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Author Topic: Sick and tired of other foot fetishist!
Major Player
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I am tired of trying to protect other foot fetish people, whenever one of us gets on the news it is a freak. Here is my store, and no, from another thread, my missus doesn't know I'm on here. I went to a big strip club last year and spoke to a bartender in the VIP section. She said that there is a guy who would come into the strip club, pay normal price to get in, and get all the women. He wouldn't buy drinks for them nor even tip them or get a private dance. But he would go to them and ask them to remove their shoes and he would lick and suck on their shoes. He then would worship their feet and he would massage them. While this seems like heaven, because of the amount of variety of women there, he also would get so many girls that the guys who were paying money, would have to wait. He also had an attitude on him so he may suck the toes of a stripper for an hour and she would miss her chance to dance 4 times and make money with private dances and the guy wouldn't tip her a dime. He normally would bring other people with him, so the management wanted the girls to be nice to this guy because he brings in more business, but at the same time, they didn't like him because he was an asshole and they didn't make any money off of him.

So, while hearing this from the bartender, the guy I was with made a comment about how he liked her legs and she responded: "At least you are not one of those weird foot fetish freaks."

Now, in my mind, it would be heavenly at a strip club. Say on a busy night having at least 10 women, of different race and body type, all with dolled up feet to get your attention, towards the end of the night and their shift when their feet hurt and may be sweaty, and offering foot massages and maybe a sniff here and there......ahhhhh. But, as I said, guys like the one I mentioned up there ^, would give this and anyone else, a bad idea.


98% of people think its cool to put a statistic in their sig. If you're one of the 2% that.. Wait, shit.

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Tyler D.
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Originally posted by Alcarde:
...there is a guy who would come into the strip club, pay normal price to get in, and get all the women. He wouldn't buy drinks for them nor even tip them or get a private dance. But he would go to them and ask them to remove their shoes and he would lick and suck on their shoes. He then would worship their feet and he would massage them. While this seems like heaven, because of the amount of variety of women there, he also would get so many girls that the guys who were paying money, would have to wait. He also had an attitude on him so he may suck the toes of a stripper for an hour and she would miss her chance to dance 4 times and make money with private dances and the guy wouldn't tip her a dime.

He must have known the jedi mind trick in order to accomplish these feats. Hypnotism is the only thing I can think of that would explain this phenomenon. What a lucky Joe though, and he must have known how to save a ton of cash.

I bet the guys who had to wait ended up getting really irritated while this guy got feet for free. Those bros were mad! It makes sense though, because they were probably jealous from having to play pocket pool on the sidelines LOL! That's usually the way anger and jealousy work. [Laugh]

[ March 29, 2012, 11:11 AM: Message edited by: Tyler D. ]

*** Fetish Webcams *** "And then there's Bub, he makes them food!"

-Tyler D.

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Football lover
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I think most here are missing my point.

If you see a 35 year old guy talking to a 15 year old girl and he says:

35 yo: Sexy yum!!
15 yo: Haha thanks. c:
35 yo: Ima gonna be busy when looking at these!!
15 yo: What? lol.
35 yo: -giggle- ur cute [Smile] lets say i love feet and it makes me love doing something because it makes me feel good! lets say im a little wet [Wink] yum! love u heaps!

Would you say anything to the guy? Most of us would. That's what i'm getting at. The internet should be no different. It's a responsibility we can hold as a foot fetish community. How many people have we as a whole chased away because of the errors of a few. I'm saying when we see something that isn't right that we stand up and say something. It can be PM to the guy.....asking him to delete his comment. If he doesn't act then we can call him out about how that behavior isn't called for.

The truth is no matter how cool we are with our foot fetishes....if a girl encounters one of these weirdos and then meets us...she will have a flashback to that weirdo. In a thread where a pretty girl post a random pic of her pedicure and she has 10 guys comment on how pretty they are with one of those guys saying something lewd..guess what...we might as well have all said the same thing unless someone stands up to him. She won't differentiate between the good foot fetishist and the bad. Sure in person is easier...especially if you build rapport first. But if that same girl that got that lewd comment on her pic gets a "hey, you have beautiful feet" the next is she going to feel? Weirded out. But if it's made known then that we all don't feel that way and/or the guy apologizes her mood might change.

Just my thoughts. GQ

If she won't indulge your fetish, I bet you that cuter, smarter girl across the bar will. Lets go find out.

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I choose not to buy into guilt by association reasoning. There will always be badguys in every genre. It's impossible to control other people's actions.

Fortunately we can all control our own actions, and further, you get to choose which stereotype you belong to.

Women don't think like men. They're much more easily influenced in the moment than by past experiences. A man's personality, or lack thereof, is the strongest determining factor.

Of the many thousands of women I've talked to, the overwhelming majority have responded positively.


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Chaz Fontana
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ˆˆyes me too. i think the number is more like 5-8 percent.


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Elite Trooper
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I know how you feel nd it scks your right but recently in the papers I read Flasher strikes again!!! As I read on the first line said a man wearing sheer nylons is flashing women in stores and then runnning out! I was WTF? Then I was like Fck! thks to this idiot women might look at guys weird if you have foot fetish mixed with a nylon foot fetish! I am nowhere near as close of wanting to wear them and just cant get enough of hot womens soles and feet and when there wearing nylons. But thks to this dumb FCK! things can be frowned upon!
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The Legend
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Well I'm with catsman here really - why does anyone but the woman you're with really need to know?

And just assuming there are roughly 7 billion people in the world (7,000,000,000) and that the 1.1% is near enough correct, there is somewhere in the realms of 77 million foot fetishists out there (not taking into account people too embarrassed to admit to it/don't realise it/don't call certain aspects of it "foot fetish").

So don't feel too alone.

Maths (simple enough, but I'll add it in for shits and giggles):

7,000,000,000 / 100 = 70,000,000
so 70,000,000 people = 1% of the population.
70,000,000 x 1.1 = 77,000,000

[ April 03, 2012, 06:21 PM: Message edited by: Andy-Laa ]


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I completely get GQ's point and agree with it 100%.

I can't tell you how many times I've read posts about:

-Guys pleasuring themselves with shoes of unknowing girls
-Guys perving on the foot of a sleeping girl (without her consent)
-Guys stealing socks and hosiery

The list goes on and on.

Imagine a guy does one of the above things to a girl and get's caught. What the hell is she supposed to think? She's going to walk out of that situation thinking, "Wow! What a creepy pervert!". Then she meets a "normal" gentleman with a fondness for pretty feet and he is automatically pigeon holed into that same category by default.

Show some fucking restraint and quite fucking it up for everyone else!!!!!!!!!

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