One thing I'm not a fan of is the brutalities. In order to do them you have to complete a bizarre checklist of things during the match, finish with a certain move, hold a certain button, and then do a button combination. WTF... Let me use the easy fatality coins on those bastards.
Got to use Jason Vorhees (DLC) this week. The slasher version with the machete leaves blood all over the damn place. LOL... Fight in the snow stage and you'll paint the stage red in no time - especially if it goes to a third match.
I am enjoying this game alot. Always been a huge MK fan since the days of MK 1 in the arcades. I love the graphics on my PS4, the game looks amazing. I just got the Predator DL last night, and I like his move list, and fight moves. So far all of the DLs have been winners for me. Great game, and very enjoyable.
I got the season pass for this and played a little bit with Jason. I was loving this game right off the bat, but when I began playing some other games on my shelves that have been on my "to do" list, I haven't went back. Predator does look awesome though.