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Author Topic: Problem in Splitting Up!
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Hi ppl just wanted to share a situation that im in, im am 20 years old and been going out wiv this gorgeous girl for over two years shes my first proper girlfriend and the only girl iv had sex with, the problem is it is we have been on the rocks big time for the last 3 months and its obvious we should split up but i am very reluctant as she suits me fine sexually as nobody knows about my fetish and this girl is very naive tbh, she thinks its normal (as im her first boyfriend sexually too) that a guy kisses, rubs, puts his face on girls feet, she thinks nothing of it, but obviously other girls will & i couldn't bear having it come out, also she is very good looking, cute, and has the best ass youll ever see, also i have soo many good memories we have been through so much together, i know id probobly be better off in the long run splitting up as she does cause alot of drama, shes tried to attack my mom which killed the relationship abit so she cant come to my moms(i live with my mom), my dad dont like her cause she loud and tbh she isnt very respectful, but i know her well & shes just a very different type of girl & that also makes her hard to forget, it doesnt help that i work with her on weekends,she also get quite violent when she has a drink & can make a big scene, plus i cant just relax with her she gets bored very easy always has to be on the go, she is just such a handfull but has an addictive personality, but she has really cute sweet sides to her like she can be cuddly, she loves cats, and she can be very cute its hard to explain and it does make it very hard to split as she is so damn attractive! But it is getting ridiculous now as it is very obvious she dont want to be with me anymore, she has tried to split up with me a number of times but its like it just keeps getting put off! please give me some advice my head in a mess!

I want you to sit on my chest, and then rest you lusciuos Soles on my face

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I'm only 20. Been in almost the exact same relationship before. But we had a kid together, and instead of being angry and what not when she drank, and the lack of attacking my mother (physically, she'd always talk shit but never did anything) i felt the same way you did. She was my first girlfriend of real relationship status, we'd had a kid together, been through it all (what seemed like it all at the time) and we ended up having to go our separate ways. Asides from the kid part, and the struggle to see her (my ex decided to move 42 miles way, which isnt far, but with gas prices, go figure, that's an 84 mile trip i can't make every day) My lifes been alot more stress free. And i've found somebody who was completely accepting of my love for her feet, and loves her own feet almost so much as i do. And they turned out to be perfect.

As i will continue to say and always have said. If she don't dig that you like her feet, she aint the girl for you. So leave this bitch behind, because all woman can have a sweet side or sides, depends on what they want. And move on, if ya don't find one who doesn't accept your fetish (which if the relationship is good enough, she will, if she truely cares enough for you) then kick her to the curb too. Keep looing, you'll find the one. And don't base any new relationship, or any relationship for that matter on sexual desire, get to know her first, and get a good relationship, make sure you can communicate your wants/needs in a decent manner and you'll see how easily things come.

Hope this helps.

I've got a fetish for sexy female feet. Everybody knows. I love it.

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Thanks for the reply but she doesnt have an issue with me kissing her feet ect, its more about i want to stick wiv her as she doesnt even notice a have a fetish, and because we have been through so much together, spent almost everyday together, and she can be so cute and caring, but she is also very jealous, violent, and can be quite mean! the relationship is dying fast, i will admitt i also think it will take me a while finding a new girl as i am shy, and alot of the girls i have met in the past seem very party/getting mashed type girls which isn't what i want, so i think i may also be hanging on abit as i don't want to be alone.

[ August 26, 2007, 10:20 AM: Message edited by: ThisisMe373 ]

I want you to sit on my chest, and then rest you lusciuos Soles on my face

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OK, give me her address and phone#, so i can tolk to her about your concerns.

My wife's sweet ass and feet

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Type in sentences you'll get more responses. I've never read so many words run together.

Now that that's out of the way, you are only 20. You will have dozens of other opportunities. If she is ready to move on let her go.

Got Feet?

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i found out shes been cheating anyway, iv split from her feel really gutted though, as it was going on for 10 months behind my back.

I want you to sit on my chest, and then rest you lusciuos Soles on my face

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The Legend
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sorry to hear that dude, put your chin up and move on
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Soopaman Lova
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Sorry to hear that. All I can say is this should help you build confidence.Not saying you don't have any because just by her knowing your "fetish", you have more confidence than half the ones on this board. I experienced something simular wih my fiance while we were dating. We've been together for about 9 years and I am 22. We've had split ups and things like that and I was the one trying to hold on to what was there when really, I was playing her game and didn't know. While i'm making attempts to get back with her, she knew that by my attempts, I wasn't gonna go be with anyone else to take my attention off of her, so I was giving her the okay to take me on emotional roller coasters. Being a Rasta, I took my issues to an elder for advice on my current situations, and he told me," Love a woman,but not matter what, don't fall in love with a woman." To the untamed ear, that sounds really stupid, some would say sexist depending on tiher sensitivity. But That one phrase has turned my whole attitude around. I love my mother and sister, and have an attraction solely towards women, but I will never open myself and completely give myself to a woman. Not saying anything, but many different women change how they feel very often, sometimes without even telling you. What would that say about you, if that person has your "all"? You put your strength into one person who is either extreme right or extreme will NEVER be at ease with yourself. I started to put my strength into things I had more control over such as music. I play guitar. Thats a passion of mine before anything.When we were in shakey times during our relationship, I put me on the backburner and made myself available to her at all times, like an asshole. Noticing I did that, I could no longer blame her for sending me on ups and downs, and I couldn't blame her for me not advancing with my guitar. Anyway, I put my "all" into learning more on guitar and plenty good things came out of that. I meet someone who has been in the reggae scene since late 60's that is now helping my perfect the skill i did have and I even met people that had the same interest and devotion to the same thing as me, music. She knew I wasn't calling as much and wasn't available like I made myself and she got lonely. That gave her time to come to her senses that, someone that truly loves you for you is hard to find in this world. We spoke, I told her what I was gonna take and what I wasn't, and that was that. Now we are engaged, and doing well but still, I will never give my all to a person. Nor, will I rely on one person to make me happiest. I realized the part I played in that whole situation and stopped playing her game. She is very jealous so the moment I stopped calling and chasing her, she actually started to think. So, look at the whole situation, realize the part you are playing in it, redirect your attention to something that makes you happiest( a hobby of some sort), and tell yourself you can only go foward from there. Learn to detach yourself from people, regardless of your feelings because you control them more than you think. Don't treat every woman harshly because of her, give them all chances, but always be prepared for what could happen. Keep your head up, and learn from this experience, no matter the pain felt, there is no such thing as consequences, only lessons to be learned and of course what you decide to do with that lesson. Use it to improve yourself, or beat yourself up with it. Love yourself, and everything will be alright. Sorry so long, but I only hope to help you along the way with things I have learned in my life that are simular, many can give advice but few have actually experienced things to lead up to the advice they give. Just remember, you can only go foward from there.

I was a people person until I started dealing with the public.

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Thanks ppl, i know its for the best in the long run as she has just been a head ache for the last 6 months, always drama, she's crazy and can be very selfish, the thing i have to remember is even when she did love me too bits i didnt like it as she never gave me any space at all, so she wasn't the one for me. More replies and opinions would be great, as im very shaken up at the moment as its just ended for good today, i confronted the guy and smacked him one, he was supposed to be a friend.

I want you to sit on my chest, and then rest you lusciuos Soles on my face

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We want to know about her feet....
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The Legend
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Ditch the Bitch

Latina Feet Can't Be Beat!

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I think Ras gave some very sage advice. It's always a good thing never to get so invested in a relationship that you loose your own personal identity and not have a life beyond that relationship. It's so important from the relationship perspective that guys never give up their passions in life, no matter how much a woman protests about it. While it's fine to have a woman that's important to you in your life, a guy should never allow himself to give up everything, especially his passions, just to keep a woman. At that point, as Ras put it, she has your "all" and, when that happens, she knows it. Once that happens, she no longer will consider you a challenge and will lose interest in you. She may not even be able to explain why she lost interest either.

I think it's also important at this point to redirect your life to your passions and things you enjoy doing to take the sting away from your newly ended relationship with this girl. I know it may be difficult now that the relationship is over. However, I think in time that pain will heal, especially if you keep yourself busy with things you like to do. I'm sure that, if you do that, you'll put things into perspective and you'll start to realize that this girl had her issues, which were noticable to me in your intial post, ThisIsMe. It seemed like the only two things that were positive were the fact that she was good looking and she was open to your fetish. However, what far outweighed those two positive points were her lack of respect for other people, creating drama in her life (as well as yours) and having what you called an addictive personality. Those are three huge warning signs that she was no good for you. Although she may have been good looking, there's no reason why you, or any other guy, should have to tolerate that kind of behavior from a woman, let alone anyone in general.

I think it's important to all guys to be critical of women, no matter how pretty they may look. How a woman is in her character and what she has on the inside is even more important than how good looking she may be on the outside.

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Soopaman Lova
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Appreciate it Fate111,lol.

I was a people person until I started dealing with the public.

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Alice's Feet
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Sorry to hear it! Hope everything works out for you and you find someone to give you plenty of footjobs soon [Big Grin]


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Foot-Clan Ninja
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theres more people out there who like feet than you'd think, im only 20 aswell dude i was so gutted when i split from my first real girlfriend last year, we'd been together 2 and a half years, tried everything and knew exactly what we liked.

but when stuff turned rocky towards the end i was scarred no one else would accept what im into, by trying to hang onto it i made it worse and i regret that now.

if you really love her then tell her so, stop doubting yourself and show her a good time, however if you believe that no matter how much you love her it wont be perfect, then move on, it hurts, but you'll be happier when you find someone who suits you even more. and that will happen.

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