buying all 11 episodes (plus three that didn't air, making it 14) of the TV show. I haven't been this excited over a show, movie or storyline since...well...I don't know when! [Big Grin]

Barefoot shots of Kaylee and River? Hey, cool by complaints here. [Cool] It's a shame Inara doesn't get barefoot (as you recall), but oh well, she's still a total fox and I can always daydream. [Smile]

Better late than never I suppose, but you can count me in as a fellow fan of Firefly.
Posted by IAmSpartachris (Member # 3289) on :
Originally posted by Lou Gojira:
Better late than never I suppose, but you can count me in as a fellow fan of Firefly.

Welcome fellow Browncoat.
Posted by NotQuiteRight (Member # 9668) on :
I liked it better the first time I saw it... When it was called OUTLAW STAR!!! Joss Whedon is a no-talent plagiarizing ass-clown. He totally ripped off Outlaw Star.
Posted by IAmSpartachris (Member # 3289) on :
Oh spare me. There are no truly original Ideas left anymore. It's the spin you put on them. When's the last original one you had? I mean "No talent ass-clown"? hardly original is it?

If you don't get what the appeal of Serenity, or Firefly for that matter is, then that's a shame. It's not just about plotlines, it's about people, and thier interpersonal relationships. It also has some of the freshest dialogue and wit that I have seen in a long time. Not to mention a perfect cast. The actors are fantastic, and the characters are so well written and fleshed out (even if a couple got short shrifted due to the 2 hour running time). It's all about those 9 people.

Never-the-less, you are entitled to your opinion, as we all are, and I certainly don't expect everyone that sees this movie to love it like I did.

Anyway, that's just my opinon.


[ October 03, 2005, 10:02 AM: Message edited by: IAmSpartachris ]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Maybe Whedon did rip off Outlaw Star to a degree...but who cares? Are the Japanese studios who produced Outlaw Star going after 20th Century Fox for copyright infringements? For that matter, let's look at what these Japanese studios may have "ripped off" as well...

Westerns in space? Filmation beat everybody to the punch on that with Bravestar that airred back in the 80's (right after She-Ra got canceled), and I'll be willing to bet some money that even they weren't the first with the concept either. (Anybody know something that beats Bravestar as the first "Western in space"?)

Running cargo, occasionally stealing, and staying above the law? Well, one anime instantly comes to mind that dealt in that...Sol Bianca, which came out sometime before '95, predating Outlaw Star at least by two years, and even that anime payed tribute to Star Wars because that was Han Solo's career before he got hooked up with the Rebellion. (The tribute was, I believe, some freight boxes marked Tattooine (in Japanese of course) that you'd have to catch quick in a background shot.)

Everybody's entitled to an opinion, and I'm not trying to condemn anybody...

Outlaw Star may have been first with some things...fair enough. The problem I had with Outlaw Star though is that I couldn't sit through a single episode of it without getting bored, and I should know! I've got the boxed set of the series (picked it up for a mere $1 at a warehouse that closed, in which I worked and got such a sweet discount), and STILL have yet to sit and watch all the episodes. Nice art and everything, but the story just didn't grab me at all. I'm not knocking anime by saying that, hell, I LOVE anime (though I certainly do NOT jerk off to hentai, so I guess I don't "love" it per se' [Laugh] ), I was buying anime back before it was "legal" at conventions and certain shady comic shops, and not sold at malls and Wal-Marts everywhere and all over.

There's a difference between being the first with something, and then being good with something. Should Namco have never made the game Galaga, because Taito were first in making Space Invaders? Same logic...

Oh well, just my opinion. [Cool]
Posted by NotQuiteRight (Member # 9668) on :
Cool argument, but the whole "girl with a mysterious past found in a suitcase by outlaws" was a little too close for me to let slip by. And yeah, the show did get boring as hell oftentimes. [Big Grin]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Originally posted by NotQuiteRight:
Cool argument, but the whole "girl with a mysterious past found in a suitcase by outlaws" was a little too close for me to let slip by. And yeah, the show did get boring as hell oftentimes. [Big Grin]

Which show? Outlaw Star? Yeah, it did get pretty dull rather fast. [Wink] [Evil Grin]

But here's a question for you, if you don't mind my asking. If the situation had been reversed...if there were an anime that tended to "borrow" a bit from an American TV show, would it have upset you as much?

I know I was one that raised 17 kinds of holy hell back in the day when Disney were making millions on The Lion King, because I thought it quite a disrespect to Osamu Tezuka and his Kimba-The White Lion anime and manga, since that was first. But then I started looking at everything the Japanese tended to "borrow" from in making some of their hits, and I saw that the door swung both ways.

As much as I geeked on Bubblegum Crisis back when it was making it's waves, that anime "borrowed" quite heavily from both Blade Runner and The Terminator. Furthermore, the prequel A.D. Police went overboard in "borrowing" from Robocop with the "The Man Who Bit His Tongue" episode (and don't even get me going on all the Japanese sentai shows that were Robocop inspired). The same with Hokuto no Ken, as much as I loved that anime and still do, it "borrowed" more than it's healthy share from Mad Max, a movie from Australia. And what about Gall Force? Don't you think that was a tad too close to Battlestar Gallactica in it's underlying premise?

What I'm trying to say, basically, is that a lot of anime fans want to play the "purist" card when something Japanese gets borrowed from, getting all huffy and uptight about it, but when the situation gets reversed, the silence is rather deafening. If Joss Whedon is a no-talent, plagerizing ass-clown, then what does that make Kenichi Sonada?

Sorry for the long-winded post, but it's reasons such as this that got me so totally and thoroughly disgusted and disenchanted with the anime scene here in the U.S. Maybe you don't have a double-standard like this NotQuiteRight, but there are way too many self-righteous anime fans who do. The way I see it, both sides, both American and Japanese media, borrow back and forth all the just go with whatever final product is the more enjoyable to you...just don't feel the need to "correct" somebody if they like something that you may not.

Tastes...differences...that's what keeps this life interesting. [Big Grin] [Cool]

Now, take $5 and go see Serenity at a matinee already. If you can keep from sharpening your verbal sword while watching it, you may find that it's quite an enjoyable movie. [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Originally posted by IAmSpartachris:
It's not just about plotlines, it's about people, and thier interpersonal relationships. It also has some of the freshest dialogue and wit that I have seen in a long time. Not to mention a perfect cast. The actors are fantastic, and the characters are so well written and fleshed out (even if a couple got short shrifted due to the 2 hour running time). It's all about those 9 people.

Very well said Bro. I'm still green behind the gils with the whole cast of characters, but I have to agree that they are a damn cool cast to me so far. I particularly dig the whole "unspoken feelings" going back and forth between Mal and Inara. And Jayne? He is the man! A real role-model for people everywhere. [Big Grin] [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Originally posted by IAmSpartachris:
The character of River is barefoot frequently in the series, and the character of Kaylee (the cute female mechanic) is barefoot a couple of times as well, and if I am correct in remembering, even has her bare feet in the doctors lap at one point.

You are correct my Bro...episode 14...Kaylee has her shoes off and legs crossed over Simon's lap. She eventually teases him about something he says and gives him a shove in the mouth with her foot! [Mmm] The scene was well filmed, but quick, but hey, that's what the "pause" button on DVD remotes was made for! [Big Grin]

It was also episode 14 where we get quite a few barefoot, dirty soles shots of little River wandering about the ship. Fan service twice in a single episode...gotta appreciate that! [Thumbs Up]

And BTW, Inara does get barefoot in an episode...I can't recall the exact one at the moment. Her and Mal are discussing something, and they make their way over to her couch. At which point, she crosses her legs and you can see that her feet are bare. The angle of the shot is kinda' far off for my tastes, but it's just enough to get the blood-rush kicking in when you see it. [Drool] That scene had an extension that was deleted, but thankfully is shown on the bonus disc in the box-set. Inara's bare feet are a tad more visible in the deleted scene. [Woot]

Well, I've seen all 14 episodes of Firefly, and as I suspected, I am hungry as hell for more! This series was good! Too good...and that's probably why it didn't last too long. Gems like Firefly don't last too long, yet garbage like Gilmore Girls runs on and on for years...there is no justice in this world sometimes. [Cry]

Jayne: "No way am I gettin' involved in this! Too much danger, and we ain't got nothin' t' gain!"

Mal: "They're whores."

Jayne: "I'm in..."

[Laugh] I damn near busted a rib laughing at that scene. These characters are way too cool...they just gotta make more of this show!
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Here's a pretty cool article a friend of mine pointed out to me pertaining to Serenity...

To quote Summer Glau, the cute little babe that plays "River Tam" in the movie and the Firefly TV show:
"My favorite thing about River is that she gets to be barefoot so much of the time. I don't like shoes very much."

Another reason to get your butt to the theatre and see this movie! Not only is this some bad-assed, action-packed story-telling, but there's plenty of "fan service" for guys like us!
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Just found this image of another girl on Serenity... [Drool]


She's Jewel Staite, quite the lovely young actress who plays the totally adorable character "Kaylee Frye" in both the Serenity movie and the Firefly TV show. Sadly, she doesn't go barefoot in the Serenity movie like Summer Glau does, but she gives us foot guys some yummy "fan service" in the TV show! [Mmm] [Thumbs Up]
Posted by imation_pc (Member # 1480) on :
Man lou, that picture would be 10 times more awesome if it were all clear. But it is a totally awesome pic either way! [Wink]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Originally posted by imation_pc:
Man lou, that picture would be 10 times more awesome if it were all clear. But it is a totally awesome pic either way! [Wink]

I hear you Bro, I wish her feet were more clear in the shot myself...but hey, I'm just happy I found a shot of one of my favorite actresses in "the pose". [Thumbs Up] Glad you like her pic. [Cool]

If you get a chance, be sure and watch the Firefly TV show for more barefoot Kaylee. Episode 14 is a foot guy's dream, as she's got her legs crossed over the young doctor's lap (his character is "Simon Tam"), with her shoes kicked off. Simon says something and she teases him about it, then takes a pretty bare foot and pushes him in the mouth with it. Gosh damn I wish I could've been a stunt-double for that scene! I wonder if they actually had to pay him to let her do that to him? [Big Grin]
Posted by imation_pc (Member # 1480) on :
Originally posted by Lou Gojira:
Originally posted by imation_pc:
Man lou, that picture would be 10 times more awesome if it were all clear. But it is a totally awesome pic either way! [Wink]

I hear you Bro, I wish her feet were more clear in the shot myself...but hey, I'm just happy I found a shot of one of my favorite actresses in "the pose". [Thumbs Up] Glad you like her pic. [Cool]

If you get a chance, be sure and watch the Firefly TV show for more barefoot Kaylee. Episode 14 is a foot guy's dream, as she's got her legs crossed over the young doctor's lap (his character is "Simon Tam"), with her shoes kicked off. Simon says something and she teases him about it, then takes a pretty bare foot and pushes him in the mouth with it. Gosh damn I wish I could've been a stunt-double for that scene! I wonder if they actually had to pay him to let her do that to him? [Big Grin]

haha, "the pose"... I like that. I'll seriously try to check it out.
I'm a huge fan of star wars, so I'm sure it would appeal to me!
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
I'm a huge fan of star wars, so I'm sure it would appeal to me!
Serenity kinda' takes you back to the fun that the first three Star Wars movies were, and then beyond...way beyond. Not knocking the newer Star Wars flicks, but having grown up on the first three, the latest batch just sort of fell flat, in my opinion. Having a budget of a "mere" $40 million to play on (a drop in the bucket as far as movie budgets go), Serenity should serve as a major wake-up call to Hollywood in the fact that you don't need computer rendered effects every two seconds, or cameo's from the big name stars, or a house-hold name kind of franchise to get the job done; that job being fast-paced and exciting story-telling, characters that you'll instantly fall for, and a whole new and interesting "world" to escape to for two hours (actually, one hour and fifty-nine minutes, but who's timing it anyway?).

Another thing Serenity accomplishes is not insulting the intelligence of the viewers. There are no clear-cut sides of good or evil in this world. For instance, the heroes (or maybe I should say anti-heroes) consist of thieves, fugitives, wanted killers, and even a prostitute...while the "villains" are a fascist planetary alliance that seem to try looking out for the good of the citizens. Really, it falls into the viewer's lap as to where to place their sympathies, with faults and good points existing on both sides. There is no "dark side" to start shaking your fist at from the start.

In the end though, the most obvious strength of this film are the characters. Even though they're outlaw bad-asses 500 years into the future, their humanity and charm are undeniable. Get ready to be nervous for them one minute, laugh the next, and maybe even break out the tissue for the tears the following. They're not two-dimensional paper-dolls out looking for good to do, but rather characters that get caught up in incidents that push them to their limits, and there's no doubt that you'll find yourself relating to them.

You'll love this movie...and I'm not just blowing smoke. I honestly don't see what could not be liked about it, and I'm a cynic from hell! Go see it, and be quick, because at it's fourth week in the cinema's, it probably won't be around a whole lot longer.

"I am a leaf on the wind..."
Posted by Professor_White (Member # 3799) on :
I really, really loved this film. I've been telling everyone to go see it because it's worth it. It's like Star Wars but with a real story and Too bad that the public out there rather go see the latest Hollywood crap then a smart, well made film.
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Originally posted by Professor_White:
I really, really loved this film. I've been telling everyone to go see it because it's worth it. It's like Star Wars but with a real story and Too bad that the public out there rather go see the latest Hollywood crap then a smart, well made film.

I understand Bro...the frustration...trying to get the word out and feeling like you're banging your head against a wall. That's the way it usually goes though...the diamonds always get obscured by the dust, and that happens in about any medium you go; movies, music,'s sad.

All we can do is keep trying and keep plugging, and most of all keep up the hope! From what I've heard, the movie has made about $26 million here in the states...not a blockbuster as far as movie intakes go, but a far damn cry from a flop as well! Now we just gotta hope the world market will embrace it...all they gotta make is $50 million on it, and we're gonna get another movie. [Thumbs Up]

I've heard that it's sitting in the #6 spot as far as popular movies go in the U.K., and that it's doing pretty well in Russia too, even beating out The Dukes of Hazard in money-making. Kinda' embarasses me when I think of that; here in America, no matter how goofy a movie is, put somebody like Jessica Simpson in it and people flock to the theatres. Give them something with substance, and it has to struggle to stay on the radar. It's like, put a star in it, and people don't care what it is, they'll come running. I don't understand the mentality. [Confused]

Keep plugging Bro, and I'll do the same. We haven't seen the last of Malcolm Reynolds and the crew of the Serenity just yet! [Cool]
Posted by Professor_White (Member # 3799) on :
And the thing that pisses me off is that the god-awful-piece of shit-"The Fog" remake is still making more money then Serenity. Stupid people!
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Originally posted by Professor_White:
And the thing that pisses me off is that the god-awful-piece of shit-"The Fog" remake is still making more money then Serenity. Stupid people!

Well, not to add to the bad news, but I've heard that Serenity is going to go straight to DVD for some countries. Apparently, the folks in charge aren't too happy with the movie's in-take here in the states, and they're not ready to gamble it in theatres abroad. [Cry]

This in itself isn't the end of the world, or maybe I should say "the 'verse". From what I understand, there have been sleeper hits in theatres that wind up making a killing in the home movie market. I understand Highlander is such a case, and it wound up getting movie sequels and a couple of TV series. For that matter, The Incredible Hulk didn't make the numbers it should've either, and even it's got a TV show.

I'm a late-comer to all of this...I only saw one episode of Firefly before going to see Serenity, then I bought the box-set to see everything I missed out on, then I've gone back to the theatres two more times to see Serenity again. I'm amazed at how emotionally into this I am and so fast, considering that there are folks who have been Firefly fans from day one. No doubt that they're more concerned than I am, and I've literally been stressing over this!

I'm still going to keep plugging, and it goes without saying that I'm squirelling money away for the DVD when it comes out (and I'm planning on buying a few copies to give as gifts). If, God forbid, that this is the last we see of the crew of the Serenity, it'll be a sad time, but I'll be thankful for what we did manage to get. Real jewels don't come along very often, and when they do they're never appreciated the way they should be. We can at least do thankful for all that we've got so far. [Cool]
Posted by imation_pc (Member # 1480) on :
Actually, I had never heard of either firefly or serenity, until I heard about it here. Strange, because I thought I was usually on top of things like this.. Don't know how I missed out on this. I don't think it ever came to theatres around me, or else I probably would have seen it. Do you know when it should be coming out on DVD?
Posted by freakyscientist (Member # 2396) on :
Serenity, go see it, it's 'fuckin' awesome.
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Originally posted by imation_pc:
Actually, I had never heard of either firefly or serenity, until I heard about it here. Strange, because I thought I was usually on top of things like this.. Don't know how I missed out on this. I don't think it ever came to theatres around me, or else I probably would have seen it. Do you know when it should be coming out on DVD?

Don't feel bad Bro...I was in the dark about it myself until VERY recently, and my finding out about it was pretty much a fluke (long story on all of that). While I'm thankful that Universal gave the go-ahead to a project like Serenity, I can't help but think a lot more should've went into the promotion of it.

Anyways, to answer your question, word around the campfire has it that it's going to hit DVD around Christmas. So until then, you can watch the re-runs of Firefly on the Sci-Fi channel on Friday nights at 7:00. Since there were only 14 episodes made, I don't know how long they're going to keep the show in rotation, so be sure to see it ASAP!

Another thing you could do is hunt down the Firefly box-set and check that out. You may be able to rent it, I'm not sure. That way, you get all 14 episodes in the order they were meant to be shown, uneditted, plus bonus goodies. This way, you can totally get up to speed on the Firefly/Serenity "'verse" before you see Serenity.

Something else you could do, and I have yet to do this myself, is to hunt down the Serenity comic books. It's a three issue mini-series written by Joss Whedon himself (so you know they're authentic story), and they take place between the 14th episode and the Serenity movie...bridging the 8 month gap in the timeline. Good luck hunting these puppies down though...even with multiple covers on each issue, these things have totally SOLD OUT. Wish me luck in finding myself some of these comics! [Wink]

So there you have it's not too late to start enjoying this masterpiece of a story right now. And of course be sure to get Serenity when it comes out on DVD. You're gonna love it I tell ya... [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Originally posted by freakyscientist:
Serenity, go see it, it's 'fuckin' awesome.

Amen Bro...easily the best movie I've seen in years!
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Another barefoot girl goodie from the Firefly and Serenity story...


This scene of Kaylee with her legs over Simon's lap comes from Firefly episode 14, captured by my good friend and Bro extraordinaire DG. Enjoy! [Cool]
Posted by Professor_White (Member # 3799) on :
I saw acouple of the shows when it first came out on FOX...I really liked it but I missed acouple edisodes towards the end so when I heard they going to make Serenity...I was very glad to see the show come back. Now Fire Fly and Titus are gonna be the first tv shows I'm going to get on DVD.
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Firefly is the first and only live-action TV show I've got on DVD. I've got a few animated shows on VHS and DVD, but never any live-action ones until now.

I got to thinking about it this morning...the last time I've been this interested in a group of characters in a TV show was WAY back in the 80's and I was into Robotech...well, Macross to be more specific. That series riveted me...and I was so fascinated with the storyline, even though they butchered the hell out of it so they could show it on U.S. television. For years and years, even though I liked other shows, I never got into them with the same velocity that I did Macross...until now. Firefly just sort of snuck up on me and K.O.ed me with all it's coolness. [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Some more barefoot girl screen-grabs from Firefly, courtesy of Brother DG.

Yummy little River walking the ship on her bare feet. Jayne and Shepherd Book in the background.

River prods a "stick" she finds with her foot. Her mind plays tricks on her sometimes...

Both Kaylee and River hanging out without shoes on their feet...I can't help but appreciate the fan-service us foot guys get with this show! [Thumbs Up]

Enjoy! [Cool]
Posted by You (Member # 2107) on :
whoa [Mmm] excellent caps!!

i´m impressed [Big Grin]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Originally posted by You:
whoa [Mmm] excellent caps!!

i´m impressed [Big Grin]

Thank you sir. Here's some more of that little barefoot beauty River [Mmm] ...

River "feeling" her way about the ship...she can hear other peoples' thoughts sometimes.

A nice and gratuitous close-up of her feet as she walks. I can't help but think that Joss Whedon has the potential to be the next Quentin Tarantino when it comes to barefoot girls!

Scenes like this are why "pause" buttons exist on DVD remotes. A quick scene, but as River descends the stairs you can see how dirty her yummy little soles are getting. Oh yeah... [Drool]
Mal and Inara are there in the background. Inara gets barefoot once, but my Bro has yet to screen-cap that scene...

Enjoy! [Cool]
Posted by IAmSpartachris (Member # 3289) on :
Nice to see this thread is still going strong. And I love the screen caps.

Good stuff.
Posted by You (Member # 2107) on :
niceee!!! great caps once again!
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Glad you Bro's are liking the caps. [Thumbs Up]

Hopefully I'll be getting some more tastey screen-caps here before long. [Fingers Crossed]

Anybody read the Serenity novel? I just finished it yesterday. Good stuff, and naturally it gets deeper than the movie does in some areas. If you missed the movie, but can't wait for the DVD, or you've seen the movie and want another Serenity fix before the DVD comes along, get this book! The only gripe I have about the book is the author's handling of my boy Jayne Cobb...he just didn't do that cool man justice, IMO. But then, there are some parts on River's refusal to wear shoes, and her barefooting, which are nice and it balances out. [Big Grin] [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Until I get those new screen-caps, and I specifically asked my Bro to get that scene of Kaylee putting her foot on Simon's mouth this time, here's some more screen-caps of River. Is it obvious that my Bro likes River Tam? [Big Grin] The first thing he did when he got his own Firefly box-set was e-mail me, asking which episodes had the most barefooting girls in them. [Laugh] So for you cats that can't get enough of River, like me, enjoy! [Cool]



Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Just found this barefoot pic of Jewel "Kaylee" Staite. I don't know the source material for this, if it was an interview or something out of a magazine, but it's a goodie! [Mmm]


And for you guys that missed out on the Serenity comics (like I did [Cry] ), Dark Horse has announced that they're going to collect all three issues and re-release them in a single graphic novel, with bad-assed new cover art by Adam Hughes, in February of next year. Check this cool stuff out!


Here's a blurb from about the book...
Penned by Whedon and Brett Matthews, who wrote several episodes of Firefly as well as Dark Horse's final Angel comics series and the animated Chronicles of Riddick feature "Dark Fury," Serenity follows a ship full of mercenaries, fugitives and one law-abiding prostitute in their pursuit for fast cash and a little peace along the fringes of space. The ragtag crew of Serenity take on a scavanger mission with the hopes of earning enough dough to disappear for a while. Only too late do they realize the whole gig is orchestrated by an old enemy eager remake their aquanitance with the help of some covert-operatives known only as the Blue Gloves.

Sounds like it's gonna be a good one! I'm eager to see what's up with these blue-gloved guys, and see who this guy is who's masterminding it. Considering the enemies they've made through their adventures, it could be anybody! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by JayArr (Member # 2229) on :

Best. Thread. Ever.

I bought the Firefly boxset some time ago and noticed the sheer and overwhelming hawtness of the babes in it from the very first episode. Unlike many, however, I found the show a little tough going and only watched the first 3/4 episodes. I mean, those women are a GREAT hook, the acting is of a very high calibre and the setting, if derivative, is rather intriguing, but.... there was just something not adding up for me. It should come as no surprise for you to hear that I haven't laid down cash for Serenity. However, I'm gonna give the series a second chance and plough straight back into my boxset. If it comes up trumps, I'll be snapping the Serenity DVD up no problems.

But, more pertinently...


Jewel Staite (Kaylee) is one seriously hot goddess with some seriously hot feet. A philosopher would readily point out that there are few things we can state as fact in life - but that's one of em! C'mon, now! Anyone who disagrees with me is an inhuman mutant from the farthest reaches of space and time. [Laugh]

(BTW, Lou -->>> I am a SW prequel fan. Bite me! [Violent] )

(Seriously, no hard feelings at all)
Posted by IAmSpartachris (Member # 3289) on :
My contribution to the pics portion of this rockin' thread.
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Hold onto your hats folks...this just in! [Woot]

Two vids from Firefly featuring barefoot girls! I have yet to download these myself, but the man who sent me these links is same guy responsible for these excellent screen-caps I've been posting. Here they are, for your enjoyment. [Thumbs Up]

WMV format:

AVI format:

I'm gonna give the series a second chance and plough straight back into my boxset. If it comes up trumps, I'll be snapping the Serenity DVD up no problems.
Sounds good Brother JayArr, I hope you'll enjoy it more in your second go-around! I personally like all of the episodes with the exception of #11, entitled "The Message" (and it's not that I dislike it per se', I just think they "dropped the ball" on this one).

Jewel Staite (Kaylee) is one seriously hot goddess with some seriously hot feet. A philosopher would readily point out that there are few things we can state as fact in life - but that's one of em! C'mon, now! Anyone who disagrees with me is an inhuman mutant from the farthest reaches of space and time. [Laugh]
No disagreements here Bro...she's hotter than hell! And if she's even half as adorable in real life as she is in the character of Kaylee (personality-wise), her old man, boyfriend, or whoever, is one lucky s.o.b.! [Cool]

My contribution to the pics portion of this rockin' thread.
And a damn fine contribution it is Brother IAmSpartachris! Thank you. Man, Jewel Staite has seriously got it goin' on! [Mmm]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Here's a funny little quote by Joss Whedon from a post he's written about Serenity over at thought it'd be pretty appropriate here (and obviously he's having some fun in writing this):

"Well, first of all, what a blast I've had with the release of Serenity! $267 million at the box office -- in Des Moines alone! Ten sequels lined up, March declared "National Serenity Awesomeness Month", Nathan [Fillion] made President for Life of Canada AND Greece (his will be a bloody and righteous rule), and Summer [Glau's] feet to be exhibited at the Tate, when she has time to stand around at the Tate. (She should bring a book.)"

Yeap, I believe the man is "one of us"... [Big Grin]

Either that, or he's seen the vid-caps floating around the 'net. [Cool]
Posted by JayArr (Member # 2229) on :

I wouldn't at all be surprised. Someone that gets them featured that heavily is usually inclined in such a way: Quentin Tarantino, anyone? [Joint]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Originally posted by JayArr:

I wouldn't at all be surprised. Someone that gets them featured that heavily is usually inclined in such a way: Quentin Tarantino, anyone? [Joint]

Yes sir, I think we have the next potential Quentin Tarantino in Joss Whedon for sure! [Big Grin]

A couple nights ago I was watching the first episode of Firefly on DVD, and I had the audio commentary turned on. The commentary was of Joss Whedon and Nathan Fillion talking about the episode of course, but there was some pretty "damning" evidence in the commentary.

There was a scene after Kaylee was shot that she was layed up in the engine room of the ship with a blanket over her, telling Jayne what to do since she was incapable of working on the engine herself. If you've seen the episode, you'll remember Kaylee's bare feet sticking out from under the blanket as she lay there. I forget what Joss and Nathan were talking about at that particular moment, but out of nowhere Joss pipes up and says something like (and I'm paraphrasing): "There's Jewel's little bare feet..." and then he got back on subject. [Laugh]

As if all the imagery he's focused on in the series hasn't been proof enough, and of course all the barefoot close-up's he got of Summer "River" Glau's feet in the Serenity movie, he goes and tells on himself in the commentary. Gotta love it. Good to know there's another "one of us" making such cool shows! [Big Grin] [Thumbs Up]

And on another subject about Firefly, be on the look-out for another series to be released next year...comic book series that is. According to the link I gave earlier of Joss Whedon's post, he's going back for another mini-series, only this time the storyline is going to take place DURING the Firefly timeline and BEFORE the Serenity movie. Other than that, I have no idea what the story itself is going to be about.

There were some...uh...BIG circumstances in Serenity that changed some things, so I'm guessing that this new comic series is for all the fans who want a nice trip down memory lane. If history is any indication, it should be a good one! [Cool]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Dang, I thought I was obsessed with Firefly, here's a lady who made sure to plug the show as soon as she got her 15 minutes of fame in her local paper!

Jayne's famous hat...the guy only wore it in one episode, yet people love the thing...go figure... [Confused]
Posted by JayArr (Member # 2229) on :
Brother, Lou!

We've all been slacking off!

This is from "River"'s IMDb profile!,%20Summer
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Brother, Lou!

We've all been slacking off!

This is from "River"'s IMDb profile!

Thanks for that link Brother JayArr! Summer "River" Glau is such a beautiful young lady, and that link is very appreciated! [Thumbs Up] I've been pretty busy here lately, but I hope to be back on here hunting down new pics of these lovely gals from this most awesome show!

In the meantime, here's a link a friend of mine e-mailed to me, but I can't open a dang thing on there... [Mad]

If anybody can check this stuff out, I hope you enjoy it...(and be sure to post it here if you save it! [Big Grin] )

That second pic on the sixth God how I want that one! [Thud] A scene from Serenity when they were loading up the "mule" to go rob a bank (gotta love those "anti-heroes" [Laugh] ) and this was River's first time actually doing a job with the crew, and she leaves her shoes on the ship. She didn't know what lay ahead, but she was gonna face it is she cool! [Mmm] [Cool]
Posted by IAmSpartachris (Member # 3289) on :
More Summer. More Jewel.

For God's sake, someone find pics of Inara's feet!
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Originally posted by IAmSpartachris:
More Summer. More Jewel.

For God's sake, someone find pics of Inara's feet!

I am certainly on the look out for that my Bro! Inara was the first of the girls that caught my eye, so I'm dying for some barefoot imagery of her! [Eek!]

At least I finally figured out the particular episode where Morena "Inara" Baccarin is barefoot; The episode is "Shindig", but she moves so quick in folding her leg up under her, somebody would need one hell of a video capture card to snag the image. She's got some pretty painted toes though... [Mmm]

BTW, I TOTALLY dig your new sig! Wash is cool! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by IAmSpartachris (Member # 3289) on :
Well I will keep my eyes peeled for some Inara pics, and of course more of Kaylee and River.
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Originally posted by IAmSpartachris:
Well I will keep my eyes peeled for some Inara pics, and of course more of Kaylee and River.

Cool Bro. [Thumbs Up] In the meantime, while we're looking for those rare and elusive barefoot pics of Morena Baccarin (PLEASE God let some exist! [Fingers Crossed] ) , I found a pretty sweet one of Summer Glau. Actually, it's a pretty decent one of the whole cast, but sexy lil' Summer thankfully shoeless! [Mmm] The pic is too huge to post here, but here's the link...

Barefoot River

And here's the site I got the link from. It's a pretty decent site for Summer Glau info, and plenty of pretty pics of this cute lil' babe. Be sure to read her new interview while you're at the site...talks about breaking her toe...*yowch!* Woulda' been nice to get to kiss it and make it better for her! [Big Grin]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Okay, I know it's pretty lame to bump such an old topic, but this link was too good to keep quiet about:


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