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» Foot Fetish Forum » Foot Fetish Content & Discussion » Foot Fetish Talk » interesting scenario w/girl wanting foot attention her new guy doesn't give

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Author Topic: interesting scenario w/girl wanting foot attention her new guy doesn't give
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So I was chatting with this girl i met online dating and she sent me a message a week or so back saying she met a guy she was going to start dating and wanted to let me know. So I was surprised how sudden it seemed but wished her well and thought nothing of it. Not like I havnt been talking to other women NEXT, haha.

Anyway, we flirted a lot and she knew everything i wanted to do to her feet. She even said she thought they were one of her best features and thought it would be hot that they would be such a turn on for me. We had exchanged numbers and she sent me feet pics, size 9.5. I didnt know until tonight that she still had my number.

I seen her online in my contacts tonight and figured id just say hi and ask how her new guy she started seeing was going. Well she floors me off the bat by saying well its going ok, hes a good kisser, but disappointed he wouldnt touch her feet at all when she ask. He said you are going to have to find someone else to do that. She said she took it as permission to have someone else give her feet attention since he wont. She did say he said he might massage them but nothing further than that if she ask.

So before this new guy was in the picture, we flirted online about me giving her a very thorough foot massage, kissing, licking, sucking, smelling her feet, even me having an accident lol and cumming on her feet. So she tells me tonight since he wont give her feet the attention i described, she sees nothing wrong with me enjoying her feet sexually since he wont.

I couldnt believe she was saying all this and it was falling in my lap just by doing a follow up with her. I know from experience in the dating scene how important follow up can be and how fast situations can change week to week. She is downplaying it saying shes only been on a couple dates with him and they havnt had sex yet but she is going to give him a chance since they hit it off and have a lot of things in common. But did add they arent exclusive yet and she wanted to keep her options semi open(her words).

So I havnt been put in this scenario before where a girl wasn't getting foot action like i described from a new guy shes seeing and wants a foot friend with benefits scenario on the side. I'm not sure how i want to handle this situation since i have no problem getting foot action from very single women with no guy in the equation? What would you do? Probably sounds like a dream scenario to many here but like i said its not like im not without feet with other very single women.

Oh and if I wasnt floored enough she told me that she didnt know how much of an asset her feet were until being on a dating site. She said i wasnt the only guy wanting to give attention to her feet and she estimated 50% of the guys she talked to were into feet!! 50%!! I know from my travels that there are many more feet guys out there than some low numbers mentioned on this board. She is just one of many females confirming it to me.

[ April 25, 2014, 01:29 AM: Message edited by: moneyman ]

"If you're not comfortable with your fetish how do you expect a woman to be"

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Hall Of Famer
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So what are you waiting for? lol

And today we're all brothers
Tonight we're all friends
A moment of peace in a war that never ends

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Get it bro..don't see any reason not to. On the other hand, let's see 'em!
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The Legend
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*Neither of them are exclusive to each other.

*He gave the go ahead for her to find someone else to take care of her foot desires.

*She says she sees nothing wrong with you enjoying her feet sexually if he won't.

I would invite her to do something fun, indoor skating or rollerblading, go kart racing, an indoor arcade such as Dave and Busters, and then back to my place to cook together, watch movies, or listen to music. Be different from her guy, and you will be her foot FWB for a long time.

There is a time for daring and a time for caution, and a wise man knows which is called for.

— John Keating

Today is Friday. Now do like "Dead Poet's Society", carpe diem--seize the day!

They're not that different from you, are they? Same haircuts. Full of hormones, just like you. Invincible, just like you feel. The world is their oyster. They believe they're destined for great things, just like many of you, their eyes are full of hope, just like you. Did they wait until it was too late to make from their lives even one iota of what they were capable? Because, you see gentlemen, these boys are now fertilizing daffodils. But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it? - - Carpe - - hear it? - - Carpe, carpe diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary.

— John Keating

You must do what you feel is right, of course-Obi Wan Kenobi

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Iohannes Volk
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Yeah, you're good to go already dude. Your friend's already given you the green light.
Posts: 2681 | Registered: Mar 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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