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Author Topic: Love my foot man
Elite Trooper
Member # 50934

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I've been with my boyfriend for three years now. We met when I was ending a 25 year marriage, so we took things slow, and had just a casual friendship at first. We met at the gym. I noticed him right away. He was wearing a tight t-shirt, and had a well-chiseled body. I thought he was hot, but I also thought he was probably one of those guys who thought he was God's gift to women. So, when he came over and started working out on a machine right across from me, and making small talk, I thought, "Oh boy. Here we go..." Well, my first assumption was wrong, and I realized he was a really decent guy.

Every time we were both together at the gym at the same time, he would always make it a point to come over and talk to me. Thankfully, because I can be painfully quiet and shy, so I probably would have never worked up the nerve to talk to him. During some of these conversations, I got my first inkling that he may have a foot fetish. The first time he brought up feet, he said his sister-in-law had asked him to give her a foot rub, and he said he was kind of put off by that. Well, I was ending a 25 year marriage to a man who was completely put off by feet. When we were dating, my ex even made the comment about how he didn't like feet, and how he didn't like mine. We were sitting on his porch in the summer, and I was barefoot. I don't know why he chose to tell me that, but it certainly made me feel self-conscious. Another time while we were in bed, my feet were against him, and he told me not to touch him with my feet. So, back to my boyfriend. When he told me about his sister-in-law wanting a foot rub, I automatically assumed he was put off because he didn't like the thought of touching someone's feet, and I made a comment to that effect. But, he said, no, that he thought of rubbing someone's feet as an intimate act, and he wasn't going to do that with someone he wasn't attracted to. He thought it was wrong of her to ask. Another time, he mentioned that a perfect night for him was to sit on the couch watching a movie, with a woman's feet in his lap, while he rubbed her feet. He started to walk away at the time, and as he was, I just came right out and asked him if he has a foot fetish, he paused, and said, yes. Then, walked away. I was very intrigued.

Our friendship grew into more, and we both ended up admitting to feelings for each other. Finally, came the day where we were going to both spend some time alone together, at his place. I had no idea exactly about what to expect. I worried so much about making sure my feet were in perfect shape, and that they smelled good (I came to learn later he likes feet with natural scent on them, not smelling of soap, lol). When he made his way to my feet, he rubbed them, and kissed them, and I forgot any thoughts of worrying he might be put off by them. It felt so good. It was one of the most sensual, and erotic experiences I ever had. I was really turned on by it.

I wanted to learn more, so we talked about it, and I was able to find out just what he liked. I read forums, like this one, and learned more about just what foot guys like. He doesn't do the internet, so I often read him postings from the forums, and he can relate so much to the different experiences. It's good for both of us. We look at pictures together, and from that, I am definitely confident that the kind of feet he likes are like mine. He likes long, narrow feet, around a size 9 (which mine are), with long toes, high arches, he likes well-defined ankles, as well as the tendon in the back. He said he noticed my feet right away, and that even though I was wearing shoes, he could tell I had the kind of feet he liked. They were well worn shoes, he could see the shape of my foot, and the toe prints. And, my ankles and tendons that he loves so much, were visible. I did make it a point for him to see my feet before we got too involved. One day when I picked him up to go to the gym, I put on a pair of flip flops, even though it was the middle of winter. He noticed right away! When we got to the gym, I put them across the passenger seat, and he held them, and even kissed them, so I felt relieved that he liked them.

I am as into his fetish as he is. What can I say? I benefit from it too. I was very surprised to find out if he sucks and licks in between my toes just the right way, I can orgasm. It's very intense, and different than anything I have ever felt before. He was just as excited to find that out as I was. Ha!

I just want to thank you guys for sharing your stories and experiences. It has been good for both of us to read because it got some conversations going we may have never thought to have. I find myself very lucky to have such a great foot guy, and I bet the women in your lives feel the same. Most women are insecure about whether or not their feet may smell, so if you like scent, say so. If it's a turn on, it's not weird. And, it will make her feel more at ease. Now that I know my boyfriend likes it, I try anything to make sure I get scent. For the guys who don't have a woman in your lives, don't be afraid to share how you feel with a woman you're interested in, she may be just as intrigued as I am. Hell, don't even discuss it, just slowly work it into sexual experiences. It feels so good, I can't imagine anyone not being receptive to it. I am putty in my guys hands and would be willing to do anything when he does it. I try everything to get the scent he likes, like wearing the same socks over and over. In winter, my feet really don't sweat, so I decided to experiment one day, and wrapped my feet in plastic, and went about my day. I put on a thin sock, wrapped my feet in plastic, and then a heavy pair of socks. It worked! He happened to pull my feet into his lap, felt the crinkle of the plastic, gave me a quizzical look, pulled off my outer sick and saw the plastic. I told him I was trying to make my feet sweaty. lol So, he pulled off my sock and was pleasantly surprised to find a moist foot, with the scent he likes. We immediately ran up the stairs, to the bedroom. This is definitely fun for both of us!


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Hello and welcome!

Thank you so much for sharing your experience. It is really good to hear from a lady who has a healthy relationship with a loving partner into feet. Not because foot guys are weird or because a foot fetish is something that ruins a relationship, but because it is more rare to get such a passionate and sincere woman's view on the subject.

You are so right about foot guys. Some hesitate or are too shy to be open about their foo thing to their partners but life is too short and foot worshp feels too nice to hide it from a partner that, the odds are, would truly enjoy it. Posts like yours encourage shy people to relax and enjoy their thing.

I have always been open to my partners about my foot fetish, even for my love for stinky feet (as you may have noticed from my nickname, just like your boyfriend, I love foot scent, actually the stronger the beter)and over the years my experience tought me that if you introduce a woman to your fetish in a smart, relaxed and enjoyable way, 99 per cent chances are that so will find it at least enjoyable, even if she has no idea about what a foot fetish is up until then.

As for the foot scent... This may sound funny but a love for stinky feet makes a stronger bond between a couple in my experience! If he loves your personal foot smell, this means the chemistry is right. Not all feet smell the same and even though we are not talking basic human scent attraction like the smell of genitals, over the years I am convinced that foot smell (or sweat odour in general) works exactly the same way for smell fetishists. On the other hand, a decent or a heavenly foot sniffing experience needs a steady relationship. You can have all the one night stands in the world and a variety of freshly washed feet but nothing compares to a loving partner that stinks her feet up for you to enjoy. From a woman's point of view you don't have to worry again for being perfect and smell like roses because you have someone that prefers you being NATURAL.

At leasts that's how I see and experience things from my foot fetish and smell fetish point of view. Some are not into odours and some women would find this too weird. Yet in my experience everything will work out eventually if someone loves and accepts his/her passion. But to be just and fair, everything I've said requires a partner with an open mind and you seem to have that. And an open mind is sexier than any natural beauty in my opinion!

Thank you again for sharing and I hope to hear more from you!

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Elite Trooper
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Well said. [Thumbs Up]
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Elite Trooper
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Thank you so much for your welcome and response. It's great for me to get perspective from another foot guy.

I'm grateful that my boyfriend is so open about what he likes, and doesn't like. I do feel like the whole experience helps strengthen our relationship because we are so big into pleasure each other. Believe me, he takes care of me too. It's a win-win for me because I also love the foot fun so much.

I don't think a foot fetish is weird at all, and I think it's more common than people realize. It helps boost my confidence that my boyfriend is so turned on by any part of me. That's not all he likes, my feet just happen to be a favorite part. When I see how turned on he gets by them, I can't help but be turned on as well. Plus, rubbing and kissing any part of a woman's body,to me,is sensual. Plus, it feels so very good.

As far as the scent, I go with what he likes. I've been wearing the same pair of socks for a week, wrapped in plastic, with another pair of socks over it. I work in an infant room in a daycare center, and we can't wear shoes in the room, so I have to bundle my feet up so they don't get cold. Lol With the plastic, they sweat, and the scent leaches onto my socks. He told me last night, they're getting there, but keep working on them. Ha! He likes a bit of a stronger scent. To each his own. But, I'm having fun with it. I think that's why our relationship is so great, we make it fun.


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Yeah, us foot lovers love more than feet on a female body but it's good to know you have another, kinda strange way to turn on your partner.

Haha I really love how you have managed to work up an a strong scent for your loved one. As an in deep lover of the strongest aromas I appreciate it very much when partners do that to please anywone with the same likes. I know I love my partner's way of keeping me pleased.

Mutual care for each other's satisfaction would be the best "recipe" for a perfect relationship, both sexually and mentally.

Oh, I have a question, does the strong scent of your feet anoy you? Or you are like, immune to it?

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Elite Trooper
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Most of the time, I don't really notice the scent. Although, at work the other day I had to take off a sock because the plastic slid down, and I could smell scent as soon as I took it off. I just kind of laughed and thought about how my boyfriend would like it.

When I first started working on trying to acquire just the kind of scent he likes, on the third day of wearing the same socks, wrapped in plastic, I put a sock up to my nose, and my nostrils were instantly assailed with the scent of a vinegary, musky smell. I was so worried it would be too strong. But, when he got my feet later he said they were getting there and to keep working on them. Lol So, I did.

Not long ago, we went away for the weekend to visit friends. We worked out at the gym, and I had to wear my gym shoes all day because I didn't bring other shoes. When we got back to our room at the end of the day, and when he took my shoes off, he said he could smell my feet vas soon as he took my shoes off. I was a little worried at first, until I saw how excited he was, then I relaxed. So fun.


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Wow. That was very hot to read. Thank you, and welcome.

"The Love of Women's feet is a healthy and natural thing."

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Elite Trooper
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ILoveLexisFeet, thanks for the welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed my post. [Smile]


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Haha lovely stories! Thanks for sharing
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The King Of Feet
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Yes, well thought out and written: and welcome to the club. [Wu]
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Elite Trooper
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Foot Worshipee, I just hate that you spent 25 years of your life with a man, who probably did love you but had no love for your feet. Can you imagine meeting your boyfriend at that time? I just want you to know that I'm happy for you with your current relationship with your boyfriend. I am happy for the both of you that it's not about your foot fetish totally, but two individuals that care deeply for one another. You were sensitive to his foot needs and his whole overall nature. He sounds like a Virgo to me, because I'm sure the way he walked away from you, I would have done the same thing. When a man reveals what he likes and doesn't like, it's such a relief when we get the validation necessary when it comes to that in a relationship. I am also glad that you put the stress and worry of your feet away realizing that he loves your feet as well. Keep on having fun. Remain open and keep loving each other intensely as you both have been doing. Take care and thank you for sharing your post with us. Keep us informed and updated....:-)
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Elite Trooper
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Thank you for sharing your story. Its always nice to hear the positive side. Just curious that even at the gym, in well worn shoes, your feet didn't get the scent he liked? Does he ever check your shoes to see the progress?
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Elite Trooper
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aka.footjoyboy, thanks for the welcome!

trying, we both said we wished we met a long time ago. We both came out of bad relationships, and a little scarred from them. So, we appreciate each other even more. And, he is a Virgo!

Silverstar, he never got to smell those shoes. They were in really rough shape. By the time we got involved, and realized he had a foot fetish, those old, worn shoes had been replaced. Although, the newer shoes did eventually get scent and he would smell them. He got me a new pair this past summer, and it didn't take long to work scent into those. He tells me he will smell my socks and shoes when I'm not around. I have a pair of leather boots he picked up and smelled right in front of me the other day. He had me smell them too. I like the thought that he does that, it tells me he's happy with what he's got.


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Peter, Peter
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Great read, you sound like a great lady to embrace and enjoy his foot fetish with him.
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The King Of Feet
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...."those old, worn shoes had been replaced."


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