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Author Topic: Behind The Scenes Julie
Fair Adam
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Sometimes I get asked what happens during my sets, between costume and set changes. Well, some let their imaginations get the better of them, and start having all kinds of thoughts, what with all the models being beautiful with great feet and all that...

The reality is of course, much more mundane. Russian bombshell Julie is a good example because she has worked numerous times with me, and I have have known her for years, which means that by now, we each know each other's preferences and tendencies. Even with familiarity, I still have to ride Julie pretty hard 'cause foot modeling doesn't come naturally to her, and she sometimes forgets her cues, but I don't mind too much 'cause she's so good in front of the camera.

Here's a glimpse of her re-applying makeup and fussing with her hair, while I run around, and test the lighting.

 -  -  -

If everything goes well, and I don't screw up the lighting (too much - lol) I end up wit some nice pics, which I then share with you guys. This set will be posted in a couple of weeks.


I have spoken.

Fair Adam


Instagram: @archyfair

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Julie's cum splattered soles picture you posted a few years ago also counts as Behind the Scenes? [Jerkoff]

<---- my girlfriend size 6's

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Fair Adam
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Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
Julie's cum splattered soles picture you posted a few years ago also counts as Behind the Scenes? [Jerkoff]

Dude, that was baby oil...

I have spoken.

Fair Adam


Instagram: @archyfair

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LOL!!! I know late to the party....but your response Adam made me laugh.

On another note, if possible please post more bts details and pics. I find that aspect quite interesting regarding your shooting process and what happens in between the shutter snaps. Well done.

And wow, she is a stunner! She reminds me of Karina Smirnoff of Dancing with the Stars fame. They could be sisters!


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Fair Adam
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I had a good laugh with that too...

Some people really let their imaginations run away with them, and I suppose that means I'm doing a good job, so I'll take it as a compliment. I'm assuming HighArchesPT is referring to the image below on the left, so I added an image I found on the net so he can see what a real cum shot on soles looks like. LMFAO.


Anyways, all kidding aside, I think I WILL start doing more behind the scenes shots. The backstage image of Dee, Elle Angel and Jamie is staged, but I actually got some candids from them which I would love to post, but I'll be damned if I know what I did with them...


I have spoken.

Fair Adam


Instagram: @archyfair

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Fair Adam
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Here's another "backstage" nugget I just found whilst rummaging through old pictures files, and this one really takes me back. Has it really been ten years since I did my "Blondie" project? Dang!


Anyways, at the time, I was shooting my buddy Bruno's studio, in the very fashionable Grammercy Park area of NYC; all the models loved shooting at his place 'cause not only is Bruno a true gentleman, but he always went the extra mile to make everyone feel welcome at his studio, including my models.

Bruno also has a very goofy and playful side, and sometimes, at the end of my sessions, he would "photo bomb" me to make us all crack up. This day, he was instrumental in keeping the blondies loose, and constantly laughing. At the end of the shoot, he asked if it would be OK if I took a couple of shots with the models, and of course we all agreed. I took a few boring shots, when inspiration struck me, and I asked the girls to all put their feet on Bruno's face. Now you all must understand that Bruno is not a foot guy at all, but dammit, how many times do you get three gorgeous blondes to get playful with you in front of the camera? Unfortunately, there just wasn't enough room for us to get Emmie horizontal, so she could add her feet to this pose, and we were going to put Bruno on the floor, so the girls could use him as a horizontal rug, but then we all started laughing so hard, we just decided to call it a night, and go to our local diner, since we were all also famished. This is one of my favorite after session shots, and I had sort of forgotten about it, but when I stumbled upon it tonight, I though it would be perfect for this thread. Hope you like it.


[ August 31, 2014, 03:08 AM: Message edited by: Fair Adam ]

I have spoken.

Fair Adam


Instagram: @archyfair

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Now I'm the one who is late to the after-party LOL

I was not planning to spend more than 1 minute with this but I gave it a try. Just by using some very specific filters in Google I found what I was looking for right at my first attempt:;f=41;t=029007

It looks like I was not the only one who noticed the cum shot in Julie's soles. Unfortunately that thread's picture links are now broken [Big Grin]

And no, it was obviously not the picture you just mentioned. The other one was just a close-up of her soles, resembling a behind the scenes unedited capture instead of a fully edited and ready-to-be-posted as a set picture.

<---- my girlfriend size 6's

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Fair Adam
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Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
Now I'm the one who is late to the after-party LOL

I was not planning to spend more than 1 minute with this but I gave it a try. Just by using some very specific filters in Google I found what I was looking for right at my first attempt:;f=41;t=029007

It looks like I was not the only one who noticed the cum shot in Julie's soles. Unfortunately that thread's picture links are now broken [Big Grin]

And no, it was obviously not the picture you just mentioned. The other one was just a close-up of her soles, resembling a behind the scenes unedited capture instead of a fully edited and ready-to-be-posted as a set picture.

Like I said, I'll take it as a compliment that I did a good job. Those pics were meant to simulate cum. Do you really think that if I really splatter one of my models' soles, I would spend a second denying it? It's not like it's something I've never done before.

Anyways, I'm shrugging my shoulders now.

I found another interesting pic from the past, and even though it's not technically a backstage look, it has an interesting story. The pic below if from a set of the Taylor Twins that I never got around to post, so you guys are the first to see it after me.

The Taylor girls are very cheery in nature, and always have a smile on their face. This was my first session with them but the previous set came off without a hitch. For some reason, maybe because they were tired, maybe because Bruno wasn't around that day, to hand out espresso and laughs, the girls really ran out of steam on this set, and even though they dutifully smiled throughout, it just seemed forced to me. I suppose that's why I never posted it.


[ May 21, 2017, 03:31 AM: Message edited by: Fair Adam ]

I have spoken.

Fair Adam


Instagram: @archyfair

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FootLongSub Zero
The Outcast
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Cool [Thumbs Up]

"When this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious shit" - Dr Emmit L. Brown (Back To The Future)

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Anything to do with Jamie Daniels...I'm all over it. Find Those Shots Adam!!!
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Its time to set some footjob orgy...isnt

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FLEXED ARCHJOB footpornacademyaward

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Foot Fetish Artist
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Thanks for sharing this behind-the-scenes stuff, Adam!


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Fair Adam
Member # 13350

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Here's another little gem for you guys. Some of you have asked from time to time about the thumbnail images on the top right of Feet Fair covers (see sample) - Most of those images come from stuff that's already in the site, but a small number are from models you've never seen for one reason or another.

The girl in the images is from Wisconsin (I think) or maybe Minnesota, but she came to New York to shoot with a photographer friend of mine, and he asked if he could use my roof deck, to which I agreed. When the day of the shoot got there, my friend told this girl that I was starting a foot fetish web site, and she told me that she would be interested in modeling for me.

These pictures are "behind the scenes" because this was right before my friend did his shoot with her, and she graciously agreed to pose for a few "samples" which turned into a set of over 100 pics.

Mind you, this was a long time ago, and I didn't know what I was doing, but then the girl had a big fight with my friend over money, and went back home in a huff. I was going to pay her, and get her to sign a modeling release, but I didn't even really know her real name, let alone her contact information, and I didn't want to broach the subject with my friend 'cause he was furious at her. I did ask her if I could post them after this abbreviated session, and she was fine with that, but I never felt right by posting the whole set, since I never paid her, and she never signed a modeling release.

 -  -

[ September 05, 2014, 01:00 AM: Message edited by: Fair Adam ]

I have spoken.

Fair Adam


Instagram: @archyfair

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Elite Trooper
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poor you! lol
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Fair Adam
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Here are a couple of nifty captures from my cell phone as Milly dozes off during our train ride back to Penn Station after our last shoot. Milly knows what I like, and she's really beginning to like getting her feet massaged, so she rested her left foot on my lap for most of the trip. I gently stroked and ran my fingernails through her soles, why she slept blissfully for virtually all of the 30 minute ride.

 -  -

I have spoken.

Fair Adam


Instagram: @archyfair

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