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Posted by Keyfeet (Member # 27313) on :
What are you fears, and/or phobias? We promise to never use it agianst you.
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
My phobia is your question [Tongue]
Posted by Keyfeet (Member # 27313) on :
mine is your reponse
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
touché [Bow Down]
Posted by Cain (Member # 8492) on :
My biggest fear is being buried alive follow by being stuck in an open ocean miles from land especially at night(aka the movie Open Water). But that part in Kill Bill 2 had me going whn she was buried and in the Vanishing. That shit sucks!!!
Posted by Elvzz (Member # 14178) on :
Broadsided driver side in a car crash.
Posted by FtLckr26 (Member # 13998) on :
I kind of have a fear of falling to the bottom of the ocean. Just not knowing whats down there and getting eaten bothers me. Whats worse is that I'm in the Navy and I do 6 month deployments at sea. I work on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier and there have been many instances where people have fallen off the ship into the ocean. Luckily they were rescued but that just makes my chances of facing my fear even greater.
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
I used to be afraid of taxidermy....don't laugh. I've grown out of it since I was younger, but something about those stuffed animals staring at you with those glass eyes has always creeped me out. To this day, I don't like looking at hunting trophies or going to animal displays at natural history museums. Stuffed birds were the worst for me.

My greatest fear though, has always been the thought of my friends or family dying. I'll have dreams like that, and they're still the only dreams that I'll wake up sweating, or with heart pounding. I'll never care what happens to me, but if it's one of them, I can't even fathom the thought. It's too horrible.
Posted by Keyfeet (Member # 27313) on :
yeah i saw plenty of stuffed animals when i went to bushkill falls
Posted by jayrea (Member # 28480) on :
ok i'm the typical girl, I am deathly afraid of snakes. I don't care how small or harmless they are, I freeze in my track.
A ex boyfriend of mines had like 25 snakes when we lived together. It was gross. One day he forgot to put the lid on the ball python cage, 7 of them got out and started crawling all over the bed while I was watching t.v.
I almost pissed my pants, I ran outta the house so quick and told him to get all of um or he was sleeping outside with them! Yuck!!!!
Posted by Elvzz (Member # 14178) on :
FOOTGIRL - Congrats on making it through that. Sounds like a miracle to me.

I did a 360 on I-75 in the ATL once. Long Story.

When I fly I usually request a window seat - drivers on the other hand...
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
Originally posted by footgirl0226:
Originally posted by Elvzz:
Broadsided driver side in a car crash.

OMG you and me both. It was my reality last October. I got a green light- started to go- some asshole in a truck t-boned my drivers side going 60mph -running a red light.

Broken ribs, torn rotator cuff, sprained ankle, bruised entire left side of my body and my entire chest one big bruise, and cuts all down my left hand and arm since the windows all shattered... Stupid asshole! lol

Luckily, no one else in the car, someone called an abulance, and 3 people stayed behind to give the cop statements 100% in my favor...

SO, yeah... I fear the car thing a lot. Only driven that way one other time since the accident too.

Wow! Lucky escaping that whole ordeal alive [Thud]
Posted by RPM (Member # 2895) on :
i used to fear heights, but now, i just don't like heights. used to fear drowning, but worked through it and became MVP for the swim team i was on back in the day.

i feared headon collisions.. i was the victim of a combined speed of 80mph head on years back. that was painful!!!!! still don't care for them.

i used to fear being broadsided driver side.. got that out of the way the night prior to my wedding.. and made the wedding.. sore as hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i don't want to live through that ever again... nor wish it on my worse enemy!! that really hurts!!!!

fallling off a ship.. but i can swim.. just don't care for what i can't see below the waves.. and freezing in the cold water.

don't want to freeze to death, but rather that than burn to death!! (knew someone who did too)

i used to fear getting raped by a gay person (from being nearly kidnapped by a self-proclaimed gay guy who made men out of kids).... now i'm grown.. i think i can fight ok!

footgirl, glad you're ok. i know how much the paper process sucks. i never got any money from either situations (except to fix my car.. which wasn't enough to fix really)

i have to finish working on the height deal. but i discovered.. i used to not have issues with bugs.. roachs in particular.. but now.. i can't stand huge flying roaches!! the little ones, i can deal with.. the big huge giant ones.. can't deal with it at all.. not sure why it freaks me out (never did in the past).. so.. that is yet another one to work through.

and, no, i don't use therapy to deal with it either..


p.s. got past the driving fear from the wrecks though... that one is all taken care of!
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
Just for you FootGirl...

Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
Good one L.D. Plus footgirl, for those back roads, make sure you watch this flick if you haven't already....

Didn't mean to add salt to a wound but I couldn't resist [Tongue]

[ July 25, 2008, 09:35 AM: Message edited by: FootLongSub Zero ]
Posted by Bondo (Member # 1403) on :
Heights make me nervous sometimes. I don't like big hairy spiders, but I wouldn't really call it much of a phobia as I thought it was. Just don't like 'em.

Worst of all is the thought of being buried alive. I would rather die instantly than to be buried alive, running out of air, restricted movement.
Posted by RPM (Member # 2895) on :
one movie that used to terrorize me.. the something something black lagoon..

for years.. i was deathly afraid of the dark, water, woods, back roads with ponds near them.

then.. i made apoint of renting it again.. never finished it.. i laughed way too hard at myself for being scared.

the other move.. adventures of body snatchers.. gosh.. terrorized me too.. now.. i can't stop laughing when i see it.

though, for a while, spiderviens on women made me think of those days.. but now i'm past that.

i don't like scary movies because to me it's annoying waste of adrenaline.

in dream land.. i fear getting into a car on a slight up hill and it starts to roll back and i can't stop it.. and i keep going backward for miles slowly, painfully slowly picking up speed and i can't stop it.. and by the time i figure it's time to bail out, i'm going too fast to do it safely.

yeah.. now you all know my wacko side.. lol!!!


thankfully, lucid dreaming helps me snap out of those dreams!
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
Phobia/fear for me would have to be cutting myself...I know random..but if I cut myself that causes a half decent amount of blood I'm fucking out...either that or I want to hurl everywheres..can't handle my blood at all.
Posted by Tiny Dave (Member # 30771) on :
Working on a high roof.Walking a cross a cat walk.
Posted by Ophillia (Member # 29787) on :
oh where to start! i fear snakes big time. i don't like heights. i hate flying, rollercoasters etc. im claustrophobic and i have this insane fear of elevators you know the falling bit. last one and this is dumb i know...porta potties. UGH i think i have seen that x-files episode..fluke man ONEEEEEEEEEEe to many times [Laugh]
Posted by -cfg- (Member # 13863) on :
You guys are gonna laugh at me for this, but I'm absolutely terrified of lawn gnomes. Those things have freaked me out since I was a little kid and it doesn't seem like I'm gonna outgrow it anytime soon. Those weird beady eyes and creepy beards just mess with my head.
Posted by Tiny Dave (Member # 30771) on :
So you must had watched dark night of the scare crow then. They had lots of them in the movie.
Posted by Toetapper (Member # 6473) on :
For those that don't know/remember/care, I live on a lake and, when I was much younger, had a terrible fear of swimming in seaweed - I might become so entangled that I would be unable to move and, consequently, drown. Long past that one.

Not afraid of but am distrustful of heights.

I guess the only fears I really have is that I'll never find another woman OR, more often, waking with a hang-over and not feeling any better the rest of the day.

Oh, I'm not afraid of being dead, just have some concerns about how I might make the transition.
Posted by footgirl0226 (Member # 29201) on :
Toe- I would freak out if I lived on a lake. No way. Couldnt do it. Every noise I would jump. Anyone who would try to live with me would shoot me I am sure!
Posted by Toetapper (Member # 6473) on :
Oh, Footgirl.......!

On the weekends, there are a lot of boats out on the lake and quite a bit of activity in the summer. Right now, having gotten back from a gig a little bit ago, it is so quiet that if a pin were to drop on my front porch, I would hear it and know what it is. After Labor Day it is, if you'll pardon the expression, quiet as a cemetery...all the other people in the neighborhood move back to their winter homes.

Lots of quiet and serenity here and nothing remotely threatening. At this hour (5:10 AM, Sunday morning), the lake and wind are dead calm (sorry, again). Other nights, the quiet is broken by the whisper of the trees and a little lapping of slow, small waves on the shore. There is nothing to even startle the sleeping birds. I admit that if I was to walk out to my porch or front yard (the part that faces the lake) right now, I would use some caution...there is very tangible evidence that a skunk is out there.

Sorry, I do go on. There's really nothing scary here. I often have guests that are easily frightened and they come here to decompress...I guess it doesn't hurt that I keep a well stocked liquor cabinet, though.
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
I can't think of anything at all that I have a real fear of that keeps me from functioning rationally. A good friend of mine though is terrified to death of snakes. They don't even have to be real. A little plastic snake will make her scream and run EVEN and did I mention EVEN if she knows its a toy!

I played a great party prank on her one time. I had all these little plastic toy snakes that were all about 5" long and looked basically like little garter snakes. I went into the bathroom and stuffed about 10 of them in my mouth. I walk back out to the table where a group of us are all sitting at and clutch my stomach and double over like I'm in pain. Next thing I do is open my mouth and out pour on the table all the toy snakes.

She leaped to her feet knocking over chairs screaming and running out the door. Everyone else was dying laughing. I just had to clean up a bunch of toy snakes covered in my slobber and smile while she cursed me the rest of the evening.
Posted by Keyfeet (Member # 27313) on :
Originally posted by -cfg-:
You guys are gonna laugh at me for this, but I'm absolutely terrified of lawn gnomes. Those things have freaked me out since I was a little kid and it doesn't seem like I'm gonna outgrow it anytime soon. Those weird beady eyes and creepy beards just mess with my head.

i thought you loved them. i dont mean to scare you, but your avatar looks just like a lawn gnome.
Posted by Andy-Laa (Member # 31511) on :
Wasps are high-priority irrational fear...the sound of the wings makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end...

Then I'm a little claustrophobic and not TOO keen on heights.
Posted by Athena K (Member # 33809) on :
clowns, spiders and moths and butterflies.

Posted by sofatater (Member # 4209) on :
Roller Coasters, spiders, and heights.

I'll ride a motorcycle at 200 mph, but I can't handle a roller coaster. (I can't control it's speed, direction, etc.)

Spiders- I guess it's just the way they feel when they're walking on me.

Heights - I used to be O.K. with heights until I witnessed a friend's death in a sky diving accident.
Posted by Danielle Moore (Member # 34633) on :
SPIDERS, SNAKES, almost anything without fur.
Posted by Keyfeet (Member # 27313) on :
Originally posted by Danielle Moore:
almost anything without fur.

i suppose the almost means humans, right?
Posted by sofatater (Member # 4209) on :
Originally posted by Keyfeet:
Originally posted by Danielle Moore:
almost anything without fur.

i suppose the almost means humans, right?
maybe "Shaved cats"?? [Wink]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on :
I have a fear of getting old and waking up one morning and see the first bag under my eye and then seeing wrinkles appear little by little, then becoming old enough to be someone's grandchild. Along with that comes the realization that you're no longer "hip" according to MTV's standards. To me, that's the definition of life not being fair.

I saw an episode on TLC's Obsessed (a show that documents people who have OCD). There's was this one episode of a guy who was obsessed with plucking off his facial hair with his bare hands until there's not a SINGLE hair on his face, including his eyebrows. There was another episode of a guy with a fear of aging so he goes to the gym CONSTANTLY and taking all these vitamin pills to help him stay young for as long as possible. I think I might find myself in one of those episodes documenting my fear of aging.

I'm not worried about it too much now, but I'm afraid that fear will really kick in 13-14 years from now. Maybe longer than that because a common thing people tell me (especially those who I meet for the first time) is that I look 7-10 years younger than my actual age. This happens when I tell them how old I am. Some people guess my age right or are pretty close to it (I just realized that no one has ever guessed a number higer than my actual age), but a lot more people are taken by surprise a bit. Then they (women) start asking questions such as what do I eat or drink to stay thin and young looking or how much lotion do I put on my face? "Lotion," I reply as if to say, "WHAT?". If I keep up with the current rate, buy the time I reach 40, people will think I'm anywhere between 29-31. Men don't care as much (I'm glad they don't). Although some tell me I look young for my age, they just leave it at that and move on.

I guess that will help supress my fears for a while longer.
Posted by Keyfeet (Member # 27313) on :
yeah national, i feel ya there. but are some old dudes who still look good for there age, take indiana jones himself harrison ford (he says that he want to make a 5th indie movie). i remember one time i was with my friend and we saw an old couple on TV. and i remember him saying saying "if i ever become old like THAT, I will kill myself" and i thought, that doesnt sound that bad. lol. but i look like much younger than i am.
Posted by Elvzz (Member # 14178) on :
No Bungie jumping - lifes hard enough

My Death Wish keep me enthralled and afraid of death...

I'd rather die for something I believe in than in my sleep, choking, drowning - I've competed in iron mans so....
Posted by soles&toes (Member # 29104) on :
I actually have a very ironic phobia, I have a fetish for female feet, yet I have a phobia of male feet
Posted by feetluvr (Member # 1570) on :
Can't handle heights...
Posted by kara (Member # 36617) on :
Okay well I hope someone here knows what I am talking about, but I am SCARED TO DEATH of a bug called a "spricket" At least I think that is the official name. I find one in my home once or twice a week and they freak me out more than I can describe. Luckily, my cat has an awesome habit of killing them, so I haven't had to deal with them as often as I did before I got my kitty.
Posted by MrSoleLvr (Member # 21192) on : that scene in the Matrix...geez
Posted by Diabolicus (Member # 7743) on :
Fear of mold, or the smell of rotten things.

I have to hold my breath and run from the room if I even see mold on bread.
Posted by JKO12 (Member # 30609) on :
Heights to some extents (I have dreams where I am falling off extreme heights and i have that feeling in my stomach.
I am also afraid of Deep Water even though I scuba dive.
Posted by sofatater (Member # 4209) on :
Originally posted by kara:
Okay well I hope someone here knows what I am talking about, but I am SCARED TO DEATH of a bug called a "spricket" At least I think that is the official name. I find one in my home once or twice a week and they freak me out more than I can describe. Luckily, my cat has an awesome habit of killing them, so I haven't had to deal with them as often as I did before I got my kitty.

Urban Dictionary: Spricket
Spricket -(N.) Otherwie known as the: "camel cricket" because of their slightly humpbacked appearance.

"When I die, I wanna go peacefully in my sleep, like my Grandfather did. Not screaming like the passengers in his car!" [Big Grin]
Posted by Diabolicus (Member # 7743) on :
Heights is a phobia i've never understood. Gives me a great sense of power looking down at things and seeing such a wondrous view. Can't wait to go cliff diving next summer.
Posted by ShortLivedTyranny (Member # 36627) on :
I'm afraid of drowning. [Cry]
Also afraid of not having control over how things work out.
(Not a control freak)
Posted by vanderfeet (Member # 8733) on :
I have a fear of being raped by a gangrenous reanimated corpse.
Posted by DSW (Member # 35008) on :
I have a fear of people who have big gums and small teeth.
Posted by AceCorr (Member # 37554) on :
I don't know mine but as for my mom it is definitely cockroaches, and my aunt fears snakes to death!
Posted by wvcple2003 (Member # 5268) on :
Wide open spaces; like an empty auditorium, or being on a boat on a lake. Its kinda abnormal from most people, because you can lock me in a dark closet, and Ill prolly chill for a bit and take a nap; but put me in an open field and my nerves go all to hell.
Posted by Dirty Foot Man (Member # 9086) on :
Spiders enough said on this one
Posted by wvcple2003 (Member # 5268) on :
Ummmmm, Spiders!!! DO NOT watch this vid if you fear spiders. I tried, but after the camera panned away, i got totally freaked tha fuck out, and almost smashed my monitor with a beer bottle!

Dude kinda looks like Susan Boyle btw, without the voice!

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