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Author Topic: Smelling in missionary
Elite Trooper
Member # 15496

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Hey guys,

I'm into foot smelling handjobs like some of you guys but does anyone have a favourite missionary smelling clip? I know Rod Fontana likes to get in there, Brian Pumper too!

Looking for some cool slips if anyone fancies sharing [Smile]

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Elite Trooper
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Guy di Silva likes to smell feet. He is my favorite male porn star. The TOE JAM and SOLE JAM series were classics

"just put those toes in my mouth"

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Hall Of Famer
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It is without a close second, my personal favorite sexual position. My girlfriend loves to wiggle her toes all over my face with me as deep inside of her as my cock will go. Her musky aroma all in my face makes for a stunningly explosive orgasm every time.

My girls feet in my face….ahhhhhhhh !

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Fair Adam
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I agree with all you gentlemen, that position just can't be beat.

I have spoken.

Fair Adam


Instagram: @archyfair

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That position is just a heaven sent gift. Nothing beats that. I guess all the sniffers agree about that. The problem is I cum much faster if I smell foot stench but harder than on any other position. Hail female foot scent!
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Same here! If my wife jams her feet in my face I won't last too long after! Sometimes I'll slow down to let her catch up and sometimes even go before me but she jams them right back in my face and it's game over! LOVE that position!

As for actors, yeah, Rod Fontana involves feet in his scenes I'd say 98% of the time, I think i've seen maybe one or two clips that he didn't grab her feet and either sniff or suck on em'. Guy Di Silva, Claudio(not sure last name, older balding, hairy chested guy), Brian Pumper I can name just off top of my head for now.

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Member # 28971

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This has always been my favorite position. As with everyone else, it's game over shortly after her feet got my face. If not for that, I can do a marathon. With it, it's more of a 100 yard sprint.



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Member # 10269

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This topic got me thinking. Does a guy have to be a "foot guy" to enjoy this overwhelming aroma during sex? Do we like the aroma or the thought of these gorgeous feet in our face? I like the aroma of musky female feet better than just about anything in the sexual realm and I have had a foot fetish for as long as I can remember. In my case, the fetish came before the love of the aroma, but now I cannot imagine foot play without the foot aroma. I'm certainly excited seeing beautiful female feet, but for sexual excitement, nothing is better than that aroma.

My girls feet in my face….ahhhhhhhh !

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My girl will wear nylon socks, white cotton ankle socks over those then white frilly babydoll socks over those. Than she puts knee high leather boots on over all that and goes about her day. I get to peel the layers off when i get home from work. I love being balls deep in her, missionary with me taking looooong deeeeeeep sniffs of her sweaty leathery scent... it never takes long before i explode inside her.


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What catsman is saying has crossed my mind too. I have a smell fetish along with a foot fetish. Stinky feet, ass, pussy and pits rock my world. I believe that in recent history the deodorant/soap industry and the comfort of being able to have hot water anytime and ofcourse being raised to dislike those odors, has "trained" people to dislike b.o.

I think that loving the natural, strong scent of a female body is quite natural. In a way, our natural smell is meant to attract our partner. And we judge how compatible we are with them byt it. Yet in modern times, I think that this primitive instict has faded to most people and the fact that we are raised to 1)avoid sniffing 'dirty' parts and 2) to avoid having ANY natural odor is to blame mostly.

I am sure all of you have heard a woman or seen in a documentary that they like the smell of their partners armpit. I am wuite sure none of them masturbates to the pics of pits though haha!

For me, the realisation that I love female soles came first and then I realised I love a natural, strong b.o. on a woman. With foot stink being my favorite.

The sight and feel of a pair of sexy wrinkled female soles makes me weak. But if they stink, my atraction to them grows up to like 250%.

So my conclusion, as super open minded (or narrow minded for some) as it may sound, is that, if anyone finds his/herself in a pleasant situation with natural b.o., the primitive urge can wake up and stay with him/her forever. Maybe not as hardcore as some of us love it (I prefer a week unwashed or even stronger) but it will eventually come up. It's a mind thing.

I d love to hear other people's thoughts on it

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Hall Of Famer
Member # 11183

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Well I suppose you can smell them in doggy style...but yeah, smelling in missionary rules. [Thumbs Up]

Latina and Asian feet can't be beat! Hey that rhymed!

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